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Old 03-25-2012, 10:02 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
Ummm... your excuse for cheetara surrendering.
I'm sorry, but no, it isn't relative to anything I said. The two situations are completely different.
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Old 03-25-2012, 10:48 PM   #152
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I was hoping that Lion-O and her would end up together, but after seeing this episode I guess it won't ever happen. Now I just wish they stop the love triangle angle and let Cheetara and Tygra be happy. Instead they should concentrate on building Lion-O from a jealous boy to a man worthy of being king. Let him move on and take having his heart broken as a lesson of maturity. The lesson being that you can only count on yourself, and emotions only drag you down lol.
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Old 03-25-2012, 11:54 PM   #153
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I'm lovin' the thundertank add-on, I hope they make an add on which i could add to my (toy) tank now, a sort of place on top kinda thing with a much bigger back area where i can 'sit" the figures since the driver seat only holds 1., Or they can just sell a whole new version of the tank itself with nothing removeable. .
The only thing i didnt like was those new long arms, I think the whole idea of Panthro getting his arms cutt off, was lame!!!.
I would have settled for just 1 arm and than having him have 1 real arm and 1 metel arm which would then give that new arm more fighting power, him able to punch holes and break down walls by 1 swing, not the fantastic way tho. lol.
Everything else about this show was kool, i give this show a 7/10
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Old 03-26-2012, 04:02 AM   #154
Pravus Prime
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Originally Posted by bronwynn View Post
Since it seems that many posters on this board are very anti-Cheetara, I am expecting to get a lot of grief over my post. Still, it is my opinion and I thought I would post it anyway.
Wouldn't be much of a discussion board if everyone stayed quiet against any dissenting opinion.

Originally Posted by bronwynn View Post
Cheetara sided with Tygra, but I don't think it is because they are a couple. She knew it was a dangerous move because the lizards weren't willing to unite with the TC and they were still a threat. She has sided with Lion-O over Tygra many times and I think she will take the side of whoever has the opinion that she believes in for that instance. Lion-O was quite immature by reacting that way to her objection to attack. Here is is talking about unity and then he goes and starts a battle that he is outnumbered for and he put himself in danger. After Cheetara and Tygra joined him in the fight, they were still at a disadvantage because Addicus and Kaynar fight dirty and relentlessly for no other satisfaction than shedding blood. Lion-O let his emotions get the best of him.
Disagree on many of those points.

First of all, every battle is a danger. Otherwise it is routing. Secondly, it's hard to call his engagement that foolish; with the gauntlet and the sword the lizards don't possess anything that can match him. Lion-O didn't know that Slithe, Monkian, and Jackalman were there waiting to show themselves.

Secondly, while Lion-O entered the fight partly driven by his irratation, he also did so to maintain the line he had drawn since the first episode, that the lizards were an oppressed people who deserve a chance at peace. For him to do nothing would show that he only enforces the view when it's convenient.

While Cheetara has disagreed with Lion-O in the past (such as in Ramaluk), this is the first time we see her not as trying to aide Lion-O but defy him, not once, but twice.

Originally Posted by bronwynn View Post
The lizards were fighting under Mumm-Ra because they were forced into being soldiers. The new generals love war and are motivated to kill. This makes them far more dangerous. Kaynar got Tygra in a position where his life was in danger. The choice was given: surrender or Tygra is dead. Cheetara threw down her staff and tried to buy him some time. Lion-O wanted to keep fighting, even if Tygra's life would have been lost. When she said "I need to stick with him" I think she said that because they were acting like a team, unified and looking out for one another; Lion-O was acting like a rogue without any regard for the unity he so desperately wants. I don't think it had anything to do with them being a couple but rather it was acting unified as a team. She wasn't willing to have a teammate killed over a poor decision not to admit they were defeated. Panthro and his new arms and suped up new ThunderTank saved the day.
The lizards joined Mumm-Ra to survive, the TCats had been oppressing them for generations, leaving them only barely able to survive.

Cheetara truly defied Lion-O and would've gotten the group killed. End of story. Her surrendering didn't buy time, it put them all to death. Panthro showing up was not something she knew was coming and was trying to hold out for, she was trying to save her boyfriend and lost sight of the goals. Had Panthro arrived 10 minutes later, they'd all be dead. Lion-O's refusal to surrender was the right call, they have to keep fighting or it's over for them.

Which is the essence of the problem; while as mentioned she isn't Lion-O's blind supporter, everything she did was in support of him until the last bit, where suddenly she is a new character, openly defying him, antagonizing him, and putting the group at risk because she's got a new boy toy.

Originally Posted by bronwynn View Post
I believe that the Lion-O supporters will see Cheetara even more negatively than they already had. She and Tygra had some sweet moments in the beginning. Lion-O tried to wish them well, but told Cheetara that he hadn't meant it and that he was confused and thought their was something between them. She explained that she still does support him and believe in him and that Jaga had asked her to watch over him. She feels that nothing between them has changed except that her heart belongs to someone else. He said that it changes everything and walked away from her. I thought he felt betrayed, but I think she did too. He sees her differently now that he knows they won't be romantically involved? I think she felt just a betrayed as he did.

Sweet moments? Try extremely poorly written forced flashback trying to justify the heel face turn Cheetara's about to commit.

They are writing Cheetara as a different character at this point from before and they know it.

Originally Posted by bronwynn View Post
She supported Lion-O on every mission except the one where he wanted to charge a group of lizards that they had already bested and set free, but who rejoined Mumm-Ra's army anyway. To question her loyalty is ridiculous. She has proven it time and time again.
Rejoined Mumm-Ra's Army? Being in restraints being led at gunpoint is rejoining?

Again, she didn't support Lion-O in Ramalak. All it takes is one blatant betrayal to make every prior occurance of loyalty meaningless, which we got in this episode when she threw down her staff.

Originally Posted by bronwynn View Post
I also believe that if Cheetara had told Tygra to take a hike and had given her heart to Lion-O that many posters would defend her actions and have a completely different opinion of her. I think that many fans wanted a Lion-O/Cheetara ship and, that not being the direction that the show has taken, fans have turned against Cheetara and are comparing her with the enemy. I think that is over the top and I hate that a strong female character is ultimately defined by her ship rather than her own actions.

Just my two sense. I know the backlash is coming.
Strong female character? Really? How?

Also, let's say Cheetara did choose Lion-O. And when Tygra was captured tossed down her staff and surrendered. I wouldn't feel any different, she betrayed the team and would still be a terrible character.

Honestly, most of the cats are pretty poor characters for that matter.

Actually, to be entirely honest, I probably won't be debating this any further, to do so would require more passion for this series then I feel the staff making the series have put into these episodes. Personally I find it astonishing how they could've gone from such a strong introduction and early episodes to the point where the series is just bland to the point of indifference.

(Lastly, Grammar Nazi; It's cents, as in currency, not sense, as in feel.)

Last edited by Pravus Prime; 03-26-2012 at 04:08 AM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 04:12 AM   #155
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I love when someone repeats what I said with much prettier words but as I stated before I agree with Prime and I believe staff was really forced on to this because there was no need for trials up till now.

Now Lion'O has an excuse for trials. He needs a second chance, he needs to fix Chetara's and Tygra's mistakes, he needs to save kittens, he needs to reclaim the SoO, he needs to unite animals, he needs to become a true king.

I still believe they can pull it of, they did few good moves in ep 14 and I believe it will get better in upcoming episodes.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:30 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
fanfics can and do have every single ship you can think of. There's even Lion-O/Tygra ships.
The OS tygra/panthro ship was very popular
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:38 AM   #157
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
Turning invisible is not dirty?
There is no such thing as fighting dirty because its all about strategy. We see how turning invisible worked out for "great and well studied strategy expert" tygra
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:41 AM   #158
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The Armour of Omens will be something good to see. Hopefully will be a more modern one and not the one we've seen already. And lets hope hasbro releases is in a proper scale and not the giant version they gave us. We don't need a regular Lion-O to put inside.

I think we will see new Thundercats soon and probably one female which will be Lion-O's new love. Pumyra ?
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:21 AM   #159
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I was thinking this morning. People say she's not doing her job as a cleric. But Tygra is also Lion-O's brother. The clerics are the "guardians of the crown" and most places, I think, the crown is the whole royal family. She could very well be sworn to protect both of them.
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:41 AM   #160
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Wow, four months of waiting and we get this episode? By far the worst writing of the fledgling season. The love triangle thing is a total mess. The animation was unimpressive and Panthro's stretchy arms are an abomination! Why do the Thundercats need so many useless new powers? Cheetara's staff with roots? It hasn't helped them much. Tygra's gun play? Meh. Now Panthro with bendy arms - is this so we can have a Stretch-Armstrong Panthro toy? I thought that the voice they chose for Addicus definitely did not match the barbarian theme. He spoke with a sophisticated British accent! It was comical! Now Mumm-Ra is using psychopaths to lead his pathetic lizard army. What has happened to this show? Remember the lizard army that destroyed Thundera? What happened to those guys and all their mecha? I hope Saturday's episode will fix this mess.
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:45 AM   #161
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
So you want the Tcats to start fighting dirty? They're the heroes. They're supposed to be honorable and moral. This is a cartoon for kids not a real life war.
There are only two ways to deal with people fighting dirty. Either you're a) much stronger than them at which point you'll still win or b) you fight dirty as well. Since b) is out , the cats only have a) left. It's no good whining about how they're losing cause the opponents are fighting dirty. It's a personal peeve of mine that people complain about others fighting dirty when they never really try harder to win. Which brings me to my 2nd point

Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post

You know what is werid is when the cats get captured in 15, tygra causes a distraction to get the upper hand. They could've done something like that too.
Okay, it seems like the whole cast got hit with the idiot ball this episode. Let's put it this way. On one side, we have a cat who can turn invisible, has a long range weapon and has a GUN. We have another cat who's super super fast, like speedster fast and can apparently make...wood grow. (bad innuendo) And then we have a cat who has a magical sword and 2 stones of great power. On the other side we have...a dog, a monkey and a lizard with a gun. HTF DID THEY LOSE SO BADLY!?!?!? Seriously, looking at all the abilities one party has, they should be wiping the floor with the other side.

Originally Posted by theking View Post
I was hoping that Lion-O and her would end up together, but after seeing this episode I guess it won't ever happen. Now I just wish they stop the love triangle angle and let Cheetara and Tygra be happy. Instead they should concentrate on building Lion-O from a jealous boy to a man worthy of being king. Let him move on and take having his heart broken as a lesson of maturity. The lesson being that you can only count on yourself, and emotions only drag you down lol.
The love triangle won't stop so quickly, for one simple reason. Romance drama sells -_- Teens love it and it starts shipping wars. Plus the way they were talking about the triangle before the show started airing, I expect the romance drama to continue on for quite a while.

Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I was thinking this morning. People say she's not doing her job as a cleric. But Tygra is also Lion-O's brother. The clerics are the "guardians of the crown" and most places, I think, the crown is the whole royal family. She could very well be sworn to protect both of them.
Um, no. In other places maybe but it's proven in thundera that the crown = can only be carried by lions, which in this case is only Lion-O.
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:53 AM   #162
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At the end of the ep when panthro says we need to stick together cheetara and tygra have this look on their faces like they have a different plan of heir own, so again i question their commitment to rebuilding thundera
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:03 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
At the end of the ep when panthro says we need to stick together cheetara and tygra have this look on their faces like they have a different plan of heir own, so again i question their commitment to rebuilding thundera
They looked really PO. Especially tygra.

Jaga told lion-o he needed more than just the stones to beat mummra. Jaga was telling him he needed the animals.

I think tygra and cheetara's plan would be beat mummra, well they try and lion-o will have to save them.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:06 AM   #164
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Okay, it seems like the whole cast got hit with the idiot ball this episode. Let's put it this way. On one side, we have a cat who can turn invisible, has a long range weapon and has a GUN. We have another cat who's super super fast, like speedster fast and can apparently make...wood grow. (bad innuendo) And then we have a cat who has a magical sword and 2 stones of great power. On the other side we have...a dog, a monkey and a lizard with a gun. HTF DID THEY LOSE SO BADLY!?!?!? Seriously, looking at all the abilities one party has, they should be wiping the floor with the other side.

The love triangle won't stop so quickly, for one simple reason. Romance drama sells -_- Teens love it and it starts shipping wars. Plus the way they were talking about the triangle before the show started airing, I expect the romance drama to continue on for quite a while.

Um, no. In other places maybe but it's proven in thundera that the crown = can only be carried by lions, which in this case is only Lion-O.[/QUOTE]

You are correct on the love triangle, we will see more of it in the next episode.

Love triangle seems like it is in every thing now.

Tygra switched places with lion-o, he wouldn't surrender. Cheetara is so OOC in this episode.

Clerics serve the king. Secert Service is going to protect the President before the Vice.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:09 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by Grippen View Post
The Armour of Omens will be something good to see. Hopefully will be a more modern one and not the one we've seen already. And lets hope hasbro releases is in a proper scale and not the giant version they gave us. We don't need a regular Lion-O to put inside.

I think we will see new Thundercats soon and probably one female which will be Lion-O's new love. Pumyra ?
I can't wait to see the AoO too. I wonder if it will be different with lion-o.

I will quit the show if I am foreced to accept pumyra. I would rather lion-o have no one even if T/C are the final couple.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:09 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
There is no such thing as fighting dirty because its all about strategy. We see how turning invisible worked out for "great and well studied strategy expert" tygra
You are correct.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:56 AM   #167
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It was a good introduction to Monkian and Jackalman. The voices will take a bit to get used to but I like the fact that they are more than just two dumb mutants who the T-Cats fight week in and week out.

I like how Lion-O reacted to the whole Cheetara situation and how he confronted her.

Hope to see more of the classic characters introduced into the new toon.
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Old 03-26-2012, 11:21 AM   #168
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I also liked that Lion-O confronted Cheetara but why after he tells Cheetara and Tygra that he's happy for them? Why not bring it up his confusion when the three are together? Cheetara's excuses for why she led him on were ridiculous! Her telling Lion-O that Tygra set her up to lead Lion-O on is outrageous! I think the writers have a tough job stuffing a lot of story into very short episodes but perhaps if they tried to concentrate on some continuity things would work themselves out. Characters are constantly contradicting themselves, they forget their abilities and weapons. They fight when they shouldn't and surrender at the worst times. Lion-O seems less mature now then when he left the ruins of Thundera. I still can't believe that the Thundercats team is not in agreement as to how they will continue to fight Mumm-Ra's army and to what end!
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Old 03-26-2012, 11:55 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by Covenant View Post
I also liked that Lion-O confronted Cheetara but why after he tells Cheetara and Tygra that he's happy for them? Why not bring it up his confusion when the three are together? Cheetara's excuses for why she led him on were ridiculous! Her telling Lion-O that Tygra set her up to lead Lion-O on is outrageous! I think the writers have a tough job stuffing a lot of story into very short episodes but perhaps if they tried to concentrate on some continuity things would work themselves out. Characters are constantly contradicting themselves, they forget their abilities and weapons. They fight when they shouldn't and surrender at the worst times. Lion-O seems less mature now then when he left the ruins of Thundera. I still can't believe that the Thundercats team is not in agreement as to how they will continue to fight Mumm-Ra's army and to what end!
See that is where I think lion-o feels betrayed by cheetara. If he had a problem with tygra, then he would've brought it up. You notice he has kept it away from tygra.

Jaga said watch over him, not anything else.

Remember they want to add layers to the characters and they want to make it tough for lion-o.
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Old 03-26-2012, 12:02 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post

Um, no. In other places maybe but it's proven in thundera that the crown = can only be carried by lions, which in this case is only Lion-O.
Not the literal crown. Only a Lion can be King, yes, but "the crown" is the whole royal family. They didn't say the clerics are the "guardians of the king" they're the guardians of the crown. Cheetara was watching over Lion-O while he was still a prince wasn't she?

Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post

Clerics serve the king. Secert Service is going to protect the President before the Vice.
The secret service protects the president's whole family. They protect the preisdent first, but they also protect the first lady and any children they have.
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Old 03-26-2012, 12:45 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Not the literal crown. Only a Lion can be King, yes, but "the crown" is the whole royal family. They didn't say the clerics are the "guardians of the king" they're the guardians of the crown. Cheetara was watching over Lion-O while he was still a prince wasn't she?

The secret service protects the president's whole family. They protect the preisdent first, but they also protect the first lady and any children they have.
We are going to have to disagree.

Lion-o was the King, cleric's duty is the king first and then everyone else.
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Old 03-26-2012, 12:54 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
See that is where I think lion-o feels betrayed by cheetara. If he had a problem with tygra, then he would've brought it up. You notice he has kept it away from tygra.

Jaga said watch over him, not anything else.

Remember they want to add layers to the characters and they want to make it tough for lion-o.
Exactly. Lion-o knows Cheetara led him on, and is rightly putting the blame on her not Tygra. Cheetara either has a massive ego, or is totally delusional to expect Lion-o to see her in the same light.
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Old 03-26-2012, 01:03 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
We are going to have to disagree.

Lion-o was the King, cleric's duty is the king first and then everyone else.
What they seem to be forgetting is lion-o is not their equal and that they made that pledge to serve lion-o in front of jaga. Now we've seen tygra try to kill lion-o and cheetara forgoing her duties so i guess since thundera is no more those rules no longer apply to them
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Old 03-26-2012, 01:11 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Exactly. Lion-o knows Cheetara led him on, and is rightly putting the blame on her not Tygra. Cheetara either has a massive ego, or is totally delusional to expect Lion-o to see her in the same light.
Clearly she isn't fit to be advising anyone. When lion-o told her that it changes everything she thought it wouldn't, now it should be clear even to her that it does. And instead of accepting the blame of her actions she blames it on jaga
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Old 03-26-2012, 01:41 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Clearly she isn't fit to be advising anyone. When lion-o told her that it changes everything she thought it wouldn't, now it should be clear even to her that it does. And instead of accepting the blame of her actions she blames it on jaga
She would be wrong to blame jaga. Jaga said watch over him, not flirt or any other stuff.
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Old 03-26-2012, 01:45 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Exactly. Lion-o knows Cheetara led him on, and is rightly putting the blame on her not Tygra. Cheetara either has a massive ego, or is totally delusional to expect Lion-o to see her in the same light.
That is why I believe cheetara changed the prediction. I am glad he has kept tygra out of it.

So you could say lion-o feels betrayed by cheetara three times.
1. Kiss
2. Taking Tygra's side
3. Surrendering

I think the last one was the final straw.

Last edited by L08e16o; 03-26-2012 at 01:51 PM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 02:04 PM   #177
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At the rate things are going, Mumm-Ra should just manipulate everyone to win the day. If he saw how fragile the trust between the team is, he would just be like "that's all it took? Just let them fight over a woman?". "Transform this decayed form to Cheetara" lol. Hopefully the future episodes bring closure to the love triangle and redeem the characters, since they pale in comparison to the classic ones, (except Panthro he cool).
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Old 03-26-2012, 02:10 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
That is why I believe cheetara changed the prediction. I am glad he has kept tygra out of it.

So you could say lion-o feels betrayed by cheetara three times.
1. Kiss
2. Taking Tygra's side
3. Surrendering

I think the last one was the final straw.
Before, I called Cheetara shady and manipulative, now I think I'll add "dangerously incompetant" to that as well. Even now, she refuses too see how her behavior has created the current situation, and that Lion-o has every right to want nothing to do with her. I can only imagine what Claudus would have done if she pulled any of this stuff on him.
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Old 03-26-2012, 02:12 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by theking View Post
At the rate things are going, Mumm-Ra should just manipulate everyone to win the day. If he saw how fragile the trust between the team is, he would just be like "that's all it took? Just let them fight over a woman?". "Transform this decayed form to Cheetara" lol. Hopefully the future episodes bring closure to the love triangle and redeem the characters, since they pale in comparison to the classic ones, (except Panthro he cool).
Yep, like I said before, Cheetara is more of a threat than Mumm-ra himself.
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Old 03-26-2012, 05:47 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I was thinking this morning. People say she's not doing her job as a cleric. But Tygra is also Lion-O's brother. The clerics are the "guardians of the crown" and most places, I think, the crown is the whole royal family. She could very well be sworn to protect both of them.
Yes, the Crown, which is primarily embodied by the Lord of the Thundercats… Lion-O.

While Tygra may be part of the Royal Family, Cheetara directly disobeyed the King in order to protect her boyfriend, which in end would have only served to get them all killed faster. Her decision did not aid either Tygra or Lion-O.
Cheetara’s decision to surrender was emotional while Lion-O’s decision to continue fighting was the only rational option left as it seemed like a no-win situation.

You want to challenge someone’s authority? Want to make a symbolic gesture to prove your eternal love (which incidentally sprang out of nowhere) to someone? Great, go for it, but not during most precarious moment on the battlefield.

Last edited by stac; 03-26-2012 at 06:29 PM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 06:55 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
Yes, the Crown, which is primarily embodied by the Lord of the Thundercats… Lion-O.

While Tygra may be part of the Royal Family, Cheetara directly disobeyed the King in order to protect her boyfriend, which in end would have only served to get them all killed faster. Her decision did not aid either Tygra or Lion-O.
Cheetara’s decision to surrender was emotional while Lion-O’s decision to continue fighting was the only rational option left as it seemed like a no-win situation.

You want to challenge someone’s authority? Want to make a symbolic gesture to prove your eternal love (which incidentally sprang out of nowhere) to someone? Great, go for it, but not during most precarious moment on the battlefield.
Directly disobeyed him? I don't recall him actually giving her an order to keep fighting.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:00 PM   #182
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In fact if they had strictly followed everything he tells them to do he would've been running into that fight alone and they would've went back to the Berbil village.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:23 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Not the literal crown. Only a Lion can be King, yes, but "the crown" is the whole royal family. They didn't say the clerics are the "guardians of the king" they're the guardians of the crown. Cheetara was watching over Lion-O while he was still a prince wasn't she?
The more common assumption is the crown is the king and whoever can be king. Otherwise they would just have said 'protects the royal family'. For that matter, it would make more sense that when they say the clerics protect the crown, they protect it so that the lineage can remain unthreatened.

The secret service protects the president's whole family. They protect the preisdent first, but they also protect the first lady and any children they have.
Given a choice between saving the first lady, the children or the president, WHO do you think the secret service are going to save?

Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
In fact if they had strictly followed everything he tells them to do he would've been running into that fight alone and they would've went back to the Berbil village.
And panthro would have come out and STILL saved him. Cause you know, panthro has better sense than that.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:28 PM   #184
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Directly disobeyed him? I don't recall him actually giving her an order to keep fighting.
Really? That should be considered an excuse for what Cheetara did?

When Slythe asks Lion-O to surrender, he replies “Never!”
After Cheetara throws down her weapon, Lion-O asks her what she’s doing and reminds her that she told him that they must “stick together.” She then rubs it in Lion-O’s face, saying she has to stick with Tygra.

She not only defies Lion-O, she gives the enemy useful knowledge about the power dynamics within the team.

Perhaps, I should have said she ‘defied’ him? Either way her actions were driven by emotion, she doomed them all when she surrendered.

On a side note, Tygra’s smirk at Cheetara’s reply is most amusing, considering a spear was being held to his back.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:48 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by theking View Post
At the rate things are going, Mumm-Ra should just manipulate everyone to win the day. If he saw how fragile the trust between the team is, he would just be like "that's all it took? Just let them fight over a woman?". "Transform this decayed form to Cheetara" lol. Hopefully the future episodes bring closure to the love triangle and redeem the characters, since they pale in comparison to the classic ones, (except Panthro he cool).
Look at history, men were always fighting over women. Let's just face it, we are stupid.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:50 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
Yes, the Crown, which is primarily embodied by the Lord of the Thundercats… Lion-O.

While Tygra may be part of the Royal Family, Cheetara directly disobeyed the King in order to protect her boyfriend, which in end would have only served to get them all killed faster. Her decision did not aid either Tygra or Lion-O.
Cheetara’s decision to surrender was emotional while Lion-O’s decision to continue fighting was the only rational option left as it seemed like a no-win situation.

You want to challenge someone’s authority? Want to make a symbolic gesture to prove your eternal love (which incidentally sprang out of nowhere) to someone? Great, go for it, but not during most precarious moment on the battlefield.
I agree. Kings would've killed them for going against them.

Lion-o is the crown or should I say the lions. Clerics are their body guards.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:53 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
The more common assumption is the crown is the king and whoever can be king. Otherwise they would just have said 'protects the royal family'. For that matter, it would make more sense that when they say the clerics protect the crown, they protect it so that the lineage can remain unthreatened.

Given a choice between saving the first lady, the children or the president, WHO do you think the secret service are going to save?

And panthro would have come out and STILL saved him. Cause you know, panthro has better sense than that.
The President. SS is there to protect the office (the President). When you do what cheetara did you comprise the mission.

No one knew panthro was coming, they thougth he was still getting his new arms. Good thing the kids knew something is wrong with lion-o.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:55 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
Really? That should be considered an excuse for what Cheetara did?

When Slythe asks Lion-O to surrender, he replies “Never!”
After Cheetara throws down her weapon, Lion-O asks her what she’s doing and reminds her that she told him that they must “stick together.” She then rubs it in Lion-O’s face, saying she has to stick with Tygra.

She not only defies Lion-O, she gives the enemy useful knowledge about the power dynamics within the team.

Perhaps, I should have said she ‘defied’ him? Either way her actions were driven by emotion, she doomed them all when she surrendered.

On a side note, Tygra’s smirk at Cheetara’s reply is most amusing, considering a spear was being held to his back.
You saw that too. He was rubbing it in and I laughed about it. I actually enjoyed that.

She is acting OOC. She is lion-o's subject and she bailed on him.

Last edited by L08e16o; 03-26-2012 at 08:03 PM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:20 PM   #189
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since we're talking about the secret service, make a few of them to choose between the president and their wives. Some may still choose the president, but I guarantee all of them wouldn't.

I mean geeze people she might be his subject, and she might be his bodyguard, but she is NOT his slave.

"she let her feelings get in the way" well you know what? she's not a robot either.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:02 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
since we're talking about the secret service, make a few of them to choose between the president and their wives. Some may still choose the president, but I guarantee all of them wouldn't.

I mean geeze people she might be his subject, and she might be his bodyguard, but she is NOT his slave.

"she let her feelings get in the way" well you know what? she's not a robot either.
a subject dosent have to be a slave. chill out dude. how about we try to be cool and get along.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:12 PM   #191
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feast your eyes on this.

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Old 03-26-2012, 09:16 PM   #192
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this is my favorite

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Old 03-26-2012, 09:22 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
since we're talking about the secret service, make a few of them to choose between the president and their wives. Some may still choose the president, but I guarantee all of them wouldn't.

I mean geeze people she might be his subject, and she might be his bodyguard, but she is NOT his slave.

"she let her feelings get in the way" well you know what? she's not a robot either.
So your answer to a clear objective of the SS is to give a hypothetical scenario in which the SS will choose to save the wife instead of the president? And you expect to be taken seriously? Here's another hypothetical scenario to counter your hypothetical scenario; what if ALL of them chose to save the president? As for guarantee? What guarantee do you have? Do you have some survey of the SS where they were polled and some answered 'no, if it came down to it, I would choose to save the first lady instead of the president'? Or are you just misusing the word guarantee?

BTW, the SS aren't the presidents slaves either but they do have a sacred duty. The fact you think duty = slave is very telling.
I mean, look at it this way. If the SS saves the president, they spare the country from anarchy and turmoil. If they choose to let the president die to save the wife/kids/random puppy/whatever, they have just fulfilled the trope 'GJ breaking it hero'
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:52 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
So your answer to a clear objective of the SS is to give a hypothetical scenario in which the SS will choose to save the wife instead of the president? And you expect to be taken seriously? Here's another hypothetical scenario to counter your hypothetical scenario; what if ALL of them chose to save the president? As for guarantee? What guarantee do you have? Do you have some survey of the SS where they were polled and some answered 'no, if it came down to it, I would choose to save the first lady instead of the president'? Or are you just misusing the word guarantee?

BTW, the SS aren't the presidents slaves either but they do have a sacred duty. The fact you think duty = slave is very telling.
I mean, look at it this way. If the SS saves the president, they spare the country from anarchy and turmoil. If they choose to let the president die to save the wife/kids/random puppy/whatever, they have just fulfilled the trope 'GJ breaking it hero'
I said their wives not the presidents wife. No one would expect them to save the First Lady before the president. This is an argument about people choosing someone they love over duty.

I don't think that duty = slavery. And not once did I say that. I was saying the exact opposite of that. Ya'll are the ones that seem to think that she has to do everything Lion-O wants her to.

Last edited by Balgus82; 03-26-2012 at 09:55 PM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 10:47 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
since we're talking about the secret service, make a few of them to choose between the president and their wives. Some may still choose the president, but I guarantee all of them wouldn't.

I mean geeze people she might be his subject, and she might be his bodyguard, but she is NOT his slave.

"she let her feelings get in the way" well you know what? she's not a robot either.
As I and the others have said before, her choosing Tygra by surrendering destroyed any chance any of them might have had to make it out alive. Her decision almost cost all three of them their lives. There was no tactical advantage to surrendering. Lion-O made the right call.

She not only does a 180 turn and chooses Tygra, but she also refuses to stand by Lion-O when he needed her the most.

Cheetara’s decision was incredibly naïve. Slythe has been hunting the ThunderCats since Thundera fell and he’s even brought in new Generals to help deal with them. What did she think they would do when they surrendered? Let them live happily ever after?

Maybe the writers did this just to rub it in Lion-O’s face a bit more. Maybe they feel the only way to build Lion-O’s character is to first break him down completely. And then do it some more.

Last edited by stac; 03-26-2012 at 10:52 PM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 10:54 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
The OS tygra/panthro ship was very popular
Seeing Jelenic's crazy stunts, it's possible in the NS too. It turns out Tygra's true love is panthtro

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.
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Old 03-26-2012, 11:00 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
You saw that too. He was rubbing it in and I laughed about it. I actually enjoyed that.

She is acting OOC. She is lion-o's subject and she bailed on him.
She knows Lion-O will die in the next episode. No point in siding with Lion-O. So her loyalty is to Tygra now, seeing she will loose the chance to take the crown from Lion-O she switch sides with Tygra completely. And seeing Tygra's jealousy from the past 13 episodes, she knows that manipulating Tygra will be easy too. Later when Lion-O returns from the dead she will switch side again. Thus she is called the anorexic ho by Dan Norton.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Last edited by cmangund; 03-26-2012 at 11:20 PM..
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Old 03-26-2012, 11:59 PM   #198
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
She knows Lion-O will die in the next episode. No point in siding with Lion-O. So her loyalty is to Tygra now, seeing she will loose the chance to take the crown from Lion-O she switch sides with Tygra completely. And seeing Tygra's jealousy from the past 13 episodes, she knows that manipulating Tygra will be easy too. Later when Lion-O returns from the dead she will switch side again. Thus she is called the anorexic ho by Dan Norton.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.
So Cheetara is reaching Lady Macbeth levels of manipulation? I can believe it.

Last edited by stormbringer; 03-27-2012 at 12:03 AM..
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:01 AM   #199
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
As I and the others have said before, her choosing Tygra by surrendering destroyed any chance any of them might have had to make it out alive. Her decision almost cost all three of them their lives. There was no tactical advantage to surrendering. Lion-O made the right call.
Sometimes it's not about winning. Sometimes it's just about doing what you think is the right thing to do.
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Old 03-27-2012, 01:03 AM   #200
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I said their wives not the presidents wife. ... This is an argument about people choosing someone they love over duty.
The answer is zero.

No Secret Service agent would choose their wife over the President. Ever. It's what make them part of the detail of the Secret Service.
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