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stac 05-21-2012 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51671)
It really is a harsh point, to the point where you're like a lawyer.

Absolutely unforgiving of ANY mistake someone makes. Look at how it nicely that worked between hollowdheart and I.

It wasn't even the point of my post at all, my post is saying, be more forgiving of Dan. If you needed a reason to be sympathetic, here it is.

Look CSF, if I see someone using bad logic then I will point that out and if that makes me seem cold or lawyerly, so be it.

I just said that he was a bit unprofessional. I did not call for disciplinary actions to be taken against him or anything along those lines. I am sympathetic and I hope the accident was not serious and that he is fine.

However, as Art Director, he has a prominent role with the show and a certain level of professionalism may be expected of him. This is now the second time he has handled criticism badly by making it very personal when he should have ignored the comments.

Forgiving someone does not mean forgetting that they made a mistake in the first place.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 51729)
Look CSF, if I see someone using bad logic then I will point that out and if that makes me seem cold or lawyerly, so be it.

I just said that he was a bit unprofessional. I did not call for disciplinary actions to be taken against him or anything along those lines. I am sympathetic and I hope the accident was not serious and that he is fine.

However, as Art Director, he has a prominent role with the show and a certain level of professionalism may be expected of him. This is now the second time he has handled criticism badly by making it very personal when he should have ignored the comments.

Forgiving someone does not mean forgetting that they made a mistake in the first place.

It's at the point where people are bringing it down like an anvil and Dan is letting it go. It's time to stop already.

Sining 05-21-2012 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 51724)
Or both.

But...the best part is when you can both tell the truth AND be insulting.


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51715)
You say my arguments are are a fallacy. You're half right. I'm trying to appeal to the basic human emotions of sympathy 'cause I think the guy deserves a bit of a break, but tell me what's not logic about educating people about Dan's accident? That's not rhetoric either, seriously, tell me: why shouldn't I use Dan's accident to get people to stop being completely apathetic?

It should never matter that he was "unprofessional" this one time. Offending a few people shouldn't be something you think should end someone's career because you're such a spiteful human being.

The only reason I'm even replying to this post, is because it's clearly directed at myself and the arguments I've made on Dan's behalf, but you didn't even have the guts to reply me directly.

Well, there's nothing with sympathy. However, there are people who use sympathy to get what they want from other people or to defuse their wrath. I know of a very prominent scammer on dakkadakka who did some commission jobs for several of the members on the forum. He would take the jobs to paint stuff for them, get the money up front, say it would be ready by so-and-so date and then when the date came and went, nothing arrived. They would try and get a hold of him, but have a very hard time doing so, and eventually when they did contact him, he would tell them some story about how his wife was very sick or his children were very sick etc and this made them go 'oh, the guy's having a hard time, let me ease off on him a little'. He made thousands of dollars this way.

Is DN such a person? I don't know. I do know that he has blown his top at a fan at least twice as indicated in this thread, so unless he had 2 separate accidents on those days, it does indicate he is the type who gets angry when criticised. I have no idea if he said 'oh, it was cause i was stressed cause of so-so reason' for the Pumyra incident or not. Can someone enlighten me?

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 51738)
Well, there's nothing with sympathy. However, there are people who use sympathy to get what they want from other people or to defuse their wrath. I know of a very prominent scammer on dakkadakka who did some commission jobs for several of the members on the forum. He would take the jobs to paint stuff for them, get the money up front, say it would be ready by so-and-so date and then when the date came and went, nothing arrived. They would try and get a hold of him, but have a very hard time doing so, and eventually when they did contact him, he would tell them some story about how his wife was very sick or his children were very sick etc and this made them go 'oh, the guy's having a hard time, let me ease off on him a little'. He made thousands of dollars this way.

I feel like there's a big difference between letting someone get away with scamming people out of their money (a criminal offense, in which the lawyer anvil should be dropped), and forgiving them for having a public emotional outburst (flaw of a human being, yet people are even more harsh about it than the situation with the con artist).

Singe 05-21-2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51711)
Gonna have to disagree with Lion-O having it easy and leeway. As was clearly shown from the very first episode, Tygra was constantly complaining and challenging him at every chance. Many times, so were Panthro and the Kittens. Even Cheetara spoke against him in a few episodes. I'd call that snap-back myself.

In the earlier portions of the show, yes, Lion-O did often disregard the opinions of others in times of duress but we saw his character grow slightly over time.

In my opinion, Pumyra seems more the tomboyish sister type to Lion-O than anything else. Given the personalities, it just seems that she is a better fit for Tygra than Lion-O.

When Kanyar and Atticus came into the show, Lion-O allowed his emotions to cloud his head and rush the group by himself. That fight didn't turn out so well, having to be saved by Pantrho. That split second change to have Cheetara surrender saved Lion-O's tail from looking like he made a reckless decision that nearly got them all killed.

stac 05-21-2012 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 51748)
When Kanyar and Atticus came into the show, Lion-O allowed his emotions to cloud his head and rush the group by himself.

Yes he was a bit emotional but Lion-O had no knowledge that Kaynar and Addicus had been recruited when he chose to free the captured lizards.


That fight didn't turn out so well, having to be saved by Pantrho. That split second change to have Cheetara surrender saved Lion-O's tail from looking like he made a reckless decision that nearly got them all killed.
If anything, Cheetara’s decision would have resulted in a quicker death for all of them. It was Cheetara who chose to surrender, nearly getting all three of them killed and somehow it is Lion-O’s fault?

Sining 05-21-2012 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51747)
I feel like there's a big difference between letting someone get away with scamming people out of their money (a criminal offense, in which the lawyer anvil should be dropped), and forgiving them for having a public emotional outburst (flaw of a human being, yet people are even more harsh about it than the situation with the con artist).

I think people who try and use the excuse that 'oh, something bad happened to me, so thats why I snapped at you/never shipped your stuff' are generally people to be wary of and avoid if possible.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 51760)
I think people who try and use the excuse that 'oh, something bad happened to me, so thats why I snapped at you/never shipped your stuff' are generally people to be wary of and avoid if possible.

I'm pretty sure I agreed with you in my last post on this specific example. This is something you can go to small claims court with and win.

It has nothing to do with being able to forgive Dan for exchanging words with a disgruntled fan.

Singe 05-21-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 51753)
Yes he was a bit emotional but Lion-O had no knowledge that Kaynar and Addicus had been recruited when he chose to free the captured lizards.

If anything, Cheetara’s decision would have resulted in a quicker death for all of them. It was Cheetara who chose to surrender, nearly getting all three of them killed and somehow it is Lion-O’s fault?

Just to note that Tygra and Cheetara did try to get Lion-O to at least think about what he was doing and to pick another option. They might have had their suspicion that it could be a trap. However we'll never know since Lion-O jumped right into it, getting all three of them into a fight they couldn't win and would have lost everything.

This one and the ambush on the mountain path were planned attacks set by the enemies which both worked because the main factor was an angry Lion-O leading the group into them.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51715)
I feel like every argument you make is completely facetious.

You say my arguments are are a fallacy. You're half right. I'm trying to appeal to the basic human emotions of sympathy 'cause I think the guy deserves a bit of a break, but tell me what's not logic about educating people about Dan's accident? That's not rhetoric either, seriously, tell me: why shouldn't I use Dan's accident to get people to stop being completely apathetic?

It should never matter that he was "unprofessional" this one time. Offending a few people shouldn't be something you think should end someone's career because you're such a spiteful human being.

The only reason I'm even replying to this post, is because it's clearly directed at myself and the arguments I've made on Dan's behalf, but you didn't even have the guts to reply me directly.

I'd like to start by thanking you for the compliment. I do strive to make sure my comments are characterized by levity of attitude and love of joking. Kind of you to notice.:D

Odd, I don't see anywhere I say "CreepySariFan's arguments are a fallacy" in any of my previous posts so I'm neither right nor wrong in that regard.

I do agree with another person that the excuse for his behavior presented by a number of people doesn't hold water.

Don't forget, just because you feel he deserves sympathy doesn't mean other will as well. Sympathy does, afterall, require certain conditions be met: attention to a subject, believing that a person (or group) is in a state of need, and the characteristics of a given situation. (to cite Wikipedia)

Not everyone will meet these conditions and people will be apathetic to certain things. The wreck might justify his actions to you but not to others. It's all part of being human. Being humans, we don't all have to think alike and feel alike.

"This one time"
Ah, if only it had been one time. Would you like me to post some more of his outbursts? I've got a good one where a person comments on Cheetara's hip design and the reaction it recieves.....well, let's just say it gives the recent tsunami/earthquake in Japan a run for the money.

Where do I say his comments should result in his career ending?

I can count at least three others who have passed off or backed the "don't blame him, blame the car wreck" excuse. My comment was a general reply and not exclusivly towards you.

If I could offer some advice; you might want to look into scheduling an eye exam because twice now you've claimed I said things I never did. There is a possibility you might require corrective lenses. Best to catch that kind of thing early on.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 51716)
You missed the entire point of what I said. Either that or you're trolling.

No, I pretty much got the entire point of your comment.

"His opinion on what makes a woman a woman is irrelevant and worthless. He is not a woman, he does not identify as a woman"
I understood your point that because a man is not a woman, a man's opinion on what makes a woman a woman is irrelevant and worthless. I then countered your point with one of my own citing the fact that the opinion of male art critics (to use one example out of many) is often considered quite worthwhile and relevant.

"I am not the only woman who is sick of hearing about breast size, and about how the perfect figure must be a replica of Jessica Beil or Halle Berry's figure."
I understood your point that certain women don't like hearing that other people find other women attractive and I countered it with an age old saying that rings true to this day.

"once again, HE doesn't have breast"
I understood your point that you obviously didn't pay attention when human anatomy was taught in school and I provided an educational explanation of the fact that men do in fact, have breasts.

Most of your point revolved around gender exclusion - that because a man is a man, he has no place to comment on how a woman looks. Like most of society, I simply disagreed with you.
The rest of your point dealt with the anatomically incorrect idea that men lacked breasts. I simply tried to fill in an education gap you seemed to have.

stormbringer 05-21-2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 51766)
Just to note that Tygra and Cheetara did try to get Lion-O to at least think about what he was doing and to pick another option. They might have had their suspicion that it could be a trap. However we'll never know since Lion-O jumped right into it, getting all three of them into a fight they couldn't win and would have lost everything.

This one and the ambush on the mountain path were planned attacks set by the enemies which both worked because the main factor was an angry Lion-O leading the group into them.

This could also be viewed as the writers having the TCats inconveniently forget their powers and abilities when they need then most. While Lion-o may have been angry, he made the right decision to try to free the prisoners, and to find the stone, the writers (which I assume was for the sake of drama) decided that Lion-o wouldn't use sight beyond sight, or the grappling hook in his claw shield. Just like how Cheetara conveniently forgets her super speed, and how Tygra didn't just turn invisible and sniper the bad guys with his gun from afar. Cheetara's surrender served no purpose other than dooming them all to certain death, logically if they'd used their powers properly the bad guys wouldn't havr stood a chance.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51771)
Odd, I don't see anywhere I say "CreepySariFan's arguments are a fallacy" in any of my previous posts so I'm neither right nor wrong in that regard.


The entire excuse that his reaction was due to a car wreck is fallacious
*cough* I was the guy who brought this up.


Don't forget, just because you feel he deserves sympathy doesn't mean other will as well. Sympathy does, afterall, require certain conditions be met: attention to a subject, believing that a person (or group) is in a state of need, and the characteristics of a given situation. (to cite Wikipedia)

Not everyone will meet these conditions and people will be apathetic to certain things. The wreck might justify his actions to you but not to others. It's all part of being human. Being humans, we don't all have to think alike and feel alike.
So you want to be as much of a jerk as people say Dan is on a rant?


"This one time"
Ah, if only it had been one time. Would you like me to post some more of his outbursts? I've got a good one where a person comments on Cheetara's hip design and the reaction it recieves.....well, let's just say it gives the recent tsunami/earthquake in Japan a run for the money.
I've seen them, and I find them rather entertaining.


Where do I say his comments should result in his career ending?
A bit of an exaggeration on my part, as the amount of people attacking Dan seems so extreme to me.


I can count at least three others who have passed off or backed the "don't blame him, blame the car wreck" excuse. My comment was a general reply and not exclusivly towards you.
That's a little hard to tell when I'm the guy who brought it up in the first place, but thanks for making the car wreck ordeal sound like it has more support as a whole than you do as a whole.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 51748)
When Kanyar and Atticus came into the show, Lion-O allowed his emotions to cloud his head and rush the group by himself. That fight didn't turn out so well, having to be saved by Pantrho. That split second change to have Cheetara surrender saved Lion-O's tail from looking like he made a reckless decision that nearly got them all killed.

While I still feel that Cheetara's surrendering was a huge mistake that could have cost all the Cats dearly had it not been for Panthro's surprise visit, I concede that in the case you brought up, Lion-O's emotions did get the better of him and he did fly off the handle which could have ended very badly.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51775)
This could also be viewed as the writers having the TCats inconveniently forget their powers and abilities when they need then most. While Lion-o may have been angry, he made the right decision to try to free the prisoners, and to find the stone, the writers (which I assume was for the sake of drama) decided that Lion-o wouldn't use sight beyond sight, or the grappling hook in his claw shield. Just like how Cheetara conveniently forgets her super speed, and how Tygra didn't just turn invisible and sniper the bad guys with his gun from afar. Cheetara's surrender served no purpose other than dooming them all to certain death, logically if they'd used their powers properly the bad guys wouldn't havr stood a chance.

Have you watched the latest episode of Korra? It does so much of exactly what you've described here.

L08e16o 05-21-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51775)
This could also be viewed as the writers having the TCats inconveniently forget their powers and abilities when they need then most. While Lion-o may have been angry, he made the right decision to try to free the prisoners, and to find the stone, the writers (which I assume was for the sake of drama) decided that Lion-o wouldn't use sight beyond sight, or the grappling hook in his claw shield. Just like how Cheetara conveniently forgets her super speed, and how Tygra didn't just turn invisible and sniper the bad guys with his gun from afar. Cheetara's surrender served no purpose other than dooming them all to certain death, logically if they'd used their powers properly the bad guys wouldn't havr stood a chance.

If lion-o doesn't save those lizards that makes him a hyprocrite.

If you are going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk. That is what lion-o was doing.

Tygra didn't want to help the lizards.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 51753)
Yes he was a bit emotional but Lion-O had no knowledge that Kaynar and Addicus had been recruited when he chose to free the captured lizards.

If anything, Cheetara’s decision would have resulted in a quicker death for all of them. It was Cheetara who chose to surrender, nearly getting all three of them killed and somehow it is Lion-O’s fault?

Good point about Kaynar and Addicus.

It could be argued that because Lion-o got them into the fight, he should bear the burden of responsibility.


It can also be argued that there was still the potential for victory had Cheetara not surrendered and in doing so revealing her relationship with Tygra to the enemy thus providing them a tactical advantage in combat so she should shoulder the burden.

It all depends on how it's looked at.

stormbringer 05-21-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51779)
Have you watched the latest episode of Korra? It does so much of exactly what you've described here.

Yep. I think the writers of Korra are better with consistentcy.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 51766)
Just to note that Tygra and Cheetara did try to get Lion-O to at least think about what he was doing and to pick another option. They might have had their suspicion that it could be a trap. However we'll never know since Lion-O jumped right into it, getting all three of them into a fight they couldn't win and would have lost everything.

This one and the ambush on the mountain path were planned attacks set by the enemies which both worked because the main factor was an angry Lion-O leading the group into them.

It could be debated that if Lion-O hadn't been belittled and mocked by the entire group, he wouldn't have been angry runnin up that road, runnin up that hill, runnin up that build-woah, sorry, watched a warehouse 13 marathon and now the song's stuck in my head.
Anyway, if the others hadn't gotten onto his case, he wouldn't have been all ruffled fur.

It could also be debated that the canyon moment was going to happen no matter what due to the repercussions of that (IMO) poorly done Book 1 finale and that any attempt to dissaude him was going to end badly.
It could also be debated that Lion-O didn't know it was a trap either and assumed the two with him were competent enough in battle to handle lizards as they had done before.

Still, you present some good opinions.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51775)
This could also be viewed as the writers having the TCats inconveniently forget their powers and abilities when they need then most. While Lion-o may have been angry, he made the right decision to try to free the prisoners, and to find the stone, the writers (which I assume was for the sake of drama) decided that Lion-o wouldn't use sight beyond sight, or the grappling hook in his claw shield. Just like how Cheetara conveniently forgets her super speed, and how Tygra didn't just turn invisible and sniper the bad guys with his gun from afar. Cheetara's surrender served no purpose other than dooming them all to certain death, logically if they'd used their powers properly the bad guys wouldn't havr stood a chance.

Excellent observations!

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51782)
Yep. I think the writers of Korra are better with consistentcy.

Oh, I'm sorry, all this talk about forgotten talents and powers of the protagonists and you didn't think for a second that Korra or any of the Earthbenders could have destabilized the ground to put the tanks at a disadvantage?

Don't get me started on why the Metalbenders haven't done something with their armor like modern day electrical linemen.

And if the situation arose? Mix Water and Earthbending to make mud, cover every viewport on those tanks and they're running blind. Not something availble in this episode, but if I don't see it happening then that's more fuel for me.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51777)
*cough* I was the guy who brought this up.

Good for you; you brought it up. (golf clap) Still doesn't change the fact that others used it as well. Again, no exclusivity rights.

So you want to be as much of a jerk as people say Dan is on a rant?

I couldn't be as much of a jerk as Dan Norton if the Federal Government gave me unlimited funds to try.

I've seen them, and I find them rather entertaining.

Not surprised you would find such vulgar comments from Dan entertaining.

Personally, I find remarks from Dan Norton such as:
"I've taken a look at your work ( I wouldn't insult art by labeling it as such), and I could write a dissertation on how completely lacking of any kind of fundamental skill it posses. Anatomy, proportion, composition, color all lacking any understanding of design or function. Quite frankly, I've forgotten more about art then you'll ever be privileged enough to understand. But allow me to impart a bit of wisdom when you so freely inject your remarks. Try asking questions to understand what the intentions are behind the piece. Find out what it's for, and do some homework on who your talking to. And for fu*k's sake, show people respect."


"I'll make this basic, like your art skills, so you can understand it. I could give a sh*t about your 2 cents when you deliver it without tact or invitation. What you seem to not get is that your flippant remark, that was disguised as a question, set the tone of your comment. And when you inject your subjective taste of what you consider the standard of ideal anatomical perfection based on what you like and compare my art to that standard only to fault the work, it becomes a serious insult. Then to dictate to me what correct amount of animal characteristics are put into it.... You're out of your mind. You can bet I'll respond rudely when I see lame posts like yours. What on earth makes you think your comment merits one ounce of my time that would make me have to justify or explain any of my creative decisions. I don't owe you anything. Honestly, what grand pearls of wisdom do you think I could walk away with from your creative input? You're not my boss, you're not my peer, you're not my friend. Why would I even consider your personal tastes or critics?
"Welcome to the internet", who says this shit. Try humbling yourself when you comment on things, especially when approaching professionals of any kind. Don't be so familiar. Don't hide behind the anonymity of the internet to justify your indignant argument.
You don't like my art, fine. You want to talk about it, fine. But I didn't ask for your f*cking opinion. Go find a fan site to rant."

And that was one a completly different day from the rant that has been posted. So pray tell, how many car wrecks does Dan norton get into Chique?

A bit of an exaggeration on my part, as the amount of people attacking Dan seems so extreme to me.

Yes, exaggeration is something you seem very good at.

That's a little hard to tell when I'm the guy who brought it up in the first place, but thanks for making the car wreck ordeal sound like it has more support as a whole than you do as a whole.

Funny that it only sounds that way isn't it?

stormbringer 05-21-2012 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51786)
Oh, I'm sorry, all this talk about forgotten talents and powers of the protagonists and you didn't think for a second that Korra or any of the Earthbenders could have destabilized the ground to put the tanks at a disadvantage?

Don't get me started on why the Metalbenders haven't done something with their armor like modern day electrical linemen.

And if the situation arose? Mix Water and Earthbending to make mud, cover every viewport on those tanks and they're running blind. Not something availble in this episode, but if I don't see it happening then that's more fuel for me.

Sorry I was going for sarcasm. Have you seen the new Voltron show, theres all kinds of moments like that on there.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51790)
Sorry I was going for sarcasm. Have you seen the new Voltron show, theres all kinds of moments like that on there.

Oh man, I'm sorry. I'm so serious business today.

Yes, I've seen Voltron Force. I tolerated a whole 13 episodes in hopes that things would get better.

I don't think I'll ever get over that robot bomb they stopped with MAGIC BRICKS. NOPE!

stac 05-21-2012 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51777)
A bit of an exaggeration on my part, as the amount of people attacking Dan seems so extreme to me.

Extreme amount of people? Attack?
I ‘attacked’ your (weak) argument not you or DN.

Oh ffs, saying he could have handled it better or ignored the comments or that he was unprofessional does not constitute an ‘attack.’

Lay off the exaggeration and sensationalist language, will you?

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51789)
Good for you; you brought it up. (golf clap) Still doesn't change the fact that others used it as well. Again, no exclusivity rights.

That's perfect, now I can tell people that you're a jerk to everyone.


I couldn't be as much of a jerk as Dan Norton if the Federal Government gave me unlimited funds to try.
But you really are trying so hard and having so much success!


And that was one a completly different day from the rant that has been posted. So pray tell, how many car wrecks does Dan norton get into Chique?
I'll tell you when I'm Big Brother and I know every aspect of Dan's life in which he feels that he's justified in making such comments, but then I'd know every one of your dirty little secrets too.


Funny that it only sounds that way isn't it?
Like politics in the wind.

Singe 05-21-2012 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51783)
It could be debated that if Lion-O hadn't been belittled and mocked by the entire group, he wouldn't have been angry runnin up that road, runnin up that hill, runnin up that build-woah, sorry, watched a warehouse 13 marathon and now the song's stuck in my head.
Anyway, if the others hadn't gotten onto his case, he wouldn't have been all ruffled fur.

It could also be debated that the canyon moment was going to happen no matter what due to the repercussions of that (IMO) poorly done Book 1 finale and that any attempt to dissaude him was going to end badly.
It could also be debated that Lion-O didn't know it was a trap either and assumed the two with him were competent enough in battle to handle lizards as they had done before.

Still, you present some good opinions.

It's kinda the point to hold Lion-O responsible for what happens to the group as a whole. In the end, he is the one who makes the final decision. Even if he ignores the suggestions offered by the others, he is the decider.

stormbringer 05-21-2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51791)
Oh man, I'm sorry. I'm so serious business today.

Yes, I've seen Voltron Force. I tolerated a whole 13 episodes in hopes that things would get better.

I don't think I'll ever get over that robot bomb they stopped with MAGIC BRICKS. NOPE!

Yeah, I'm not really impressed with Voltron Force at all, the storytelling on that show is really dissapointing. On another board a poster described as bad fanfiction. I have to agree with him.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51797)
Yeah, I'm not really impressed with Voltron Force at all, the storytelling on that show is really dissapointing. On another board a poster described as bad fanfiction. I have to agree with him.

It probably doesn't help that, according to an interview I've long since lost, one of the head staff liked GoLion more than Voltron. Just a theory.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51793)
That's perfect, now I can tell people that you're a jerk to everyone.

But you really are trying so hard and having so much success!

I'll tell you when I'm Big Brother and I know every aspect of Dan's life in which he feels that he's justified in making such comments, but then I'd know every one of your dirty little secrets too.

Like politics in the wind.

You can tell em whatever you want; won't make it true. If that's what it takes for you to sleep in your crib at night, more power to you.

Thanks. if you're gonna do something, you might as well try your best. You do a bang up job at ignorance so give yourself a high-five.

Sorry but all my secrets are clean and big. :D

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51814)
You can tell em whatever you want; won't make it true. If that's what it takes for you to sleep in your crib at night, more power to you.

Thanks. if you're gonna do something, you might as well try your best. You do a bang up job at ignorance so give yourself a high-five.

Sorry but all my secrets are clean and big. :D

So, you tell me that it's not true that you're a jerk, but then admit to trying your best at being one.

Man, someone's losing this shit flinging contest.

stormbringer 05-21-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51803)
It probably doesn't help that, according to an interview I've long since lost, one of the head staff liked GoLion more than Voltron. Just a theory.

I can believe it, it seems like the writers of VF don't really like the OS Voltron very much.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51815)
So, you tell me that it's not true that you're a jerk, but then admit to trying your best at being one.

Man, someone's losing this shit flinging contest.

No, I told you that you can call me whatever you want if it'll help you sleep in your crib at night.

Prior to that I said I couldn't be as much of a jerk as Danny if the Federal government funded the try.

You replyed with: "But you really are trying so hard and having so much success!"

So I thanked you and then used your deplorable attempt at an insult to segue into highlighting your displayed ignorance.

Do you really have this much trouble with reading comprehension? Talk about the failures of No Child Left Behind. I feel like we need to get you a bouncing ball to follow.

Thanks for the laughs but unless you can come up with something better than what you've got, you're past the point of being bromidic.

AnonymousIncognito 05-21-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51817)
I can believe it, it seems like the writers of VF don't really like the OS Voltron very much.

What is it about reboots in that most of the time, they either really hurt the series or ruin it all together?

Sining 05-21-2012 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51765)
I'm pretty sure I agreed with you in my last post on this specific example. This is something you can go to small claims court with and win.

Surprisingly, not very easy to do. I'm not one of those people affected so all I know is from their public discussions/threads on dakkadakka but there was some issue with a)the victim and perp being across different state lines and b)the amount being a certain threshold. There was a LOT of talk about how to make it work but basically very few pulled it off.


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51777)
So you want to be as much of a jerk as people say Dan is on a rant?

There's nothing wrong with being a jerk. There is something wrong however with being a jerk, realising you bit off more than you chew and then blaming something else for your jerkitude.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51818)
No, I told you that you can call me whatever you want if it'll help you sleep in your crib at night.

Prior to that I said I couldn't be as much of a jerk as Danny if the Federal government funded the try.

You replyed with: "But you really are trying so hard and having so much success!"

So I thanked you and then used your deplorable attempt at an insult to segue into highlighting your displayed ignorance.

Do you really have this much trouble with reading comprehension? Talk about the failures of No Child Left Behind. I feel like we need to get you a bouncing ball to follow.

Thanks for the laughs but unless you can come up with something better than what you've got, you're past the point of being bromidic.

At this point, trying to twist your own words to keep yourself from looking bad is utterly futile.

I got everything I wanted out of you.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 51824)
Surprisingly, not very easy to do. I'm not one of those people affected so all I know is from their public discussions/threads on dakkadakka but there was some issue with a)the victim and perp being across different state lines and b)the amount being a certain threshold. There was a LOT of talk about how to make it work but basically very few pulled it off.

That does suck. I consider myself pretty fortunate since I am a commission customer and I've only had the best of relationships with the people I pay.

stormbringer 05-21-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51821)
What is it about reboots in that most of the time, they either really hurt the series or ruin it all together?

I guess people want to show their creativity by putting their own spin on the material. That can be a good thing, but only when you stay true to the spirit of the source material, otherwise you end up something so completely different it seems like an entirely different series.

CreepySariFan 05-21-2012 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51830)
I guess people want to show their creativity by putting their own spin on the material. That can be a good thing, but only when you stay true to the spirit of the source material, otherwise you end up something so completely different it seems like an entirely different series.

At the same time, if you don't put a new spin on a reboot, you're not going to attract new fans.

If you produce a continuation of an old show, then you're seriously alienating potential new fans. I hope Mysterious Cities of Gold doesn't get hit hard by this.

So, you try and find a fine balance with the talent available, or you let your expensive franchise rot.

FreakinZoid 05-21-2012 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 51825)
At this point, trying to twist your own words to keep yourself from looking bad is utterly futile.

I got everything I wanted out of you.

I usually try to stay neutral but on this, I've gotta say the only one looking bad and futile right now is you CreepySariFan.

From what I've read, you're the one who has been twisting words and making things up. You tried to goad and ended up failing. Now you are just acting childish.

Sorry if you feel like you are being ganged up on but in this instance, you are the one in the wrong. I hope you are mature enough to realize this and move on.

Tygrastripes 05-21-2012 10:59 PM

Does someone want to grab me when we actually start talking about this episode? I've been dying to talk about it (some of the forums seem to be pretty sidetracked with arguments that I'd rather stay out of) and or better yet since that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, private message me anyone who wants to talk Birth of the Blades I'll be lurking!

FreakinZoid 05-21-2012 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 51830)
I guess people want to show their creativity by putting their own spin on the material. That can be a good thing, but only when you stay true to the spirit of the source material, otherwise you end up something so completely different it seems like an entirely different series.

So very true.

I think what happened to the Thundercats reboot is the same thing that happened to the DC comic mini-series - too much personal spin and changes resulted in many of the OS fans simply not being able to get behind the new take.

In many ways, the same thing happened to shows like Voltron Force, Loonatics Unleashed, Speed Racer: TNG, G.I. Joe, and, to an extent He-Man. So much of an "original take" was put on them, what the series was at its core was lost.

Sining 05-21-2012 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tygrastripes (Post 51852)
Does someone want to grab me when we actually start talking about this episode? I've been dying to talk about it (some of the forums seem to be pretty sidetracked with arguments that I'd rather stay out of) and or better yet since that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, private message me anyone who wants to talk Birth of the Blades I'll be lurking!

we talked about it in the first 3 pages, you kinda missed it.

Tygrastripes 05-21-2012 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 51854)
we talked about it in the first 3 pages, you kinda missed it.

Ah I see, was hoping we'd go back to it since the threads still open but I guess its cool I really should be finishing my fanfic instead of procrastinating to talk BotB.

CreepySariFan 05-22-2012 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 51851)
I usually try to stay neutral but on this, I've gotta say the only one looking bad and futile right now is you CreepySariFan.

From what I've read, you're the one who has been twisting words and making things up. You tried to goad and ended up failing. Now you are just acting childish.

Sorry if you feel like you are being ganged up on but in this instance, you are the one in the wrong. I hope you are mature enough to realize this and move on.

You're right, and I ended up being a total jerk to a lot of people who didn't deserve it. So yeah, I'll stop.

Balgus82 05-22-2012 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 51853)
So very true.

I think what happened to the Thundercats reboot is the same thing that happened to the DC comic mini-series - too much personal spin and changes resulted in many of the OS fans simply not being able to get behind the new take.

If I've understood interviews and personal talks correctly what they're trying to do with this reboot is to make it so some of the things we took for granted in the OS are built up to instead of just given at the start. As we continue on, the show is gradually getting more and more like the OS on certain things. But of course artists need to be creative, and they have to put their own spin on things else they'll burn out on the project.

IMO, those same people who initially were turned off by the show at the beginning, might like it better after a couple more seasons (if it continues that long). But that's just my personal take on it.

Sining 05-22-2012 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Tygrastripes (Post 51855)
Ah I see, was hoping we'd go back to it since the threads still open but I guess its cool I really should be finishing my fanfic instead of procrastinating to talk BotB.

Well, nobody's stopping your from posting your own take on the episode. The rest of us have pretty much said what we feel about the ep, (1st 3 pages) so if you want something new from us, it's very unlikely but we will probably comment on your own views if it's interesting enough.

It's sorta like walking into a group very late and when they've finished discussing schoolwork and are just talking random stuff.

FreakinZoid 05-22-2012 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 51866)
If I've understood interviews and personal talks correctly what they're trying to do with this reboot is to make it so some of the things we took for granted in the OS are built up to instead of just given at the start. As we continue on, the show is gradually getting more and more like the OS on certain things. But of course artists need to be creative, and they have to put their own spin on things else they'll burn out on the project.

IMO, those same people who initially were turned off by the show at the beginning, might like it better after a couple more seasons (if it continues that long). But that's just my personal take on it.

Personally, I don't put much stock into the crew interviews and such. I follow the mantra of trust episodes, not interviews. All to often, what is said and what is shown are quite different. I get the feeling that most of the time, the crew just tells people what they figure they'll want to hear.
Case in point, I remember hearing in an interview that the DC comic would not be used as reference but from watching the cartoon, it is glaringly obvious that the TC crew are drawing heavily on the comics.

In a way, I see the show as moving more away from the OS as it progresses.

You might be right about those who were put off at the beginning but it seems that as the show progresses, more and more OS fans (I've seen them referred to as ThunderDads lol) put down the remote and walked away. I'm not saying it's a stone cold fact, just my observation based on reading comments on variuos boards, looking at episode ratings, and general chat.

Balgus82 05-22-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 51905)
Personally, I don't put much stock into the crew interviews and such. I follow the mantra of trust episodes, not interviews. All to often, what is said and what is shown are quite different. I get the feeling that most of the time, the crew just tells people what they figure they'll want to hear.
Case in point, I remember hearing in an interview that the DC comic would not be used as reference but from watching the cartoon, it is glaringly obvious that the TC crew are drawing heavily on the comics.

In a way, I see the show as moving more away from the OS as it progresses.

You might be right about those who were put off at the beginning but it seems that as the show progresses, more and more OS fans (I've seen them referred to as ThunderDads lol) put down the remote and walked away. I'm not saying it's a stone cold fact, just my observation based on reading comments on variuos boards, looking at episode ratings, and general chat.

The only things I've seen similar to the WS comics are circumstantial similarities. Everyone quotes Tygra and Cheetara being a couple and Dobo as being refrences to the comics, but is there anything else? I mean the couple thing could've came from just their heads. And as for Dobo there's only so many ways you can draw a guy with a doberman head as most dobermans have the exact same fur patterns. Having a dog that's the same species as another dog character isn't enough to say "oh he's a copy of that guy!" Their personalties were different, their clothing was different, and their circumstances were different. When the only thing you have to go on is that their species is the same it's not a copy.

Tygrastripes 05-22-2012 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 51876)
Well, nobody's stopping your from posting your own take on the episode. The rest of us have pretty much said what we feel about the ep, (1st 3 pages) so if you want something new from us, it's very unlikely but we will probably comment on your own views if it's interesting enough.

It's sorta like walking into a group very late and when they've finished discussing schoolwork and are just talking random stuff.

You are correct I could post my thoughts, but I was inquiring to see if anyone had any interest to going back on topic before I did make such an effort, forgive me. I saw it was a Birth of the Blades thread and assumed we'd be discussing that and since we weren't for a while I was inquiring to if the interest was even still there. For your example of walking in on late conversations I do believe being late for say a math class doesn't mean everyone is now onto discussing/learning spanish, right? ;) Again my apologies for assumptions, carry on...

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