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Old 04-20-2012, 07:28 PM   #201
Thunder Kitty
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Originally Posted by KaleRylan View Post
It doesn't really matter if you disagree, it doesn't make you right. Thanks to the introduction of the mother, we now simply will never know who Tygra was talking about there unless they confirm it.

Until this episode everyone thought it was Cheetara, now there's a strong argument that it was the mom, but we have no idea. There is nothing pushing it either way other than your personal opinion.

That said, making it the mom he was talking about may seem logical in hindsight, but in reality if you watch the show in order that would lack any emotional weight. At the time we had no knowledge of their mother, to suddenly bring her up with no context or explanation (or way of knowing it wasn't Cheetara he was talking about) would be (I'm tired of this point) bad writing. The scene there only carries weight at that point in the show if its Cheetara.

That said, I'm not saying it IS Cheetara, I'm saying we can no longer prove either.
Sorta like adding a flashback out of the blue to explain the girl falling for another guy besides who she was flirting with the whole series?
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Old 04-20-2012, 07:33 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by CCDustyV View Post
Sorta like adding a flashback out of the blue to explain the girl falling for another guy besides who she was flirting with the whole series?
Oh Snap.
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:02 PM   #203
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It was out of the blue, and rushed. I would have liked all the flashbacks to be longer. Cheetara picking Tygra (or anyone) just because they were nice to her (disregarding the flower helping her be a cleric) seems kinda creepy to me. Just because someone's nice to you one time (if we saw more examples of them interacting at all over the years, and he still treated her nice, then i wouldn't be so squicked out) when you're like, 12, weirds me out. Maybe it's just because i'm a female, but if some guy is nice to me once, randomly gives me a flower, then years later expects me to somehow return his feelings without asking me (both brothers are at fault for not asking her how she felt, and using her as competition) how i feel, then refers to me as "something else" his brother doesn't deserve, i wouldn't get with either of them. I know this is a kids show, but what are little girls supposed to take from this, when Cheetara's supposed to be the level headed one, and the only grown up woman on the show so far (we haven't seen much of Kit)?

I'm not so much concerned over the "love triangle" anymore as i'm concerned over what this show is teaching kids about -- like Tygra's treatment of Lion-o, the brothers both using Cheetara as a trophy/not asking her how she felt/her not making herself clearer, Cheetara's body language with Lion-o, and her reason for picking Tygra, etc.
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:17 PM   #204
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Nope, not doing this dance again.

Last edited by Chique; 04-20-2012 at 09:20 PM..
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:30 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
Nope, not doing this dance again.
What do you mean?
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:33 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
What do you mean?
Deleated a post, but I wansnt sure if you saw it or not so I didn't want it to look odd if you replied to nothing

On a more relevant note, the crew confirmed that the bracelet was indeed a family heirloom, and that it was designed to work with the new whip !
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:36 PM   #207
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Originally Posted by CCDustyV View Post
Sorta like adding a flashback out of the blue to explain the girl falling for another guy besides who she was flirting with the whole series?
Heh Heh heh...
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:40 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by Chique View Post
Deleated a post, but I wansnt sure if you saw it or not so I didn't want it to look odd if you replied to nothing

On a more relevant note, the crew confirmed that the bracelet was indeed a family heirloom, and that it was designed to work with the new whip !
I was refreshing the page but i didn't see your post cause my internet's wacky.
I didn't mean to offend, but the point i was trying to make was that it honestly made me uncomfortable, and given how i was influenced by tv at that age, i was just concerned about how some kids would take the Aesops.

Oh, that's cool about the bracelet. I can't wait to see the new whip. Hopefully the twins will get something new soon. I'd like Kit to keep the Flupe.
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:43 PM   #209
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
I was refreshing the page but i didn't see your post cause my internet's wacky.
I didn't mean to offend, but the point i was trying to make was that it honestly made me uncomfortable, and given how i was influenced by tv at that age, i was just concerned about how some kids would take the Aesops.

Oh, that's cool about the bracelet. I can't wait to see the new whip. Hopefully the twins will get something new soon. I'd like Kit to keep the Flupe.
Oh no, I'm not offended. Different strokes for different folkes. I deleted because I dont want to contribute to that topic, seeing as it has nothing to do with this episode. You didn't get the chance to see it
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Old 04-20-2012, 10:44 PM   #210
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Overall I did like this episode, but to be honest the way Tygra has acted throughout the entire series can not be fixed with just this one episode. He still gives me a bad taste in my mouth when I see him. If he stops with the @#$ hole routine in the next few episodes, I think I can grow to tolerate him, but anymore than that is a stretch.

The only thing I am concerned about though is that.........I was actually kind of hoping Lion-O and Tygra would end up fighting each other again in the future. Tygra repeatedly trounced Lion-O throughout the first season, Hell his SPIRIT trounced Lion-O (you know what I mean). I really just want to see Lion-O WIN against Tygra. I know that "Lion-O should be the bigger man if he wants to prove he's a good king" but still.....throw a Lion-O fan a bone for all the times we had to put up with Tygra winning.

I don't know......spirits of evil posses him, turn him into a rage demon for a bit. Lion-O then beats him in a fight, regains his senses, we all go home happy
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Old 04-20-2012, 10:51 PM   #211
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This may get a smidge off topic so I apologize.

I did like how they are mending fences between the characters and giving more insight to Kats other than Lion-O. I am a little worried however because we know the next ep is about the kittens and the next will feature Pumyra (there are some theories it will also deal with Cheetara as well) that they may glance over a few things.

After episode 13-15, I do want at least half of an episode devoted to Lion-O and Cheetara. My shipping preferences aside, she has seemed to be distancing herself from him as of late ( I concede that Lion-O is not "helping" either) But I do think that after 14, their relationship (in any form) is strained and needs fixing, at least to get them back to their starting point.

She needs to know he still can count on her and He needs to know that regardless of who she's with, she is there for him in more than just physical presence.
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Old 04-21-2012, 12:15 AM   #212
Burning Bright
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Well, it's questionable as to whether who I'm responding to will see this one...

Originally Posted by nickanu View Post
I was talking to somebody and she brought up a good point...why are they looking for a passages through the mountains.....what about the third stone....the one up on the cliff...I didn't see any snow covered mountains anywhere by that cliff.....

am I missing something?....if the stone is not up on that cliff then why did the book point up?
I'm pretty sure they didn't want to use up between a third to half of an episode to show the cats exploring the mountain and not finding the stone, thus just moving into the events of "Native Son".

Unless the stone they were looking for is the Stone-stone or the Mountain-stone, there was no stone to find there. What's my reasoning on that? The 2 stones that the cats have now.

The Eye of Thundera is actually the War-stone. Both times Mumm-Ra went looking for it, it was resting in a weapon (It was in a cannon in "Legacy", and it's been in the Sword of Omens ever since). When the cats found the Spirit-stone, it was resting in the astral plane. The other 2 stones have likely also settled someplace related to what they represent.

Why did the book point up? Check the pic you chose. The tank is parked next to the mountain. There are two objects in view on the tank's screens that are "up", aside from the mountain.

We don't know what the other 2 stones are called, but we saw them in "Legacy". One was red and floated by itself with two little things orbiting it. That's probably the stone that the Book was pointing to when it pointed up.
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Old 04-21-2012, 08:36 PM   #213
Mum Star
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On a different note, these revalations about the Tigers make me wonder how they'd handle an introduction for Bengali, if they decide to use him in this series.
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Old 04-22-2012, 07:27 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by Balgus82 View Post
Btw another reason I don't think it went to Thundera on purpose was because of how surprised everyone was that he ended up there.
The balloon was just another take on "Moses in the basket down the river." Tygra's dad had no idea where it would end up, just hoped that it would be found by SOMEONE.

As for Lion-O's mom and the "prince" thing, she probably just didn't want Tygra to latch on to something that he probably wouldn't ever be. She had no idea she was going to die soon, after Lion-O who knows how many other cubs she would have given birth to, all pushing Tygra further down the princely line (as he would always be last in line). I mean, it's UNLIKELY since it took so long to conceive Lion-O, but you don't know what she was thinking, or what her royal court was preparing her for in regards to Tygra. It was apparent she had a lot of pressure on her (probably from herself, but who knows) before Tygra came into her life, and maybe felt inadequate for not producing a heir.

I also think that a lot of Tygra's sudden claim of being an outcast was because of the royal lineage favoring lions screwing him over. Yes, he was the only Tiger in Thundera, but it was also because he was a tiger and not a lion, because he was different than the rest of his family, that he was last in line for the crown. He was obviously better qualified (at the time of Claudis's death) to be the new king.
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Old 04-22-2012, 08:29 PM   #215
Big Snarf
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Originally Posted by Mum Star View Post
On a different note, these revalations about the Tigers make me wonder how they'd handle an introduction for Bengali, if they decide to use him in this series.
A different clan maybe
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Old 04-23-2012, 09:56 AM   #216
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Originally Posted by Lunchie View Post
This may get a smidge off topic so I apologize.

I did like how they are mending fences between the characters and giving more insight to Kats other than Lion-O. I am a little worried however because we know the next ep is about the kittens and the next will feature Pumyra (there are some theories it will also deal with Cheetara as well) that they may glance over a few things.

After episode 13-15, I do want at least half of an episode devoted to Lion-O and Cheetara. My shipping preferences aside, she has seemed to be distancing herself from him as of late ( I concede that Lion-O is not "helping" either) But I do think that after 14, their relationship (in any form) is strained and needs fixing, at least to get them back to their starting point.

She needs to know he still can count on her and He needs to know that regardless of who she's with, she is there for him in more than just physical presence.
agreed, there was some very big damage to Cheetara and Lion-O's bridge, Tygra and Lion-O's is on the road to recover, but so far Lion-O and Cheetara are still in a holding pattern. Shipping aside, I'm hoping to see some jealousy out of her, not so much from the romance side of it, but with Pumyra sticking around, if Lion-O and Pumyra click, it'd make her his go-to-gal, and should Cheetara see that she's no longer the 'alpha female' in their little mini-mobile-kingdom, could see that hitting below the belt for her.

for 12 eps, She was the one Lion-O went to to talk and vent, if he starts turning to Pumyra instead especially after the hits their relationship has had over the last few eps yeah, I'd imagine some green eyes would be popping up in our lil speedster kitty.
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