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Old 06-11-2012, 06:38 PM   #301
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Originally Posted by RazorclawX View Post
This is a load of nonsense and you know it. The show has already aired 25 episodes, which is more than some shows have on their fair shake, and whatever momentum was built up from its strong start petered out of its own accord, not from anything people watching the show did or did not do. This show followed on the heels of something like Avatar The Last Airbender, which hit the ground running and ran a very successful run of its own accord without nostalgia or good feelings to give it a good running start. It did it of its own accord.

Transformers didn't succeed in a vacuum; it succeeded because it was strongly backed by its toy line. You could easily go to the store and pick one up, and be confident that you picked up a character, no matter how shallow, because he was on the show. As opposed to that, I've actually YET to see a Thundercats toy at retail outside of a Toys R Us, and not only that, I can't buy anything other than a Cat, of which I have the least interest in (the fact is, personally, I preferred the Mutants even back then, but that kind of lends into my buying pattern of villains over heroes).

If anything, Thundercats is suffering the same problem the 2003 He-Man revival did-- the show and the toy line are woefully out of sync with each other. The He-Man toyline didn't suffer so much from availability than it did from what it made available (a lot of it was variants of He-Man and Skeletor), and the cartoon took a huge gamble by sidelining Skeletor in its second season in favor of the Snake Men (which proved 'somewhat popular' with old fans, but not so much the kids, and that's beside the fact you couldn't actually buy Snake Men in the toyline in many places). It was such a crying shame that He-Man failed because it actually managed to sell something as silly and revolting as Stinkor as a legitimate character.

Thundercats can only go so far with good intentions and best wishes. I refuse to accept that what we've got is 'okay' because it's been done better. For a show that lives or dies on its merchandising someone really dropped the ball.
GREAT!! My cousins and I had all the TCats from the 80s. I still know guys in their 40s that still buy stuff that is related to the 80s series.

It does seem CN put a lot of stock in the toy line.

I wonder if they will even think about trying silver hawks.

TF toys were always great.
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:40 PM   #302
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
Lioconvoy, you like the show very much, we get that.
But I have to say, I'm tired of all this “I’m a TRUE ThunderCats fan and you aren’t.” It’s a rubbish argument.

These people seem to care enough to come onto a ThunderCats forum and voice their opinion. What is it? We have to support the show but keep any criticism to ourselves?

If you think that that is what the people here have been complaining about, then you haven’t been paying attention.

Characterisation is all over the place. The romance which was terribly done left a bad taste in many people’s mouths. The pacing is uneven and distracts from the main story. The writing so far has been poor and extremely inconsistent.
I would take predictability over any of the things above.
This is fan frustration.

In the sports world, if you are not a everything is good fan, then you are not a fan.

I agree with 10000000%
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:53 PM   #303
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A fan is someone who likes something. If you don't like the show, you're not a fan. If you do like the show you are one. It's pretty simple. Now someone can like the show and dislike certain elements in the show. That's still a fan. But if someone dislikes it to the point they don't want to watch it and want it canceled, then no they're not fans.

Why would someone who doesn't like it even want to call themselves a fan?
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:58 PM   #304
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
A fan is someone who likes something. If you don't like the show, you're not a fan. If you do like the show you are one. It's pretty simple. Now someone can like the show and dislike certain elements in the show. That's still a fan. But if someone dislikes it to the point they don't want to watch it and want it canceled, then no they're not fans.

Why would someone who doesn't like it even want to call themselves a fan?
Fan of what?? The OS thundercats (what started it) or the NS?

See there is two different thundercats. I don't like the writing, does that make me not a fan?
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:11 PM   #305
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
But if someone dislikes it to the point they don't want to watch it and want it canceled, then no they're not fans.

Why would someone who doesn't like it even want to call themselves a fan?
You can like something so much, you don’t want to see it ruined any further.

They started off brilliantly with so much potential, and then squandered it. I can understand it if someone doesn’t want more mediocrity.
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:12 PM   #306
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
Fan of what?? The OS thundercats (what started it) or the NS?

See there is two different thundercats. I don't like the writing, does that make me not a fan?
Either one. The very definition of a fan is someone who likes something.

Some people here might be fans of the franchise, or fans of the OS, but that doesn't in any way automatically make them fans of the NS.

For example I'd consider myself a Transformers fan. I like Beast wars, Animated, Prime, G1, etc. But I hated Armada and Energon and RID. I'm not a fan of those shows that I hated. That doesn't mean I'm not a Transformers fan, but I'm not a fan of those shows.

The folks here who hate the NS are still ThunderCats (the franchise) fans, but they're not fans of the NS. Why would they even want to say they are if they don't like it?

Last edited by Balgus82; 06-11-2012 at 07:18 PM..
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:14 PM   #307
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Either one. The very definition of a fan is someone who likes something.

I don't like football, therefore I am not a fan of football. I wouldn't go to a stadium and complain about why I don't like it and then say I'm a fan.

Some people here might be fans of the franchise, or fans of the OS, but that doesn't in any way automatically make them fans of the NS.
OK. I see what you are saying. I think real fans support something that is good and criticize something when it is wrong. How can you improve something if everything is positive?

If an athlete is getting paid 10 million a year and is not giving his all, you wouldn't complain about that?
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:20 PM   #308
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Last edited by Balgus82; 06-11-2012 at 07:22 PM.. Reason: double post
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:21 PM   #309
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
How can you improve something if everything is positive?
How can the show improve if it gets canceled?

I'm not saying fans of the show can't find faults in it. I'm saying if you don't like it at all, and want it to is that being a fan?
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:22 PM   #310
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
How can a show improve if it gets canceled?
I don't have faith in MJ.

Get new writers. Get some female writers and some OS writers.
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:22 PM   #311
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Were you mad??
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:24 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
Were you mad??
nah I didn't think the post went through and it posted twice, and this forum doesn't seem to have a delete feature (or at least I can't find it), so I edited it.
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:35 PM   #313
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
You can like something so much, you don’t want to see it ruined any further.

They started off brilliantly with so much potential, and then squandered it. I can understand it if someone doesn’t want more mediocrity.
Personally I think a second season could only get better. The first season was pretty much written and recorded (except for ADR) before the premiere aired. I know for a fact the crew reads forums. They've seen our criticisms. They wouldn't have had the time or the opportunity to implement any reactions to those criticisms during the first season, but there's nothing to stop them from addressing fan concerns during a second season. They're never going to make everyone happy, but there are things (like character consistency) that most fans agree should be fixed.

If they get a second season and it sucks, fine throw in the towel or whatever. But I say give the crew the chance to fix the mistakes they made in the first season. First seasons of many good shows are wracked with growing pains and problems.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:11 PM   #314
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Personally I think a second season could only get better. The first season was pretty much written and recorded (except for ADR) before the premiere aired. I know for a fact the crew reads forums. They've seen our criticisms. They wouldn't have had the time or the opportunity to implement any reactions to those criticisms during the first season, but there's nothing to stop them from addressing fan concerns during a second season. They're never going to make everyone happy, but there are things (like character consistency) that most fans agree should be fixed.

If they get a second season and it sucks, fine throw in the towel or whatever. But I say give the crew the chance to fix the mistakes they made in the first season. First seasons of many good shows are wracked with growing pains and problems.
What forums??

If they are wanting more sales and ratings, they need to listen to other fans. Because the fans that are they happy didn't help the show, they were not the majority of the fan base. I think the crew will again favor those fans again.

They are already alienated a fan base that has been threre for a while.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:37 PM   #315
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
What forums??

If they are wanting more sales and ratings, they need to listen to other fans. Because the fans that are they happy didn't help the show, they were not the majority of the fan base. I think the crew will again favor those fans again.

They are already alienated a fan base that has been threre for a while.
What "other" fans, and what makes their opinion on the show more superior?

As a fan in the "majority", what do you suggest would improve the show that hasn't been suggested by just about every fan?

The first season was written and recorded before the premier, so they had no fanbase to favor or alienate. They did what they wanted because it was in their opinion, the right way to go for the story they wanted to tell. Sink or swim.
Anywho, the reboot has a very small internet fandom compared to other shows like Young Justice and Korra. I wont say our numbers have not dwindled since the hiatus, but they were always small.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:38 PM   #316
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
What forums??
They read multiple forums.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:51 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
What "other" fans, and what makes their opinion on the show more superior?

As a fan in the "majority", what do you suggest would improve the show that hasn't been suggested by just about every fan?

The first season was written and recorded before the premier, so they had no fanbase to favor or alienate. They did what they wanted because it was in their opinion, the right way to go for the story they wanted to tell. Sink or swim.
Anywho, the reboot has a very small internet fandom compared to other shows like Young Justice and Korra. I wont say our numbers have not dwindled since the hiatus, but they were always small.
You know this is a battle of fan groups and the casual fans. They had all the TCats fans behind them.

MJ did what he wanted too, now the NS is on life support. He did this in BM brave and bold; which didn't get a second season like the Justice League.

I am all about getting rid of the writers. Any time you say stuff happens off screen is lazy or we want to you to figure it out.

I can see the DC stuff, they have established fans. TCats have been around a lot longer than Avatar. MJ had a golden chance and he blew it.

Last edited by L08e16o; 06-11-2012 at 08:56 PM..
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:56 PM   #318
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
They read multiple forums.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:16 PM   #319
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
You know this is a battle of fan groups and the casual fans. They had all the TCats fans behind them.

MJ did what he wanted too, now the NS is on life support. He did this in BM brave and bold; which didn't get a second season like the JC.

I am all about getting rid of the writers. Any time you say stuff happens off screen is lazy or we want to you to figure it out.

I can see the DC stuff, they have established fans. TCats have been around a lot longer than Avatar. MJ had a golden chance and he blew it.
Batman:The Brave and the Bold got a total of 65 episodes and 3 seasons. Sounds like a pretty good run to me. Also, wasn't this guy behind the Wonder Woman movie? I've heard majority good reviews for that movie, and I myself enjoyed it.

This show does not have a huge internet fanbase. The ratings are decent, but for some reason or another children are not asking for Tcat toys. The internet fanbase alone is NOT going to save this show. So they could listen to us complain and moan all day about this or that, but if the toys don't sell, then bye bye Tcats.
I'm hoping our interest and the decent ratings will be enough to get the big wigs to try another approach with this toy line. I don't know crap about how that works, but it wouldnt hurt to advertise a few toy commercials during the premiers and maybe let it rerun a few more times a week.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:19 AM   #320
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Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
How DARE some of you run around HOPING that this line die. Do you WANT to wait another 25 years for another series to come out? Because I certainly don't. You people blither around about how much you "love" ThunderCats. First off, I'll tell you how much "I" LOVE ThunderCats. This has, and will ALWAYS be my favorite show. It taught me great morals I STILL live my life by. I have the ThunderCats symbol on EVERY door of my house. I wear my ThunderCats belt buckle EVERYWHERE I go. I lived through a rather abusive childhood, and sometimes this show was one of the only things giving me HOPE for a better future.
Glad there's no bias here to taint your views.

Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post

Ford didn't improve because people refused to buy their products. NO company sees a lack of sales and decides to make "better" ones. They sell their first line first. If it does well, they re-evaluate what they did, and try to improve on it to keep people interested.
It takes TIME. It takes LOVE. It take SUPPORT.
There isn't an emoticon to show the laughter at the deficient logic in this point, especially the bolded part along with your Ford analogy. Your argument is so deeply flawed it should be called a falsehood. It stands in violation of hundreds of years of business methodology.

The Model A exists exactly because of those points. Ford wasn't selling Model T's (like they had prior), they were losing huge amounts of market share to the company that would become GM, and their gimmick of a cheap car didn't hold public interest. Henry Ford wanted to just stick with the Model T, insisting that he knew what buyers wanted and that he was right, but was eventually convinced that the company would fold if they didn't do something. So the Model A was created in response to people exercising their option to not buy their product that they knew they'd never get back with any adjustment they made to the Model T. The Model A was created to fullfill the demands of the public, whose interests had changed since the introduction of the Model T and no longer followed the same views that the aging Henry Ford thought was the attitude they should have. No one would've accused Henry of not loving Automobiles or the process, but at the time no one thought Henry actually understood what a consumer wanted in an automobile anymore. They were right.

Similarly, the reason so many TV shows are cancelled is exactly that, to be removed and replaced by something that does better, or at least something execs hope will do better.

There are thousands of examples of the exact reverse of your statement I couldn't possibly list them all. Even the adage, "You don't fix what ain't broken" is a testament to your statement being false.

Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
What will YOU do?
Not try to force my viewpoints onto others because my passion has blinded me or use the "true fan" arguement.
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:03 AM   #321
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
Batman:The Brave and the Bold got a total of 65 episodes and 3 seasons. Sounds like a pretty good run to me. Also, wasn't this guy behind the Wonder Woman movie? I've heard majority good reviews for that movie, and I myself enjoyed it.

This show does not have a huge internet fanbase. The ratings are decent, but for some reason or another children are not asking for Tcat toys. The internet fanbase alone is NOT going to save this show. So they could listen to us complain and moan all day about this or that, but if the toys don't sell, then bye bye Tcats.
I'm hoping our interest and the decent ratings will be enough to get the big wigs to try another approach with this toy line. I don't know crap about how that works, but it wouldnt hurt to advertise a few toy commercials during the premiers and maybe let it rerun a few more times a week.
Yes, MJ wrote the Wonder Woman animated movie.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:37 AM   #322
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I've had over 20 people sign the petition so far and I'm hoping that my other 700 FB friends will do the same. This show definitely needs a second season!!!

I agree with what Joe wrote. Cartoon Network dropped the ball in marketing and advertising Thundercats. As for the toys, I think the quality could have been better but I think the sales are not as good, not because the toys are bad or kids don't want them but because parents are watching what they buy in this economy.

I'm not sure how true this is but someone from Deviant art is saying WB has cancelled the show. I really hope that it's not true and if it is we need to keep urging people to sign the petition. You can read the comments here about the show being cancelled.

Thundercat48 on deviantART

deviantART: Thundercat48's Journal

I really love this reboot. I've been a huge fan since the original and I actually like the ns better. I also really want to see how this story ends. Cartoon Network really sucks in not promoting these great shows and for canceling them after just one season. It reminds me of Symbionic Titan where they cancelled it right after 20 episodes.

Here's the link again to sign the petition. It's at 604 right now and looking to try and reach 1000. Let's keep trying to save Thundercats!!!
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:12 AM   #323
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Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
...I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here.

You are the same Lioconvoy from Allspark, right? Well, I have been telling these guys the same thing for months. Sadly, it seem a loud majority of haters suppresses all intelligent comments here. I am close to giving up and moving onto another TC board (I expected more moderation on a sister board of TFW2005, see HISSTank as a better example), as posting here has become a chore - instead of fun discussions I have to argue with haters and trolls.

Were things like this in the TF fandom when Beast Wars was released? Coming from a fanbase who has seen a lot of reboots and reimaginings, I can see all the mistakes our fanbase made, being made here over and over again - the difference is, unlike Transformers which has always been present since 1984, there is a good chance that if Thundercats goes away now, it will never come back.
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Old 06-12-2012, 04:37 AM   #324
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Originally Posted by Pravus Prime View Post
Glad there's no bias here to taint your views.
Yeah, because I'm sure you have none. That's why you made it a point to specifically ridicule my love of this property, right?

There isn't an emoticon to show the laughter at the deficient logic in this point, especially the bolded part along with your Ford analogy. Your argument is so deeply flawed it should be called a falsehood. It stands in violation of hundreds of years of business methodology.

The Model A exists exactly because of those points. Ford wasn't selling Model T's (like they had prior), they were losing huge amounts of market share to the company that would become GM, and their gimmick of a cheap car didn't hold public interest. Henry Ford wanted to just stick with the Model T, insisting that he knew what buyers wanted and that he was right, but was eventually convinced that the company would fold if they didn't do something. So the Model A was created in response to people exercising their option to not buy their product that they knew they'd never get back with any adjustment they made to the Model T. The Model A was created to fullfill the demands of the public, whose interests had changed since the introduction of the Model T and no longer followed the same views that the aging Henry Ford thought was the attitude they should have. No one would've accused Henry of not loving Automobiles or the process, but at the time no one thought Henry actually understood what a consumer wanted in an automobile anymore. They were right.
I bolded the biggest thing here. Ford WAS selling the Model T's prior. WHICH GAINED HIM THE CAPITAL TO MAKE THE MODEL A. Thanks for ultimately proving my point for me, which was that without good sales running through first, one can't improve.

Similarly, the reason so many TV shows are cancelled is exactly that, to be removed and replaced by something that does better, or at least something execs hope will do better.
But not the same type of show. If this Thundercats gets cancelled, they're not going to turn around and replace it with another Thundercats.

Not try to force my viewpoints onto others because my passion has blinded me or use the "true fan" arguement.
No, you'll just make snarky comments on the side lines because what I said irritates you. So in other words: you'll do nothing at all. Cool story.

BB: I'm not sure how bad it was back in Beast Wars' premier, as I didn't have the internet at the time. Though, I hear it was pretty bad. And yes, I'm from the Allspark. Chances are, if you see a "LioConvoy" on-line somewhere, it's me. :P
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Old 06-12-2012, 06:34 AM   #325
Cat's Pajamas
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You guys do realize that you tend to start your discussions with how terrible we all are, and what horrible fans this site has, then you're surprised you get some push back? Again, I think the majority of people on this site enjoy the show and want it to succeed. I'm tired of militant fans from both camps (if you don't love EVERYTHING about the new series, or have doubts about its future, you're a hater or a troll and a bad fan. Or, EVERYTHING about the new series is garbage, and the producers of the show hate our childhood and are trying to destroy the brand.) Both sides are wrong, and both sides are exhausting to listen to. If you want civil, fun discussion, then act civilized...
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Old 06-12-2012, 08:17 AM   #326
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
Batman:The Brave and the Bold got a total of 65 episodes and 3 seasons. Sounds like a pretty good run to me. Also, wasn't this guy behind the Wonder Woman movie? I've heard majority good reviews for that movie, and I myself enjoyed it.

This show does not have a huge internet fanbase. The ratings are decent, but for some reason or another children are not asking for Tcat toys. The internet fanbase alone is NOT going to save this show. So they could listen to us complain and moan all day about this or that, but if the toys don't sell, then bye bye Tcats.
I'm hoping our interest and the decent ratings will be enough to get the big wigs to try another approach with this toy line. I don't know crap about how that works, but it wouldnt hurt to advertise a few toy commercials during the premiers and maybe let it rerun a few more times a week.
You're correct. It helps that it is Batman. I heard a mix of reviews on the Brave and Bold.

WW movie didn't sell that well.

I believe the approach of how they did this seires is what hurts them. As a kid, I liked lion-o because he was great and he was at the front of everything. You knew he was the hero of the show. I don't get that from this seires. Kids want their heros to be cool and awesome. Lion-o isn't. The first toy we bought of the old TCats was Lion-o. Second one depend on the kid. I had cheetara next.

The ratings are simular to the ratings of others shows and they spent a lot on the animation in this show.

Last edited by L08e16o; 06-12-2012 at 08:52 AM..
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Old 06-12-2012, 08:23 AM   #327
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Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
Yeah, because I'm sure you have none. That's why you made it a point to specifically ridicule my love of this property, right?

I bolded the biggest thing here. Ford WAS selling the Model T's prior. WHICH GAINED HIM THE CAPITAL TO MAKE THE MODEL A. Thanks for ultimately proving my point for me, which was that without good sales running through first, one can't improve.

But not the same type of show. If this Thundercats gets cancelled, they're not going to turn around and replace it with another Thundercats.

No, you'll just make snarky comments on the side lines because what I said irritates you. So in other words: you'll do nothing at all. Cool story.

BB: I'm not sure how bad it was back in Beast Wars' premier, as I didn't have the internet at the time. Though, I hear it was pretty bad. And yes, I'm from the Allspark. Chances are, if you see a "LioConvoy" on-line somewhere, it's me. :P
I disagree. They could look at the writing and see where the show started going down. Where we got the divide in the fan base and when a lot of fans left the show.

That is why I like animation in Japan, they listen to their fans or they will be out of a job.
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:32 PM   #328
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
You're correct. It helps that it is Batman. I heard a mix of reviews on the Brave and Bold.

WW movie didn't sell that well.

I believe the approach of how they did this seires is what hurts them. As a kid, I liked lion-o because he was great and he was at the front of everything. You knew he was the hero of the show. I don't get that from this seires. Kids want their heros to be cool and awesome. Lion-o isn't. The first toy we bought of the old TCats was Lion-o. Second one depend on the kid. I had cheetara next.

The ratings are simular to the ratings of others shows and they spent a lot on the animation in this show.
The movie got some good numbers, but it was a slow seller. As far as reviews and word of mouth goes, the movie was pretty darn good. DC Doesn’t Want to Animate Super-Heroines » DVDs Worth Watching
I don't see why small children wouldnt find Lion-O cool. He jumps around with a power sword that shoots beams. I remember my little brother used to pretend he could shoot spirit bombs like Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Lion-O's THUNDERCATS HO sequence is just as cool as that.
I'm not sure if "being Batman" helped that series. The biggest complaint was "THIS IS NOT MY BATMAN". It was drastically different from what we'd come to expect from the franchise, and the corny jokes ticked a lot of fans off. Eh, take it for what it is, and then you can try to enjoy it.
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:50 PM   #329
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
The movie got some good numbers, but it was a slow seller. As far as reviews and word of mouth goes, the movie was pretty darn good. DC Doesn’t Want to Animate Super-Heroines » DVDs Worth Watching
I don't see why small children wouldnt find Lion-O cool. He jumps around with a power sword that shoots beams. I remember my little brother used to pretend he could shoot spirit bombs like Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Lion-O's THUNDERCATS HO sequence is just as cool as that.
I'm not sure if "being Batman" helped that series. The biggest complaint was "THIS IS NOT MY BATMAN". It was drastically different from what we'd come to expect from the franchise, and the corny jokes ticked a lot of fans off. Eh, take it for what it is, and then you can try to enjoy it.
About the BM part. This is where the ship stuff comes in. I guess BM/WW is big. MJ made BM look bad while he did WW/ST. Is he doing this stuff to write a story or is doing it for other reasons. I am not a DC fan, I am Marvel fan. So I am not so well clued in on DC stuff.

I think some series should just leave out the romance.

You knew Goku was the greatest in the group. He always powered up. Even though Goku's fights might take 50 episodes, it was better than lion-o's one hit battles. This is where I have problem with the series beside the writing. I never got the feeling lion-o was like the OS (powerful). He just seemed like a regular joe that was forced into being a king. The SoO and the Spirit Stone are what saves him. IMO, he has not improved.

I just feel without the SoO and SS, he is nothing. In his fights with mummra, they are one shot defeats. Same with Rata-o.

I think kids like more from their heros. You knew lion-o was the hero in the OS, this one is different.

I don't understand why they wouldn't try animating super Heroines. I enjoy the animes with heroines being the lead.

Last edited by L08e16o; 06-12-2012 at 01:56 PM..
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:52 PM   #330
Pravus Prime
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Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
I bolded the biggest thing here. Ford WAS selling the Model T's prior. WHICH GAINED HIM THE CAPITAL TO MAKE THE MODEL A. Thanks for ultimately proving my point for me, which was that without good sales running through first, one can't improve.
And why is it called the Model T? Because he started with the Model A and it didn't work. So he scrapped it and made the Model B, which failed. Same with the model C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S.

He had also started The Henry Ford Motor Company and what happened to it? He was forced out because the board didn't like what he was doing. They went on to rename the company Cadillac.

How did he start the Ford Motor Company? He made a race car and won some races, allowing him to get enough investor interest to start again.

He had no running start. He succeeded with a product he made in a shed that thanks to a slightly different design from everyone elses; enough that it didn't fall under the patent for the internal combustion engine that was hampering other manufacturers which required them to pay astronomical fees to use the popular combustion engine design at the time and managed to convince enough investors to give him a chance to see a return on that investment. Then he failed. A lot.

It was one of his fresh starts that did pay off for him ultimately and he nearly lost it because of his unwillingness to realize what he was doing wasn't working.

Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
No, you'll just make snarky comments on the side lines because what I said irritates you. So in other words: you'll do nothing at all. Cool story.
Way to miss the point. I also find it amusing that you call me on the side lines when you never posted on this board until the series was in trouble.

Originally Posted by Lioconvoy View Post
BB: I'm not sure how bad it was back in Beast Wars' premier, as I didn't have the internet at the time. Though, I hear it was pretty bad. And yes, I'm from the Allspark. Chances are, if you see a "LioConvoy" on-line somewhere, it's me. :P
It was pretty bad. However it gained momentum with the fandom as the series progressed and created a greater divide as it won fans over and those who wouldn't give a chance grew more entrenched with their views.

This series has done the reverse, it started with a lot of fan love and then lost them as the series progressed, creating a divide between those who the new series lost and disenchanted and those who like it as well as those desperate to hold onto anything that has the TC brand name.

Last edited by Pravus Prime; 06-12-2012 at 01:55 PM.. Reason: Fixed Typo.
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Old 06-12-2012, 04:22 PM   #331
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Originally Posted by stac View Post
You can like something so much, you don’t want to see it ruined any further.

They started off brilliantly with so much potential, and then squandered it. I can understand it if someone doesn’t want more mediocrity.
Do you guys think that the show can improve?

Shows can get better. Some shows learn from their mistakes and improve in later seasons. A "sophomore jinx". Even Bruce Timm turned around Justice League after his first season mistakes. Beast Wars jumped in quality from season to season.
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Old 06-12-2012, 05:22 PM   #332
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Originally Posted by MegaGearX View Post
Do you guys think that the show can improve?

Shows can get better. Some shows learn from their mistakes and improve in later seasons. A "sophomore jinx". Even Bruce Timm turned around Justice League after his first season mistakes. Beast Wars jumped in quality from season to season.
i strongly believe the show can improve if their was a more strict plot to follow and better and less complicated character development. i can also understand that some shows tend to be a bit messy during the first season and usually get better.
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Old 06-12-2012, 05:28 PM   #333
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Originally Posted by AdamofEternia View Post
i strongly believe the show can improve if their was a more strict plot to follow and better and less complicated character development. i can also understand that some shows tend to be a bit messy during the first season and usually get better.
I just don't buy the first season stuff. If the first 13 episodes (anime) are not great, they don't get the next 13. They do this with manga too.

Only way this show gets better is get rid of a certain writer or writers.

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Old 06-12-2012, 07:52 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
About the BM part. This is where the ship stuff comes in. I guess BM/WW is big.

I think some series should just leave out the romance.
When I PMed the late Dwayne McDuffie on his website about 4 years ago about BM/WW's future he said something like what they (Timm and Co.) have envisioned for Timm's DCAU was that BM and WW "married" for 30 years between JLU and Batman Beyond and the pairing was definitely many fans favorite. So they know many fans like BM/WW. Heck even many WW fans and BM fans have gathered money to make a WW movie with BM/WW ship in it :

Wonder Woman Fan Film Blog | Wonder Woman Fan Film

The writer of the movie said "I used Batman and Robin because their presence draws a sharp contrast to the worldview Diana inhabits (and because I love Batman and Wonder Woman’s dynamic on Justice League)."

And her costume looks way cooler than the canceled Live action WW TV thing not so long ago. So in short yes the BM/WW thing is big. But MJ tends to do stuff his way.

I agree if you cannot do romance just don't do it. It can destroy a show.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Last edited by cmangund; 06-12-2012 at 09:03 PM..
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Old 06-12-2012, 09:41 PM   #335
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
When I PMed the late Dwayne McDuffie on his website about 4 years ago about BM/WW's future he said something like what they (Timm and Co.) have envisioned for Timm's DCAU was that BM and WW "married" for 30 years between JLU and Batman Beyond and the pairing was definitely many fans favorite. So they know many fans like BM/WW. Heck even many WW fans and BM fans have gathered money to make a WW movie with BM/WW ship in it :

Wonder Woman Fan Film Blog | Wonder Woman Fan Film

The writer of the movie said "I used Batman and Robin because their presence draws a sharp contrast to the worldview Diana inhabits (and because I love Batman and Wonder Woman’s dynamic on Justice League)."

And her costume looks way cooler than the canceled Live action WW TV thing not so long ago. So in short yes the BM/WW thing is big. But MJ tends to do stuff his way.

I agree if you cannot do romance just don't do it. It can destroy a show.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.
And we know MJ is against BM/WW.


At least they listen to their fans and share information with their fans. TCrew doesn't say anything, if they do it is a tease to keep people watching the show.
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:36 PM   #336
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
And we know MJ is against BM/WW.


At least they listen to their fans and share information with their fans. TCrew doesn't say anything, if they do it is a tease to keep people watching the show.
Yeah MJ against BM/WW, though he will deny it when being asked. Compared the number of "high Profile" writers liking BM/WW: Joe Kelly, Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison, Bruce Timm, Dwayne Mcduffie, J.M. DeMatteis, etc. MJ is being outmatched.

Yeah instead of the NS crew saying "Oh wouldn't you want to know..." on NS crew tumbler when asked about the triangle and other stuff that MJ said such as I am all for iconic stuff, etc. They should just say it "No L/C ship all was just a lie." especially after Ep 13. Being honest goes a long way. Like William Shakespeare said "Honesty is the best policy." But alas "honesty" not MJ and crew's MO apparently.

And there's a BM/WW parody complete with costume movie with Leslie Bibb on Playing Wonder Woman in Movie 43 "I’m Wonder Woman and I have on this amazing wig and the whole getup, which was pretty fantastic. And I’m crazier than bat sh*t. Like, she is really crazy, and so it was really fun "
Though "batman" and "ww" in this will be crazy as in really crazy

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Last edited by cmangund; 06-14-2012 at 05:23 PM..
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Old 06-15-2012, 03:12 PM   #337
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I just heard about Thundercats possibly being canceled. I truly hope this isn't the case.

I loved the original series, and grew up with it. Thundercats finally comes back, and is going to fall victim to Cartoon Network's standard cancellation nonsense? I'm going to be distinctively angry. I'm getting very, very tired, of any series that I happen to take an interest in, to the point of actively collecting it, getting canceled.

I will happily write a strongly-worded letter to whoever I need to. I am not going to lose out on completing my Thundercats collection, neither Modern nor Classics, unlike Transformers: Animated. This goes the same for the series.
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Old 06-15-2012, 05:52 PM   #338
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Thundercats Hooooooo-ld Up. Save Thundercats! « Nerdist
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Old 06-15-2012, 06:03 PM   #339
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The Nerdist is behind us (even if the article's a bit poorly researched)? Oh sweet!
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:11 PM   #340
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Originally Posted by SirSapphire View Post
The Nerdist is behind us (even if the article's a bit poorly researched)? Oh sweet!
And MTVGeek!

MTV Geek – Is ‘ThunderCats’ Canceled? Can You Save Third Earth?
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Old 06-16-2012, 09:05 PM   #341
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I seem to remember that they said that CN ordered Season 2, correct? If I'm wrong on that, someone correct me.

Season 1 was 26 episodes. This is confirmed by the way the DVD releases are.

If this last episode WAS the end of the run, I hope that WB tries to sell it to Nick. At least Nick will give it a chance, unlike CN.
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Old 06-16-2012, 09:53 PM   #342
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Nick could stick the Avatar crew on it...

Hey a man can dream can't he?
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Old 06-16-2012, 11:50 PM   #343
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Originally Posted by Mum Star View Post
Nick could stick the Avatar crew on it...

Hey a man can dream can't he?
Ethan Spaulding, MJ's partner in crime in this blasted NS TCATS was one of Avatar's crew. He directed twelve or so Avatar Eps. But alas Ethan's work here is a "mess" with MJ.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.
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Old 06-20-2012, 08:08 AM   #344
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I hate it when network's move what is a hit show onto another day and time because people who are use to show being on a certain day and time sometimes forget when it is and wouldn't watch it. I think that is what happened to Thundercats CN made the idiot move to put it on Saturday mornings instead of leaving it on the day and time it was on before where people knew where it was perhaps it wouldn't have been cancelled.
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Old 06-21-2012, 03:28 AM   #345
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I dunno, frankly, I hardly ever watched anything on TV anymore for close to 10 years. With a HD monitor and a PC - and the internet -, I can watch anything on my computer without having to watch adverts or having to worry about missing the time a show airs.
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Old 06-21-2012, 06:42 AM   #346
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Originally Posted by BB Shockwave View Post
I dunno, frankly, I hardly ever watched anything on TV anymore for close to 10 years. With a HD monitor and a PC - and the internet -, I can watch anything on my computer without having to watch adverts or having to worry about missing the time a show airs.
Between DVDs and streaming Netflix, I haven't had cable for years. It's gotta be a huge problem for these guys to figure out actual audience numbers, with so many of us watching in alternate ways. The only thing I watch when it actually airs anymore is soccer...
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Old 06-21-2012, 07:18 AM   #347
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The only thing that matters is DVD sales + toy sales. That's how they'll figure out if its worth making a 2nd season for
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Old 06-21-2012, 07:59 AM   #348
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Originally Posted by rlw1984 View Post
I hate it when network's move what is a hit show onto another day and time because people who are use to show being on a certain day and time sometimes forget when it is and wouldn't watch it. I think that is what happened to Thundercats CN made the idiot move to put it on Saturday mornings instead of leaving it on the day and time it was on before where people knew where it was perhaps it wouldn't have been cancelled.
Remember CN was going for toy sales.
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:00 AM   #349
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Originally Posted by Sining View Post
The only thing that matters is DVD sales + toy sales. That's how they'll figure out if its worth making a 2nd season for
They are going to get killed in DVD sales. You can just burn from anime sites that show the cartoon.
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:31 AM   #350
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
They are going to get killed in DVD sales. You can just burn from anime sites that show the cartoon.
This was yet another WB blunder with Thundercats. By only releasing the series in DVD they missed out on a lot of profit. A Blu release, with 5.1 Dolby or DTS would have been phenomenal. The NS art is top notch and putting it solely on DVD is just doing it a disservice.

And your right. When people can go online and download the series in HD, why would they downgrade to DVD quality? This is where Blu Ray would have been the answer.
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