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Old 10-22-2011, 01:55 PM   #1
Thunder Kitty
Ocicat's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 28

Episode One

Inside Castle Plunn-Darr, Monkian is being chased by Jackalman and and Vulture Man along the corridors of the Castle, they turn the corner and Monkian is stopped when Slythe knocks him to the ground with his club. Jackalman and Vulture Man stand over him.

Slythe looks at them both.

Slythe: Pick him up!

The two mutants do as they are told.

The Cats Lair stands tall and strong in the distance on Third Earth, a crashed space capsule is seen in the woods and two humans are seen walking towards the Lair, one of them is sobbing.

Grace: Mother, what happened? Where are we?

Emily: I have no idea Grace, we homed in on the Beacon of that place.

They both look at the Cats Lair.

Grace: What did we do to deserve this?

Emily doesn’t answer but continues to walk towards Cats Lair.

Over at Castle Plunn- Darr, Jackalman and Vulture Man manhandle Monkian into a dungeon.

Jackalman: Slythe will deal with you later!

They slam the door shut and walk down the corridor laughing.

Grace and Emily walk up the steps of the Cats Lair and the door is opened. They walk inside and look around, in front of them, Lion-O walks towards them. Grace looks shocked.

Grace: Mom, it’s a – it looks like a -

Lion-O: A Lion, I am Lion-O and I am the Lord of the ThuderCats. What are you doing here? Do you come in peace?

Emily: Yes we do, our spaceship crashed not far from here, we homed in on your beacon, we just need a place to stay for a few days and some supplies to fix our spaceship.

Lion-O: I think we can manage that, you can bathe and rest here. Panthro will help fix your ship.

Emily: Panthro?

Lion-O: A ThunderCat and a master engineer. Follow me.

The two humans follow Lion-O along a corridor.

Cheetara walks into the main room of the Lair. Tygra is sat looking at the telescreen.

Cheetara: They’ve arrived, I heard Lion-O talking to them.

Tygra: I know, I saw them through the Cats Eyes. Two females?

Cheetara: Yes.

Emily and Grace are sitting in one of the rooms, Emily has a flashback to the alarm sounding on the spaceship and then watches as it falls from the sky, she is brought back to reality when she hears two voices coming down the corridor.

Wily-Kit: Give it back Wily-Kat.

Wily-Kat: No, it belongs to me, I found it so I’m keeping it.

They continue to argue as they walk down the corridor, with Wily-Kit trying to take back what she thinks belongs to her.

Lion-O walks into their room with Tygra.

Lion-0: I’d like to introduce you to Tygra.

Grace: Hello.

Emily: It’s good to meet you.

Tygra: I hope Lion-O has made you feel welcome.

Grace: Yes.

Emily: I hope the damage to our ship isn’t permanent; it was burning pretty badly when we crashed.

Lion-O: Let us take you on a tour of the Lair, you can meet the other ThunderCats as well.

The two humans follow Lion-O and Tygra out of the room.

Lion-O: You’re both very lucky; you could have been buried alive.

Lion-O leads them into the main room of the Lair, Emily gasps as she sees the remains of her spaceship on the video screen. Panthro has joined Cheetara in the room. Grace walks towards her.

Grace: You’re beautiful.

Cheetara smiles.

Cheetara: And you are?

Grace: Grace and that’s my Mom, Emily.

Cheetara: Pleased to meet you Grace.

Lion-O senses something and walks out of the room and into the corridor.

Jaga appears to him.

Jaga: The humans that have arrived should be looked after Lion-O. Make sure they aren’t split up while they are here.

Lion-O: I won’t Jaga.

Jaga: This is the first time humans and ThunderCats have interacted on any level Lion-O, you’ll need all your strength and sensibility to ensure this is successful. Take care of them as you would the other ThunderCats Lion-O.

Jaga disappears and Lion-O walks back into the room. Emily, Grace and the ThunderCats are sat around the huge round table.

Lion-O: Now we’ve identified each other it’s time to get to know each other better.

Panthro: The introduction will have to wait Lion-O, look!

They look to the video screen, Mumm-Ra is vast approaching the Cats Lair.

Lion-O: You two stay here! The Cats Lair will keep you safe.

Lion-O looks at the ThunderCats.

Lion-O: Let’s go!

They jump up and leave the room. Grace looks at Emily.

Grace: It’s a monster Mommy! I’m scared!

Emily: Don’t be, you heard what they said, we’ll be fine.

The ThunderCats appear on the steps outside the Lair, Mumm-Ra stops below them.

Lion-O: This is a bad time for a visit Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra: Oh I assure you Lion-O things are about to get much worse!

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat are watching this on the video screen with the humans.

Wily-Kit: We need to protect them Wily-Kat.

Wily-Kat: Maybe we should move them to another room?

They look at the humans then back at the screen. Mumm-Ra begins to attack the Cats Lair without attacking the ThunderCats themselves.

Lion-O: Take cover!

The ThunderCats hit the ground as Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat move the humans out of the room.

Over at Castle Plunn-Darr, Monkian breaks down the door of the dungeon and escapes by running off down the corridor.

Outside the Cats Lair, Tygra turns invisible and attacks Mumm-Ra from behind, knocking him from his feet and reducing the damage to the Cats Lair. Lion-O jumps up and raises the sword of Omens.

Lion-0: Ho!

The ThunderCats eyes flash yellow and they join Tygra in the attack on Mumm-Ra. Panthro grabs Mumm-Ra and throws him across the drawbridge.

Snarf walks into one of the bedrooms where Emily and Grace are sat with the ThunderKittens.

Snarf: What’s going on? The noise woke me from my nap.

Wily-Kit: Mumm-Ra!

Snarf: Say no more.

Snarf looks at the humans.

Grace: Mom, it looks like Midnight.

Emily smiles.

Snarf: You must be the humans we saw earlier, snarf, snarf, well snarf will take care of you both.

Grace: And it talks! A talking cat!

Grace strokes Snarf and he smiles at her.

The spaceship the humans crash landed in is seen being dragged away by a set of ropes. The fight against Mumm-Ra continues in the distance.

Cheetara starts to run around Mumm-Ra faster and faster until it makes him dizzy, Lion-O blasts him with a shower of bright light and he screams, leaping into the air and flying away.

Mumm-Ra: I’ll be back to get what I want Lion-O! You’ve not seen the last of me!

Mumm-Ra disappears and the ThunderCats regroup.

Lion-O: Good work ThunderCats.

Tygra: What do you think Mumm-Ra wants?

Lion-0: I don’t know, but if it’s our new human friends, he’s going to have to fight harder than that.

They walk back towards the entrance to the Lair.

Mumm-Ra, back in his pyramid, looks into his cauldron at Lion-O and the ThunderCats walking back into the Lair.

Mumm-Ra: I can wait Lion-O, I can wait!

Panthro and Cheetara walk into the main room of the Cats Lair.

Cheetara: Is there much damage?

Panthro: Nothing that I can’t fix, are you okay?

Cheetara: Nothing I can’t fix.

They look at each other and smile.

Lion-O and Emily walk into the kitchen, Snarf is cooking dinner.

Lion-O: You can help Snarf if you like but be careful, he tends to burn his whiskers.

Emily smiles at Lion-O as he leaves the room.

Grace is sat in her room and she has her own flashback of the spaceship crash, she screams and closes her eyes as she sees it crash into the earth.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat are sat in the head of the Cats Lair playing a game,
Lion-O can hear them making a noise.

Lion-O: Kittens, come down here, Snarf’s dinner will be ready soon!

Wily-Kit: Okay Lion-O.

They jump down from the head of the Cats Lair and follow Lion-O down the corridor.

Tygra is sat with Grace in the main room of the Cats Lair.

Tygra: I know this is a lot to take in but Lion-O will look after you.

Grace just smiles at Tygra.

Emily walks into the room with Panthro and they sit down at the table also.

Emily: I’m starving.

Panthro: Snarf’s cooking is pretty good.

Emily: I know, I saw.

Grace looks up and frowns.

Grace: Mommy, I can see a ghost.

Emily: Don’t be silly!

Grace: No I can, he’s smiling at me.

What Grace can actually see is Jaga who disappears as quickly as he appeared.

Cheetara: A haunted Cats Lair? I hope not!

They all laugh.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat walk in with some food and place it down on the table. Lion-O follows them in with more.

Tygra: This looks great.

Grace: It looks just like you’d make Mommy.

Panthro: That will please Snarf.

They all sit around the table and laugh.

End of episode One.
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