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Old 03-31-2012, 09:55 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
She forgot it was in her gauntlet or where ever she keeps it
That's kind of an important thing to forget.
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Old 03-31-2012, 09:55 PM   #202
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What is the point of lion-o learning lessons if the writing conveniently allows him to forget them
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Old 03-31-2012, 09:58 PM   #203
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
That's kind of an important thing to forget.
She probably forgot her name is cheetara and just goes by mrs. tygra now.
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Old 03-31-2012, 09:58 PM   #204
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
What is the point of lion-o learning lessons if the writing conveniently allows him to forget them
Agreed. Not only that, but it seems like all of the TCats seem to forget about weapons, or special abilities when they need them most.
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Old 03-31-2012, 09:59 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
She probably forgot her name is cheetara and just goes by mrs. tygra now.
Maybe the Spirit Cheetara will arrive to help.
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:25 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Despite the fact that lion-o being the dreamer showed them that their way of thinking is antiquated and would've led to their demise if not for him saving them. We see claudis acknowledge lion-o was correct when bowed to him a nd later said that he was proud of him and what did tygra do. Lion-o's previous actions is the only reason tygra stayed alive. So its a difference in ideologies that tygra still won't admit despite the fact he is using and enjoying the very tech he was bashing on lion-o for dreaming about. As for the advice tygra gives I don't think "you'll always be 2nd best" is advice and that all that really ever came out his mouth nothing but negative nonsense and self aggrandizement
I agree with Lion-O's ideologies of uniting the animals. But the fact remains Tygra is the one that has the most experience with tactics and strategy.
As for advice he's given there was the time he told Lion-O in episode 12 that they should take the tank as backup. and In the last episode he said it was too dangerous to try to try to free the lizards (which it did turn out to be).

It isn't so much that I think Tygra is always right, because I don't. But Lion-O does ignore any advice any of the others give him. He wouldn't even listen to Panthro (who is an experienced General) in episode 5 when he told Lion-O to wait til night and sneak in the mine.

Anyway my point was that I think Tygra would respect Lion-O more if he at least took a few minutes to consider his and everyone else's advice instead of rushing into things.
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:28 PM   #207
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Mumm-ra will probably get the upperhand, after them doing well initially. I can't imagine them beating Mumm-ra without the Sword.
I agree. And that's probably where Lion-O will come in to help.
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:31 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
I don’t understand how the spirits taking forms Lion-O was comfortable with automatically means that they were completely manifestations of his mind. Jaga talks of the spirit stone as though it is almost sentient: “The spirit stone has deemed you worthy of another chance.” Is it that the magic of the spirit stone took the form of those he was comfortable with? In other words, independent or autonomous spirits took the form of those Lion-O was comfortable with.

Or was everything he experienced simply in his mind? If everything, including the spirits were simply manifestations of his own mind, then the trials were something he imagined himself. I’m asking because I don’t know what happened in the original series so I can’t compare.
I think the cats he's seeing in the trials are manifestations of the Spirit Stone itself. Like you said Jaga spoke as if it was sentient (and he spoke of the Eye of Thundera the same way in the premiere). But I think it took images and memories out of Lion-O's mind to create scenarios he can relate to.

Last edited by Balgus82; 03-31-2012 at 10:34 PM..
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:36 PM   #209
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I agree with Lion-O's ideologies of uniting the animals. But the fact remains Tygra is the one that has the most experience with tactics and strategy.
Where would Tygra have gotten this experience from? Let's keep in mind that like Lion-O, he was living in the city until the events of episode 1. Did he go fight in any wars that we didn't see? Did he lead a platoon of soldiers or something that maybe they'll cover in a short flashback? All we've seen of Tygra is that he's better at personal combat than Lion-O. Translating that into being better at tactics and strategy would be a fallacy

Actually Panthro is the one with the most experience with tactics and strategy. Not Tygra. Not even close, even if Tygra was suddenly shown to be this ex-leader of the kings elite guards.
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:49 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
I don’t understand how the spirits taking forms Lion-O was comfortable with automatically means that they were completely manifestations of his mind. Jaga talks of the spirit stone as though it is almost sentient: “The spirit stone has deemed you worthy of another chance.” Is it that the magic of the spirit stone took the form of those he was comfortable with? In other words, independent or autonomous spirits took the form of those Lion-O was comfortable with.

Or was everything he experienced simply in his mind? If everything, including the spirits were simply manifestations of his own mind, then the trials were something he imagined himself. I’m asking because I don’t know what happened in the original series so I can’t compare.
I didn't watch the OS. The mannerisms and appearances of the cats in each trial are derived from Lion-O's conscious. I think the way the cats look and act is suppose to be an avatar for the spirit stone/sword. Though, that is just my spin on it. When it comes to stuff like this, asking the crew is really the only way to confirm anything.
Sorry if I'm not answering your question, heck your question got me to thinking it about more and now I'm a bit confused myself.
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:51 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
Where would Tygra have gotten this experience from? Let's keep in mind that like Lion-O, he was living in the city until the events of episode 1. Did he go fight in any wars that we didn't see? Did he lead a platoon of soldiers or something that maybe they'll cover in a short flashback? All we've seen of Tygra is that he's better at personal combat than Lion-O. Translating that into being better at tactics and strategy would be a fallacy

Actually Panthro is the one with the most experience with tactics and strategy. Not Tygra. Not even close, even if Tygra was suddenly shown to be this ex-leader of the kings elite guards.
In Into The Astral Plane Tygra talks about spending all of his time with Claudus to learn military strategy and tactics. I wouldn't put him on the same level as Panthro, but he knows more than Lion-O.
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Old 03-31-2012, 11:11 PM   #212
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Originally Posted by CCDustyV View Post
what I would love to see for the ending of the 2 parter:

Lion O helps the team escape, but they don't realize it. They then proceed to have a funeral for him, and each finally taking a moment to break down and greave. Then after each share how much they cared and how much Lion O meant to them...

Lion O: .......That was beautiful...

Kit: LION O!

Cheetara: You're alive!!

Tygra: Not for long... *tackles Lion O as the screen fades to black*
That would be so much in character!
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Old 03-31-2012, 11:18 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
I didn't watch the OS. The mannerisms and appearances of the cats in each trial are derived from Lion-O's conscious. I think the way the cats look and act is suppose to be an avatar for the spirit stone/sword. Though, that is just my spin on it. When it comes to stuff like this, asking the crew is really the only way to confirm anything.
Sorry if I'm not answering your question, heck your question got me to thinking it about more and now I'm a bit confused myself.
In understood that the spirit that gave him that advice wasn't Cheetara, but looked like her and acted like her (or like the recollection of her in his mind). The lesson he learned is not only meant to help him become a better leader (all of them are aimed at that anyway) but also to mend his relationship with the cleric. To answer a question asked in the first page, when he succeeds finding a different way to approach the problem and make it to his goal, he wins the race, but she wins anyway because the spirit's goal was for him to learn that lesson, not just beating him to the key.
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Old 03-31-2012, 11:50 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by Eclipse View Post
In understood that the spirit that gave him that advice wasn't Cheetara, but looked like her and acted like her (or like the recollection of her in his mind). The lesson he learned is not only meant to help him become a better leader (all of them are aimed at that anyway) but also to mend his relationship with the cleric. To answer a question asked in the first page, when he succeeds finding a different way to approach the problem and make it to his goal, he wins the race, but she wins anyway because the spirit's goal was for him to learn that lesson, not just beating him to the key.
I hope it mends their relationship. I'm sick of hearing Lion-O's WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP because he felt like he was entitled to Cheetara's affection.
NICE GUY (TM) She doesn't have to be your girlfriend if she doesn't want to be, so back off bro.
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Old 04-01-2012, 12:18 AM   #215
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It's funny how early in the episode, everyone was criticising Lion-O saying a king shouldn't eat before his subjects or lose his temper but apparently NO ONE bothered to mention or bring that up to Claudus. Double standards much?
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Old 04-01-2012, 12:36 AM   #216
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
It's funny how early in the episode, everyone was criticising Lion-O saying a king shouldn't eat before his subjects or lose his temper but apparently NO ONE bothered to mention or bring that up to Claudus. Double standards much?
I thought the same thing when they said that. Claudus was definately a pretty ticked off guy.
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:01 AM   #217
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
In Into The Astral Plane Tygra talks about spending all of his time with Claudus to learn military strategy and tactics. I wouldn't put him on the same level as Panthro, but he knows more than Lion-O.
Knowing the knowledge and using it are two different things. So far Tygra hasn't proved that he's accomplished anything. He's just a smart ass at the moment.
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:12 AM   #218
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Noticed how kit keeps drawing on a stone? that might be the "trail" to guide lion-o to where thy are headin, maybe mumra's hidout?
Along the way, these spirits are helping/showing him how to stay focus, keep calm, know when to make the right choices and not let things get in the way. Which has to do w him passing each test and he gets a new "key".
So now next week we'll find out what happenes now that hes coming back stronger and more better than ever to save the other cats,
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Old 04-01-2012, 02:00 AM   #219
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Pretty much it's a plot device to get Lion-O to finally hone down his erratic behavior and ease some of the issues on his part.

The Spirits in the stone while independent are playing to his own understanding and views of the other team mates.

If there was to be some assurance that Lion-O still had a shot with Cheetara, the Cheetara Spirit should have kissed him one more time after completing the trial on the lips.
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Old 04-01-2012, 03:30 AM   #220
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Here is my way to to end this love triangle and making the series better:
at the end of episode 16, after Lion-o finish's his trials, have him awake in a house where Pumyra meets him. then spend the next couple of episodes developing the relationship between the two and thus ending Lion-o's attraction to Cheetara and allowing Lion-o, Cheetara and Tygra to repair their relationship. then spend episodes 18 to 24 for getting the sword back and uniting the animal races together to fight Mumm-Ra and his army that he is building. then spend episodes 25 and 26 as the final battle. ending the series with L/P and T/C as the couples ending the series in a satisfying matter. I don't see the series going longer than 26 episodes, maybe another ten at most. Doing this would save the series for me and regain my interest in it. also they could use episodes 18 to 24 to make L/T/C more like able. but honestly the series wont end this way.
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:09 AM   #221
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I agree with Lion-O's ideologies of uniting the animals. But the fact remains Tygra is the one that has the most experience with tactics and strategy.
As for advice he's given there was the time he told Lion-O in episode 12 that they should take the tank as backup. and In the last episode he said it was too dangerous to try to try to free the lizards (which it did turn out to be).

It isn't so much that I think Tygra is always right, because I don't. But Lion-O does ignore any advice any of the others give him. He wouldn't even listen to Panthro (who is an experienced General) in episode 5 when he told Lion-O to wait til night and sneak in the mine.

Anyway my point was that I think Tygra would respect Lion-O more if he at least took a few minutes to consider his and everyone else's advice instead of rushing into things.
Tygra not wanting to help the lizards in ep 14 and wanting to use the tank in ep 12 both show tygra being callous with the lives of the other animals. The big heavy tank would not have made if very far before grune would've heard it and opened fire and used the elephant hostages as shields a fact that was pointed out to tygra. Now had he said divide the group and send some in as a diversion and sneak the tank in yeah he would be correct. In ep 14 its late and he doesn't care about helping the lizards so now maybe it cutting into his time with cheetara so no its too dangerous despite the fact he was doing that all day. If things got done tygra's way there would be a lot more dead animals and less allies for the future. Tygra new to consider the feelings of others also and take the time to think of how to talk to people because its not only what you say but how you say it his social awkwardness shines through everytime
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:13 AM   #222
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
Where would Tygra have gotten this experience from? Let's keep in mind that like Lion-O, he was living in the city until the events of episode 1. Did he go fight in any wars that we didn't see? Did he lead a platoon of soldiers or something that maybe they'll cover in a short flashback? All we've seen of Tygra is that he's better at personal combat than Lion-O. Translating that into being better at tactics and strategy would be a fallacy

Actually Panthro is the one with the most experience with tactics and strategy. Not Tygra. Not even close, even if Tygra was suddenly shown to be this ex-leader of the kings elite guards.
Tygra is showing the classic case of knowledge without wisdom.
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:23 AM   #223
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
In Into The Astral Plane Tygra talks about spending all of his time with Claudus to learn military strategy and tactics. I wouldn't put him on the same level as Panthro, but he knows more than Lion-O.
And we see how all that strategy and tactics would've gotten him in ep 2. Tygra now has a blank slate as everything he thought he knew is wrong and now has to make a reassessment and factor in the capabilities of tech so in fact he is on the same level as lion-o maybe lower if he still can't grasp the fact they are going to need allies in the form of other animals
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:26 AM   #224
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
I don't get how Cheetara still wins?
Lion-O learned the lesson that she was supposed to teach him. So if he's learned it by beating her, she wins too.
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:36 AM   #225
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
I hope it mends their relationship. I'm sick of hearing Lion-O's WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP because he felt like he was entitled to Cheetara's affection.
NICE GUY (TM) She doesn't have to be your girlfriend if she doesn't want to be, so back off bro.
It can mend lion-o mentally but it still doesn't mend the others if they think they did no wrong cheetara in particular her actions in ep 14 in surrendering only makes things worse so its not just him. He is mad because he felt like he got played and a simple apology would've closed the case even tygra gave one in ep 13.
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Old 04-01-2012, 07:27 AM   #226
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I was wondering, just who is Wileykit drawing as she marks the trail,Lion-O or her? If it's the latter it may give credence to the "Precocious Crush" theory posed earlier. She's showing Lion-O where to find her when he comes back.

After watching the episode again the other Thundercats kind of seem like dicks at lunch. Yes they're giving him sound advice, but only after they bully him and take his food. Food that he had already rightfully obtained for himself. I know Lion-O isn't perfect and can be a dick himself but it just seemed extra cruel. Even if his head wasn't a mess right now who would listen to advice given in suck a backhanded and condescending way?

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Old 04-01-2012, 08:35 AM   #227
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Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
I was wondering, just who is Wileykit drawing as she marks the trail,Lion-O or her? If it's the latter it may give credence to the "Precocious Crush" theory posed earlier. She's showing Lion-O where to find her when he comes back.

After watching the episode again the other Thundercats kind of seem like dicks at lunch. Yes they're giving him sound advice, but only after they bully him and take his food. Food that he had already rightfully obtained for himself. I know Lion-O isn't perfect and can be a dick himself but it just seemed extra cruel. Even if his head wasn't a mess right now who would listen to advice given in suck a backhanded and condescending way?
The irony is the advice being given to him comes across as hypocritical especially from tygra
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Old 04-01-2012, 08:49 AM   #228
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Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
I was wondering, just who is Wileykit drawing as she marks the trail,Lion-O or her? If it's the latter it may give credence to the "Precocious Crush" theory posed earlier. She's showing Lion-O where to find her when he comes back.

After watching the episode again the other Thundercats kind of seem like dicks at lunch. Yes they're giving him sound advice, but only after they bully him and take his food. Food that he had already rightfully obtained for himself. I know Lion-O isn't perfect and can be a dick himself but it just seemed extra cruel. Even if his head wasn't a mess right now who would listen to advice given in suck a backhanded and condescending way?
I think it might be her. I didn't really see a clear shot of it.

I didn't like that either, but with the twins i could sort of understand since they were orphaned, tailed cats in the slums with no parents/guardians to teach them manners, and bad to hypnotize and pickpockets to survive. The others were quite rude.
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Old 04-01-2012, 08:58 AM   #229
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Did tygra teleport himself or turn invisible without his whip in this ep ?
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Old 04-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #230
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Did tygra teleport himself or turn invisible without his whip in this ep ?
What part do you mean? I can rewatch it later after lunch.
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Old 04-01-2012, 09:08 AM   #231
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
What part do you mean? I can rewatch it later after lunch.
At the end after cheetara free his hands
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Old 04-01-2012, 09:22 AM   #232
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
Where would Tygra have gotten this experience from? Let's keep in mind that like Lion-O, he was living in the city until the events of episode 1. Did he go fight in any wars that we didn't see? Did he lead a platoon of soldiers or something that maybe they'll cover in a short flashback? All we've seen of Tygra is that he's better at personal combat than Lion-O. Translating that into being better at tactics and strategy would be a fallacy

Actually Panthro is the one with the most experience with tactics and strategy. Not Tygra. Not even close, even if Tygra was suddenly shown to be this ex-leader of the kings elite guards.
It's been shown in flashbacks that the Lizards regularly attacked Thundera. But I was mostly speaking of how he actually paid attention to his studies and listened to Claudus.

You're right that Panthro would have more experience. I misspoke. I meant Tygra had more experience than Lion-O.
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Old 04-01-2012, 09:44 AM   #233
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Well, that was a terrible episode.

They didn't show the important bits. How were the cats captured early, but later managed to fight from bondage to free themselves later? How did Lion-O sneak up on the kits? How did Lion-O capture or get aboard the bird? Those latter moments were the character defining ones for the trial, yet they aren't shown?

What is the logic of the villains? They capture and bind the cats, yet then on the skiff more or less decide to kill them? Why capture them in the first place then? They could use the missle launcher on the skiff to hit the cats on the mountain pass from below, yet can't find the ginormous Thundertank/Fortress? Also, did the cats lose their peripheral vision? How did the mutants surprise them on a mountain pass from 2 feet away?

How is Lion-O supposed to follow Kits marks? The first one is obvious, but the second was left after being transported on the flying skiff for how many miles in which direction from where Lion-O fell?

These trials are supposed to be about learning lessons, yet instead it's preaching and then moments of thought, no actual lesson, no real impact, which is what this series always does; it's what happened in Duelist in the Drifter. Lion-O can't win, is given advice, then wins because the plot demands it.

I really could go on, discussing how Monkian and Jackalman don't work as enforcer instead of murderers, the poor fight choreography (again/still), the still flat characterization, and so forth, but why bother?

I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to stick with this series.
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Old 04-01-2012, 10:15 AM   #234
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
I don’t understand how the spirits taking forms Lion-O was comfortable with automatically means that they were completely manifestations of his mind. Jaga talks of the spirit stone as though it is almost sentient: “The spirit stone has deemed you worthy of another chance.” Is it that the magic of the spirit stone took the form of those he was comfortable with? In other words, independent or autonomous spirits took the form of those Lion-O was comfortable with.

Or was everything he experienced simply in his mind? If everything, including the spirits were simply manifestations of his own mind, then the trials were something he imagined himself. I’m asking because I don’t know what happened in the original series so I can’t compare.
Kat said they took the form of what he was familar with not comfortable. Basically they took the form of his teammates he knew. But they are independent of him. They are teaching him lessons.

I don't see lion-o seeing cheetara as being interested him when he is very angry with her. He puts her down each time he gets a chance.
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Old 04-01-2012, 10:16 AM   #235
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Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
I was wondering, just who is Wilykit drawing as she marks the trail,Lion-O or her? If it's the latter it may give credence to the "Precocious Crush" theory posed earlier. She's showing Lion-O where to find her when he comes back.

After watching the episode again the other Thundercats kind of seem like dicks at lunch. Yes they're giving him sound advice, but only after they bully him and take his food. Food that he had already rightfully obtained for himself. I know Lion-O isn't perfect and can be a dick himself but it just seemed extra cruel. Even if his head wasn't a mess right now who would listen to advice given in suck a backhanded and condescending way?
Another way is that they were playing with Lion-O to get him to lighten up out of moody mode while also throwing a lesson/stating a flaw he needs to work on. However it got cut short before they could explain their actions.

They are based on cats, which are known to play around by stealing food from each other. Cats when playing will also tease, like when trying to pet one and they dash away a few feet. We can't expect them to act completely 100% human.

Maybe the timing and the place was bad, but Lion-O does need training.

Last edited by Singe; 04-01-2012 at 10:33 AM..
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Old 04-01-2012, 10:17 AM   #236
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
She probably forgot her name is cheetara and just goes by mrs. tygra now.
and her job is a cleric.
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Old 04-01-2012, 10:27 AM   #237
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In the love triangle, Lion-O is only taking it out on her because Tygra proved himself and saved Lion-O's tail in 13.
This was one of Lion-O's flaws of jumping head first without thinking like Tygra, believing they knew what Cheetara's true feelings were.

To bad no one can make them sit down and work it out. Otherwise this just leads to more trouble.

It was really bad there was no screen time on the group determining which path to take and just pushed for a Lion-O says this way without "Sight Beyond Sight" or scouting.

Last edited by Singe; 04-01-2012 at 10:56 AM..
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Old 04-01-2012, 11:05 AM   #238
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I enjoyed the episode. I agree with some of you, Lion-O should get over losing Cheetara soon, this makes twice it's gotten him in trouble. But the trials were fun, I like spirit Kit & Kat. And I hope next week's is action-heavy!
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Old 04-01-2012, 11:12 AM   #239
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Originally Posted by Singe View Post
In the love triangle, Lion-O is only taking it out on her because Tygra proved himself and saved Lion-O's tail in 13.
This was one of Lion-O's flaws of jumping head first without thinking like Tygra, believing they knew what Cheetara's true feelings were.

To bad no one can make them sit down and work it out. Otherwise this just leads to more trouble.

It was really bad there was no screen time on the group determining which path to take and just pushed for a Lion-O says this way without "Sight Beyond Sight" or scouting.
He is taking out on her, because he feels betrayed by her. He thought he had it in the bag when she kissed him. Only to find her kissing tygra right before the eight bells started ringing.

Lion-o proved himself too in the AP. Without lion-o using the spirit stone, they both would be dead.

They won't sit down, because there would be no drama.
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Old 04-01-2012, 11:16 AM   #240
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Originally Posted by Singe View Post
Pretty much it's a plot device to get Lion-O to finally hone down his erratic behavior and ease some of the issues on his part.

The Spirits in the stone while independent are playing to his own understanding and views of the other team mates.

If there was to be some assurance that Lion-O still had a shot with Cheetara, the Cheetara Spirit should have kissed him one more time after completing the trial on the lips.
Disagree. They are not going to show their hand so soon.

Last edited by L08e16o; 04-01-2012 at 11:23 AM..
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Old 04-01-2012, 11:31 AM   #241
Joe Moore
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Thundercats Ep 15 Trials Of Lion-O Pt 1 Review

Screen caps will be up a little later today.
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Old 04-01-2012, 12:28 PM   #242
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I am really loving this version of Thundercats! REALLY like how they changed up Monkeyian and Jackalman...VERY deranged and I'm LOVIN' it!!
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Old 04-01-2012, 12:39 PM   #243
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
He is taking out on her, because he feels betrayed by her. He thought he had it in the bag when she kissed him. Only to find her kissing tygra right before the eight bells started ringing.

Lion-o proved himself too in the AP. Without lion-o using the spirit stone, they both would be dead.

They won't sit down, because there would be no drama.
It can't be all of Cheetara's fault for being caring and supportive to the young Lion-O, after he lost his father and had a great burden passed on to him. It's mostly on Lion-O and Tygra because they assumed what they thought it was, without directly asking her.

Is Lion-O mad at her for betraying him or is he mad at himself for jumping the gun without getting the facts straight. It can cut both ways.

Last edited by Singe; 04-01-2012 at 12:50 PM..
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Old 04-01-2012, 12:55 PM   #244
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Originally Posted by Singe View Post
It can't be all of Cheetara's fault for being caring and supportive to the young Lion-O, after he lost his father and had a great burden passed on to him. It's mostly on Lion-O and Tygra because they assumed what they thought it was, without directly asking her.

Is Lion-O mad at her for betraying him or is he mad at himself for jumping the gun without getting the facts straight. It can cut both ways.
I cuts mostly one way. If cheetara felt she had to apologize to tygra for her actions how is it that so far from what was shown she hasn't apologized to lion-o for her actions.
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:09 PM   #245
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I think Lion-O is angry with all three (Cheetara, Tygra, and himself). He's more than proven in the past that he has trouble controlling his emotions. I don't think he necessarily blames them per se, but I think he's having trouble sorting through his thoughts on the situation. I think he knows it's not just one person's fault, but all of their faults. That's why last episode he tried playing things cool at first and said he was happy for them, but later confronted Cheetara and is starting to think they're a little against him. I don't think he really knows what to think or how to react.
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:14 PM   #246
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Lion-O is angry, confused, jealous, sad, and a few other mix bag of emotions. It's about the same thing a teenager usually goes through with relationship issues. He's still a teenager and not an adult.

Maybe the three of them can settle it, but it won't happen as long Lion-O keeps being a drama queen about it.

Last edited by Singe; 04-01-2012 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:58 PM   #247
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
I think Lion-O is angry with all three (Cheetara, Tygra, and himself). He's more than proven in the past that he has trouble controlling his emotions. I don't think he necessarily blames them per se, but I think he's having trouble sorting through his thoughts on the situation. I think he knows it's not just one person's fault, but all of their faults. That's why last episode he tried playing things cool at first and said he was happy for them, but later confronted Cheetara and is starting to think they're a little against him. I don't think he really knows what to think or how to react.
There is nothing left to sort out with the triangle situation cheetara made it clear where she stands. It is cheetara's fault. Tygra tried to play it cool in ep 13 but would've ended up behaving worse than lion-o if the shoe was on the other foot
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Old 04-01-2012, 02:05 PM   #248
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Originally Posted by Singe View Post
Lion-O is angry, confused, jealous, sad, and a few other mix bag of emotions. It's about the same thing a teenager usually goes through with relationship issues. He's still a teenager and not an adult.

Maybe the three of them can settle it, but it won't happen as long Lion-O keeps being a drama queen about it.
And the same can be said about tygra. A straight apology from cheetara would settle it. The drama comes when from the others who disobey orders and question his judgement
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Old 04-01-2012, 02:27 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
There is nothing left to sort out with the triangle situation cheetara made it clear where she stands. It is cheetara's fault. Tygra tried to play it cool in ep 13 but would've ended up behaving worse than lion-o if the shoe was on the other foot
At the end of Between Brothers Tygra was ready to accept that Cheetara was not interested in him. If you look at that last scene its obvious he was ready to bow out respectfully.

Cheetara does not owe Lion-O anything. She made it clear that she still supports and cares about him, but she has romantic feelings for Tygra. It's bloody amazing that so many of you feel like she owes him something, yet she's fulfilling her obligations as a Cleric.That is the only thing she owes Lion-O. Just because she was nice to him, it does not mean she wanted more than friendship from him. He effed up by jumping the gun, and now he feels stupid. He's taking all of his frustrations out on the one person whose always believed he has what it takes. Lion-O owes Cheetara a big apology. I'm waiting for her to get sick of his little under the breath comments, and rip him a new one. Nice Guy syndrome is not cool, and I'm beginning to think the crew thinks it is.

After all, what do they say happens when people assume ?
...It makes an a** out of you, and me
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Old 04-01-2012, 02:28 PM   #250
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My review of the episode:
this is probably one of my favorite so far, next to "Song of the Petalars"
And the premiere episodes.
I love the new villains they really come off as serious psychopaths, and when Slithe says Addicus might eat Kit you can see a look in his eye that shows that he was really thinking about it.
I like that the writers actually made Lion-O die, and that the spirit stone actually does something related to its name.
In most kid shows they would not flat out say he died, but in this they did props for that.
I love that Tygra is now in a position to shine, where he can finally show off all the hours he spent training with their father.
The trials compared nicely to the original series, not being the exact same trials but feeling reminiscent of them.
I like that WilyKit doesn't believe Lion-O is dead and is leaving a bread trail for Lion-O to follow.
I can't wait for next week's episode hoping to see Tygra and Lion-O fight, I hope it's as epic as the fight in "between brothers"
Next week's episode is going to bring about some nice perspective for Lion-O, so that he learns even tho he is King the rest of the group have good advice sometimes.
And that they're a much stronger team working together, instead of fighting amongst each other.
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