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rchrz60 09-20-2011 05:24 AM

Classics vs. New Figures
So I myself purchased the Lion-O and Tygra Classics figures for myself being a long time ThunderCats fan, but my kids are into the new show, so I started picking up figures for them. Has anyone else noticed the quality difference in the figures. I'm not even talking about size or the fact that one is based on the 80's show and the other the new show.

I'm talking abou the fact that I had to superglue the arms onto my daughters Wyle Kitt and Katt because they kept popping off. They also have a problem holding onto their own weapons, and even some of the joints bend weird, for example Cheetara. Her thighs twist in some places rather than bend? Kinda weird.

I haven't had any problems with my classics figures, and even the joints and movement points make sense. the legs are Ball jointed and knees are double jointed to give the appearience of proper movement.

I guess it just bugs me because kids put toys through the wringer so they should be made to last longer. I am totally happy with my classics line and hope they keep coming, but I can't say the same for the new figure toy line.

Any thoughts?

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