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Conversation Between adssse and PlastikGold
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. adssse
    05-20-2013 09:10 PM
    Thanks for sharing the picture. I have recently been getting into the Playful line and really enjoyed viewing it. I actually am not sure what something like this is worth and wouldnt want to potentially offend you. You said you purchased these back in the early 2000's? What prompted you to start searching for information on these?
  2. PlastikGold
    05-19-2013 09:30 PM
    Hey thanks for the response. My gut tells me it is a test shot as well. I didn't put that out there because I want an un biased opinion back. It is for sale, but Im not set on a price. I have a number in my head, assuming this is a test shot that would be super rare. If you would like to make an offer feel free.


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