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Old 11-29-2011, 04:23 PM   #199
Thunder Kitty
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 6
I want to respond to some the posts I've been reading. Some people have suggested the same ideas I have. I agree that Lion-O should break off from the group and try his own journey. Some people don't agree with that, saying will hurt the dynamic of the group as a whole. Which it would, however you need to look at the picture as a whole. To me the story of a hero should go like this: You start off on your own, making your own way into the world protecting and defending it, the way you think you should before you just go off starting in a group and trying to protect the world as a group. It brings problems if you do that! What I'm saying is that there is a difference between a group and a team; a group to me is individuals that come together to work for what they believe as individuals and a team to me is are individuals who work as a whole for a common goal rather than their individual goals. The team is more family orientated to me! You don't just come together from the start. Think about some of the great superhero teams like the Justice League, The X-Men, The Straw Hat Pirates and the different teams in Naruto. First they worked on their individual skills, grew as people and then as superheroes.

For example, Batman didn't start off in the Justice league. He started as a boy working to become a man and working on his skills to fight evil at a very young age, and from that he started honing his skills to work on his superhero identity to strike fear in the heart of evil! Then after he established his identity as a superhero, he went on his way fighting crime. He found some people in trouble; troubled kids that he helped raise, grooming them into sidekicks! And then when the world needed more than one person, a team formed of individuals that had also worked on their individual goals in life. Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Flash, etc. came together and start protecting the world as a team, each caring for each other, watching each other's back and slowly became a family! They always had at least a stable core to hold the team together!

The same can be said for the X-Men; basically a group of individuals that the world had come to hate all coming together as a family to overcome the hate and protect the world. They’re kind of like the orphans of the world but no one really wanted them other than Charles Xavier! Many of them had to work on their individual processes of just being themselves. Case in point Wolverine! From what little we know of him he went from man to soldier to weapon to superhero to legend! I shan't go into great detail about him but those of you who know of him remember how he came from being at the very least a World War II soldier all the way to being a member of the New Avengers and The Avengers and the headmaster at the new Jean Grey Institute!

Now some of you might be saying how come I haven't brought up The Avengers. Well to me The Avengers were never really a good team. They are great group. If you think about their origins and how they came together they were never really a team, more just a group of strong individuals. The Invincible Ironman, the Incredible Hulk, The Mighty Thor, the Wasp, Antman, and later, Capt. America! Each one of them is one of the greatest superheroes, however almost from right when they came together, they fell apart! There were problems like as the Hulk not getting along with anyone! And since the beginning their parts kept changing, they were never really stable as a long-term team and I think part of their problem was their just getting along as a team. They got along great as a group working for the common good but not everyone believed in each other or wanted to be around each other. Then just recently the Avengers just “Disassembled” and the New Avengers were born!

The New Avengers in my eyes are the best example of what the Avengers could have been. If you follow their story from the day the New Avengers formed all way to the end of Siege you can see them grow as a family dynamic and a group of individuals who really care for each other. The core of the team remains the same throughout the series. The original New Avengers were Capt. America, Iron Man, the Sentry, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones a.k.a. Jewel, Spider-man, Spider Woman, and Wolverine. During the Civil War, each member of the team had to choose a side. Sure there were some differences but more or less the team remains whole. It was Capt. America, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Spiderman, Spider Woman, and Wolverine. It was when they were on the run from the law that the New Avengers went from a group to a team, each one of whom are on the run from the law, and each one only had each other to trust, to watch over each other. That’s what made them more a team than a group. Over the next few stories we saw the team grow closer to each other as during the events of the “Secret Invasion”, “Dark Reign”, and in “Siege”! They didn't just start as New Avengers, each character has their own origins and past that led them to become New Avengers. Each one has their own way of doing things and had to work from their past in order to become what they are today: The New Avengers!

And that's what I think Lion-O has to do. He has to first understand what it means to be a hero by going off into the world and trying to find his place in it; going from a teenager to man, a man to a hero, a hero to a legend, a legend to a King! We know very little about his back story, but what I have gathered is that he's been safely behind the walls of the kingdom training here and there. It sounds like he has a short attention span. Every so often he does go off on his own looking for new things such as technology, as we learned in the pilot episode. He is different from his father and brother in that he believes in kindness towards others than dominance over them. We also see in the pilot episode how he reacts to how the lizards are being treated and what he does after he finds out they were only going after food for their families! He is different than his brother and he understands what it takes to be a great leader and one day a king! He's head and shoulders above his brother in that regard. However, even from the pilot episode all the way to the latest episode we saw his combat skills are severely lacking compared to his brother. If I remember correctly, he has only won three fights on his own so far; one against the duelists, one against a slave trader, and one against the paper master. Most of the other fights that are more of a challenge he has lost or had someone else step in to help! In order for him to be a leader and someone for people to follow he has to start winning those fights on his own! If you just have the Thunder Kittens with him on his journey he would just have to protect and watch over them. In the current group dynamic that he finds himself he always has someone to protect him like Cheetara, Tygra, or Panthro, which is both good and bad. However, as recent events show it will hurt his pride to have Cheetara or Tygra saving him! And there's another reason that he should be alone right now and that is that vengeance and jealousy often lead to the “dark side”. As it stands right now if he stays in the group and he tries to be the leader that he should be quiet about the relationship that Cheetara and Tygra seem to have. After he was led on by Cheetara his feelings can turn to bitterness, anger, and resentment towards Tygra, and turn Lion-O’s “lion heart” into something dark. He could very easily lose the very qualities that we all love about him that will make him a great king one day!

There's another reason why I think he should be out on his own. Like I said before he's seemed to be in the kingdom all throughout his life and the way you learn about a new world is by going out in it on your own making mistakes and learning from them. If you had someone always pointing out what to do for you, you will never truly learn from your choices! Having the Thunder Kittens around will help him understand how to protect something precious. The other big cats can defend themselves easily enough, but if it was just him can he protect himself and protect others with no one there to back them up. These are just some the questions I have. Of course, but journey like this can't be done in one episode. I think it will be best to have an entire season and then at the very end have the two teams come together both showing how they grown both with and apart from each other!

I also read how some people have questioned if Lion-O leaves the group it might hurt the show. I don't think it will and here's why. You could create more stories about individual back stories and their character growth. If you went back and forth between one episode all about Lion-O team and then an episode on the dynamic of Tigre’s teams this could be a turning point in the relationship of Cheetara and Tygra if they really have one! Will she still like him if she sees what we see; the dark bitterness over his brother. Would you still want to be with him! Remember he didn't want to help the lizards when they were in trouble in prison. He thought they got what they deserved. It was Lion-O who intervened not Tygra! Can a relationship survive on just the one act of kindness of a flower? And what about Tygra? If we gave him the ability to use the Sword and the Shield and he has the girl is he truly happy? Is he really a better leader than his brother? If we put him in the spotlight does he shine brightly or fall flat on his face! And what about Panthro with losing both his arms and his quest for vengeance fulfilled? Where does it leave him? He needs to stay with the group! He is the only one that has been outside of the kingdom and knows about technology other than Lion-O! If he goes with Lion-O I think Tygra and Cheetara would be lost without him! Just think what dynamic storytelling can be done with them being separated! Cheetara worries about Lion-O and wonders if he is alright, then she gains the "sixth sense" ability and has dreams/visions of him. Do both Lion-O and Cheetara dream and are they real dreams or do they have a real connection? With the fact that Tygra has been given the right to lead does he make the right choice or the wrong choice? You can develop the story with the Thunder Kittens more; why do they want to go to "the lost city of El Dara" and we can learn through Lion-O what happened to their parents.

I read some people complaining about new characters such as Pumyra and Ben-Gali. I even suggested putting Demolisher on the team as a sword/combat master to Lion-O. There are rightful questions on where were Pumyra, and Ben-Gali during the fall of the thunder cats lair? Are they even truly thunder cats or are they clones to help Mumm-Ra destroy the thunder cats. Were they banished from the kingdom or offsprings of banished families or what? I think you would have a good storyline if you keep guessing all the way up to the end of the second season finale who are they? Where did they come from and what do they want? And I do agree that hopefully they will not do a flashback where Pumyra always liked Lion-O from afar that's just lazy and stupid writing. If they do something Pumyra and Lion-O I hope it's new and fresh when it happens. I remember very little from the original series and what I do remember are just flashes and I fill the blanks but while reading what's on the Wikipedia site I don't know if Pumyra/Lion-O is a good or bad relationship or if a Pumyra/Panthro would be better especially now he lost his hands! And if that's the case then either Lion-O must win Cheetara back with kindness, love, understanding, respect, or you have to create a new thunder cat or a different species female partner for Lion-O!

The last thing I will leave you for a reason for the group to split is the fact that in this world Lion-O must unite the races and in order for that to work you have to have equality across the board. Finding a way for his brother to use a sword and shield is a way to say he doesn't care about the blood line and that he wants the best person for the job to win! If he wants to have his own brother believe in him he needs to first find belief in himself. We don't know much about the past of this world all we do know are bits and pieces, such as when they first fell onto the third Earth a lot of Lion-O’s ancestors wanted to unite the races but envy of the power stones caused problems and thus it never happened. His ancestors were once the top power over the world but were overcome. He has to find a way to overcome this and a way to do so is to understand the world around him and to show that he doesn't care about royal ancestry or anything. He just wants best person to win the job and to able to have people believe in that person. If he thinks it's him he has to go out and earn it and not just rely on bloodlines and dominance!

Those are my feelings and thinking on it! Tell me your thoughts on the matter! Thanks for your time.
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