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Old 04-06-2012, 11:35 AM   #751
Mako Crab
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Just saw Trials part 1. Thought it was a great episode. I was just thinking back to the original trials and Lion-O's test against Wilykit and Wilykat. I forget exactly what the point was, but I remember that despite being fooled several times, and despite thinking that he was being fooled again, he still went back to check on the twins and wound up saving their lives.

This trial of wits was still good, but I think the lesson was a bit different. Something like- open your eyes, Lion-O! Heehee!

The trial against Cheetara was cool. At first I thought he might get paid a visit by the Petalars in the AP, especially Emeric. I thought he was falling back into that thickly wooded forest that they first met the Petalars in. The prickly vine maze was cool. Made me think of The Shining. The whole time I was watching Lion-O run through the maze, I kept thinking, "Climb to the top and run on top of the walls!" Of course, being that the vines were covered in thorns, that probably wouldn't work either. I liked his solution. Good stuff.

What's this about Tygra beating Lion-O in the AP? I didn't see him at all. Was their a trailer for episode 16 or something?

I like that in the real world the Cats were still able to free themselves, even if they didn't get the sword back. I always hated in the Wildstorm Comics that the Cats pretty much fell apart without Lion-O there to guide them. Same thing always happens in Transformers whenever Optimus Prime dies (which is a lot). The Autobots just go to pieces and can't barely function without him around. It's like, these are your elite warriors that you've handpicked personally, and they can't go a day without you to tell them what to do? So sad.

And I did like that despite all their bickering and griping, that both Cheetara and Tygra showed shock and grief right after they thought Lion-O had been pushed to his death. I think they'll be overjoyed when they see him return.
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Old 04-06-2012, 11:28 PM   #752
Witch Doctor
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Originally Posted by Mako Crab View Post
I think they'll be overjoyed when they see him return.
We will all be
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Old 04-07-2012, 04:38 PM   #753
Thunder Kitty
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BTW, addressing some of the concerns about Lion-O not using the claw grapple.

Yes, it was posted on 4chan too. They're great at picking things apart, but only water physics came up fortunately.

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Old 05-12-2012, 07:41 AM   #754
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
I still think tygra would've moved and was waiting for the right moment. The writing was just bad. I would've liked it if went down like this : when attic and kaynar jumper out instead of tygra going down there he stayed up on the hill and use his sniper rifle and cheetara runs in and pulls lion-o out of trouble the captured lizards see the cats still helped them and escape in the confusion. Slithe atticus and kaynar retreat and tygra says hey lion-o I saved your tail again. You know that was the usual pattern before

I always was of the mindset that Tygra could have just tricked Kaynar into cutting his whip or Lion-O could have done a slight dash and used the Sword to free him. Cheetara could have just dropped straight down right out of Addy's grip or stepped on his foot.

You are correct, the writing WAS just all around bad.
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Old 05-12-2012, 07:50 AM   #755
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I don't want to be thought of as a Lion-O hater. I don't hate Lion-O. I just expect more from him sometimes. I rather like him in the episodes where he doesn't do stupid things. The premiere. Berbils. etc.

The vast majority also expect more from Tygra. Funny how life works.
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Old 05-12-2012, 07:54 AM   #756
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
one side is taking things at face value as they saw it, and the other is trying to come up with alternative explanations that make more sense to them.
I actually agree with you. One side is seeing the reality that it was just all around poor writing and the other keeps trying to spew pathetic excuses to justify the poor writing.
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Old 05-12-2012, 07:59 AM   #757
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Originally Posted by CCDustyV View Post
No, Lion O isn't, they all have this issue of shoddy writers
Exactly. And from the comments I have read, it has been pointed out many times that each character suffers from shoddy writing and development.
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Old 05-12-2012, 08:05 AM   #758
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
It isn’t just that Cheetara led him on (consciously or not). It was the way the triangle was written and the inconsistencies with characterisation that many here, including me, have a problem with.

I have never said that Cheetara was bad or evil or anything like that. I dislike how the writers have caused both Cheetara and Lion-O to regress significantly in terms of characterisation.

If there are any alternative explanations that seem sound, I have yet to see them.

I agree with you 100% Stac.

Oh no. Now Balgus and his troupe are going to accuse me of being you because I voiced my agreement.
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Old 05-12-2012, 08:10 AM   #759
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Originally Posted by Singe View Post
Actually both of them got out of hand. Both of them had pent up anger, Lion-O pushed it and Tygra blew up first. Tygra tried to kill Lion-O, but it worked out in the end. Then we come to episode 14 in which Lion-O was willing to sacrifice Tygra, for his no surrender.

Surprising there was no follow up for what happen at the end of 14. Unless the next episode goes into it during the Tygra trial.

I'm going to theorize alternate view of the Cheetara surrender.

Since Lion-O at the moment Cheetara surrendered had his back towards them and focused on Slyde. He didn't know Tygra was beaten, given how Tygra is better fighter than Lion-O. So he thought Kaynar was doing an empty surrender call. Lion-O says don't surrender. Cheetara surrenders because she sees Kaynar wasn't making an empty threat, which surprised Lion-O and left him open to quickly get struck down.

This would be wrong if I got the position of them messed up.

If memory serves, Lion-O does look over his shoulder when Kaynar makes his announcement and sees the two.

One of my issues with that scene is this: Tygra was the pride of Panthro, Grune, and the rest of the military. That was established in ep1.
Going on a general military concept of "know thy enemy" and the fact that Tygra was supposedly such an accomplished student, I find it dubious that Tygra wouldn't be aware that a Jackleman has a GREAT sense of smell.
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