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zartan015 zartan015 is offline

Thunder Kitty

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  1. zartan015
    11-26-2011 01:34 PM
    Actually, I joined to answer your question. But I've been looking for a good thundercats site anyways, as I'm digging the new cartoon. I know that some of the stuff you have is probobally out of my price range, some more of it I just need weapons or armor for, but would be willing to get the whole figure to strip. I only need about 8 or so figures to finish my collection. but give me an idea of what you're looking to get, and if possible how complete they are.
  2. zartan015
    11-25-2011 08:42 PM
    I've been collecting them awhile. I'm down to about 8 figures, plus parts to a few others. I've kinda been out of collecting them for a bit. since a bit after the end of the 200x series. And I'm sure some of them are out of my price range (twistoid and rotar), but what do you want for the ones I was asking for and how complete are they?
    11-24-2011 11:37 AM
    I was looking to sell everything but make an offer and well see if we can make a deal. Pretty cool imo that you joined the forum to ask about the he-man lot. Let's me know you apreciate it.

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  • About zartan015
    Favorite Thundercat?
    Classic or Modern Thundercats?


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  • Last Activity: 01-31-2012 10:48 AM
  • Join Date: 11-23-2011
  • Referrals: 0

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