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Balgus82 Balgus82 is offline

Survivor of the Anointment Trials

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  1. fuukonomiko
    04-23-2012 06:31 PM
    No wonder I agree with what you say majority of the time, great minds think alike. We share a birthday (I made a typo on mine, its supposed to be 8/15) but I'm older, lol.
  2. hollowdheart
    03-31-2012 10:24 PM
    Yeah, the manga's almost ending too. And the manga's art's a lot better than when it first started. The anime adds a lot of filler and other non canon stuff.
  3. hollowdheart
    03-31-2012 08:47 PM
    Kubo said IchiRuki aren't "just friends", but they aren't lovers either. he directed a whole movie about their bond. And he's said it's very special. The poems for the art book also references this. Though the anime team supports IchiHime more. Also, IchiRuki has a lot of artwork for them, and an OVA/Pilot for Bleach about them and their bond.

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  • Last Activity: 11-06-2013 10:07 PM
  • Join Date: 07-06-2011
  • Referrals: 0


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