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Old 05-09-2012, 01:15 PM   #259
Thunderian scholar
Jaga's disciple
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Thundera
Posts: 51
Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
Yeah, all it's done so far is tear apart and crash a ship the size of a small city, defeat several lizards at once in a single stroke, and burn the hell out of Mumm-Ra so badly he ran like a little girl. Pathetic!

It's a different show, different rules apply. If the sword even can return to Lion-O's hand and hasn't it isn't because the sword is weak, it's because Lion-O hasn't mastered that skill yet. None of the other cat's powers are granted by the sword either, the eye glow and "power up" is a function of their loyalty to Lion-O and so far only Cheetara has displayed that level of loyalty. The purpose of the Thundercats signal is to call the other cats to Lion-O's side when he needs them. If they're right there there's really no need for it (although he has used it with them right there before). In the old series it was over-used (pretty much every episode) and really served no purpose other than to pad out the show with stock footage and allow the other cats a token appearance in an otherwise Lion-O only episode (of which there were quite a few). By the time they even got to him he had most likely already beaten whatever he needed help with. Limiting the use of it is for the best, as it actually means something when he does do it.
Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Weak probably wasn't the best way for me to put it, more like "restrained". The Sword doesn't seem to be quite as impressive as in the OS.
Originally Posted by AlexofThundera View Post
The Sword of Omens is weak sauce in this series compared to the original. In the OS the sword is epic yet here it plays second fiddle to the spirit stone and frankly I am growing tired of it (granted I was never keen on the stones storyline to begin with).

I miss "sword come to my hand" as well and all the other things that made the SoO so great. Little touches like the sword going into short sword mode after being knocked out of Lion-o's hand go a long way. Its as if the sword were some what "alive" in the OS. Here it feels like it is just a weapon. A cool weapon, but nothing compared to the original. There is nothing "mystical" about it or anything. We barely even get to see "Sight Beyond Sight".

And when was the last time we saw Panthro wield his Nun Chucks? Why does he even carry them anymore?

I know some of the guys involved in the NS are supposed to be hardcore Tcats fans but sometimes it doesn't seem like it as they leave out all the things that made Thundercats stand out.
Ok, ehm, no to step on anyone's toes. It would be BORING to overpower the SoO so often as shown in the TOS. Old Lion-O wileded his sword and voilá, the foes are gone. I like that he has to "work" and not rely on the magic of the sword.

Originally Posted by Lunchie View Post
Got to tell you guys, after reading about the facebook posts by Dan Norton, and watching this episode.......I think I'm done with this series.

I was a fan of the original series as a kid and maybe i am a little biased in how some of the characters and plot have been handled versus how i believe they should have been handled. Since the end of ep 13 the series left a bad taste in my mouth (The 180 in the triangle and the inconsistency in characters) I thought with time they would have had an overall reasoning for it, but now knowing that a good portion of it was to mess with us. and now they are just going to use future episodes as tools for justifying that mess? I'm sorry but no.

The episodes that followed, while some have been good, have just drained my enthusiasm for the overall plot and really just sapped my desire to see the resolution. I have tried to muster up resolve to see it through but, I just can't anymore.

If the show continues and I hear good things about future episodes, I'll maybe give it another shot but as of right now.......there's legend of korra I could be watching.

To each his own, so if you are enjoying this series, by all means disregard everything I just said and keep on keeping on.
Just watch it as it is, don't overanalyse it and keep watching.

And to all others: I really am about to quit here, since I see only people whining about this or that. You know what I do? *takes rose tinted glasses and crush it under the foot*. TC2011 brought me here to enjoy. Be grateful that you'll get to see a new TC series for a long time and that the new series wins new fans. If any of can do it better, go ahead. I wanna see that. But effing stop whining about the stories and the T/C relation inconsistencies. If you wanna please everyone, you'll please noone at the end.

To be honest, TOS TC wasn't my favourite, I never liked the repetitive easy defeat of Mumm-ra and his minions, I hated OldSnarf, I hated the fact, that they rub the lessons into your face at the end of each episode and that the zeitgeist was that they think 80's kids are so dumb.

I like that the characters in TC2011 aren't perfect, but they are more relatable and that not everything was hunky-dory. Fine if you got a problem with it, but don't sour the enjoyment for others.
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