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Old 12-03-2011, 04:13 PM   #251
Thunder Kitty
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Originally Posted by Pand3mix View Post
Uh, thunderclaw, you brought a lot of good examples, but I wouldn't brought up naruto, a because they were assigned to their teams and B, cause of how long it has been going on I feel like its lost quiet abit of its credibility as a comic. Two, I think that's one of the longest posts here. Maybe you should've cut that post down by taking out some of the examples.

Other then that I do agree lion-o would benafit on a few different levels if he did some exploration on his own for awhile.
@Pand3mix . Yes Naruto may not have been the ideal choice in my argument but I was really trying to make a connection between how he is working hard to become the Hokage (King) and the fact he already has the bloodline to succeed. It was through his hard work that he has become the very best of the village! Sorry I was so long but I wanted to give good examples and I wanted to put my thoughts out there and see how people would respond. Thanks for your comments.
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:16 PM   #252
Thunder Kitty
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
The cheetara sixth sense and connection is agreat point. If you look in the episode tower of omens when lion-o uses the sword of omens cheetara eyes are the only ones to glow the classic thundercat yellow before starts to run up the wall thats shows she has a much deeper connection to lion-o and the sword than the others. The lion-o tygra relationship remind me of the brother in the gaurdian owls movie. I think lion-o leaving the group might be bad because up until now we have only seen the lizard army led by slithe i would guess that in other parts of the land we will see the dogs led by jackal man the monkeys led by monkian the vultures led by vulture man the cats will be badly outnumbered and with out lion-o the of the team will be captured and he can't fight a whole army himself either. Aside from the elephant and maybe the tiger sharks the rest of the animal from the ship in the "legacy episode" are most likely gonna be the bad guys so we may see animals from third earth join the thundercats to fight possibly turmagar and the tuskans and the snow men of hook mountain "snowmeow was sited earlier " oh well only time will tell
@ Big Snarf Thanks Snarf for bringing up the "Journey to the Tower of Omens” episode. I was worried other people may not have seen that connection when I brought up the “Sixth Sense”. As for your feelings about not wanting the group, I get that. However that's one of the marks of a hero to face against the odds and to be overmatched and overpowered before coming out on top! We are all thinking that the lizards are one cohesive unit. However in the pilot episode it was Lion-O’s kindness that won over a few of them, allowing them to break free from prison so they may not be as united as we may think or are led to believe! Think about all the other races on third Earth. There may be some races that have split feelings. Some may want to be on the side of the Thundercats and some maybe want to be on Mumm-Ra’s side. All we do know at this point is that there is going to be a great war between all the races. That's going to come to a boil sooner or later and we must remember that each race is more of a community than just a pack. It seems that each race has a different outlook. In some races and even in the Cat’s society there were kind of different classes from the poor to royalty. Can we reasonably assume some characters in the original cartoon show will make a special appearance in this one? If they do we do not know if they are the leaders of a group or just individuals from that race that wants to do evil. That will be something to watch for in future episodes! What are your thoughts?
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:21 PM   #253
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Originally Posted by XiaCheyenne View Post
You have made some valid points, but this is WHY Lion-O does NOT need to go out on his own. First of all, he is not supposed to be the hero...he's supposed to be the LORD of the Thundercats and how can he do that being alone? While he would learn how to depend on himself as well as learn to make better decisions, where will the trust between his people and their leader take place? In history, conquerors that have take power have had to learn to gain the trust and admiration of the people they are ruling to be a great leader. Anyone can be a exceptional warrior, but can't work in a team environment. The idea here is for him to be able to lead the others, to be able to gather others under him to finally defeat Mumm-ra...without the belief from his followers how can that be?
Being on his own would strengthen him as a solitary person, not build a great leader and this is what is needed here. In the original, Lion-O was constantly being taught, because of his true age and the fact that he was never truly shown how to lead. There was an episode that he went on his own...for the purpose to sharpen his senses and to trust in his own decisions. I believe that this will more than likely happen in future shows.
As far as this "triangle", I have to say that there is DEFINITELY a betrayal here. If Lion-O has believed up until this time that Cheetara had feelings for him, watching his brother kissing her AFTER learning that when they were younger he almost tried to kill him for being the "chosen one", there is NO WAY he would see it as anything else. I believe that this will serve as the catalyst for his up coming trials to finally earn the title of Lord of the Thundercats in more than just name.
Now, he will feel he has to more than prove himself...even as a small attempt to change Cheetara's mind.
Tygra, both, did him a service and a disservice. He has hurt him deeply, taking the one thing that was given to him without the fact that he was the next leader of the cats...Cheetara's affections. By doing that, he may have strengthed him in his quest to be the man his father always thought he would be, give him the belief in himself to lead without question. In that, he would have pushed Lion-O to be even better than himself.
Being hurt this way will detrimental for a while...the trust and affection he had for them had been tarnished and it will take a LONG time for them to gain it back.
Whethewr you like it or not, most rulers come by way of lineage and Lion-O in NOT the exception. Yes, we would LOVE to see him eran it, but it IS his by rights...regardless of anything else Tygra or anyone else may think.
Lion-o was never shown to have a has been hinted at in the comics, but never really established. Maybe this anime will change that...
@XiaCheyenne . You have shown great examples yourself. My response is that it is true that most rulers come by way of their blood line but that does not make them a great leader. Furthermore there are many different types of leadership; we should not just put one form of leadership out there. With that being said, different people like Lion-O need to find a way to do certain things that come with being a leader. On third Earth I don't really get the feeling that there is a cohesive way of the world. I don't think there is a group of leaders that have come together right now to control third Earth. I think it's a lot of different races off doing their own things. No one really gives any orders now. Now that may all change with the return of Mumm-Ra. We don't know how big his army is. We do know that a lot of the lizards are on his side. But we don't even know if all the lizards are on his side or why they support him. The old days were kind of like this with the lizards against the Cats. Someone needs to do something that will shake the world to its core. If Lion-O gives up the bloodline lineage and wants to become a leader based on merit I think that will shake the world. That would more credibility to him or whoever he think should lead than if the Kingship was just given to him. Yes there are people that have the royal bloodlines and go on to be successful and great leaders. However, as we see with his brother there are also dark sides to this birthright. If the path continues the way it's going, let's say they defeat the bad guys, they win the day. Everything is sunshine and roses. His brother will always resent that and that resentment may build and build and build until one day it breaks and Tygra truly betrays his brother by killing him and ending the bloodline. This is the dark side of having a bloodline determine royalty and being given something that you may or may not deserve. There's going be resentment, jealousy, egos are going to clash and I don't know if you need that right now. This is a critical time because this is a new era beginning. When Thundera fell the old ways should've went with it.
If things go on the way they are Mumm-Ra will be defeated and since the winners write history, it will all be because of Lion-O’s leadership. There is already a darker tone to Tygra. There will always be the question of when will Tygra betray his brother as we have seen before in flashbacks. He was willing to snap the tree limb and let his brother fall where he could have been killed. But then he runs to his father to try to get Lion-O out of the pit. Did Tygra really regret what he did? How would he feel if now Lion-O gives up the succession by bloodline and at least gives Tygra the opportunity to become Lord of the Thundercats. That might ease the jealousy a little bit, that might ease the pain, and actually put them in a place that they can build upon and make this rivalry into a friendly competition rather than what it is right now in many people's eyes, a battle to the death!
Another thing about the blood line, the Thundercats may honor the bloodline but that doesn't mean the other races will respond to this. Like I said earlier, you need to shock the world by doing something unique, doing something that hasn't been done before. Now if the other races see the Thundercat’s ruler chosen just by bloodline why would they believe that ruler is any better than one of their own? Why would the Thundercat’s bloodline be better than their bloodline? That would just lead to more conflict. Now if Lion-O is willing to battle for leadership that’s different. That can show his real value. If this was an era of peace, ruling by bloodline may be OK. He has a right to it but when you're faced with extinction and with some the challenges that this team is now faced with you're going to have to adapt and change to your situation and keep changing going forward. The old ways may have worked for a time but they didn't necessarily work for everyone. There were still other races and families and groups that weren't doing as well as the Cats. We saw that the lizards were in poverty and that on the food chain level so wasn't all rays of sunshine as we’d all like to believe. There were some dark gaps I'm sure we will be exploring later on in the show a lot. Lion-O means to be better than his ancestors, to be the best, to be the true Lord of the Thundercats. He has to do things no one before has done and that's why I think he should prove himself .
I also think that a lot of people are jumping to conclusions that right now he is a teenager, he is not Lord of the Thundercats. He's just a boy right now learning to become a man. He needs to spread his wings and grow into the role. Yes I know some people are given a bad break, they have to grow up really quick, really fast, but with that being said, sometimes growing up too fast is not necessarily the best case scenario for how to lead a group. You need someone you can trust, you need someone you can believe it, and as of right now he may have questions about himself. The best thing to do is take yourself off the playing board and go find yourself, find how to be a better person, how to be better leader and all that and to build the trust with your people. Just because he's leaving the group doesn't mean he doesn't trust them, all it really means is that he can't deal with the people around right now and maybe everyone needs to take a break after all the events that have happened and just sort of comprehend what's going on. At this point life he can afford to make mistakes. And I'm not saying he runs away or saying that he goes away for the rest of the series. I’m saying maybe dedicate one season of just Lion-O and the Thundercats! Let him have at least a season to grow into the role then throughout the rest of the series, he can always be with the group. I will be curious to hear your response.
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:26 PM   #254
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Originally Posted by Yasraina View Post
Well Thunderclaw in some point you are right your exaples were quiet good but thing of something if the writers did something like putting Lion-o alone then the show it wouldn't called Thundercats but lets say Lion-os journey for example. The show it's called Thundercats and we see the journey of a group of cats trying to won against an immortal being. So we need to see the hard work between different personalities that tries to work together, leave their problems and bitterness behind so they will achieve their goals.
As you see we need to see all of them to finally accept one another before it's to late and not separeted. Don't forget that they are all under Lion-os orders so they must be united even if now it's seems impossible.
@Yasraina I read what your say and I agree with some of it. I'm not saying have to the whole series with them separated. What I am saying is take one season and just show the different group dynamics when they are apart. Some shows have done that with their characters that have a great cast group, but then they take a season or even a show or two just to isolate them as individuals then they come back for the rest of the show and work together. Just because the show is called Thundercats that doesn't mean that it just should be about the team. It's always about the team. The team is made up of individuals. So this is their story of who they are and how they came together and why they're so tight together. A separation story would be great because then you can see that they are not best when they are alone. They are best when they are truly are united as Thundercats. In order for us to see that we have to see them apart first to see where their weaknesses are and their strengths are. They're very, very good together because of what they each bring.
What are your thoughts?
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Old 12-03-2011, 08:28 PM   #255
Big Snarf
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Originally Posted by ThunderClaw View Post
@ Big Snarf Thanks Snarf for bringing up the "Journey to the Tower of Omens” episode. I was worried other people may not have seen that connection when I brought up the “Sixth Sense”. As for your feelings about not wanting the group, I get that. However that's one of the marks of a hero to face against the odds and to be overmatched and overpowered before coming out on top! We are all thinking that the lizards are one cohesive unit. However in the pilot episode it was Lion-O’s kindness that won over a few of them, allowing them to break free from prison so they may not be as united as we may think or are led to believe! Think about all the other races on third Earth. There may be some races that have split feelings. Some may want to be on the side of the Thundercats and some maybe want to be on Mumm-Ra’s side. All we do know at this point is that there is going to be a great war between all the races. That's going to come to a boil sooner or later and we must remember that each race is more of a community than just a pack. It seems that each race has a different outlook. In some races and even in the Cat’s society there were kind of different classes from the poor to royalty. Can we reasonably assume some characters in the original cartoon show will make a special appearance in this one? If they do we do not know if they are the leaders of a group or just individuals from that race that wants to do evil. That will be something to watch for in future episodes! What are your thoughts?
@ ThunderClaw i see your point and that brings the "legacy" episode to mind. Leo led a small group of cats against mum-ra while tygus and seemingly the larger part of the cat army stayed loyal to mum-ra during the rebellion. It is ironic how leo and lion-o look alike as well as how tygra and tygus look alike. History in the show may be repeating which brings up the whole tygra "betrayal" thing. I think tygra is being built up to become the bad guy and at some point will give the book of omens back to mum-ra. I think i saw some jackal man designs somewhere but if the original mutants do appear in the show they will be the bad guys. Although the lizard yhat lion-o showed mercy helped him he didn't change side like grune did well at least not yet it is possible though. The "legacy" episode may have more impact on the way the story unfolds time will tell though but if i had to guess thats what i think may happen. I think tygra made a deal with mum-ra in the last episode and i'm still wondering where mum-ra sword of plundar is.
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Old 12-04-2011, 12:26 PM   #256
Thunder Kitty
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To a certain degree, I can see your point...although I don't think a full season of Lion-O by himself would make too much sense in the overall idea of the show.
The show is called THUNDERCATS after all...
Resentment between siblings in the position of power is just as normal as breathing. I believe that this rivalry is what will drive Lion-O to being a great leader. Many successful leaders have been formed under the veil of adversity, including from within their own houses. I did not mean to imply that he deserves the role of Lord simply because of his lineage...of course I agree that he should earn it. But those that are around him now are what is left of his family...and it is quite known that family are always the ones to hurt you the most. There are a multitude of lessons for Lion-O to face in the upcoming days...tests he will have to pass to be considered Lord. Again, as in the original series, he will more than likely go off on his own to have his solitary adventures, but extended periods of time away from those he is destined to lead will not be beneficial to the team dynamic. Even with all that has happened, they (Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro, The Wilykits) all have a duty to protect and guide the young Lord and will continue to do so, whether or not he wants them to.
The upcoming episodes should give us a more indepth look into what will happen next...I do enjoy the conversation here though...
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:04 PM   #257
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Originally Posted by XiaCheyenne View Post
In repons to the last two posts, I think that you are reading too much into it. I believe the writers are following the comic book to the letter. In the comics, Tygra always had a resentment of Lion-O and it was never really dealt with, and whether or not anyone likes it...Cheetara was ALWAYS for Tygra. The introduction of other femailes is irrelevant right now...Lion-O has to learn to be the Lord he was destined to be.
Everything up until this point has been to show the young Lord what he would need to do to finally rid Third Earth of Mumm-ra...even losing Cheetara to his big brother. Betrayal is something that every leader should be made aware of, be able to recover from, and be able to rise above. Many on here have said that Tygra didn't betray hoim, but he did...and in doing that, Tygra may have met his downfall. The respect that Lion-o had in his brother, strained or otherwise, has been seriously damaged. It is doubtful that he will bounce back from this quickly, I feel that he will be sullen and withdrawn for a bit.
Cheetara too will feel the withdrawal and I suspect that it will be a little while before they find out why he has pulled back from them. No, I don't think it'll turn into hatred, but it will strngthen Lion-O resolve to be the best that he can truly be the Lord of the Thundercats.
The writers aren't trying to be pro-Tygra, they are trying to give the reason why he is the way he is towards his brother. This also gives the setting for Lion-O growth as a leader that can learn from such horrible events and come out on top.
That is very unrealistic and very fake, to show someone to rover so fast.

So Lion-o has to be ok with everything Tygra has done and now has the girl? I don't know how anyone can get over that. There has been no connections between tygra and lion-o except there father.

What has tygra learn? The way he always behaves has always worked for him, so he is fine. He has one up his brother again. That is what I have learned about this series.

All great leaders (men or women) have flaws and they don't always get over them. A lot of them have great spouses or companions to lean on.

Lion-o has never had anyone believe in him or guid him. He needed Cheetara, tygra didn't. He is who he is. Cats don't change their stripes.

On the post about women kissing a guy on the cheek, well I had the samething and she married someone else. That was a hint for me that she liked me, but I acted stupid and did not act.

Maybe it is me. I thougth tygra's smile at the end was like you know I am the man smile.

What is lion-o Lord of, 5 cats. That is a lot.

Again, pro tygra writers. We will see lion-o do some cool things with the sword and shield, but tygra is the better cat. Lion-o will kiss tygra butt because he has to get over it and be lord of nothing. That is what I am hearing and seeing the writers write.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:16 PM   #258
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
@ ThunderClaw i see your point and that brings the "legacy" episode to mind. Leo led a small group of cats against mum-ra while tygus and seemingly the larger part of the cat army stayed loyal to mum-ra during the rebellion. It is ironic how leo and lion-o look alike as well as how tygra and tygus look alike. History in the show may be repeating which brings up the whole tygra "betrayal" thing. I think tygra is being built up to become the bad guy and at some point will give the book of omens back to mum-ra. I think i saw some jackal man designs somewhere but if the original mutants do appear in the show they will be the bad guys. Although the lizard yhat lion-o showed mercy helped him he didn't change side like grune did well at least not yet it is possible though. The "legacy" episode may have more impact on the way the story unfolds time will tell though but if i had to guess thats what i think may happen. I think tygra made a deal with mum-ra in the last episode and i'm still wondering where mum-ra sword of plundar is.
That is why I thought cheetara would be with lion-o. Everything she has done is the samething the Panther did to Leo. I thought Legacy was a foreshodowing of future events.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:37 PM   #259
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Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 View Post
That's technically possible, but I doubt that was the case. Mumm-Ra would have had to know about that bit of their history, and I seriously doubt he did.

Personally I'm happy with the way things worked out. Tygra and Cheetara make a cute I don't think there should be anything to break that up. There'll be more female cats out there for Lion-O (we already know Pumyra is showing up at some point).
Why do you think they make a cute couple?

I don't want Pumyra to be with Lion-o, she comes in for 3 epiosde to just be a love interest. I think that cheapens the story.

I would still love to see cheetara with lion-o, I guess it is what it is. I would hate to be him. Never accepted your whole life and some girl accepts you and she turns around and hooks up with someone that tried to kill you.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:40 PM   #260
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
But she said she loved him and we know he loves her....and they made out.
I don't remember her saying she loves him.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:45 PM   #261
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Originally Posted by vantheman77 View Post
The writer for this and Into The Astral Plane is pro-Tygra with him saving the Thundercats with the Thundertank, besting Lion-O in the Astral Plane, and getting Cheetara. All Lion-O has is the crown and the Spirit Stone.
That doesn't seem much does it?

Why even have mummra in the show? He has doen nothing.

In the OS he was unstoppable and only by chance did he see his reflection.

Tygra has it all. He is better than lion-o in everything and now he has cheetara. If he can kill lion-o, he will have it all.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:50 PM   #262
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Originally Posted by Alapan View Post
I completely agree that the writers made Thundercats pro-Tygra, but it's not wholly true. Don't get me wrong, my fave character is Lion-O and I would love to see Cheetara getting with Lion-O, not because I like the couple but because Cheetara had been leading Lion-O from the beginning, and that kinda makes me mad that she chose Tygra at the end, but the whole season has not been Pro-Tygra until the last two episodes where they really made Tygra stand out as the better and more powerful Thundercat. I think that the writers did so because in this season they wanted to show the watchers what Lion-O was like when he started out. The next season is probably going to be about Lion-O's growth, physically stronger and more skilled, and emotionally more mature. They are going to make the transition in Lion-O from the young, but worthy cub to the bad-ass King that he is meant to be. At least I hope so or I am done with the remake of Thundercats
Who will lion-o turn to? You need someone to help you when you are down and don't say some other cat is going to jump in and help.

The OS to me was about Lion-o. The NS is about the cub lion-o.

Tygra has Narcissistic Personality and he made to look great. Lion-o is the one who has to suck it up and change that is so unfair and not realistic.
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Old 12-04-2011, 02:00 PM   #263
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Originally Posted by XiaCheyenne View Post
In repons to the last two posts, I think that you are reading too much into it. I believe the writers are following the comic book to the letter. In the comics, Tygra always had a resentment of Lion-O and it was never really dealt with, and whether or not anyone likes it...Cheetara was ALWAYS for Tygra. The introduction of other femailes is irrelevant right now...Lion-O has to learn to be the Lord he was destined to be.
Everything up until this point has been to show the young Lord what he would need to do to finally rid Third Earth of Mumm-ra...even losing Cheetara to his big brother. Betrayal is something that every leader should be made aware of, be able to recover from, and be able to rise above. Many on here have said that Tygra didn't betray hoim, but he did...and in doing that, Tygra may have met his downfall. The respect that Lion-o had in his brother, strained or otherwise, has been seriously damaged. It is doubtful that he will bounce back from this quickly, I feel that he will be sullen and withdrawn for a bit.
Cheetara too will feel the withdrawal and I suspect that it will be a little while before they find out why he has pulled back from them. No, I don't think it'll turn into hatred, but it will strngthen Lion-O resolve to be the best that he can truly be the Lord of the Thundercats.
The writers aren't trying to be pro-Tygra, they are trying to give the reason why he is the way he is towards his brother. This also gives the setting for Lion-O growth as a leader that can learn from such horrible events and come out on top.
Never read the comic.

No, the writers made Tygra look great. Tygra was train to be the next king. Lion was a whoops baby. Everyone chose Tygra, their father, the cats, and now cheetara. Most people would reject everyone and isoolate themselves.

Tygra has no excuse to not like his brother. All his brother has over him is a sword and shield. Now people want lion-o to be better than his brother and to move on. Come on.

The unjust never get punished.
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Old 12-04-2011, 03:39 PM   #264
Big Snarf
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
Never read the comic.

No, the writers made Tygra look great. Tygra was train to be the next king. Lion was a whoops baby. Everyone chose Tygra, their father, the cats, and now cheetara. Most people would reject everyone and isoolate themselves.

Tygra has no excuse to not like his brother. All his brother has over him is a sword and shield. Now people want lion-o to be better than his brother and to move on. Come on.

The unjust never get punished.
@ L08e16o The comics were such garbage, imagine the thundercats actually team up with clark kent/super manto fight mumm-ra thats BIG WTF!!! In the csomics cheetara went from hints of being with lion-o to definitely being with panthro and then ending up with . I agree with the writers lookking like they are pro tygra because tygra sucked in the OS and he sucked more in the comics so to make him look this good has got to be for a reason. Out of all the the thundercats all of their personalities from the OS are intact except for you guessed it tygra. As for the legacy episode jaga did say to lion-o if he didn't win the book would be closed to him forever which to me implies he would at some time have to go back into the book. Mum-ra at this point doesn't seem to be a match for lion-o and the sword might need someone to do the dirty work it was wilykat who betrayed the cats in the comics but it seems to me that tygra is acting like how wilykat acted in the comic.
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Old 12-04-2011, 04:31 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
I don't remember her saying she loves him.
She said she chose him "all those years ago" That's pretty much an "i love you" for them.
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Old 12-04-2011, 04:37 PM   #266
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I think its pretty clear that Lion-o, however unintended, got messed over by Cheetara and Tygra. At this point Lion-o should limit contact with both of them as much as possible (which admittedly is difficult since there pretty much a small group of nomads). I doubt at this point theres much good that'll come from these three interacting , Lion-o and Tygra have a lifelong rivalry, and Lion-o will see Cheetara as tease so he won't be receptive to her advise or pep talks.
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Old 12-04-2011, 05:54 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
I think its pretty clear that Lion-o, however unintended, got messed over by Cheetara and Tygra. At this point Lion-o should limit contact with both of them as much as possible (which admittedly is difficult since there pretty much a small group of nomads). I doubt at this point theres much good that'll come from these three interacting , Lion-o and Tygra have a lifelong rivalry, and Lion-o will see Cheetara as tease so he won't be receptive to her advise or pep talks.
I'd really like everyone to go into the book and for Jaga to call Cheetara out while everyone else is learning about Thunderian History. I think he'd be ashamed of how she acted. And i don't think it's about her being shy. If a girl is shy she isn't going to be all over another guy and "flirting" with him if she chose someone else years ago.
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Old 12-04-2011, 06:13 PM   #268
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I don't buy for a second Cheetara didn't know what she was doing with Lion-o, she doesn't really impress me as being terribly naive. Even Tygra believed something was going on with her and Lion-o.
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Old 12-04-2011, 07:01 PM   #269
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
I don't buy for a second Cheetara didn't know what she was doing with Lion-o, she doesn't really impress me as being terribly naive. Even Tygra believed something was going on with her and Lion-o.
Yeah, that's why i just can't stand her now. She was fine two episodes ago, and now they've made her and Lion-o look horrible and Tygra look like Jesus. And they shouldn't be taking any tips from the comics, cause the only reason T/C happened there was because Tygra somehow helped her get over her violation from the Mutants by "comforting" her because he went through something "similar" i.e. he was tortured. That's unrealisitic and stupid and if that was how it worked IRL all the victims of that would fall in love with their therapists.

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Old 12-04-2011, 07:18 PM   #270
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Maybe the writers plan is to make Cheetara a villainous seductress working with Mumm-ra. Unlikely but it would explain her behavior.
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Old 12-04-2011, 07:29 PM   #271
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Maybe the writers plan is to make Cheetara a villainous seductress working with Mumm-ra. Unlikely but it would explain her behavior.
I think that would break the rest of the fandom apart. And Cheetara's earlier actions with Lion-o make me question Panthera. The only difference in their behavior is Panthera not being so up close with Leo.
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Old 12-04-2011, 07:34 PM   #272
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I agree, it would be devastating to the fandom. I have to wonder if there was a last minute change in script, this Cheetara and Tygra thing came out of nowhere.
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Old 12-04-2011, 07:48 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
I agree, it would be devastating to the fandom. I have to wonder if there was a last minute change in script, this Cheetara and Tygra thing came out of nowhere.
Well, the last two kinda came outta nowhere. I honestly doubt the writer watched the first 11 episodes at all. But they've had these episodes (all 26) done for awhile now.
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Old 12-04-2011, 07:55 PM   #274
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You'd think that they would have briefed the writer on what happened in the previous episodes, or the writer would have taken it upon himself to familiarize himself with what had already happened.
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:07 PM   #275
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Yeah....maybe they did it for shock value? It's really tearing the fandom apart, this T/C thing. Everytime i try and say anything about the writing/pairings/tygra's behavior/cheetara they form a little mob. That's why i'm staying away from TCL forums and blacklisting things on my tumblr.
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:16 PM   #276
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Oh yeah, I'm on tcl forums to (same screen name to) I don't dare say to much about the Tygra/Cheetara rushed pairing.
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:55 PM   #277
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Oh yeah, I'm on tcl forums to (same screen name to) I don't dare say to much about the Tygra/Cheetara rushed pairing.
Yeah, i learned that the day that BB aired. What do you think this T/C will lead to with how Lion-o deals with any girls being interested in him?

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Old 12-04-2011, 09:28 PM   #278
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Lion-o will probably be pretty hesitant at first. He'll remember how he "misread" Cheetaras interest in him, and probably take him awhile to believe that the woman is interested in him.
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:02 PM   #279
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Lion-o will probably be pretty hesitant at first. He'll remember how he "misread" Cheetaras interest in him, and probably take him awhile to believe that the woman is interested in him.
I'd be surprised if he would want a relationship after this. He would probably think no one loves him and just wants to use him for other purposes. It certainly seems like that to me.
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:19 PM   #280
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Yeah I think this mess with Cheetara probably did serious damage to Lion-os self esteem.
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:33 PM   #281
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Yeah I think this mess with Cheetara probably did serious damage to Lion-os self esteem.
I can see Mumm-ra attacking and taking another stone if Lion-o is too distracted by Tygra and Cheetara being all lovey-dovey or Tygra saying something mean and Cheetara not defending him.
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:42 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Yeah I think this mess with Cheetara probably did serious damage to Lion-os self esteem.
Lion-o will fine its tygra who is gonna feel like crap when he doesn't get the girl either and he'll go back to hating on lion-o and the sword
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:04 PM   #283
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Lion-o will fine its tygra who is gonna feel like crap when he doesn't get the girl either and he'll go back to hating on lion-o and the sword
How did Tygra not get the girl? She made out with him and pretty much said she had wanted to be with him since they were 12.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:11 AM   #284
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
@ L08e16o The comics were such garbage, imagine the thundercats actually team up with clark kent/super manto fight mumm-ra thats BIG WTF!!! In the csomics cheetara went from hints of being with lion-o to definitely being with panthro and then ending up with . I agree with the writers lookking like they are pro tygra because tygra sucked in the OS and he sucked more in the comics so to make him look this good has got to be for a reason. Out of all the the thundercats all of their personalities from the OS are intact except for you guessed it tygra. As for the legacy episode jaga did say to lion-o if he didn't win the book would be closed to him forever which to me implies he would at some time have to go back into the book. Mum-ra at this point doesn't seem to be a match for lion-o and the sword might need someone to do the dirty work it was wilykat who betrayed the cats in the comics but it seems to me that tygra is acting like how wilykat acted in the comic.
I believe wilykat also left the thundercats in OS series show as well to come back and learn his sister had found was after the thundercats found a new home I think. The second to last season. I could be mistaken though. Been awhile.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:15 AM   #285
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Yeah, that's why i just can't stand her now. She was fine two episodes ago, and now they've made her and Lion-o look horrible and Tygra look like Jesus. And they shouldn't be taking any tips from the comics, cause the only reason T/C happened there was because Tygra somehow helped her get over her violation from the Mutants by "comforting" her because he went through something "similar" i.e. he was tortured. That's unrealisitic and stupid and if that was how it worked IRL all the victims of that would fall in love with their therapists.
That last part made me giggle. So will someone tell me what this comic series is all about. I never even heard about it. I thought it was a spoof when I saw lion-o and superman together.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:20 AM   #286
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The story with Cheetara being violated is thundercats the return. Lion-o goes into the book of omens to train and Mumm-ra cast a spell to keep him in the book for 5 years. When Lion-o comes out, Mumm-ras conquered thundera and enslaved everyone.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:28 AM   #287
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Oh, thanks . Sooo, lizzards are into cats now. :l sounds like a strange comic book. Is it any good?
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:31 AM   #288
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Actually it was Monkian doing the violating, it was never shown but it was implied. As far as it being good, it was okay but not as good as the current cartoon.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:35 AM   #289
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Oh.... I don't know what to say to that. Is it as good as the OS? ;D
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:44 AM   #290
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I think so. It's a 5 issue miniseries by the way.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:48 AM   #291
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I might have to check it out, maybe. I'll see if I can finish the new series and go from there. Besides I'm still waiting to get my Gargoyles comics before I go and buy new comics.
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Old 12-05-2011, 08:19 AM   #292
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It said that episode 15 will iar Dec 9th....and were's episode 14?!!!
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Old 12-05-2011, 08:40 AM   #293
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Originally Posted by Pand3mix View Post
I believe wilykat also left the thundercats in OS series show as well to come back and learn his sister had found was after the thundercats found a new home I think. The second to last season. I could be mistaken though. Been awhile.
The OS ended and wilykat was still like 12 he never left the thundercats. Tygra and pumyra stayed on earth while everyone left to go back to thundera. In the comics wilykat left the thundercats when he betrayed them and came back many years later to fight the dogs
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:02 AM   #294
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
How did Tygra not get the girl? She made out with him and pretty much said she had wanted to be with him since they were 12.
"Getting" the girl is different from keeping the girl. The dialogue and structure of the show doesn't really seem to have a place for tygra in it to me. Lion-o is the king cheetara is head cleric panthro is general that leaves no place for tygra. Tygra even says that all these years cheetara acts like she doesn't even see him. To me everything points to tygra becoming the bad guy
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Old 12-05-2011, 12:36 PM   #295
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
"Getting" the girl is different from keeping the girl. The dialogue and structure of the show doesn't really seem to have a place for tygra in it to me. Lion-o is the king cheetara is head cleric panthro is general that leaves no place for tygra. Tygra even says that all these years cheetara acts like she doesn't even see him. To me everything points to tygra becoming the bad guy
Would Cheetara stay single then? Or join Tygra? She doesn't seem to have much development now past the "I'm a cleric cause Tygra gave me a flower, so now i'll be his girlfriend" and she never argues with him, she only reprimanded him once on believing in his brother, not to stop acting the way he does. And then there's the Shadow Lion-o has a shadow to be in. I don't know why i didn't get it then that she wanted Tygra from the start if she was excusing his behavior because she loves him.
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:21 PM   #296
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Would Cheetara stay single then? Or join Tygra? She doesn't seem to have much development now past the "I'm a cleric cause Tygra gave me a flower, so now i'll be his girlfriend" and she never argues with him, she only reprimanded him once on believing in his brother, not to stop acting the way he does. And then there's the Shadow Lion-o has a shadow to be in. I don't know why i didn't get it then that she wanted Tygra from the start if she was excusing his behavior because she loves him.
Yeah i think she will stay single or what would be the point in keeping her and tygra on the show if she is not going to do her job. I think she will choose her job in being at lion-o side to help rebuild thundera. The only shadow that lion-o has is that it was probably foretold that he will be the greatest king as this knowledge must have been known to all the clerics at the time especially jaga, he knew mum-ra would return but maybe didn't expect it to be so soon. In the legacy episode it seems to me its cheetara ancestors that built the sword of omens and they may have been the original clerics because the swords metal was "enchanted" so i guess not everyone could use the metal to make something. So thats why i find it a bit ironic that she is the one who presents the sword to lion-o in the first episode and why she seems more connected to the sword as "tower of omens" episode showed when only her eyes glowed the classic yellow. As for tygra i see the "darkness" as lion-o puts it turning to the bad guy because he was jealous of lion-o before cheetara came into the picture and he is still jealous of lion-o. MAYBE !!!
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:58 PM   #297
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Yeah i think she will stay single or what would be the point in keeping her and tygra on the show if she is not going to do her job. I think she will choose her job in being at lion-o side to help rebuild thundera. The only shadow that lion-o has is that it was probably foretold that he will be the greatest king as this knowledge must have been known to all the clerics at the time especially jaga, he knew mum-ra would return but maybe didn't expect it to be so soon. In the legacy episode it seems to me its cheetara ancestors that built the sword of omens and they may have been the original clerics because the swords metal was "enchanted" so i guess not everyone could use the metal to make something. So thats why i find it a bit ironic that she is the one who presents the sword to lion-o in the first episode and why she seems more connected to the sword as "tower of omens" episode showed when only her eyes glowed the classic yellow. As for tygra i see the "darkness" as lion-o puts it turning to the bad guy because he was jealous of lion-o before cheetara came into the picture and he is still jealous of lion-o. MAYBE !!!
The crew said that the sword's forgers were Cougars, i believe. Not Cheetah's. And her eyes glowed because she was loyal to him completely, as in the OS.

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Old 12-05-2011, 04:31 PM   #298
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
She said she chose him "all those years ago" That's pretty much an "i love you" for them.
That just baffles me. It was like they pulled it out of their butts to make it work.

You think she would have waited in the end, now she has made it worse.

She said she made her choice a long time ago, was she impling Tygra?
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Old 12-05-2011, 04:34 PM   #299
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
That just baffles me. It was like they pulled it out of their butts to make it work.

You think she would have waited in the end, now she has made it worse.

She said she made her choice a long time ago, was she impling Tygra?
Yes, she implied Tygra, since he was the boy who gave her the magic flower that helped her not give up on being a cleric.
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Old 12-05-2011, 04:34 PM   #300
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
I think its pretty clear that Lion-o, however unintended, got messed over by Cheetara and Tygra. At this point Lion-o should limit contact with both of them as much as possible (which admittedly is difficult since there pretty much a small group of nomads). I doubt at this point theres much good that'll come from these three interacting , Lion-o and Tygra have a lifelong rivalry, and Lion-o will see Cheetara as tease so he won't be receptive to her advise or pep talks.
I agree.

I think he would see her as everyone has preceived Lion-o and Tygra. Tygra is the better one who deserves everything.

I feel for Lion-o's character, he has nothing and he is all alone.

I hate the writers how they made the last two episodes!!
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