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Conversation Between Yasraina and LouLou
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Yasraina
    11-28-2011 05:07 PM
    Sorry to ask you are you a guy or a girl cause i'm not sure to tell the truth! :P
  2. LouLou
    11-28-2011 04:13 PM
    I'll put a thread up here and see if anyone wants to join in and then we'll decide where to have it :)
  3. Yasraina
    11-27-2011 09:54 AM
    You still surprise me you liked he-man and she-ra too? I thought i was the only one none else i know liked it as a show!
  4. Yasraina
    11-22-2011 04:24 PM
    You know better i'm not really good at these. Do you believe that in the forum we'll get more followers?
  5. LouLou
    11-22-2011 04:04 PM
    Hey hey! So you fancy starting an RP, should we do it on the forum or somewhere else?

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