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Old 03-21-2011, 10:45 PM   #1
GK Punk
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1:00-1:45 ThunderCats Special Video Presentation and Cast/Producer Q&A— ThunderCats Ho! The cats will be loose on Sunday as WonderCon hosts the first-ever panel for this all-new animated series produced by Warner Bros. Animation, coming soon to Cartoon Network. Based upon the iconic 1980s action classic, ThunderCats is the epic tale of Lion-O and his battle against evil in the quest for the fabled Stones of Power. Fans will feel the magic and hear the roar as producers and cast unveil their vision for the show, debut exclusive footage and answer questions about one of the most highly anticipated animated series of the year. Esplanade Ballroom

If I can make it to this, I'll try and update live.

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Old 03-22-2011, 06:45 AM   #2
Joe Moore
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That would be awesome.
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Old 03-22-2011, 04:32 PM   #3
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I'll probably know by this weekend
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Old 03-31-2011, 04:36 PM   #4
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Sounds like ill be there. As long as I have internet ill update what I can live.
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Old 04-01-2011, 09:27 AM   #5
Joe Moore
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Originally Posted by GK Punk View Post
Sounds like ill be there. As long as I have internet ill update what I can live.
That is really generous of you. Thanks for doing this and can't wait tot see your report.
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:30 PM   #6
Cornelius Tunar FTW
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Pic from the panel courtesy of @thewbdotcom.

Where you at GK Punk!
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:57 PM   #7
GK Punk
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We were just welcomed to Thundercon by a wb exec.
Noè showing.
New trailer with voices.
Larry kennel sounds just like lion o as claudus.
Amazing trailer more details later.
Larry greatest us with his final thundercats Ho cry.
Reboot has been in the works for 10th year in various incarnations.
Thundera is now a kingdom on third earth
cats lair is an homage to the old series the cats separated themselves from third earth.
Larry @ he can still kick mummras ass.
He really puts over the new voice cast.
They approached the series with respect to the original but wanted to try a different take for the btw generation.
Snarfer his bring voiced by a unnamed seiyuu in Japan.
Music wise they are going for a more epic movie score with a few homage toothed classic
26 episodes with an aim of at least 52 with an epic storyline.
Said thru sweated a.lot on the redisgn of thebthundertank.
Larry says it has a dvd player and gps.
They put over bandais toys a lot ant Larry says cheetara is the original thundercats Ho haha.

Fan q and a now.
The mythology takes in to aact the original story, thundera will still be destroyed.
Lion o will age in this series.
Larry does the young lion o voice for us.
Question asked about sci fi its about half and half sci fi and fantasy.
Snarfer will be more like M r2d2 and lion o can understand him.
Btw sky cutter is in as is other classic vehicles berils are in.
Keep an eye out for silver hawks.
Classics villains are in maybe mandora. Says tune in to see.
Discussion on cheetaras breast. Seriously.
Character colors changed to allow.more individuality.
4c was chosen because they were the most eager to work on the show.
Chance brown is grune.
Robin atkins is.mumr
A yes to new thundercats and he trials.
Thunderkittens Do have tails.
The thundercats will act like cats when possible including hissing.
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Old 04-03-2011, 04:00 PM   #8
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Ok I lost internet in there and ill post pics and video later
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Old 04-03-2011, 04:02 PM   #9
Cornelius Tunar FTW
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Thanks man, much appreciated!
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Old 04-03-2011, 04:14 PM   #10
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I'll also type a better report up
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Old 04-03-2011, 04:21 PM   #11
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Hehe auto correct ftw
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Old 04-03-2011, 06:11 PM   #12
Thunder Kitty
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ThunderCats Wondercon Trailer

Facebook: Videos Posted by Cartoon Network: Cartoon Network - ThunderCats [HD] | Facebook

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Old 04-03-2011, 08:15 PM   #13
Thunder Kitty
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Originally Posted by GK Punk View Post
We were just welcomed to Thundercon by a wb exec.
Noè showing.
New trailer with voices.
Larry kennel sounds just like lion o as claudus.
Amazing trailer more details later.
Larry greatest us with his final thundercats Ho cry.
Reboot has been in the works for 10th year in various incarnations.
Thundera is now a kingdom on third earth
cats lair is an homage to the old series the cats separated themselves from third earth.
Larry @ he can still kick mummras ass.
He really puts over the new voice cast.
They approached the series with respect to the original but wanted to try a different take for the btw generation.
Snarfer his bring voiced by a unnamed seiyuu in Japan.
Music wise they are going for a more epic movie score with a few homage toothed classic
26 episodes with an aim of at least 52 with an epic storyline.
Said thru sweated a.lot on the redisgn of thebthundertank.
Larry says it has a dvd player and gps.
They put over bandais toys a lot ant Larry says cheetara is the original thundercats Ho haha.

Fan q and a now.
The mythology takes in to aact the original story, thundera will still be destroyed.
Lion o will age in this series.
Larry does the young lion o voice for us.
Question asked about sci fi its about half and half sci fi and fantasy.
Snarfer will be more like M r2d2 and lion o can understand him.
Btw sky cutter is in as is other classic vehicles berils are in.
Keep an eye out for silver hawks.
Classics villains are in maybe mandora. Says tune in to see.
Discussion on cheetaras breast. Seriously.
Character colors changed to allow.more individuality.
4c was chosen because they were the most eager to work on the show.
Chance brown is grune.
Robin atkins is.mumr
A yes to new thundercats and he trials.
Thunderkittens Do have tails.
The thundercats will act like cats when possible including hissing.
Hi GK!

Thank you so much for all the information! It's much appreciated!

So far, everything sounds quite nice. I especially like hearing how enthusiastic Mr. Kenny sounds about the new series! Guest appearances by the Silverhawks also sound fun.

Though, could you elaborate on this?

Originally Posted by GK Punk View Post
A yes to new thundercats and he trials.
Does the phrase "new Thundercats" in this case, refer to brand-new Thundercats joining the team, or is it referring to Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O, eventually making an appearance?
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Old 04-04-2011, 12:29 AM   #14
GK Punk
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The new refers to Bengali, Pumyra and Lynx O. I didnt think to ask about new new THundercats...

I really can't wait to retype this tonight Got some pics of the extra art shown too.
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Old 04-04-2011, 03:01 AM   #15
GK Punk
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It was quite the amazing Wondercon for this Thundercat fan. We showed up about a half hour early, Being escorted by Captain America (No, really.) to the Esplanade ball room. (He was there the night before in the Costume Contest.) We walk in and realize the previous panel was still going on, despite being ten minutes before the Thundercats panel was scheduled to begin, which worked great because it allowed us to survey the room to figure out how to best take pictures and videos of the trailer. (Which ended up being a moot point, apparently haha.)

Finally, the main event. We creep closer to the biggest screen and PA system and get ourselves ready. With in just a few minutes, we were welcomed by an Exec from WB animation (Whose name I sadly did not catch) who thanked us for coming an introduced us to the panelists.

We began by viewing the trailer (Which you have all seen by now.) after which our host asked Larry Kenney to give the fans what they want... Which he obliged. Larry gives us a full hearted “THUNDER, THUNDER, THUNDER, THUNDERCATS... HOOOO!!!” And got a huge crowd pop. He followed up by telling us he's retiring that character, and we can now only hear that from Will Friedle. Larry was absolutely amazing the entire panel, just for the record. Great personality.

Next they tell about how long this reboot has been in the works. Briefly mentioned the rock band version, the movie, Wildstorm comics etc. They talk about how a lot of the things we see that are familiar to us are done so as an homage to the original series, and out of respect for the foundation layed by the original series. Such as Cat's Lair, the Thundertank etc. Anything changed was done out of trying to update it for a new generation.

The Thundercats have apparently separated themselves from the rest of Third Earth in their own society. It sounds like There are other cats out there exploring Third Earth for reasons not said. They show us a section of still shots, and the crowd seems really pleased with the new take on the characters. (I of course, cheered loudly for my beloved Wilytwins, while the rest of the audience gave an “Awwwwwwwwww”)

The host asks about Snarf, who recieves quite the mixed reaction. The audience was split right in the middle about this character. They confirmed that Snarf can not talk. He only can make animal like sounds and say “Snarf!” The question as to whom will be doing the voice for Snarf is asked, and we are told that Snarf is actually being voiced by a Seiyuu in Japan but no one in specific was named. (It was also mentioned that Snarf's lines have yet to be recorded, but will be this week in Japan.)

We next discussed the music of the new series. It was described as more epic and grand in scale, closer to a movie. There will of course be certain music cues familiar to the series, but a majority of the soundtrack is brand new scores.

The first season will be 26 episodes, and they are aiming for at least 52 in total. The story was described like a movie epic. There will be things that appear in the first episode that won't be significant until much later in the series, giving it a movie feel. (They really stressed the movie like feel of the story telling. It was compared to a 52 episode movie.)

When it comes to redesigning vehicles, they really sweated themselves over the creation of the new Thundertank. They were very worried about it not living up to it's legacy. It's one of the most iconic cartoon vehicles of the 80s and they wanted to honor that. Larry mentions that the new thundertank has a DVD player and a GPS. Back in the 80s they didn't have video in it at all! (Larry seriously was a very awesome guy with lots of great wisecracks.)
They heavily put over Bandai's upcoming toyline talking about how great they are. Larry tells us that Cheetara is the original thundercat's ho. (That joke got a mixed reaction, butI almost died when he said it.)

They then opened the floor to fan Q and A. (I quickly took a spot in line, prepared to ask all the tough questions and impress them with my knoweledge on the series. I even had a back up, nothing was going to stop me from showing how bad ass I am about Thundercats to this Panel. I was going to look so AWESOME IN THEIR EYES!... How'd it turn out? Read on, fair forum goer!)

In this section we learned:

That the mythology and basic story was all based on the original series, changed where necessary to simplify the history. Such important moments as Thunder being destroyed still happens, as it's a necessary piece of the thundercats mythology. (This personally shocked me.)

The next question was about Lion O starting the series as a teenager. Through out the corse of the story, Lion O will age and grow in to a true warrior. Larry chimes in with stories about Lion O as a child, and even says a few lines as Young Lion O From Exodus. HUGE CROWD POP.

The next question is about how it seems that a lot of Sci Fi was cut from the show. We're assured that not all of the Sci Fi elements are gone, and the series is described as half fantasy, half sci fi. There will apparently be out space scenes still in the series.

More questions about Snarf, mentioning what I said above, also comparing him to an R2D2 type character. Lion O Can fully understand Snarf's sounds.

Question about classic vehicles appearing, as well as characters like the Berbils. hey wait just a damn minute. That's what I was going to ask! MY MOMENT HAS BEEN RUINED. It's cool, I have a back up.

Captain America asks about other Rankin Bass characters. It's teased that Silver Hawks could be rebooted or appear in this series.

Next question is about classic characters such as Mandora, the Berbils and...Anyway, they confirm all the classic mutants will be involved and characters like Mandora are teased as possibilities. We're told we have to wait and see. Wait... that was my other question. My life is falling apart before me... I'll think of something incredibly awesome and STILL WOW THEM.

Next we talk about character designs, and Cheetara's breasts. No, seriously. Larry had a lot to say on that subject. Color's that were changed was done to make them have more indivuality. A lot of the original character's basic designs are still present, just updated.

Clancy Brown and Robin Atkins are announced as the voices of Grune, and Mumm-Ra respectively.

Finally, my chance to shine. I ask the ground breaking question in my nerdiest moment in history “So, I noticed the Thunderkittens have tails... why is that?” Yeah... that was the best I could come up with. However, the answer was great and quite in depth (Video later) I was told that they were looking to design different cat species with different qualities. Some will have tails for example. Another thing I was also told that the executive producer wants them to act as cat like as possible when the opportunity presents it's self. Things such as hissing will be present in these Thundercats from time to time. Also noted that they no longer look like men wearing cat like face paint, but rather a race of cat people. (Which has been my biggest issue with the series since I was a child. I should also point out that may have been actually in response to a different question, but you'll have to forgive me. It's currently 1 AM as I type this, and I'm rather sleep deprived after a long day.) I was about to ask about the Twins race, and If they are adult cats fully grown just small, or actual children when I heard “One more question after this one” and I didn't want to steal someone else's time.

The final question was asked by a guy wearing a “WINNING!” T-Shirt and an afro. Called himself “Afro Sheen” really hilarious guy. I talked to him for a bit while waiting for our turns to ask questions.

Great question by him. He asks about the Anointment Trials of Lion O and if they would appear in this series, he also asks if the second season Cats will make appearance. “Yes, Yes and Yes.” was the answer. We were basically told that the series even begins with Lion O's trials, and we'll see him face off against the other Thundercats in these trials. (Flash backs to the trailer anyone?)

That was the final question of the panel, they thanked us for coming and left the stage. All in all a great Panel, easily worth the trip to San Francisco alone.

Last edited by GK Punk; 04-04-2011 at 03:06 AM..
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Old 04-04-2011, 06:24 AM   #16
Joe Moore
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Great write-up. Thanks so much for doing this.
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Old 04-04-2011, 07:02 AM   #17
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awesome job mate!!! thanks for sharing!
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:08 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by GK Punk View Post
The new refers to Bengali, Pumyra and Lynx O. I didnt think to ask about new new THundercats...

I really can't wait to retype this tonight Got some pics of the extra art shown too.
Hi GK!

Thank you so much for the detailed write-up!

Thanks also for answering my question! I'm very pleased to hear that Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O will be appearing in the new series as well!

Something else I just realized, thanks to the pictures you posted; not only does Panthro not make an appearance, neither does the Thundertank....
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:18 AM   #19
Joe Moore
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Originally Posted by Icespark View Post
Hi GK!

Thank you so much for the detailed write-up!

Thanks also for answering my question! I'm very pleased to hear that Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O will be appearing in the new series as well!

Something else I just realized, thanks to the pictures you posted; not only does Panthro not make an appearance, neither does the Thundertank....
The trailer appears to be for the first or first few episodes. In the beginning, Panthro is off exploring Third Earth. So that explains why he isn't in the trailers.
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Old 04-04-2011, 11:53 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Joe Moore View Post
The trailer appears to be for the first or first few episodes. In the beginning, Panthro is off exploring Third Earth. So that explains why he isn't in the trailers.
Thank you for telling me! I did not know that, so, it explains quite a bit!

Also, I've just realized; I'm betting that Jaga is being voiced by Corey Burton. The voice sounds a lot like Christopher Lee, and Mr. Burton does an excellent portrayal of that.
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Old 04-04-2011, 01:55 PM   #21
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Hmm, so my initial response to Snarf was correct; he's basically a pokemon. I like it, I think it's better than sounding like Gwildor. Thanks for posting this wrap-up, I like what I'm hearing. This gives me hope that at some point Hachiman may show up!
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Old 04-04-2011, 05:31 PM   #22
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dang it. i didn't go on Sunday. tsk.

i was there on Friday and Saturday.
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:12 AM   #23
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Thanks for the write up.

I like everything I've seen and heard, except Snarf's inability to speak.
I don't hate the idea, but I'm not sure I like it.
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Old 04-12-2011, 04:07 PM   #24
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Sweet! Season 2 cats are go!

Can't wait to see the designs for them. Hope they make a figure of at least Pumyra.
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