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stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27125)
That is why I watch anime. They have a lot of different idea over seas.

Yeah,US tv doesn't have a lot to offer.

cmangund 01-02-2012 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27131)
There's a lot of filler episodes in there.

I see.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27127)
100 episodes for each DB that's a LOT.

153 in DB.
291 in DBZ this is including the ones that were left out of the US version.
64 for DB GT

stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27135)
I see.

Dragon Ball Z Kai cuts out a lot of the filler though.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27133)
Thanks:) I'll check it out.

You're welcome.

cmangund 01-02-2012 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27138)
Dragon Ball Z Kai cuts out a lot of the filler though.

are the fillers that necessary to get the whole story?

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27133)
Thanks:) I'll check it out.

If you want to check some of the shows in Japan, Winter 2012 anime is about to start.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27135)
I see.


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27140)
are the fillers that necessary to get the whole story?

No, they were only done to expand the amount of episodes.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27140)
are the fillers that necessary to get the whole story?

This is from me, It is hard to say without spoling it.

Akira Toriyama intended to have Gohon take over for Goku, but Goku is way to popular.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27134)
Yeah,US tv doesn't have a lot to offer.

It is cheap to make.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27140)
are the fillers that necessary to get the whole story?

YuYu Hakusho is another one from the 90s. It had a lot of episodes.

CN never finished it either.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27144)
It is cheap to make.

Guess its an example of "you get what you pay for".

stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27146)
YuYu Hakusho is another one from the 90s. It had a lot of episodes.

CN never finished it either.

Yeah about mid last decade, CN started dropping all their anime. Its been a mess ever since.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27148)
Yeah about mid last decade, CN started dropping all their anime. Its been a mess ever since.

Once they got rid of toonami, it was over.

Toonami introduce Cowboy Bebop and many animes.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27123)
if only we can be sure 100%.

We can be 90% with all the info. :)

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27112)
That's part of the reason they should do Lion-O/Cheetara darn it!

That is why it will happen.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27153)
That is why it will happen.

Finally a networks greed could work to our advantage.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27033)

He made that SoO by himself.

Lion-O: "It's this place. It's making our worst memories and desires real."
Tygra: "But someone is guiding this."
Lion-O: "I'll give you one guess...Mumm-Ra."

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27054)
That was really good.
A few things.

1. Why didn't Annet mention cheetara betraying lion-o? Was it because she has chosen lion-o in her heart already and that would be on tygra?

2. How did she know what was going on in the AP?

3. She said make her feelings more clear, does that mean she will kiss lion-o on the lips next time?

4. How could the heart last that long in a wrist band?

5. The kiss was a thank you.

I think if L/C happen, they needed to deal with T/C angle first. They did, now Cheetara's angle next and then lion-o.

Mummra should attack now. He can beat the cats now.

How can cheetara explain to make lion-o understand?

1. Why didn't Annet mention cheetara betraying lion-o? Was it because she has chosen lion-o in her heart already and that would be on tygra?

I think this was more bad writing, because at the beginning of episode 13 Anet changed his wording to "Lion-O will feel betrayed."

2. How did she know what was going on in the AP?

The battle took place in daylight. The ending celebration took place at night. More than enough time passed for Lion-O and Tygra to tell the team what happened. I'm sure they were all curious.

3. She said make her feelings more clear, does that mean she will kiss lion-o on the lips next time? :D

I just rewatched the end again. she didn't say tygra's name, but she did say she chose "years ago." She didn't meet Lion-O until the premiere. tygra was the only one of the two she knew "years ago."

4. How could the heart last that long in a wrist band?

*shrugs* no idea on that one. unless she kept it safe with cleric magic.

5. The kiss was a thank you.

That's not a question. lol

KurtulanSama 01-02-2012 06:42 AM

I'm new here and I could't read all the posts in this topic(I'm catching up though:P) so I'm sorry if anyone mentioned this before.

1. The group have to split up because Panthro needs new arms and they can't stop searching for other stones knowing mumm-ra can get it before them. So my theory(or if I were the writer) I would let Lion-O continue to his journey for stones(probably with snarf and thunderkittens as it was mentioned in first 10 pages) and the others can pay a visit to berbils. Since panthro can't fight if they come across some evil guys. :D

On this journey Lion-O could come across Mumm-ra itself or some evil liutenants of his. Since its our normal gig and Lion-O now has 2 stones he would try to fight Mumm-ra(or some other guy) and just when he had won the fight; the master evils attack our cute little kittens. Since Lion-O is a good guy, he tries(and hopefully succeeds) to save them but this act of heroism causes lion-o to get himself badly wounded(Chetaara probably feels it) and leaves the group unconscious. So we come to a point where Lion-O loses the sword(again).

As Lion-O recovers, others notice that his spirit is broken. This last failure destroyed his self confidence beyond repair and because of T/C thing Chetaara can't reach Lion-O anymore(Even you have abandoned me.). Since Tygra is a jerk and Pantro is not the guy who can deal with a situation like that Lion-O has to repair what is broken himself.(this is an excuse for trials (I couldn't watch the complete OC[But I will I promise] yet so I don't know what were the OC Lion-O's trials.)

Why I want him to be broken? I am a fan of lion-o and I really want him to kick Tygras' behind parts but he can't do it as who he is now. And you can't build a skyscraper on a shitty hut. To create the true king you have to be sure he is unbreakable and to ensure it he should be broken. Totally illogical but somehow works and probably piss off some OC fans...

BTW, even though it could create some great opportunities T/C thing was a cheapshot and it was really too OOC for Chetaara as stated before. It still remains as a black spot(and a huge one) for the series...

cmangund 01-02-2012 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 27170)
I'm new here and I could't read all the posts in this topic(I'm catching up though:P) so I'm sorry if anyone mentioned this before.

1. The group have to split up because Panthro needs new arms and they can't stop searching for other stones knowing mumm-ra can get it before them. So my theory(or if I were the writer) I would let Lion-O continue to his journey for stones(probably with snarf and thunderkittens as it was mentioned in first 10 pages) and the others can pay a visit to berbils. Since panthro can't fight if they come across some evil guys. :D

On this journey Lion-O could come across Mumm-ra itself or some evil liutenants of his. Since its our normal gig and Lion-O now has 2 stones he would try to fight Mumm-ra(or some other guy) and just when he had won the fight; the master evils attack our cute little kittens. Since Lion-O is a good guy, he tries(and hopefully succeeds) to save them but this act of heroism causes lion-o to get himself badly wounded(Chetaara probably feels it) and leaves the group unconscious. So we come to a point where Lion-O loses the sword(again).

As Lion-O recovers, others notice that his spirit is broken. This last failure destroyed his self confidence beyond repair and because of T/C thing Chetaara can't reach Lion-O anymore(Even you have abandoned me.). Since Tygra is a jerk and Pantro is not the guy who can deal with a situation like that Lion-O has to repair what is broken himself.(this is an excuse for trials (I couldn't watch the complete OC[But I will I promise] yet so I don't know what were the OC Lion-O's trials.)

Why I want him to be broken? I am a fan of lion-o and I really want him to kick Tygras' behind parts but he can't do it as who he is now. And you can't build a skyscraper on a shitty hut. To create the true king you have to be sure he is unbreakable and to ensure it he should be broken. Totally illogical but somehow works and probably piss off some OC fans...

BTW, even though it could create some great opportunities T/C thing was a cheapshot and it was really too OOC for Chetaara as stated before. It still remains as a black spot(and a huge one) for the series...

Welcome aboard, agreed the Tygra/Cheetara thing is crap! They have punished Lion-O enough!

cmangund 01-02-2012 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 27170)
BTW, even though it could create some great opportunities T/C thing was a cheapshot and it was really too OOC for Chetaara as stated before. It still remains as a black spot(and a huge one) for the series...

Yeah that's why we have a bunch of Analysis, discussions and scenarios of explaining the why of it. Otherwise Cheetara is the same as a villain or seductress which is certainly not, as most of us here have gone deep to discuss her character, and that was too off the chart for her!

cmangund 01-02-2012 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27154)
Finally a networks greed could work to our advantage.

Indeed all negative things can have a good impact sometimes, that's why there is a logic called negative logic/reciprocal logic.:D

Balgus82 01-02-2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 27170)
(I couldn't watch the complete OC[But I will I promise] yet so I don't know what were the OC Lion-O's trials.)

In the OS the trials were tests the other Thundercats devised that Lion-O had to complete (without the sword) before he could be officially coronated as Lord of the Thundercats.

I'm not sure if they'll be same this time around because he's already considered King, but then again in the OS everyone had already been calling him Lord of the Thundercats as well.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 27170)
I'm new here and I could't read all the posts in this topic(I'm catching up though:P) so I'm sorry if anyone mentioned this before.

1. The group have to split up because Panthro needs new arms and they can't stop searching for other stones knowing mumm-ra can get it before them. So my theory(or if I were the writer) I would let Lion-O continue to his journey for stones(probably with snarf and thunderkittens as it was mentioned in first 10 pages) and the others can pay a visit to berbils. Since panthro can't fight if they come across some evil guys. :D

On this journey Lion-O could come across Mumm-ra itself or some evil liutenants of his. Since its our normal gig and Lion-O now has 2 stones he would try to fight Mumm-ra(or some other guy) and just when he had won the fight; the master evils attack our cute little kittens. Since Lion-O is a good guy, he tries(and hopefully succeeds) to save them but this act of heroism causes lion-o to get himself badly wounded(Chetaara probably feels it) and leaves the group unconscious. So we come to a point where Lion-O loses the sword(again).

As Lion-O recovers, others notice that his spirit is broken. This last failure destroyed his self confidence beyond repair and because of T/C thing Chetaara can't reach Lion-O anymore(Even you have abandoned me.). Since Tygra is a jerk and Pantro is not the guy who can deal with a situation like that Lion-O has to repair what is broken himself.(this is an excuse for trials (I couldn't watch the complete OC[But I will I promise] yet so I don't know what were the OC Lion-O's trials.)

Why I want him to be broken? I am a fan of lion-o and I really want him to kick Tygras' behind parts but he can't do it as who he is now. And you can't build a skyscraper on a shitty hut. To create the true king you have to be sure he is unbreakable and to ensure it he should be broken. Totally illogical but somehow works and probably piss off some OC fans...

BTW, even though it could create some great opportunities T/C thing was a cheapshot and it was really too OOC for Chetaara as stated before. It still remains as a black spot(and a huge one) for the series...

Good idea, and welcome!

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27161)
1. Why didn't Annet mention cheetara betraying lion-o? Was it because she has chosen lion-o in her heart already and that would be on tygra?

I think this was more bad writing, because at the beginning of episode 13 Anet changed his wording to "Lion-O will feel betrayed."

2. How did she know what was going on in the AP?

The battle took place in daylight. The ending celebration took place at night. More than enough time passed for Lion-O and Tygra to tell the team what happened. I'm sure they were all curious.

3. She said make her feelings more clear, does that mean she will kiss lion-o on the lips next time? :D

I just rewatched the end again. she didn't say tygra's name, but she did say she chose "years ago." She didn't meet Lion-O until the premiere. tygra was the only one of the two she knew "years ago."

4. How could the heart last that long in a wrist band?

*shrugs* no idea on that one. unless she kept it safe with cleric magic.

5. The kiss was a thank you.

That's not a question. lol

Thanks for the input.

I think she knew who lion-o was years ago. We will find out in E14.

Good one on 5.

I thought the heart was cheesy. We keep mementos in safe places.

They came out of the AP at night, so they would have little time to tell them.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27160)
Lion-O: "It's this place. It's making our worst memories and desires real."
Tygra: "But someone is guiding this."
Lion-O: "I'll give you one guess...Mumm-Ra."

Tygra still made the SoO and tygra still kicked lion-o into the pit.

If he didn't mention their father, tygra would have left him.

We make our one choices, we chose how we react to our situations.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27154)
Finally a networks greed could work to our advantage.

I think they take the safe route.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 27170)
I'm new here and I could't read all the posts in this topic(I'm catching up though:P) so I'm sorry if anyone mentioned this before.

1. The group have to split up because Panthro needs new arms and they can't stop searching for other stones knowing mumm-ra can get it before them. So my theory(or if I were the writer) I would let Lion-O continue to his journey for stones(probably with snarf and thunderkittens as it was mentioned in first 10 pages) and the others can pay a visit to berbils. Since panthro can't fight if they come across some evil guys. :D

On this journey Lion-O could come across Mumm-ra itself or some evil liutenants of his. Since its our normal gig and Lion-O now has 2 stones he would try to fight Mumm-ra(or some other guy) and just when he had won the fight; the master evils attack our cute little kittens. Since Lion-O is a good guy, he tries(and hopefully succeeds) to save them but this act of heroism causes lion-o to get himself badly wounded(Chetaara probably feels it) and leaves the group unconscious. So we come to a point where Lion-O loses the sword(again).

As Lion-O recovers, others notice that his spirit is broken. This last failure destroyed his self confidence beyond repair and because of T/C thing Chetaara can't reach Lion-O anymore(Even you have abandoned me.). Since Tygra is a jerk and Pantro is not the guy who can deal with a situation like that Lion-O has to repair what is broken himself.(this is an excuse for trials (I couldn't watch the complete OC[But I will I promise] yet so I don't know what were the OC Lion-O's trials.)

Why I want him to be broken? I am a fan of lion-o and I really want him to kick Tygras' behind parts but he can't do it as who he is now. And you can't build a skyscraper on a shitty hut. To create the true king you have to be sure he is unbreakable and to ensure it he should be broken. Totally illogical but somehow works and probably piss off some OC fans...

BTW, even though it could create some great opportunities T/C thing was a cheapshot and it was really too OOC for Chetaara as stated before. It still remains as a black spot(and a huge one) for the series...

Welcome aboard too.

Love the input.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 27170)
I'm new here and I could't read all the posts in this topic(I'm catching up though:P) so I'm sorry if anyone mentioned this before.

1. The group have to split up because Panthro needs new arms and they can't stop searching for other stones knowing mumm-ra can get it before them. So my theory(or if I were the writer) I would let Lion-O continue to his journey for stones(probably with snarf and thunderkittens as it was mentioned in first 10 pages) and the others can pay a visit to berbils. Since panthro can't fight if they come across some evil guys. :D

On this journey Lion-O could come across Mumm-ra itself or some evil liutenants of his. Since its our normal gig and Lion-O now has 2 stones he would try to fight Mumm-ra(or some other guy) and just when he had won the fight; the master evils attack our cute little kittens. Since Lion-O is a good guy, he tries(and hopefully succeeds) to save them but this act of heroism causes lion-o to get himself badly wounded(Chetaara probably feels it) and leaves the group unconscious. So we come to a point where Lion-O loses the sword(again).

As Lion-O recovers, others notice that his spirit is broken. This last failure destroyed his self confidence beyond repair and because of T/C thing Chetaara can't reach Lion-O anymore(Even you have abandoned me.). Since Tygra is a jerk and Pantro is not the guy who can deal with a situation like that Lion-O has to repair what is broken himself.(this is an excuse for trials (I couldn't watch the complete OC[But I will I promise] yet so I don't know what were the OC Lion-O's trials.)

Why I want him to be broken? I am a fan of lion-o and I really want him to kick Tygras' behind parts but he can't do it as who he is now. And you can't build a skyscraper on a shitty hut. To create the true king you have to be sure he is unbreakable and to ensure it he should be broken. Totally illogical but somehow works and probably piss off some OC fans...

BTW, even though it could create some great opportunities T/C thing was a cheapshot and it was really too OOC for Chetaara as stated before. It still remains as a black spot(and a huge one) for the series...

In the OS lion-o had to beat each cat.

Man that would be hard to overcome, he would have really question himself is he worthy of anything.

I think mummra will get that stone soon. Cheetara will have to reach him. If she can't be his cleric, then she has disgrace the clerics and jaga. All she would be is tygra's cat. She would be a supporting character to a supporting character.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27189)
In the OS lion-o had to beat each cat.

Man that would be hard to overcome, he would have really question himself is he worthy of anything.

I think mummra will get that stone soon. Cheetara will have to reach him. If she can't be his cleric, then she has disgrace the clerics and jaga. All she would be is tygra's cat. She would be a supporting character to a supporting character.

The writers definately need to do some damage control. Cheetara's credibility as a friend and advisor to Lion-o has been undermined.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27190)
The writers definately need to do some damage control. Cheetara's credibility as a friend and advisor to Lion-o has been undermined.

It makes it worse that she is the opposite sex and he likes her. Then add in the brother.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27186)
Tygra still made the SoO and tygra still kicked lion-o into the pit.

If he didn't mention their father, tygra would have left him.

We make our one choices, we chose how we react to our situations.

but they were still being influenced by mumm-ra. he was feeding their negative emotions. when he came to his senses he helped lion-o and then made the astral sword disappear.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27185)

They came out of the AP at night, so they would have little time to tell them.

it was day time when the battle ended. i just double checked.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27191)
It makes it worse that she is the opposite sex and he likes her. Then add in the brother.

The writers have to have a plot twist to get out if this or cheetara as a character is ruined.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27193)
it was day time when the battle ended. i just double checked.

I thougth it was dusk when they came out.

Evening bells ring at 6?

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27194)
The writers have to have a plot twist to get out if this or cheetara as a character is ruined.


Tell me what guy would brush it off and move on. This is his first crush and as we know, he has never had that type of contact with a female.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27192)
but they were still being influenced by mumm-ra. he was feeding their negative emotions. when he came to his senses he helped lion-o and then made the astral sword disappear.

Tygra emotions were already at their high. He went into the AP to get the stone for himself, that is the wrong motive. Not until lion-o mention their father did he come to his senses. He did it for their father not lion-o.

Again, we make our own choices in life, no one makes them for you.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27196)

Tell me what guy would brush it off and move on. This is his first crush and as we know, he has never had that type of contact with a female.

I sure wouldn't.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27198)
I sure wouldn't.

It would be different if lion-o dated or knew other females. There are no other females in the group too.

He is not like tygra, I think tygra would've moved on. Tygra's hang up is the crown.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:22 PM

Ok, most evening bells ring at 7 or 8.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27195)
I thougth it was dusk when they came out.

Evening bells ring at 6?

daylight. after the astral plane closed on panthro's arms.

night time. after they've had time to bandage him (which would be enough time to tell them what happened).

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27196)
This is his first crush and as we know, he has never had that type of contact with a female.

as we know? how do we know that? we don't know if Lion-O has had a girlfriend or not in the past.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27201)
daylight. after the astral plane closed on panthro's arms.

night time. after they've had time to bandage him (which would be enough time to tell them what happened).


I don't believe tygra or lion-o would come out say anything about cheetara or about tygra kicking lion-o in the pit.

I think the would tell about mummra, AP (how it effects you), and the stone.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27199)
It would be different if lion-o dated or knew other females. There are no other females in the group too.

He is not like tygra, I think tygra would've moved on. Tygra's hang up is the crown.

Yeah Tygra is a player, he would be able to get over a woman much easier than Lion-o.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27202)
as we know? how do we know that? we don't know if Lion-O has had a girlfriend or not in the past.

Ok, I will play that. We don't know if cheetara has always follow lion-o when they were young or who she really chose. The main writer said they would give us a answer on why she follows him.

Also, we don't know if tygra was just a player and cheetara didn't like him. She didn't care for his wink.

When I say as we know, I mean the facts we know as of now.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27203)

I don't believe tygra or lion-o would come out say anything about cheetara or about tygra kicking lion-o in the pit.

I think the would tell about mummra, AP (how it effects you), and the stone.

you might be right about that. but we really don't know what they told them. they had to have told them something about cheetara for her to know they were fighting over her in there. at least hinted at it if they didn't say it outright.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27204)
Yeah Tygra is a player, he would be able to get over a woman much easier than Lion-o.

He had 8 years and didn't do anything.:confused:

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27206)
you might be right about that. but we really don't know what they told them. they had to have told them something about cheetara for her to know they were fighting over her in there. at least hinted at it if they didn't say it outright.

I don't think lion-o would take that ground. They know tygra is jealous of lion-o for the crown. I don't think they would have said we fought because of cheetara's flirting. I don't think cheetara would've approve of tygra kicking lion-o into the pit. I don't think panthero would stand for that.

I think lion-o would save face for his brother and cheetara. That is how he is.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27207)
He had 8 years and didn't do anything.:confused:

Yeah if you liked a girl it probably wouldn't take you a near decade to speak up. Cheetara could have been married with kids in that time.

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