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Silverhawk 03-25-2012 10:33 AM

Thundercats toys done?
I wish Bandai would just come out and say if the toy lines are cancelled or not. :mad:

eero 03-25-2012 04:27 PM

I agree. It's really weird. I have to think Classics are done. As long as there's a cartoon, there'll be some kind of modern toys though.

dpcphoto 03-25-2012 06:11 PM

They are not done. The 2nd series is just kicking up. It's going to be a fantastic season and I am sure that we will see some killer announcements for a new wave soon!

Pizza Man Z 03-25-2012 06:49 PM

I cannot speak for or against new figures coming out, but I think they rushed that last set of figures out and did not have anything to put out new for the beginning of the second season. I hope they are not done, classic or modern.

Silverhawk 03-25-2012 08:04 PM

I hope they are not done either, I only buy the classic and the 6" modern. I was not happy to buy the classics in 6" scale after buying the 8" ones but if they continue the classics it will most likely be in 6".

adssse 03-25-2012 09:36 PM

I have enjoyed the new line and expect a new wave out in the coming months now that the second season is in swing.

Pravus Prime 03-26-2012 03:28 AM

Both the toy line and the series seem to suffer from the same problem; both exploded out of the gates with a strong selection and then completely fizzled out.

While I certainly don't want the franchise to die out again, at the same time I can actually see this line having been run into the ground at this point.

Grune the Destroyer 03-26-2012 04:43 AM

It's really premature to think the line might be done. There's more to come, trust me!

Fandom (any fandom) is a funny beast; it delights and revels in whatever franchise it's enjoying, but also often seems to similarly focus on predicting demise, failure etc.

Not every line has near-round-the-clock release schedules like Hasbro with Star Wars or Transformers. Thundercats is, and always will be, a smaller line. You're not going to get new waves every couple of months. But don't worry; we'll get more, these are selling well!

Ravenxl7 03-26-2012 11:54 AM

Patience people, patience. I honestly don't expect a new wave to hit till August. Bandai seems to like the two-big-waves per year thing, and with the new Thundercats show and toy-line still in the process of gaining popularity, they can't exactly afford to take too big of a risk with it just yet.

Mongor 03-26-2012 01:08 PM

When Wave 2 was revealed, and maybe my memory is playing tricks on me and I'm mistaken, but didn't they say the release was late January/February? Thus meaning they should finally start making the rounds to retail around now. However people started snagging them up in Novemeber ( lucky bastards ) causing a frenzy here of how the line is dead and can't find them, etc. Bottom line, the show is back on, we don't need any "experts" predicting it's success or cancellation before it even airs and major online retailers like Amazon are starting to get the Wave 2 goods. If I'm right about the Wave release date then everything is falling into place like it should ( toyline available when the new season started ). Is Thundercats in trouble or thriving? I don't know. I'm not an expert and I don't think anyone else is either. Let's just see what happens and stay positive. Too much gloom and doom here with little to back it up. This is not a dig at the OP and I do wish Bandai would give more info, especially on what's up with the Classics line but just give it some time. We''ll have all our answers soon enough.

englishw 03-26-2012 07:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I don't think the line is over, but I saw something that made me sad today... my local TRU has all ThunderCats on clearance... PLUS BOGO40%off...

Mongor 03-26-2012 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by englishw (Post 40813)
I don't think the line is over, but I saw something that made me sad today... my local TRU has all ThunderCats on clearance... PLUS BOGO40%off...

Wow, that sucks. Over here my Walmart finished their re-sets and moved the Thundercats. The area is just as big as it was ( pretty big ) but none on clearance or anything. It's all wave 1 stuff too just like your pics. Looks like Wave 1 has sold all it's going to maybe. I'm hearing stories like yours all over lately.

I think it's real good that the show is back on. Maybe that will kick things up again.

Kregermeister 03-26-2012 11:29 PM

No stores near me got anything wave 2 besides the mini's and the armor. Everything was marked down,then condensed and finally vanished as power rangers and Ben 10 filled the gaps.

I know the cats are back but honestly stores won't Want product. It started hot as hell and then bad case ratios and odd production values plagued this. The tank and the tower were crap times a million. And with 4 different sizes sorry... 5 it was hard to choose what to buy for most.

I bought all cause I'm a thunder hoarder! Lol! But yeah this lines dead, sorry kids, I can't pretend it's gunna get better when stores got rid of everything and bandai had nothing to show nor are still able to comment.

Tracer 03-27-2012 12:13 AM

I have to agree, I think its done. I honestly think the biggest problem was that Cartoon Network dropped the ball when it went on hiatus. Kids forgot all about it.

Sadly, I saw the same thing that englishw did at my local TRU yesterday.

Ravenxl7 03-27-2012 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 40785)
Let's just see what happens and stay positive. Too much gloom and doom here with little to back it up.

This. Seriously people, let's wait and see what happens before deeming the line dead.

Pravus Prime 03-27-2012 01:14 AM

It's hard to stay optimistic when you visit the stores and:

  • The Walmart where you first saw the 8 inch Classics, 2 pegs of Classics, 4 pegs of 6 inchers, and 12 pegs of 4 inch figures, along with dedicated space for the tank and mini-vehicles, the sword, gauntlet, and other role play items, and the Cats Lair now displays 1 peg of 6 modern inch figures and 1 rack of 4 inch figures.

  • The TRU where you first saw TC figures and picked up 6 inch Mumm-Ra and had the full product lineup now has some Thundertanks, a neglected Armor of Omens, a few 4 inch Mumm-Ras, and a handful of beaten up 6 inch moderns.

And the like. 3 TRU's, 2 Wal-marts, and 5 Targets in my area and none of them have anything than what feels like leftovers at this point. The major Wal-mart which went fullout Thundercats now displays them in the rear of the store next to the clearance crap. It's more in-line with a dead line then one that's just waiting between waves.

Now I'm no fool; I know that my stores don't reflect anything but my stores, but as I said, it's hard to think of the brand as anything other then dying when there's nothing but remnant product on the shelves and it's been how many months since there was a show before this week?

Mongor 03-27-2012 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 40862)
Now I'm no fool; I know that my stores don't reflect anything but my stores, but as I said, it's hard to think of the brand as anything other then dying when there's nothing but remnant product on the shelves and it's been how many months since there was a show before this week?

This I agree with 100%. The show had such great momentum going into Christmas and BAM! Done. Repeats again. It's not like the 13 episodes were consecutive either. There was a large gap before those final 4 or so. CW handled this so poorly. Why pull something successful right before Christmas? Idiots. 4 months later almost and it's back and I agree, kids have forgotten but I'm optimistic that they can win everyone back and be very viable. That is if CW and Bandai get their sh*t together. Those are the only 2 factors standing in the way of Thundercats success. Hell, I'd be fine even if Bandai lost this license and it went to someone who handled it better than Bandai. Just smarten up and get good product least until CW screws everyone again....
Thundercats is a great show and again, as long as it's running new episodes and people know it's on, I'm confident this could be turned around.
Again, I'm no expert. Just my opinion.

AlexofThundera 03-30-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 40862)
It's hard to stay optimistic when you visit the stores and:

  • The Walmart where you first saw the 8 inch Classics, 2 pegs of Classics, 4 pegs of 6 inchers, and 12 pegs of 4 inch figures, along with dedicated space for the tank and mini-vehicles, the sword, gauntlet, and other role play items, and the Cats Lair now displays 1 peg of 6 modern inch figures and 1 rack of 4 inch figures.

  • The TRU where you first saw TC figures and picked up 6 inch Mumm-Ra and had the full product lineup now has some Thundertanks, a neglected Armor of Omens, a few 4 inch Mumm-Ras, and a handful of beaten up 6 inch moderns.

And the like. 3 TRU's, 2 Wal-marts, and 5 Targets in my area and none of them have anything than what feels like leftovers at this point. The major Wal-mart which went fullout Thundercats now displays them in the rear of the store next to the clearance crap. It's more in-line with a dead line then one that's just waiting between waves.

Now I'm no fool; I know that my stores don't reflect anything but my stores, but as I said, it's hard to think of the brand as anything other then dying when there's nothing but remnant product on the shelves and it's been how many months since there was a show before this week?

I agree that what you are seeing in your neck of the woods doesn't necessarily hold true for every where else, however what you've described sounds exactly like what I've seen here in South Florida with the new line.
There's plenty of Wave 1 stuff just hanging there waiting for someone to buy them.

The harder to find stuff (at least in my mind) which I'd think would move very quickly like the new 6" Cheetaras, Armor of Omens, etc... are just sitting on the shelves at the WalMart by my house. I almost want to buy them up for future eBay sales or what not.

I'm hoping that by moving the show to Sat mornings the show will be watched by more kids and thus bring some life back into the toy line. I'm not that thrilled with the NS but I DO want a 6" release of Kaynar and Addicus!

Tracer 03-30-2012 10:33 AM

Honestly, even the 6" Cheetaras and Armor of Omens. Have been sitting around here. Tygus hung around for a few weeks but he is gone now.

The rest of it has never even showed up.

Silverhawk 03-30-2012 02:31 PM

I want Addicus and Kaynar in 6" form too. As well as Slithe, but right now I would be happy to find 6" Tygra!

nomad16 04-03-2012 06:08 PM

this has been a question for me too I mean there has been nothing new and we know watching the show that there is plenty of potential figures and vehicles to be made....So is the toy line dead???

I personally think that they went with the wrong company for production and should have went with hasbro superior materials and design implementation.

Lody 04-03-2012 09:33 PM

Well TRU near me had EVERYTHING on clearance


And this was the same TRU that I originally bought everything from!

eero 04-04-2012 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by nomad16 (Post 43186)
I personally think that they went with the wrong company for production and should have went with hasbro superior materials and design implementation.

It's not popular to say, but I always wished Mattel would have gotten it. Say what you will about the company, they are more committed to rendering accurate updates of the classics.

But I don't think it's about the company. Something fell apart behind the scenes.

Tracer 04-04-2012 09:21 AM

Welp, Wal-Mart here just started putting them on clearance now too.

I really think the line is done folks. Just pre-ordered the Slithe wave to be safe.

Grippen 04-04-2012 09:37 AM

Come on at least finish the dam lines, where are the 6'' kittens and other figures in the classics line?

IndyCat 04-04-2012 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 43326)
Welp, Wal-Mart here just started putting them on clearance now too.

I really think the line is done folks. Just pre-ordered the Slithe wave to be safe.

Meh...all this talk of the toys and show being done is nonsense.

toys get clearanced all the make room for new stock. Stores arent stupid, they dont leave pegwarmers for to long, (yes there are some exceptons. When is the Iron Man 2 Mighty Mugg going to die already? LOL). when they coulf fill it up with stuff that sells. If they do sell all the clearanced Thundercats stuff, that doesnt necessarily mean they wont get more of a new wave...

Whoever said that Bandai was on the same schedule as Toy Fair anyways? Either they jumped the gun and anounced the new stuff to early..OR.. they dont give a **** about Toy Fair. maybe they didnt want to release info because it would spoil new episodes.

The show just started back up....

I for one am getting sick of all the speculation. Its not dead till its dead.

Tracer 04-04-2012 12:24 PM

You think I want this line to die? Of course not. I'm just being realistic. Too many factors are pointing in the same direction. I would love it if they prove me wrong though. At this rate even if they do an additional wave its going to be damn near impossible to find.

IndyCat 04-04-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 43369)
Too many factors are pointing nothing.

No offense, my posts werent necessarliy directed at you. There has been NO word from cartoon network, bandai, warner bros or Jesus about the show or toys coming to a stop.

1. Show moved to a new time slot - big whoop. happens all the time. It moved to Saturday morning....hmm....tell me again when kids watch cartoons for hours on end? It aint Friday night!

2. The show took a long break - so what! have you ever watched a recent tv series lately? I dunno, Maybe I'm LOST on this one.....can someone explain it to me?

3. No new toys at Toy Fair - Because they announced the new toys months earlier! The said back in late 2011 that the SPRING line could start showing up as early as DEC 2011, which they did. and then OH MY GOSH NO NEW NEWS AT TOY FAIR!!! THE LINES BEEN CANCELLED!!

seriously?? Do I need to go on? I mean its like people WANT this line to die with all the negative speculation.


What about this.....

1. Maybe Cartoon Network "tested" the Friday timeslot ( I mean seriously...who watches TV on a friday night? maybe a movie with your girl so you can (bow chica bow wow...) but not tv). Maybe they didnt want to WASTE a saturday slot with something they didnt know it it was going to be successful. It WAS successful so they put it into a more prominent slot.

2. Its a new show with new charactors, new everything (almost everything...) that hasnt aired in 20 years. They would be stupid not to be a little skeptical about it. it if bombed, they sure dont want it taking up TV time of something else that could be making money. So I'm sure during the break they were making important decisions on the show, how to make it even MORE successful.

3. The Toys....Seems to me the first wave of wave 1 nearly sold out EVERYWHERE. when stores restocked they SOLD OUT of the harder to find charactors....and finally the last restock was ment to last a while. which it has.
and with Wave 2 nearly all the new charactors are sold out. I mean people CAN NOT find Claudis. its because they are SELLING!

I mean when was wave 1 released? Last July/August?? they were for sale for 7/8 months and your surprised they are on clearance JUST now. (the Target Clearance thing HAD to have been an accident. there is NO WAY any retailer in the right mind with pretty much put something on clearance that fast after it hits THEIR shelves) ALL the targets I've been to still have everything at full price.

They release wave 2 and within 2-3 months your already expecting wave 3 and figuring since they dont have any new news they must be cancelling the line and show???

I just dont see the logic where the how/toys are done.

Kregermeister 04-04-2012 03:20 PM

No ones gunna read this, but you probably should...

Truth is, no one knows. The actors, creators etc... have no idea what WB's deal with CN is.

Have they finished all their work on the show? Not likely. CN airs stuff for X period before investing more financial help money to keep their shows alive. Remember Big O? Huge hit, and they ordered a second season AFTER the show was canned in Japan.

Does this mean TC is dead? No. Does it mean it CAN continue? Yes. Things just need to go smooth and people need to be loud about what they want. Pretty simple stuff, people are looking way too much into it. Buisness first guys. No money, no ticket.

Now for the toys........

Bandai is pretty cool. Theyve never once held a story or future about power rangers, ben10 etc.... when Avatar : Last Airbender toys were out, they had unveiled wave 3 or 4 at toyfair. When the show took a long hiatus they pulled the plug on the line.

The left over toys made their way to Hong Kong and were distributed by private dealers. Bandai didnt know what to the do with the line and were affraid to keep investing (thats why so many main players werent released, true, they didnt make girls because of that, and thats a fact jack!)

Power Rangers was on the death bed around the time Saban bought it back. MMPR : Ressurected was a flop. The show bombed and the toys were pulled after 2 waves. All left overs were dollar store specials.


My prediction from past events ::::

The show will go on. WB isnt stupid when it comes to money (even though they turned down my soundtrack proposal..) They will most likely wrap the show up and if CN pulls it, we will get a ending on DVD. Not too worried even though no one officially knows whats up.

The Toys : Pretty much a dead deal in the US, IMO. If you base sales off of case ratio's, say 12 figures a case, 5 figures in there are 1 per figure, if someone gets a full set that creates peg warmers. When cats started shipping crazy cases, LionO,Tygra and old MummRa didnt sell crap. Bandai bases that too. Stupid, yes, but numbers are numbers to them, not play value. Any company would see that.

A third wave will probably be shown at some point and be released ONLY oversea's. If you consider how long a sculpt takes and everything, wave 3 has to be around. No way its not. With waves 1 and 2 overseas already in some area's, they will need product to pimp the show, so get a buddy oversea's and get ready..... :cool:

nomad16 04-04-2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by eero (Post 43276)
It's not popular to say, but I always wished Mattel would have gotten it. Say what you will about the company, they are more committed to rendering accurate updates of the classics.

But I don't think it's about the company. Something fell apart behind the scenes.

Im sorry but mattel is garbage you look at the figures they make and their so far behind is detail and articulation from hasbro its not funny.

AlexofThundera 04-04-2012 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by nomad16 (Post 43401)
Im sorry but mattel is garbage you look at the figures they make and their so far behind is detail and articulation from hasbro its not funny.

I wont comment on the quality but I do like what they've done with that Mattycollector site. I like the idea of "subscribing" to a toy line and receiving a collectors edition figure each month, as they are doing with the Voltron line.

Tracer 04-04-2012 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 43386) nothing.

No offense, my posts werent necessarliy directed at you.

Its cool. We can agree to disagree. Based on what I'm seeing my gut is telling me otherwise but I do hope that you are right.

Mattycollector is a great idea but has had terrible execution. I'm very glad that WB didn't go with them.

southpawdragon 04-07-2012 07:36 PM

I hope their not done with the toys yet. I still want to see an upgrade to the thundertank

Ruination04 04-08-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Silverhawk (Post 40691)
I was not happy to buy the classics in 6" scale after buying the 8" ones but if they continue the classics it will most likely be in 6".

Me either....but Now that they have started, I want them to at least give us the main team before they quit. It would suck having an 8" Lion-O & Tygra and nothing else. Or have a 6" Lion-O & Mumm-Ra and no more.

Pravus Prime 04-08-2012 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44403)
They should have given the license to someone who cares about their figures like Mattel. No matter how crappy some of the quality control has been on the DCU and MOTUC lines, Mattel puts care into their products, and they would have put care into Thundercats. Bandai just poops out crap and covers it with steak sauce to make it taste better.

The shattered Green Goddesses, the cracked Robotos, the trunkless Snout Spouts, two right legged Swift Winds, the incomplete Wind Raiders, and the many figures who have ankle joints that are as stiff as a wet noodle and incapable of ever standing find that statement hilarious.

And at twice the price of a TC figure to boot.

Dr Kain 04-09-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 44435)
The shattered Green Goddesses, the cracked Robotos, the trunkless Snout Spouts, two right legged Swift Winds, the incomplete Wind Raiders, and the many figures who have ankle joints that are as stiff as a wet noodle and incapable of ever standing find that statement hilarious.

And at twice the price of a TC figure to boot.

First off, there was never any proof that the Wind Raider was missing weapons or that Swift Wind had two of the same legs.

I agree on the ankles, but you act like Bandai has perfect QC. The 8inch Tygra has a bobble head. The 8inch Lion-O's connector piece on his belt would fly off the moment you moved his leg. Bent weapons, loose hands, poor paint aps, etc. Hasbro is no different. All toy companies have QC, it sucks, but it is how much they actually care about the license that matters to me, and Bandai has shown time and again that they are not really interested in Thundercats. They did it just because WB asked them to.

However, if Mattel had been relesing the figures, we would have all of the cats by now in 6inch scales, we would have had a standard Classics line instead of a Classics line that released two figures then was relaunched in another scale with two figures and now possibly cancelled. And while you may point out the bad figures of MOTU, that is what, five figures out of 68. That is 7%, so 7% of the He-Man figures have defects. Bandai can only comment on two 8 inch figures, and five 6inch figures. Until Bandai has the entire teams out for both Classic and New in the 6inch scales (and by that I mean both the Cats and the main villians), I do not want to hear how much better their QC is.

Grippen 04-09-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44531)
First off, there was never any proof that the Wind Raider was missing weapons or that Swift Wind had two of the same legs.

I agree on the ankles, but you act like Bandai has perfect QC. The 8inch Tygra has a bobble head. The 8inch Lion-O's connector piece on his belt would fly off the moment you moved his leg. Bent weapons, loose hands, poor paint aps, etc. Hasbro is no different. All toy companies have QC, it sucks, but it is how much they actually care about the license that matters to me, and Bandai has shown time and again that they are not really interested in Thundercats. They did it just because WB asked them to.

However, if Mattel had been relesing the figures, we would have all of the cats by now in 6inch scales, we would have had a standard Classics line instead of a Classics line that released two figures then was relaunched in another scale with two figures and now possibly cancelled. And while you may point out the bad figures of MOTU, that is what, five figures out of 68. That is 7%, so 7% of the He-Man figures have defects. Bandai can only comment on two 8 inch figures, and five 6inch figures. Until Bandai has the entire teams out for both Classic and New in the 6inch scales (and by that I mean both the Cats and the main villians), I do not want to hear how much better their QC is.

No point crying about it now besides it is something out of our control. Its what we have we just have to push them as we can for them to complete or continue the lines. Leaving them as they are specially the 6'' and even more the bigger scales its just silly.

I tried to write Bandai using their contact form to ask them about something else and when I press send gives me error of page cannot be displayed that yes sucks.

Covenant 04-09-2012 01:05 PM

Before any action figure release it is common to see protoypes from the factory popping up on eBay. I lived in Hong Kong for 8 years and collected many toys. There are toy markets and shops in HK that sell all kinds of toys that are smuggled out of the back of toy factories. The fact that I haven't seen any prototypes anywhere for Thundercats has me worried for a Wave 3.

AlexofThundera 04-09-2012 01:10 PM

I just visited the TRU near my job on my lunch break. All the wave 1 stuff is still collecting dust and on clearance and no sign of wave 2 stuff.

Besides the original small shipment of wave 2 figures that Wal Mart and Target got, there haven't been any new shipments to any of the stores here. This concerns me as it almost seems like Bandai shipped a very small amount of Wave 2 across the US and then suddenly held back their shipments.

I understand the concern some people have with Mattel however being a child of the 80's and everything they've released / been involved in, it just seemed to me like they were the obvious choice for the new toys. I've often wished WB would allow Mattel to make some of the OS characters that were never produced like Mandora, The Lunataks, etc... A lot of those characters deserved to be made into a figure.

IndyCat 04-09-2012 01:28 PM

while I personally am not surprised we havnt seen anything series 3 yet....I am getting a bit impatient for the second half of wave 2 (storm Charger, 6" Tygra, Panthro Nun-Chucks, Slithe, Panthro with spinny arms, lol). They need to get that stuff on teh shelves asap, otherwise people are going to lose interest.

AlexofThundera 04-09-2012 01:50 PM

First it was the series that was put on hiatus, now it would seem it's the figures :rolleyes:

I feel like we've been double whammied here.

krazycp 04-09-2012 05:12 PM

I think there will be more toys, and I will tell you what gives me hope. On the other TCats site, a forum member said they attended a Q&A at some Con with Matthew Mercer. Now, I realize this was just a comment on a forum and should be taken skeptically, but the poster said nothing too out there. Basically, a question was presented to Mercer about the show and the 2nd season. Mercer said the move to Saturday mornings doubled the ratings! He also said CN was waiting to see how the ratings go before okaying a second season. Well, if the ratings are indeed doubled, they will most certainly okay a season two. If that happens, expect more toys. The question is if Bandai is currently producing those toys or were they put on hold pending the renewal of TCats by CN. There are many questions. My guess is these will be answered one way or another by the middle to end of May. My problem is I'm too impatient when it comes to this show! And the toys!

Ravenxl7 04-09-2012 06:03 PM

I honestly think we'll get at least one more wave of toys. We all just need to be patient.

As for the topic on whether or not Bandai was the best choice for the toy-line, given the other options at hand, I can't say that I'm disappointed with what they've done, but at the same time I'm not entirely thrilled either. No matter which company they went with certain things would have been better, but certain other things would have been worse.

Hasbro's figures would have had plenty of articulation, but the joints they use absolutely suck, imho. Any 6" scaled figures they would have done would be store exclusives, and any Classics they would do would be few in numbers, and possible exclusives too.

Mattel's figures would have been well detailed, but lacking in the articulation department. They probably would have made 6" figures, but they wouldn't range much past the core cast. Classics and anything else collector oriented would have been exclusive to their shit website.

I think Bandai has done their best with the line so far. Things could definitely be better, but they could also be much much worse. Bandai seems to have improved over the past couple of years.

Only company I'm not sure about atm, is Play Mates. My only real experience with what they've done before has been TMNT stuff, and I feel they've handled that property well. I'm also liking the look of their stuff coming out later this year. Would have been interesting to see what they would have done with the Thundercats line.

Cat's Pajamas 04-09-2012 08:37 PM

My biggest gripe with Bandai is the unpainted joints and pegs. That, and they should have prepared more characters sooner. We should be on wave 3 or 4 by now, or wave 2 should have included more new figures...

Pravus Prime 04-09-2012 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44531)
First off, there was never any proof that the Wind Raider was missing weapons or that Swift Wind had two of the same legs.

Wind Raider review addendum – missing guns : Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation
Odds ‘n Ends > MIB3, Swift Wind QC errors, 6″ ThunderCats : Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation
Poe’s Point > A Peek into the Madness of Mattycollector’s Return Policy : Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation
Wind Raider Update > Mattel: No Replacement Wind Raider : Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation
Mattel Gets Positively Chatty : Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation

How many other blogs, pictures, reviewers, and other forms of "proof" would you like?

The last few start to broach onto the topic of DR/Mattels non-existant customer service of which I've had the displeasure of dealing with to boot.


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44531)
The 8inch Lion-O's connector piece on his belt would fly off the moment you moved his leg. Bent weapons, ...

If you meant 6 inch, I agree, otherwise couldn't disagree more. My 8 inch Lion-O has a tight as heck connector piece.


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44531)
However, if Mattel had been relesing the figures, we would have all of the cats by now in 6inch scales, we would have had a standard Classics line instead of a Classics line that released two figures then was relaunched in another scale with two figures and now possibly cancelled. And while you may point out the bad figures of MOTU, that is what, five figures out of 68. That is 7%, so 7% of the He-Man figures have defects. Bandai can only comment on two 8 inch figures, and five 6inch figures. Until Bandai has the entire teams out for both Classic and New in the 6inch scales (and by that I mean both the Cats and the main villians), I do not want to hear how much better their QC is.

Hard not to make a big point of it when my own collection is over 58% defective. I'm not talking a paint bloop or a bent sword. I'm talking mis-assembled, missing accessories, "chewed"/malformed/malmolded, or with joints so loose that the figure is essentially a ragdoll. From July 2009 until January of 2011 I didn't purchase a single figure that could stand up without using a cape/staff as a tripod and/or not explode into lots of small green pieces moments after opening the package.

Sounds like I've had a bad luck streak and it's not the norm, right? Wrong. There are people who have had it far worse then I have. Many.


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 44577)
Mattel's figures would have been well detailed, but lacking in the articulation department. They probably would have made 6" figures, but they wouldn't range much past the core cast. Classics and anything else collector oriented would have been exclusive to their shit website.

Mattel would've pumped out 13 versions of Lion-O at this point and not the kits or Cheetara, with Tygra being shortpacked and nearly impossible to find.

The shelves would be full of clearanced Lion-Os.

Remember, that's how they handle their mass retail boy brands and what killed 200X He-man and what was a factor in killing Green Lantern.

Dr Kain 04-10-2012 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 44577)
Mattel's figures would have been well detailed, but lacking in the articulation department.

Uh what? Have you looked at Mattel's DCU line? They have:

Ball jointed neck
Ball jointed shoulders
Bicep swivel
Elbow swivel
Wrist swivel
Abdomen Crunch
Waist swivel
Balljointed hips
Thigh swivel
Knee swivel
Ankle swivel

Bandai's Thundercats line are missing the abdomen crunch on several figures, Bicep swivel on Cheetara, Waist swivel on both Panthro and Cheetara. The only ones that have the proper articulation are the Lion-Os.


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 44627)
If you meant 6 inch, I agree, otherwise couldn't disagree more. My 8 inch Lion-O has a tight as heck connector piece.

Nope, my 8incher had it flying halfway across the room the moment I even turned his leg, whereas this is not an issue on either 6incher.


Hard not to make a big point of it when my own collection is over 58% defective. I'm not talking a paint bloop or a bent sword. I'm talking mis-assembled, missing accessories, "chewed"/malformed/malmolded, or with joints so loose that the figure is essentially a ragdoll. From July 2009 until January of 2011 I didn't purchase a single figure that could stand up without using a cape/staff as a tripod and/or not explode into lots of small green pieces moments after opening the package.
That's interesting because the only figures I have that have issues are:

Roboto - backwards shoulders
Green Goddess - exploding crotch
King Hsss - backwards shoulders

I have not had any chewed or misformed weapons, nor missing ones. The only figures with ankles so loose that do not stand up on their own are Optikk and Prince Adam, and I don't give a crap about Optikk, as he is a NA character.

My Snout Spouts are fine. My Swift Winds are fine. My Wind Raiders are fine. Even that stupid Hurricane Hordak is fine.


Tygra being shortpacked and nearly impossible to find.
As opposed to what? I have yet to see a Tygra on the shelves.


The shelves would be full of clearanced Lion-Os.
Have you been to TRU lately? Their shelves are full of clearanced Lion-Os and Mumm-Ras.


Remember, that's how they handle their mass retail boy brands and what killed 200X He-man and what was a factor in killing Green Lantern.
Green Lantern was killed because the movie was crap.

BTW, you say Mattel would have 13 versions of Lion-O? Then what is Regular 4inch Lion-O, big gauntlet Lion-O, standing still with mini tower Lion-O, bike riding Lion-O, gold Lion-O with armor, 6inch Lion-O, 6inch Classics Lion-O, and 8inch Classics Lion-O?

TIGER007 04-10-2012 12:13 AM


CANADA is still suppose to see these starting this summer / fall...CARTOON is suppose to hit around then....dang it sucks being so behind on these kind of COOL THINGS!!!...dang dang dang ...:)

Dr Kain 04-10-2012 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by TIGER007 (Post 44635)

CANADA is still suppose to see these starting this summer / fall...CARTOON is suppose to hit around then....dang it sucks being so behind on these kind of COOL THINGS!!!...dang dang dang ...:)

You haven't watched the toon yet? What ar eyou waiting for, a personal invitation?

CreepySariFan 04-10-2012 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44636)
You haven't watched the toon yet? What ar eyou waiting for, a personal invitation?

He's just saying it hasn't aired here yet, which it really hasn't.

Not that we can't get it online. You'd think YTV or Teletoon would actually THINK that most people have access to these things on the internet... :I

Funny part, is you can still get the DVDs here in Canada too.

Ravenxl7 04-10-2012 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 44634)
Uh what? Have you looked at Mattel's DCU line? They have:

Ball jointed neck
Ball jointed shoulders
Bicep swivel
Elbow swivel
Wrist swivel
Abdomen Crunch
Waist swivel
Balljointed hips
Thigh swivel
Knee swivel
Ankle swivel

Bandai's Thundercats line are missing the abdomen crunch on several figures, Bicep swivel on Cheetara, Waist swivel on both Panthro and Cheetara. The only ones that have the proper articulation are the Lion-Os.

I was talking about Mattel's 4" scaled figures. I assumed the rest of that part of my post would have made that clear...

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