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Old 10-29-2011, 11:11 AM   #4
Thunder Kitty
Ocicat's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 28

Episode Three

The ThunderCats have finished eating their breakfast which Bundun has serve, they all get up to leave the room.

Bundun: No! Sit down all of you!

The ThunderCats look shocked as they look at each other and sit back down.

Bundun: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re always rushing around all the time; can’t you just take some time to sit and relax?

Tygra remains standing as the others sit down.

Panthro: I think it would be best if you sat down Tygra.

Tygra growls and sits back down in his seat.

Jaga appears to Bundun.

Jaga: Let them go Bundun, for your own sake, let them go.

Jaga disappears as quickly as he appeared and the ThunderCats notice that Bundun now looks a little shocked.

Bundun: Okay, you can go, all of you, I apologise for my rudeness.

The ThunderCats get up and leave the room. They walk down the corridor and Tygra walks into his room. Cheetara follows him.

Cheetara: So what do you make of our guest?

Tygra: He is acting a little strangely.

Cheetara: I think he’s outstayed his welcome.

Tygra: Maybe so.

Cheetara walks towards Tygra.

Cheetara: So what are you doing today?

Tygra: Well I’m working on some new vehicles with Panthro for most of it.

Cheetara: It shouldn’t be too hard, for a big, stong, cat like you.

Cheetara rubs her hands over Tygra’s chest and he blushes.

Tygra: Erm – no.

Tygra laughs nervously, sidesteps Cheetara and walks out of the room.

Cheetara: Whiskers!

Cheetara follows him out.

Grace is sitting on the grass near the Lair when she picks up a broken flower, she takes it to Panthro who is working underneath one of the feet of the Cats Lair.

Grace: Do you think you could fix this for me Panthro?

Panthro smiles.

Panthro: I’ll do my best little cub.

Panthro puts the flower in a glass of water.

Cheetara walks towards them.

Cheetara: What are you two doing?

Panthro: Working on some new vehicles,

Cheetara looks at Tygra.

Cheetara: Tygra?

Tygra doesn’t speak to Cheetara and continues with his work.

Cheetara: Fine.

Cheetara walks away from them all.

Panthro: I’m sure he’ll speak to you when he’s not busy Cheetara.

Tygra glares at Panthro.

Panthro: Come on I had to say something to her.

Bundun walks in.

Bundun: I hope none of you are going to be as rude at lunch as you were at breakfast.

Tygra: Now just a minute Bundun, you’re a guest here, you wanted somewhere to stay and we gave it to you, cooking our meals is a lovely gesture but you’re not our keeper.

Bundun glares at Tygra.

Bundun: I hope you don’t do it again Tygra, you’ll be sorry if you do.

Bundun walks away from them, Tygra looks at Panthro and they both look shocked.

Emily is sitting on the steps, reading a book, outside Cats Lair when Cheetara walks towards her.

Cheetara: We’ve got a pretty good library here at the Lair Emily, if you’d like me to show it to you.

Emily smiles at Cheetara.

Emily: Did Tygra ask you to ask me?

Cheetara frowns.

Cheetara: Tygra? No, why?

Emily: I was just wondering, well, thanks but I’m fine for now.

Cheetara: Well you know where I am if you change your mind.

Tygra passes Panthro some scrap wire.

Tygra: Will this do?

Panthro: It should, thanks Tygra.

Panthro walks out from under the Lair as Cheetara walks down the steps, Emily is still sat reading her book.

Panthro: is our human friend okay?

Cheetara: I think she’s finding it a little hard to adjust, maybe if we found their ship and showed her that we were repairing it, it might make her feel a little better.

Panthro: I’ve tried to talk her into looking on the positive side of things but I don’t think I’ve done a very good job.

Panthro walks away from Cheetara as she walks towards Tygra.

Cheetara: I think Panthro is getting attached to our human visitor.

Tygra: What makes you say that? He’s just following the Code of Thundera I expect.

Cheetara smiles.

Cheetara: I don’t know, I’ve seen the way he looks at her. I think he may be falling for her.

Tygra: I think you’re mistaking it for friendship Cheetara.

Cheetara: We’ll see.

Cheetara walks away from Tygra as he continues to build the vehicle he’s been working on with Panthro.

Panthro walks into the main room of the Cats Lair, Bundun is looking at the telescreen.

Panthro: Well what do you know, they are back!

Bundun: Pardon me?

Panthro: Look! Lion-O and the kittens they’re back. Why don’t you go out and greet them Bundun, I’m sure Lion-O would be pleased to see such a friendly face.

Bundun gets up and leaves the room as he’s walking down the corridor we hear Mumm-Ra’s voice.

Bundun: Yes Panthro, I’m sure he would!

Bundun laughs Mumm-Ra’s evil laugh. Jaga appears.

Bundun: You again?

Jaga: Panthro is right in what he says Bundun. I hope Lion-O is able to settle straight back into life as Lord of the ThunderCats. Now go and greet your friend.

Jaga disappears and Bundun continues to walk down the corridor.

Cheetara is stood with Tygra as Lion-O, Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat walk across the drawbridge and Bundun walks down the steps to greet them.

Cheetara: Can I help?

Tygra: Sure.

Cheetara: Thanks, what would you like me to do?

Tygra: Well you can start by checking our Thundrillium supplies, I’m going to wash myself clean of all this dirt.

Cheetara: Got it.

Cheetara walks away from Tygra as he walks into the Cats Lair.

From inside Panthro’s room we see a hand grab his Nunchucks and walk out of the room quickly.

Tygra steps out of the bath from which he has been bathing, he collapses onto a shelf and falls onto the floor, Grace runs in, sees Tygra lying on the floor then runs out into the corridor.

Grace: Panthro! Panthro where are you?!

Panthro appears at the other end of the corridor.

Grace: Oh Panthro, it’s Tygra. He’s not well.

Panthro: Come on then.

They run down the corridor towards the bathroom.

Panthro: Tygra! Tygra are you okay?

Tygra: I’m fine. I just went a little dizzy that’s all.

Tygra gets up with Panthro’s help.

Panthro: Well if you’re sure, Bundun has made us some lunch in the main room.

Tygra: Great! I’m starving!

Later on, in the main room of the Cats Lair, the ThunderCats have just finished eating their lunch. Lion-O gets up to leave the room.

Bundun: Oh not this again, just sit down Lion-O and relax, my lunch should be appreciated.

Lion-O: I’ve got things to do Bundun as have we all, come on.

Lion-O and the ThunderCats get up to leave the room.

Cheetara: I think it’s about time you went back to your home Bundun, I’m sure everything is fine there now.

Bundun (using Mumm-Ra’s voice): Oh I’m sure it is Cheetara.

Mumm-Ra changes back into his usual form.

Mumm-Ra: Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!

Mumm-Ra then appears as he does when transformed.

Lion-O: Mumm-Ra! I should have known!

Lion-O raises the sword of Omens as Tygra and the others move towards Mumm-Ra. As Panthro and Cheetara leap towards Mumm-Ra he raises his arms and traps them in a forcefield, floating in mid air.

Mumm-Ra: Oh! I can already feel your power ThunderCats, flowing through me! Increasing my own! You’ll soon be dead!

Wily-Kit: Not if we have anything to do with it Mumm-Ra!

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat throw various weapons at Mumm-Ra, all of which he blocks, trapping them in a similar forcefield to Panthro and Cheetara.

Mumm-Ra: I now have the strength of Panthro, the speed of Cheetara and the cunning of the Kittens increasing my own powers!

Tygra moves towards Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra: Back down Tygra! My fight is with Lion-O and no-one else! Or do you want to end up like the others.

Panthro and Cheetara try to break free from their forcefield and Mumm-Ra strengthens it, draining their power further. Tygra watches as Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat collapse within their forcefield.

Tygra: Come on Mumm-Ra stop this! Take me instead! I’ll be your hostage.

Mumm-Ra: Not a chance Tygra! This is working better than I expected, soon the Cats Lair will be mine forever!

As Mumm-Ra is speaking Emily tries to free Panthro and gets a shock as she puts her hand into the forcefield, it then throws her back against the wall. Cheetara tries to smash her way out of the force field but Mumm-Ra strengthens the power of the forcefield and she also collapses.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat regain consciousness.

Wily-Kit: Mumm-Ra... Please... Stop this... If it’s Lion-O you want then it’s Lion-O you can have.

Wily-Kat: Wily-Kit’s right Mumm-Ra, we’ll retreat away from the Cats Lair and let you fight Lion-O alone.

Mumm-Ra: Very well.

Mumm-Ra releases them from their focefields and the weakened ThunderCats fall to the floor.

Panthro tries to take his nunchucks from his pouch when Mumm-Ra produces them.

Mumm-Ra: Looking for these Panthro?

Mumm-Ra laughs as Panthro jumps towards him. Mumm-Ra shoots a bright red light from his fingers straight at Panthro, Panthro screams and falls to the floor. The light on his ThunderCat emblum fades as does the sign and the ThunderCats watch in shock as Panthro’s energy floats away.

Cheetara: NO! Mumm-Ra! I’ll kill you for what you’ve done!

End of episode Three.
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