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Old 03-17-2012, 01:50 AM   #1
Captn Cracka
Thunder Kitty
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Philly- Hall of Omens
Posts: 198
Title - Hear the Roar

Scene 1.

A massive ship can be seen floating adrift amongst the emptiness of space. No lights, no motions, its as if it has been abandoned and forgotten about just another outdated piece of space junk, no longer worth the time of day. Inside, the ship is a cavern winding of hallways and doors. It is as if the darkness of space had consumed the ship whole because within its halls are black. Nothing can be seen. Navigating the halls of this ship would be a task in itself that only the cleverest of navigators could attempt.
The beeping of a blip on a radar screen echoes throughout what seems to be a baron control room of a ship. The light from the radar screen lightens up the desolate cabin and an eye can be seen on a darkened figure sitting motionlessly in the captains chair.
The chair stand by itself in the middle of the room. The back of the chair stands tall. Within it are carved four gem sided holes. Only one of the gems are in its spot. The rest are hollow.

The figures in the chair stands, still covered in darkness, so only a shadowy figure can be seen making it's way to the control panel.

The sound of footsteps fill the cabin but not just any footsteps, there is something different about the sound. A heavy metal stomp accompanies the sound of footsteps with every other step.

When the figure reaches the panel he pushes a button to the right of the screen bringing the radar screen to the main viewer in the front of the ship, enlarging it tenfold. The figures eye widens and a sinister grin can be seen on his darkened face.

The figures raises its arm and clenches its fist. "Time to get up!!" The figure yells with excitement.

All around the dark room, pairs of eyes start to light up. Not one or two but twelve. Lights all throughout the ship start to go on and eyes are seen on every level. It is almost as if the ship itself has awoken from a deep slumber.

The once silent and deserted control in now filled with figures at there assigned stations and crew running about in a hectic state as if they had gone to their battle stations.

"Get off ye rusty covered metal bags 'o bolts, that's whar we need to be headin'" the captain shouts while pointing to the blimp on the screen.

"Aye Aye Captain!!!" the crewmen shout as they hastily finish their duties to get the ship moving on target.

The main entrance door to the control room slide apart, from the center of the door out, leaving the entrance wide open. A red and green blur speeds through the doorway, with the doors shutting behind. As the blur circles the room is slows its pace and now can be seen what it truly is. A shine from the lights gleam off the yellow and blue metal that the object is constructed of. As it slows it extends its two arms, which are not arms at all, but are wings with metal feathers. The metal bird slowly comes down from the ceiling of the control room with wings extended and it's razor sharp metal beak can be seen shining as it lands on a stand next to the captain's chair.

The figure that was once covered in darkness is seen sitting down into the chair with its fingers in the air and only the tips touching. It can now be seen that the metal stomp that was heard was that of the Captain's metal leg. But that is not the only metal appendage on the Captain, for he too is constructed entirely of metal with bolts holding him together. His left eye is covered with a darkened piece of metal giving him and eye patch. The metal around the jaw line is a different shade,almost giving the impression of a beard. His clothes are that of an ancient pirate. But this is just not any pirate. For this is..... Captain Cracker!!!

A scourge upon the galaxies. His greed and ambition know no limits. He has pillaged and plundered the universe for decades. Centuries even. His ship, the Jolly Rogers. The fastest and deadliest ship in universe. It could reach speeds that no other could match. Fly through areas of space which no other man would dare get near. It is rumored that it could travel through blackholes without a single nut or bolt out of place. Even fly next to suns and withstand the immense heat. The ship is not what it used to be, but still not many can compete with the Jolly Rogers especially with Captain Cracker at the helm. Many thought he was merely a legend. A scary story to tell the little ones. But to the regrets of many, he is not only a story. He is real. In metal and oil. He exists. And when Captain Cracker wants something, he gets it. No matter what it takes or who he has to go through to get it and his sights are set on the blip on the screen.

"Aye Me matey, we be settin' course to retrieve what we rightfully stole in the first place", he said to the parrot.

"Boil'em in oil" "Boil 'em in oil", the parrot replies.

The captain's menacing laugh fills the the control room as he sits back in his chair intently staring at the main view screen which now shows a tiny planet.

Scene 2.

It is a beautiful day on the planet. Not a cloud can be seen in the bright blue sky. The planets two moons fill the horizon. Giving a breath taking view for all who gaze upon it.

A view that young Lion-O has taken the time to enjoy. The sadness of losing their family,their home; still fresh in the mind but Lion-O knows he can not let the others see this. He is their leader. He is their hope. He is the Lord of the Thundercats. So, it is not unusual for the Lord of the Thundercats to take time away from the others. To compose his feelings as well as his thoughts. To stand atop the highest point of the landscape and take it all in. Looking across the land and seeing all the new land that needs to be explored. But Lion-O has recently found himself not only looking across the land but now more into the sky. Wondering to himself, what is beyond this world?

While in the book of omens, Lion-O learned that is ancestors crashed on this world while stopping the ever-living force of evil, Mumm-Ra. But were there more Thundercats out there? His people, the few that had survived the Lizards and Mumm-Ra's onslaught, were scattered across the land here. So did that mean that out there more of his people were scattered amongst other planets? Maybe even their home planet? If it still existed?

Even though Lion-O would take sometime to himself, he was never truly by himself. He would always travel with his best friend, Snarf.

"Looks like its just you and me again, Snarf". Lion-O said while looking down at his long-time friend.

Snarf, rubbing up against Lion-O's leg and walking in between both legs, replies "Snarf"in a content tone.

"I am going to bring every last Thundarian back together, Snarf. They need to know that they are not alone. That they are safe, and that they have a leader. They need to know that when united together not even Mumm-Ra are a match for them or the Sword of Omens. They need to know that they have a home. Not just the thundarians here on third earth, but all thundarians, everywhere". Lion-O said.

Lion-O had his backed turned to the sky while he was talking to Snarf. He was looking down the mountain at his friends, his family, the rest of the Thundercats. He did not see what Snarf could now see. There was a tiny object in the sky. It was getting bigger and getting bigger fast.

"SNARF SNARF"!!! Snarf yelled, trying to get the attention of Lion-O.

"Snarf. what is your problem"?! Lion-O questioned as he turned around. He then realized he had turned around into a shadow. The once wide open clear sky now black covered by this ominous metal monstrosity. Not knowing what to think Lion-O reassured Snarf saying, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Who's to say they are not going to be friendly"?

Inside the ship Captain Cracker sits on the edge of his chair preparing himself for what is about to happen. He places his hand on the arm of his chair pressing a button. The gemstone that is in the back of the chair lights up and the ship begins to move. Not forward or backwards but the ship itself. The walls start to condense and transform. It is as if the ship is a giant robot. Transforming itself right before unknowing eyes. This once space bound ship is taking a new form. The more pieces move the more it resembles a sea-bound pirate ship. The center of the ship opens and the walls begin to slide in creating a deck and from the center of this deck rises a cylinder that keeps adding onto itself. This is not the only mast that is growing out of the ship. But it is the biggest. As the ship changes more and more crewmen can be seen grabbing ropes and items about helping in this transformation. When the center mast reaches its peak, two sides shoot out of either side of it and when they come to a stop, a giant black flag lowers. A skull and crossed swords is the insignia on this flag The flag is tattered and torn it has seen battle and made it out still in one piece.

The deck of the ship around the center mast opens and the metal on the mast itself starts moving upwards and from the belly of the ship rises Captain Cracker, holding on to a rope and standing on a peg going up the mast.

"Ye have something that belongs to me, Kitty"! Captain Cracker yells while drawing his pointing it at the Lord of the Thundercats.

Snarf quickly hides behind Lion-O's leg trembling.

Looking up at what Lion-O has just seen before him there is only one thing he can say....

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