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Old 10-25-2011, 01:59 PM   #3
Thunder Kitty
Ocicat's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 28
Thanks - here's episode 2 if you liked that one.

Episode Two
The sun is shining over the Cats Lair as Emily awakens from a decent night’s sleep, after opening her eyes and recovering from the initial shock of not know where she is, she sits up in bed as there is a knock at the door and Tygra walks in.

Tygra: Three times I’ve checked on you now, you were sleeping like a baby, you should be up and out of that bed though to make the most of this lovely day.

Emily: Yes Tygra.

Tygra walks out of the room as Emily stretches.

Mumm-Ra is stood before his Cauldron in his pyramid, Slythe is stood on the other side of it.

Slythe: Have you forgotten what’s happening today Mumm-Ra?

Mumm-Ra: I know everything that happens on third earth Slythe, you should know that.

Slythe: Then you won’t need me to remind you that today is the day that Lion-O is leaving the Cats Lair to visit those wretched Berbils, you’d be too stupid to pass up on the opportunity to take over the Cats Lair in his absence, yes?

Mumm-Ra: Stupid?! Mumm-Ra is far from stupid Slythe and I have plans of my own.
The Cats Lair appears in the Cauldron.

Mumm-Ra: By the end of the day the Cats Lair will be mine.

Mumm-Ra starts to laugh.

Panthro is working on the ThunderTank as Cheetara is sat watching him underneath one of the feet of the Cats Lair.

Cheetara: I hope the two kittens will be safe on this journey they’re taking.

Panthro: I’m sure they will be, they’ll have Lion-O to look after them after all.

Cheetara: Yes.

Panthro: Have you ever thought about having kittens of your own Cheetara?

Cheetara: I did once, having never met the right man and then joining Lion-O here once Thundera was destroyed, kittens of my own are something I’ve barely had time to think about, besides, looking after Lion-O and then Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat is enough. Don’t you think?

Panthro: Yes.

Grace is sat playing with Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat in her room.

Grace: Do you two have to go with Lion-O today?

Wily-Kit: We want to go.

Wily-Kat: Yeah, it’s going to be so much fun.

Grace: But who am I going to play with while you’re gone?

Wily-Kit: You’ll have Snarf, he’s always good for a laugh.

Grace doesn’t look impressed by Wily-Kit’s suggestion.

Tygra walks in.

Wily-Kat: Hey Tygra, where are we going today? Do you know?

Wily-Kit: Yeah, Lion-O isn’t telling us anything.

Tygra: No and neither am I!

Wily-Kat: Oh Tygra!

Lion-O walks in.

Lion-O: Come on kittens, you need to get ready.

Tygra: Come on, I’ll help you out,

Tygra, Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat walk out of the room. Grace walks towards Lion-O and hugs him.

Lion-O: I won’t be gone for long Grace, just long enough to help out some old friends that’s all.

Lion-O walks out of the room and Jaga appears before Grace.

Grace: You again!

Jaga: You have nothing to fear young Grace, I have been watching over Lion-O for many years now, he’s capable of looking after himself and I’ll watch over him, making sure he’s safe enough to return, you have nothing to fear child.

Jaga disappears and Grace runs out of the room and straight into Panthro.

Panthro: Who were you talking too Grace?

Grace: I saw that ghost again, the one that looks after Lion-O.

Panthro smiles.

Panthro: Ah, you mean Jaga, he’s a pretty friendly ghost you know, let me tell you more about him.

Panthro and Grace walk down the corridor.

Lion-O is in the main room of the Lair looking at the video screen when Cheetara walks in.

Cheetara: Are you looking forward to your trip Lion-O?
Lion-O: I haven’t told the Berbils I’m going to see them, I thought I’d surprise our old friends.

Lion-O looks at Cheetara.

Lion-O: Keep everyone safe from the likes of Mumm-Ra and those Mutants while I’m gone will you Cheetara?

Cheetara: That goes without saying Lion-O.

Lion-O smiles at Cheetara as Snarf walks in and puts some food down on the table.

Lion-O: What’s this Snarf? It’s a little early for dinner?

Snarf: You didn’t think we were going to let you go without a little farewell dinner did you Lion-O? Now sit down and eat, the other ThunderCats will be here soon.

Snarf walks out of the room as the other ThunderCats walk in and sit down with Lion-O as they begin to eat Jaga appears, out of sight and simply watches over them.

Bundun the Bolkin appears outside Cats Lair and walks up the steps towards the main door.

Bundun: Now to fool those ThunderCats once more and take what will belong to Mumm-Ra once and for all.

Mumm-Ra clearly in disguise as Bundun laughs at this as he knocks on the door.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat open the door to the Cats Lair.

Wily-Kit: Bundun! It’s good to see you. Come in!

Bundun smiles as they let him into the Cats Lair and close the door.

Wily-Kat: The others will be pleased to see you Bundun.

Wily-Kit: How do you think we’re travelling to wherever we’re going Wily-Kat.

Wily-Kat: There’s no way Panthro is going to let Lion-O take the ThunderTank so I reckon we’re walking.

Wily-Kit: Great.

They continue on down the corridor towards the main room, they open the door and the ThuderCats are sat around the table eating.

Lion-O: Bundun, old friend, sit, eat.

Bundun: Thank you Lion-O.

Bundun sits down as Tygra puts a plate of food in front of him.

Tygra: What brings you out here Bundun?
Bundun: I came to ask for help from my friends the ThunderCats, I’ve travelled for days to get here and I need to tell you that the Bolkins have little Thundrillim left to power their homes.

Panthro: I can help you out with that Bundun, we’ve got plenty under the Lair, I can even take you back in the Tank.

Bundun: So kind of you Panthro, thank you.

Panthro: You can stay here and rest overnight and I’ll take you back tomorrow.

Bundun: You ThunderCats are true friends. I can’t thank you enough.

Tygra: You haven’t met our human friends have you? This is Emily and her daughter Grace.

Bundun: We saw the spaceship fall out of the sky a few days ago pleased to meet you both, if you’re staying with the ThunderCats you’ll be well looked after.

Tygra: There’s a plant in your room Emily, it needs a lot of care and attention, Snarf almost killed it when he poured boiling hot water over it.

Emily: I’ll try my best to bring it back to life Tygra.

Emily smiles at him.

Panthro: Cheetara’s been worrying about Lion-O leaving all day, but I told her, she’s got nothing to worry about; I’ll look after her and everyone else.
Cheetara: As long as Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat do as Lion-O tells them then I’m sure they’ll all come back safe.

Wily-Kit and Kat: Yes Cheetara!

Lion-O: It’s time we were leaving!

They get up from the table and the ThunderCats leave the room, Bundun stays sitting in his chair and looks around and smiles.

As the ThunderCats watch Lion-O leave for the Berbils, Emily walks towards the ThunderTank and sits inside it, Bundun appeas and sits next to her.

Bundun: So you’re a human then?

Emily: I am, I homed in on the Cats Lair’s beacon and lost control of my ship, my daughter was travelling with me, we were on our way home when we crashed.

Bundun: I’m sure the ThunderCats will look after you.

Emily: Yes, they have so far, Panthro said he’d go out and look at my ship, he’s going to see if he can fix it.

Bundun smiles.

Bundun: Is he now?

Bundun watches as Tygra and Panthro walk towards them.
Panthro: You two be careful in there, one wrong move and you’ll be sorry, the ThunderTank isn’t the easiest of machines to control.

Bundun: We will Panthro, by the way, there’s plenty of food left in the Lair, I made some dishes of my own for you to try.

Tygra smiles.

Tygra: Thanks Bundun.

They walk up the steps of the Cats Lair, Bundun smiles.

Tygra: Do you think he’ll be gone long?

Panthro: I don’t know Tygra, how long does something like that take?

Tygra: Let’s just hope it all goes to plan.

Panthro: I’m sure it will. He’s not going to need any help while he’s away. Now lets eat.

They sit down in the main room of the Cats Lair and begin to eat.

Tygra: This is really good.

Panthro: Bundun sure puts Snarf to shame.

Suddenly, after a few more bites, they both collapse onto the table.
Wily Kit, Wily-Kat and Lion-O are walking through the forest on their way to the Berbil Village.

Wily-Kit: You do know that we’ll do whatever we can to make sure we reach the Berbil Village safely, don’t you Lion-O?

Lion-O: Of course I do, but I have the sword of omens and that’s all the protection we need.

They continue to walk through the forest.

Cheetara and Emily are sat in Cheetara’s room within the Cats Lair.

Emily: I just find him a little creepy that’s all, he seems to be everywhere I am since he’s been here and I don’t like the way he looks at Grace.

Cheetara smiles.

Cheetara: I’ve always thought Bundun was kind and gentle, his people certainly are, but I’ll make he stays away from you while he’s here if that helps.

Emily smiles.

Emily: Thank you.

Meanwhile in Grace’s room, Bundun is stood talking to her.

Bundun: You could have at least eaten my food Grace, didn’t your mother tell you it was rude not too eat the food that was made for you?

Grace: I had had enough Bundun, I wasn’t hungry.

Bundun: Don’t upset me child!

Bundun knocks a vase on to the floor and Grace screams, this brings Cheetara into the room with Emily not far behind.

Emily: What have you done?

Emily rushes over to Grace and hugs her.

Grace: He was being mean because I didn’t eat his food.

Grace looks at Bundun.

Grace: Well while you’re being this nasty I’m not going to eat another thing you make!

Bundun rushes out of the room, Cheetara frowns.

Lion-O and the Thunder kittens have stopped for a rest. Wily-Kit is about to take a drink from the lake when Lion-O pulls her back.

Lion-O: No!

Wily-Kit: What’s wrong Lion-O? I’m thirsty!
Lion-O hands her a bottle of water.

Lion-O: Drink this; it’s much safer for you than the acid in there.

Wily-Kit looks at the yellow lake, it’s bubbling with acid, she takes a drink from the bottle and puts it down.

Wily-Kat: That was close Wily-Kit.

Wily-Kit: Yeah I know and there was us saying we would make sure we made it to the Berbil Village safely.

Lion-O: I’m just pleased that I stopped you; now let’s rest of a few minutes.

They sit down and look at the lake.

Tygra and Panthro are shown in the main room of the Cats Lair still unconscious.

Over at the Acid Lake Lion-O and the Thunder kittens awaken from a cat nap and continue on their travels, in the distance the Berbil Village comes into view.

Wily-Kat: We made it Lion-O.

Lion-O: Yes we did, not long now, let’s keep going.

They continue towards the Berbil Village where they are met by Ro-Bear Bill.

Ro-Bear Bill: Lion-O pleased to see you again.

Lion-O: And you my friend. How can we help you?

Ro-Bear Bill: Come with me Lion-O and I’ll show you.

They walk into the Berbil Village. King Claudus’ statue stands tall in the centre of the village as they are looking at it a small missile lands close by them and a band of Trollogs appear in the distance.

Lion-O: Get back! All of you!

Lion-O runs towards the Trollogs as the others take cover.

End of episode 2.
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