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Conversation Between crackus and Devinebull1978
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Devinebull1978
    09-17-2011 09:59 AM
    Im def gonna hold out until all figures are in a Toy r us here and buy everything in 1 swoop. And I will be able to look at the figures and compare, especially GRUNE, to see if there are any variations as discussed in another thread in this site...anyhoo... nice to meet you Amiel. Keep in touch with any info you might have or gathered.... D :P
  2. Devinebull1978
    09-16-2011 03:52 PM
    Is that including both 4 and 6 inch figures ?
  3. Devinebull1978
    09-16-2011 08:40 AM
    Thanks fella, not yet I have only been collecting for just over 3 months and will be waiting until December when they hit the stores this side....I feel they are being sold overpriced on eBay at the moment to us UK residents. Im patient :)

    Been concentrating on the very rare complete loose vintage figures and had some good ebay luck lately.

    Would love to get some collectors together for a meet from UK side and ambush a Toys r Us store when they hit the shelves. What you think ? Know any other UK collectors ?

    My name is Anthony btw and based in London......
  4. Devinebull1978
    09-15-2011 07:41 PM
    Thanks for the friend addie :) where u based ?

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