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Old 04-02-2012, 03:20 PM   #1
Man of the Stacks
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Posts: 362
Some one asked for it, so I did it. It's basically and expanded version of my theories for upcoming episode "The Pit." This fanfiction makes several assumptions about the future dynamic of the show, Lion-O is more mature and decisive, Tygra accepts Lion-O's leadership and offers advice in a more supportive and less critical way, Lion-O and Cheetarah have worked out their problems, and Panthro is still one cool motherf**ker. So here it is, my take on "The Pit."

The Thundercats were assembled in the galley of the Thundertank, crammed together around the small table while Panthro paced back and forth.
“As you can see,” He said as he motioned towards the various cabinets and cubbyholes around the small kitchen, “Our stores are once again dangerously low. We're going to have to make a pit stop soon.”
“We have plenty to trade with, those weapons we took off that Lizard patrol last week alone should be enough to stock us up for awhile.” Lion-O said.
“Are there any settlements that are on the way?” Cheetarah asked.
“Just one. The Dog city of Argos.” Panthro answered dryly.
“That city is huge!” Tygra broke in, “As big as Thundera during its height!”
“It would take us at least a day out of our way to try and go around...” Cheetarah mused.
“Why don't we just go straight through it?” Wilykit asked.
“The Jackals and the cats have never had open hostilities with one another,” Tygra explained, “But I'd just as soon stay away from there. Since the fall the peace between us is no longer guaranteed.”
“Then we'll just have to be on our best behavior.” Lion-O said. “Tygra, Cheetarah and I will go through the city and trade the weapons for supplies. They'll never allow us to take the Thundertank through the heart of the city so Panthro, Wilykit and Kat will meet us on the other side at sundown.”
“We should be at the gates of Argos in the morning.” Panthro informed them.
Lion-O got up from the table and headed for the door “Everyone get a good night's rest, it's gonna be a long day.”

Early the next morning Lion-O and Tygra hitched a small cart to the back of one of the Thunder Racers and piled on as many crates of the Lizard guns as it would carry. After bidding goodbye to Panthro and the Wilytwins the two princes and the cleric headed into the city to peddle their wares.
The city was even bigger than they had thought. The marketplace stretched almost from one end of the city to the other and was full to bursting with stalls and vendor stands. Carts not unlike their own were being pushed two and fro and the sounds of the shopkeeper barking out offers and daily specials rose above the general din of conversation and haggling.
“Look familiar?” Tygra asked his brother.
Lion-O nodded sadly. “It's almost like home.”
“Except here we're the outcasts, so be careful.” Cheetara reminded them.
“Hey, it's us!” Lion-O reminded her.
“I think that's what she's afraid of.” His brother smirked.
The were able to make some fairly good deals early on. Slithe and Mumm-Ra armed their forces with only the best so the guns fetched a high price. Even if they weren't always able to get exactly what they wanted they managed to make a fair trade for something they could sell to someone else later. The three cats were an odd sight and collected plenty of stares and even the odd growl or two, but the crowds left them alone for the most part. Talk was starting to spread of the three strangers looking to unload as many weapons as they could and by lunchtime they had already sold or traded enough stock to keep their larders full for a good long while.
“Not bad for a day's work.” Tygra said as he took stock of their remaining goods.
“It's not over yet.” Lion-O said, “But I think we've all earned a break. How about lunch, on me?”
“Sounds great.” Cheetarah agreed, perching herself on the seat of the Thunder Racer. “We'll wait here.”
“There was this little stall by the fruit stand selling these meat things on sticks.” Tygra suggested.
“And since you'll be over there could you get me some oranges?” Cheetarah asked.
“Sure thing. You two behave yourselves while I'm gone.”
“Why would we start now?” Tygra winked.

By the time Lion-O got to the stand he was looking for the vendor was out of his specialty so he placed his order, picked up Cheetara's oranges, and started to wander around until his food was ready. Roars of laughter and cheering caught his ear from a little side street. He peeked in on the progress of his lunch, decided he had plenty of time for a quick look and jogged towards the source of the sound.

The end of the street opened up into a large circular area. Dogmen were all crowded around a large arena sunken into square. Lion-O managed to worm his way into the crowd enough to see what was going on. Two large Dogmen were squaring off in the arena, both of them looked viscous, snarling and growling.
“Not seen your like around before!” A burly Dogman with drooping jowls said as he clapped young lion on the back. “What brings you around?”
“Just passing through.” Lion-O answered. “I didn't know the games were on.”
“Games!?” The Dogman thundered with laughter, “These are no games pup! Trial by combat, only the hardest and most honorable warriors win the prize!”
“What about the ones who lose?”
The Dogman grinned wickedly. “Most of them never leave the Pit.”
The lion's blood ran cold at the thought. This was barbaric!
“Ah! Looks like Grizzlepaw's making his move!” The Dog pointed out the scragglier-looking spotted dog as he leapt towards his opponent, jaws fixed to close on the jugular, but he never got the chance. The larger brute plucked him right out of the air and slammed him headfirst into the ground. He then picked him back up and repeated the process. Then again. And again. He kept doing it even after it became clear his foe would never be getting up. The victor roared in triumph.
“If you ask me The Grey is the one to beat.” He said, pointing at the winner who was now strutting around the arena, basking in the crowds barks and howls of approval.
“What's the prize?” Lion-O asked.
“They're slaves? That's horrible.”
“Beats the alternative, boy.”
“What do they get out if it?” Lion-O indicated the large crowd, “Gambling?”
“That's barbaric, cat,” The Dogman growled. “Money never changes hands during honorable combat.”
Lion-O turned his attention back to the pit. Two new challengers were being led in. The first strode in proudly waving to the crowd as he entered, but it was the other, who had to dragged in kicking and struggling, that caught his attention. She was a cat.
She was a Thunderan female of Lion-O's own age. Her hair was brown with white bangs and may have been long at one point but was now unevenly cut to shoulder-length. Her clothing was tattered, old, and obviously not made for her. A brown band of rough fabric around her chest served to protect her modesty, a single shoulder strap kept it from falling off. A sort of “skirt” had been made by tying what looked like to be an old sack around her waist. The guards dragged her along by the bronze collar around her neck.
“Looks like this next one will be over quickly.” The Dogman yawned. “I won't miss anything if I grab a bite.” With that he wandered off.
He might as well have been speaking gibberish for all Lion-O heard. The anger burned in him. “honorable combat” his tail! This was slavery and murder!
The young female hugged the walls of the pit, desperately looking for some means of escape. Her opponent circled closer, beating his club on the ground in a savage rhythm. A bloodcurdling snarl ripped from his jaws and he leapt towards the outmatched female, raising his weapon for the first, and only blow he would need.
But he never made it. A flash of blue and gold and the clang of steel on steel blocked the killing stroke from ever touching the girl. The Dog was flabbergasted to see a Lion had entered the Pit and deflected his blow. The fire in his blue eyes was unmistakable.
“Do yourself a favor and drop it.” Lion-O growled. “This ends now.”
The dog spat and took a step or two back, winding up for another swing but before he could Lion-O's gauntlet smashed into his chin from underneath, sending him flying.
Lion-O stood over the stunned and defeated gladiator, the point of his sword fixed at the dog's neck.
“I am Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats!” He roared to the stunned crowd, “And by royal privilege I claim this cat as one of my subjects. You will release her to me.”
“I would not be so hasty if I were you, Cat.” A posh-sounding voice called from the stands, “Your kingdom is fallen, your people scattered. You enjoy no privilege here.”
Lion-O looked to the stands for the source of the voice, a large and imposing dog looked down on him from the highest point of the grandstands. He spoke into a large horn that amplified his voice.
“I am the Warden of this city. I suggest you take any grievances you have with these games up with me.”

Moments later Lion-O and the girl found themselves in a cell under the Pit that had been hastily converted into a sort of office. The Warden sat on a chair behind a rough wooden table while Lion-O stood before him.
“You must understand, Lord of the Thundercats, this is not as cruel a fate as you assume.” The Warden explained calmly. “She was wandering in the marketplace, begging and trying to peddle her skills as a healer. A wealthy merchant hired her and took her into his home. However, when she failed to save the life of his son from illness she was brought here and entered into the games.”
“You mean she was sold into slavery and certain death.” Lion-O countered.
“He could have killed her, it was his right. Instead she has been given a chance at freedom. She will be released when and if she completes her rounds. This is a mercy”
“I see no mercy here.” Lion-O growled.
The Warden sighed and put a hand to his head. “Lion-O you must understand: A ruler, perhaps more than anyone else, is subject to his own laws. I sympathize with her plight, I truly do. I have a daughter myself around her age, but it is out of my hands.”
Just then Tygra and Cheetarah raced into the cell, two guards trailing behind them. “I'm sorry Warden,” The first one panted, “but they would no wait.”
The Warden raised a hand signaling the guards that all was well and turned his attention to his new arrivals.
“Why have you arrested my brother?” Tygra demanded.
“Calm yourself, Prince. There have been no arrests, your brother and I have been discussing the young lady's situation.” The Warden explained everything again for their benefit.
Tygra addressed his brother confidentially. “I don't know what we can do for her. I don't want to leave her here any more than you do, but as long as we're in their city we're subject to their laws, and we can't afford to cause trouble.”
“She hasn't done anything wrong.” Cheetarah said, “There has to be a way.”
A thought occurred to Lion-O, it was a long shot, but it might just work. “What about combat by champion? Could I fight in her place?”
“No! You can't do that!” The young female said, speaking up for the first time. “Please, Lord Lion-O! The Pit is a deathtrap, I'm not worth it.”
“Lion-O, it pains me to say this but she may be right.” Cheetara said. “If it's as bad as she makes it out the risk is too great.”
“A just king should be willing to lay down his life for his people.” Lion-O answered, for a moment he looked and sounded exactly like his late father. His gaze soon softened as he looked at the young female. “Besides, there are are so few of us left, we all have to stick together.”
Tygra and Cheetarah simply looked at one another. There would be no arguing with him this time. Lion-O was right, and ever since his return from his Trials in the Astral Plane he had been more decisive and sure of himself. He was also less reckless, he knew the risk involved and decided it was worth it.
Lion-O turned to the Warden. “Let me fight in her place. Since I am her King and lay claim to her I will be her proxy. Is that allowed under your law?”
The Warden considered carefully for a moment. “Yes it is.” He answered. “But are you sure about this? I am Warden of this city, but I do not control the Pit. I will not be able to help you in there.”
“I understand.” Lion-O said.
As they turned to go the Warden had one last word for them “I'm afraid the guards of the Pit have heard far too many stories about the Sword of Omens and its gauntlet. They will never allow you to carry it into into battle. I can provide you with equivalent weapons.”
Lion-O removed the Claw Shield from his hip with the Sword of Omens resting in it. He handed it to Tygra. “Look after it for me.”
“Only until you get back.” His brother promised.
As they left the cell the female prisoner trailed behind Lion-O, head bowed and looking dejected. “I'm sorry for what I'm putting you though, My Lord.”
“I would do the same for anyone in your position, and you can just call me Lion-O,” her champion explained. “That reminds me, I never did ask your name.”
“P-Pumyra...” She stammered, uneasy about being addressed as an equal by a king.
Lion-O placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Don't worry Pumyra, soon enough you'll be free, and we'll take you anywhere you want to go.”
Pumyra smiled, “Thank-you.”

Lion-O waited in the tunnels under the pit. He was provided with a sword and shield and was testing their balance as the guard informed him of the rules of the Pit. “The warden managed to talk them into naming you the winner of fight you interrupted.” He explained, “That means you've got three more until you're home free. The rules are there are no rules. Dead or alive, and the last man standing is the winner.”
“Bloodsport.” Lion-O summarized. “I get it.”
“Good luck, Cat. You're gonna need it.”
Lion-O stepped out of the gloom of the tunnels and into the harsh glare of the noonday sun. His opponent was already waiting for him, baying for battle and demanding satisfaction. As Lion-O approached the center of the ring his foe suddenly took off like a bullet, running on all fours. This guy was fast! He tore around the ring at a full sprint, changing direction rapidly to throw off his opponent and open him up for the attack. Lion-O whirled around, trying to him in his sights but it was hard. His pattern was wild and erratic, impossible to predict. Lion-O kept losing him.
As he approached the lion's blind spot the Dog once again changed his direction, this time making a beeline straight for Lion-O. There was no time for warning, he tackled Lion-O from behind and pounded on him as they rolled about the ring. Lion-O's sword was knocked from his grip and he fought to get his feet under his attacker in an attempt to free himself. It worked, He caught him in the midsection with both legs, full force.
The dog tumbled across the arena, regained his breath and resumed the attack. Lion-O ignored his lost sword, all it would do is take his focus away from his attacker. He ignored the scrapes and bruises he endured in the last tumble and instead tried using his ears as well as his eyes to try and track the dog's erratic movements. He kept moving around, trying to force the dog into a favorable position before taking a gamble and intentionally turning his back on the beast.
He took he bait, once again locking onto Lion-O and sprinting full-force. Just as he was upon the cat Lion-O whirled around and the dog ran full-force into his shield. Before he had a chance for the stars to clear his vision Lion-O hit him again, this time in the midsection with the bottom corner. The dog doubled over in pain, Lion-O took the opportunity to give him one last whack with the shield, hitting him so hard it dented under the impact with his skull.
The crowd roared with delight as Lion-O made his way back to the tunnels and his defeated opponent was dragged away. At least he didn't have to kill him.

“OW! That hurts!” Lion-O snapped as Pumyra picked gravel out of his wounds and washed the dirt out of them.
“It wouldn't hurt as much if you would stay still...” She reminded him, mildly annoyed. She had already applied a soothing herb poultice to his bruises.
“Sorry,” He said sheepishly, “I really do appreciate this.”
“It's the least I can do, considering the circumstances.” She insisted.
“Don't worry, we're already halfway there.” He gave her a supportive smile. “Wait until you see the Thundertank, Panthro will insist on giving you the tour himself.”
“General Panthro?” She said incredulously, “He's alive?” She was so startled she accidentally pulled the dressing too tight. Lion-O winced in pain as she apologized profusely.
“He's alive all right, and he's a trip, you'll like him.”
“I'm not sure I can handle all this, the crown princes, the last of the Clerics, and now the great general all alive and fighting back... I thought I was alone.”
“Believe me, I've been there. I've been alone in a room full of people and it was entirely my own fault. But I was wrong, I was never alone, and neither are you anymore.” Lion-O noticed how intently she was staring at him. Her green eyes fixated on his. He cleared his throat and asked her, “So... You're a healer?”
She nodded as she cleaned up her supplies. “I was studying when the Fall came. I had hoped to go on to become a doctor but now...”
Lion-O tested the arm she had cleaned and bandaged, there was no pain. “I think you may be on to something.” He said. “We could use someone like you.”
“I don't think so.” She smiled sourly. “I'm worthless in a fight. You saw that.”
“Not all fighting is done with swords and tanks, sometimes it's done with medicine and bandages.” He told her. “No one is worthless, Pumyra.”
She smiled, the first genuine smile he had seen since meeting her. “I guess you're right, but I do have one more question...”
“Go ahead.” He answered.
“What the heck is a 'thunder-tank?'”

Lion-O's second bout, however, was a disaster. Despite a strong start his opponent quickly overtook him by exploiting his injuries, beating him anywhere he was bandaged and knocking him to the ground and mercilessly pounding on his chest. Pumyra watched in horror as the young king was beaten, she was close enough to hear when his ribs cracked and begged him from the sidelines to forget her and forfeit. However her cries only served to spur him on further, and once again gained the upper hand when he managed to lay his hands on a rock big enough to beat the savage Dog with.
Although Lion-O was, ultimately, victorious it seemed a Pyrrhic victory. He had to be carried from the ring and even with Pumyra's skills there was little hope of surviving his final battle.
Pumyra worked as best as she could, but tears kept stinging her eyes and she couldn't see what she was doing as she tried to check for internal bleeding and keep his ribs from breaking completely.
“You can't go back out there!” She sobbed as she fumbled with her tools.
“Shut up.” Lion-O gasped, “I don't have the breath to argue with you right now. Fix me up so I can finish this.”
“Just leave me, what good does sacrificing yourself do?”
“I've been dead once, trust me, I won't let it happen again.” He grunted as she splinted two of his broken fingers. “But what kind of person would I be if I just left you here when we were so close?”
“Please,” She begged him, “I can't be worth all this!”
“I can't just leave you!” He said as his breath came back to him. “I made you a promise.”
“I don't care, I release you from your promise, or whatever,” She pleaded.
“It doesn't work that way.” Lion-O tried to get to his feet but nearly toppled over and had to be supported by the young woman.
“I don't understand, why would you do this?”
“A just king should be willing to die for his people.” He answered.
“He should also live for his people too.” She argued, “Do you really think my life is worth yours?”
She was speechless, he was willing to trade his life for her freedom. Never before had she seen such selflessness. Her heart seemed to break and the tears she had fought so hard to hold back began to flow.
Lion-O steadied himself before limping toward the arena gate. “I'll see you in a bit, and then we'll go home.” She watched him stumble into the light and the crowd roared in approval at his decision to fight despite his injuries.
I just can't let it end like this! She thought, But what do I do? What can I do?

Lion-O squinted in the dying light of the sun. He was afraid of this. His final opponent was the savage Dog man known only as The Grey, the very same Lion-O had seen earlier today when he killed his previous opponent.
“Come on!” Lion-O rasped, “Fight me and get it over with!”
The Grey snorted derisively. This battered whelp wasn't worth his time. He looked like he might just fall over and die on his own if you just waited long enough.
The unfamiliar sword in Lion-O's hands seemed too heavy, he could barely keep the point trained on his foe, he would have to use his weight and momentum just to swing it. He attempted a run at the Grey but it seemed like it took a long time to get started, and before he could even strike a blow a massive paw swatted the borrowed weapon from his hands, while another backhanded him across the face. Lion-O fell to the ground and fought to get back up only to be kicked across the arena, bouncing off one of the walls.
The Grey picked up Lion-O's sword and walked over to the broken cat for the killing blow.
“Goodbye, Cat.” He spoke for the first time today. “Know that you died well.”
“Get away from him!” A voice hissed as a large large stone struck the Grey in the back of the head.
“What!?” He roared. He whirled to face Pumyra, who was already fitting another missile into an improvised sling made from spare bandages. She whirled it around once before loosing the stone which struck the murderous dog near the eye. He bellowed in rage as he ran toward her but she nimbly leapt out of his way and gave him another taste of her sling, a kidney shot right in his side.
The Grey fumbled about the Pit, partially blinded and unable to catch the agile girl. She continued to dance around him fearlessly, pelting him left and right with stones she scooped off the floor of the ring.
“Get OVER here!” The Dog screamed as he desperately tried to lay hold on the cat but she was always just out of his reach. Finally a well-place shot between his legs sent him down for the count.
The assembled crowd was stunned into silence as she then walked over to the fallen Lion-O and gently slid his arm over her shoulder as she half-carried him back to the gate.
“We're leaving.” She told the guards sharply. They opened the gates and the two cats left the pit as the assembled crowd broke into deafening applause.
“Took you long enough...” Lion-O whispered before slipping into unconsciousness.

Lion-O awoke later to the feeling of pressure on his chest. It suddenly disappeared as he opened his eyes to find himself in the Thundertank's small medical bay. As his vision cleared he saw Pumyra was sitting at the edge of the bed, rubbing at her eyes and trying to smooth out her her hair, which was matted on one side.
“Hi.” He said.
“Hi.” She smiled back.
“So, what finally changed your mind about fighting?”
“Nothing.” She answered. “I'm still a healer first, but I couldn't abandon you either.”
“You could have died y'know.” He countered.
“Maybe,” She agreed, “But if a king is truly just his people should be willing to die for him.”
Lion-O smiled. Maybe his vision was still fuzzy, but something was different about her, he couldn't quite put his finger on it until...
“Your clothes, they're different.”
“Cheetarah picked up something for me, I couldn't go around in dirty rags.” She was now wearing a brown suede halter-top with a matching leather skirt. A medical bag hung on her hip and wrapped around her waist like a belt was a proper sling. But something was still a little weird...
“You're still wearing your collar, but you're free now...”
“I know,” She said as she ran a hand around the bronze band on her neck, “I've decided to keep it. To remind me of things worth fighting for.”
Lion-O smiled as he laid his head back on the pillow. “That's good, that's very good.”
As Lion-O drifted back to sleep Pumyra silently and gently lay her head back down on his chest.
And who I'm fighting for... She added silently.

Last edited by SirSapphire; 04-02-2012 at 10:26 PM..
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Old 04-02-2012, 09:34 PM   #2
Witch Doctor
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 193
Some one is a sucker for romance stories. I think I squealed at that ending

You outdid the outline and delivered, thank you!

I took a peek at; this is not marked as complete. So, can we expect chapter 2?
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Old 04-02-2012, 09:40 PM   #3
Man of the Stacks
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Location: Harrisburg, PA
Posts: 362
I think after this I won't try to predict specific episodes. I'm fully expecting to be utterly and completely wrong once April the 28th rolls around, but I might try to give it another chapter or two. I'm kind of pleased how it turned out. I tried to be as subtle as I could while still setting up a possible romance.

I'm far more happy that you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback.

Last edited by SirSapphire; 04-02-2012 at 09:47 PM..
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Old 04-02-2012, 10:17 PM   #4
Witch Doctor
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 193
Actually, predicting episodes could be a lot of fun. Well, it was for me, since you did all the work!

About the subtletly, you could have been a little less subtle. But if you might add a chapter or two, then it makes it more believable. If it's not a oneshot, then by all means, take your time.
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Old 04-03-2012, 10:09 AM   #5
Man of the Stacks
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I was more concerned about introducing Pumyra and Lion-O teaching her to take a more active and less passive role in her life. It was more about showing the potential rather than just pairing them off out of nowhere, that's what irritated a lot of people about Cheetarah/Tygra. Even at the very end I don't think Pumyra is in love with (or even really has a crush on) Lion-O yet, she's just very attached to him. If you've seen Tron: Legacy think of it like Quorra and Sam. There's no kiss, no "I love you," there's just the potential for the next chapter.
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Old 04-06-2012, 03:19 AM   #6
Thunder Kitty
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 7
Nice fic.
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Old 04-06-2012, 10:07 AM   #7
Thunderian Commoner
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 287
I liked it a lot! I like the approach you took with Pumyra. Most of us are assuming she'll be a tough gladiator, but I'm actually leaning towards something like this. I'm not convinced she'll be a skilled fighter.

Aw, that part at the end. Just WAFFY!
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Old 04-06-2012, 04:52 PM   #8
Man of the Stacks
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Location: Harrisburg, PA
Posts: 362
Thanks! You can also find it on FanFiction.Net where there's a bonus epilogue.
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Old 04-06-2012, 05:30 PM   #9
Thunder Kitty
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Posts: 145
Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
Thanks! You can also find it on FanFiction.Net where there's a bonus epilogue.
just read it and the epilogue, nicely done
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Old 04-06-2012, 09:04 PM   #10
Thunderian Commoner
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Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
Thanks! You can also find it on FanFiction.Net where there's a bonus epilogue.
You are a great writer!
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Old 04-06-2012, 09:27 PM   #11
Man of the Stacks
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
You are a great writer!
I'm a Librarian. We're all frustrated writers.
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Old 04-06-2012, 11:44 PM   #12
Witch Doctor
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
I liked it a lot! I like the approach you took with Pumyra. Most of us are assuming she'll be a tough gladiator, but I'm actually leaning towards something like this. I'm not convinced she'll be a skilled fighter.

Aw, that part at the end. Just WAFFY!
Considering the group already has a tomboy, I hope Pumyra is more like this one. She needs to be able to defend herself, of course, but does not need to be just like the other girl, nor any of the guys. You say gladiator I think Panthro in a leotard with bangs and long hair flowing in the wind. It's too much.
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Old 04-06-2012, 11:47 PM   #13
Witch Doctor
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Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
I'm a Librarian. We're all frustrated writers.
Then write more.
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Old 04-07-2012, 12:12 AM   #14
Thunderian Commoner
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Originally Posted by Eclipse View Post
Considering the group already has a tomboy, I hope Pumyra is more like this one. She needs to be able to defend herself, of course, but does not need to be just like the other girl, nor any of the guys. You say gladiator I think Panthro in a leotard with bangs and long hair flowing in the wind. It's too much.
Is Cheetara really a tomboy though(by the standard definition)? When I think tomboy, I think characters like Buttercup(Powerpuff girls), Helga (Hey Arnold), the two chicks from Charlie Brown and Pepper Ann. I guess she's more of the Lola Bunny type of tomboy, or a Wonder Woman (animated) tomboy.

I can see how my post might come off offensive. I think I just slighted myself by writing it.

enough of that..

I agree about her needing to be able to defend herself. I still want her to be able to hold her own against Lion-O. Even though she's a subject, I still want to be able to see them as equals if the two are going to be paired off romantically.
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Old 04-07-2012, 02:35 AM   #15
Witch Doctor
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
Is Cheetara really a tomboy though(by the standard definition)? When I think tomboy, I think characters like Buttercup(Powerpuff girls), Helga (Hey Arnold), the two chicks from Charlie Brown and Pepper Ann. I guess she's more of the Lola Bunny type of tomboy, or a Wonder Woman (animated) tomboy.
Tomboy as in she can hold her own among the guys. She's definitely feminine enough.

Originally Posted by Chique View Post
I can see how my post might come off offensive. I think I just slighted myself by writing it.

enough of that..
I'm clueless here. Really clueless. It's fine to take responsibility for what you write, but you really _really_ are not to blame for whatever ridiculous image pops up in my head. That's my purview, right? I should use more smileys or something.

Originally Posted by Chique View Post
I agree about her needing to be able to defend herself. I still want her to be able to hold her own against Lion-O. Even though she's a subject, I still want to be able to see them as equals if the two are going to be paired off romantically.
I'm all for self defense because these are difficult times. But it could be learned on the go, it's not a skill she necessarily has to bring in. To get back on topic, sort of, she could perfectly be like the fic and be creative, mesh what she knows and what's at hand. If she were to join the team somebody would volunteer to teach her, right? After all, even the kittens are being trained.
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Old 04-07-2012, 08:04 AM   #16
Man of the Stacks
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Location: Harrisburg, PA
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You'd have to be blind, deaf, and insane to think Cheetarah isn't feminine, I can see how you could argue that the very loosest definition of "Tomboy" applies to her (Wilykit too). Young Cheetarah certainly came off as a bit tomboyish, but it looks like something she's outgrown.
What I (and some other fans) would like to see is a character who maybe isn't quite as combat-oriented as the other cats to provide contrast for the group. In the old show Pumyra's status as a healer often led her to look for non-violent solutions to problems. It's not that she couldn't fight, she fought Cheetarah to a standstill in "Catfight," but she thought they just shouldn't have to all the time.
We just don't need "another Cheetarah," or even "Cheetarah, but moreso." If I can make the comparison to another show Cheetarah a bit like Sailor Jupiter (it's not a perfect comparison, but it's close), Pumyra should be more like Sailor Mercury.

Last edited by SirSapphire; 04-07-2012 at 06:50 PM..
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Old 04-14-2012, 04:33 PM   #17
Thunder Kitty
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Oh I see.
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