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Conversation Between monothingie and Cat's Pajamas
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. monothingie
    06-21-2012 02:12 PM
    I'm more of a Rifftrax guy, I always like the later combo of Kevin, Michael, and Bill. They are a great combo, and they're coming to NYC in August for a live show and I've got tickets!
  2. Cat's Pajamas
    06-20-2012 06:48 AM
    Cat's Pajamas
    Have you seen Cinematic-Titanic yet? My wife and I caught a show when they came through CT a few months ago. I have literally never laughed so hard or so often. Definitely worth checking out, they sell DVDs of some of the shows, but if you can get to a live one, you won't regret it.

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