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Old 12-08-2011, 06:13 AM   #551
Thunder Kitty
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whilst I reckon there's a strong chance Lion-o will go off on his own next episode - I also have a feeling he won't abandon armless Panthro...
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:23 AM   #552
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Someone mentioned about the flower just remember that Jaga showed her holding the flower and smiling towards Jaga look closely. If he thought it was cheating he wouldn't accepted her. (but let's be honest people because you started to dislike the series cause the writers had it writen like that you are trying to find flaws). Oh and something else stop comparing the Original with the new they are completely diferent.

As for the characters they are not the same as you knew. Lion-o is teenager how thinks he can have everything because he is the heir, always cocky about that even now when he mastered sight beyond site. As for Tygra (lets face it you hate him even from the Original) he is cocky too but he studied everything on how to be king knowing that he could never be one.As you would say he tryied to get rid of Lion-o twice as we see but both times he regreted it and save him[even as a kid he went back to Claudus to ask for help accepting that the whole sittuation was his fault(i'm not saying that it was nice of him to do that from the first place but just consider the possibility of being in his shoes NO REAL FAMILY HAVING NOTHING, wouldn't you act likewise?)]. You all praise Lion-o because he is the main character ok but don't the other characters deserve something too?
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:46 AM   #553
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
Episode 14, maybe can be something like this:

Lion-O going solo in his thundercycle with Snarf of course (You can always trust snarf 100% he will never backstab you lion-O) searching the next power stone. By the time the others realizes he is gone he will be too far way from them, plus he already sabotaged the thundertank and the other thundercycle.

Maybe Lion-O will meet other species in a city or village while searching clues blablabla. Then he gets into a deadly situation (cheetara’s six sense goes on) has to use the full power of the sword thus allowing the others to know his location. Cheetara will get there first with her speed and found Lion-O mortally wounded, use her cleric skill to cure and nurse him. This will make the perfect time for Lion-O to tell her his feelings, and maybe a stronger connection between them can start here, explaining to us of her following him around in the process, maybe with flashbacks.

Darn it. This whole thing been bugging me.
She follows him around because its her job to protect him. Even in the OS it seem she was his bodyguard in the first episode when he was a child. If there are more cheetara flashbacks i would want it to show jaga explaining what being a cleric is really about besides being royal guards and running fast .If lion-o has mastered sight beyond sight and has the book of omens he can find the other stones very easily. In ep 14 i see mum-ra enlisting jackalman,vultureman and monkian and building his army to take over everything
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Old 12-08-2011, 07:25 AM   #554
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Originally Posted by Yasraina View Post
Someone mentioned about the flower just remember that Jaga showed her holding the flower and smiling towards Jaga look closely. If he thought it was cheating he wouldn't accepted her. (but let's be honest people because you started to dislike the series cause the writers had it writen like that you are trying to find flaws). Oh and something else stop comparing the Original with the new they are completely diferent.

As for the characters they are not the same as you knew. Lion-o is teenager how thinks he can have everything because he is the heir, always cocky about that even now when he mastered sight beyond site. As for Tygra (lets face it you hate him even from the Original) he is cocky too but he studied everything on how to be king knowing that he could never be one.As you would say he tryied to get rid of Lion-o twice as we see but both times he regreted it and save him[even as a kid he went back to Claudus to ask for help accepting that the whole sittuation was his fault(i'm not saying that it was nice of him to do that from the first place but just consider the possibility of being in his shoes NO REAL FAMILY HAVING NOTHING, wouldn't you act likewise?)]. You all praise Lion-o because he is the main character ok but don't the other characters deserve something too?
Though they are two different show certain fundamental things must be there. All the characters with the exception of tygra and the thunder kittens are the same as the OS. They just switched wilykit and wilykat personalities around and tygra is just plain messed up. Lion-o is just how he was in the OS only he is not the size of claudis with strength to over power everyone. What we can tell is that tygra is a LIAR!!! though he went back to claudis it would seem he didn't tell the whole truth as everyone thought the branch broke and after all those years the truth is learned. We can tell he is also ungrateful because he went from maybe rags to riches when claudis took him in so how can you treat the son of the man you owe everything to like that for no reason at all and shows that he is vindictive as he made a conscious decision to kick lion-o in the pit again. He went into the astral plane with the intent to take the spirit stone for himself " OS reference". One word sums up tygra in this series and its megalomaniac its as if the writers are trying to make tygra grune jr. So i guess its safe to say that this version of tygra is not based on integrity and that is a shame.
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Old 12-08-2011, 10:00 AM   #555
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Excuse me friend but as much i know when someone adoptes you, you are grateful to him not his kids ok cause the father took you in not the kid. And as for going back Tygra said to Claudus my fault.Maybe Claudus didn't said the whole truth to young Lion-o so he wouldn't hate his adopted older brother!!!! As for the second time when he pushes him into the pit think of it when you supposingly fight to the death when the moment is right don't you taake the chance ]EXAPLE Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars 3 when Anakin jumps behind him to continue fight against him Obi-Wan slashes Anakin without hesitation even if he loved him as his brother!!!
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Old 12-08-2011, 10:43 AM   #556
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The way I see it is this. Lion-o needs a Queen not a glorified cheerleader/cleric/bodyguard. He needs someone who is his equal and that is not Cheetara. I expect it to be either an update to a character from the old cartoon/comics or a totally new character. I don't think Pumyra will be introduced as a love interest or seperate from Bengali. As far as the next 13 eps, I see a return of the berbils, more of the other races, Mummra reclaiming his sword and gauntlet, new vehicles, Lion-o having to have the sword or claw sheild repaired at some point. Maybe a little mixed emotion from Cheetara as Lion-o grows beyond his need of her encouragement.
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Old 12-08-2011, 10:56 AM   #557
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Wow...I never thought that anythinglike this would cause SOOOOOO much controversy!
Granted, I was cool with the idea of Lion-O and Cheetara being together and it was even cute to see the beginnings of a triangle, but you have to admit when Lion-O found out that his brother was going to betray him the idea that he would take Cheetara came into your minds...
As is being shown in most of the posts here, it was the ultimate in betrayal.
I don't feel that this relationship between Lion-O and Cheetara and whether or not she changes her mind to stay with him should dictate the show. There is waaaayyyyy more going on here that has to be dealt with other than this. I have said that this would, and should, build a stronger character in Lion-O...isn't THAT what is needed?
The point that "behind every good man is a good woman" is viable, but is it necessary in this case? I don't think so...I think for him to stand on his own two feet he needs to be able to depends on his own decisions first, on his ability to know to the best of hia ability in the right thing as well as have others believe in it too. We never saw Claudius with anyone, but knowing that Lion-O and Tygra are his children, it is assumed that there was a Missus Claudius at one time...but they concentrrated more on the men in the royal family.
Cheetara designated to support Lion-O, it's very easy for those feelings to change and I blame her for not making it clear in the beginning what she was really there for as well as being obviously blind to the increasing hostility between the two when it came to her. IMO, this could have been stopped a LONG time ago by her saying simply to her charge, "I'm here to help you. I'm just your friend"
(I know, I he was going to listen! )
But, at least she put it out there...
Upcoming episodes are going to deal more with Lion-O growth AFTER all of this and well it should. This incident was created to begin to mold him into the leader that is needed. I think there is a lot more to come...
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:21 AM   #558
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
In regard with lion-O's feelings to Cheetara Jelenic Said "She's a counselor to Lion-O too. Where Lion-O doesn't believe in himself, Cheetara is the one person on the team who knows what he's capable of and pushing him towards his ultimate place on king. And because of it, Lion-O interprets a lot of her interest as affection. So we start seeing some possible romance between the two."

So I think it obvious from Lion-O's side, but the crew never say anything from cheetara's side.
So how should we interpret it, especially with legacy.
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:24 AM   #559
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
I'm actually hoping Lion-o's mom will stop Mumm-ra, and use the sword. I think she was probably the reason Lion-o didn't turn into such a douchebag and he wasn't racist, unless she died giving birth, then whoever raised him (not Claudus, he seemed too busy being King and bonding with Tygra) made sure he wasn't spoiled.
I bet she was a cleric.
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:25 AM   #560
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
I asked and they didn't answer. >_<
What does that tell you. Nothing is set in stone.
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Old 12-08-2011, 11:33 AM   #561
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
She follows him around because its her job to protect him. Even in the OS it seem she was his bodyguard in the first episode when he was a child. If there are more cheetara flashbacks i would want it to show jaga explaining what being a cleric is really about besides being royal guards and running fast .If lion-o has mastered sight beyond sight and has the book of omens he can find the other stones very easily. In ep 14 i see mum-ra enlisting jackalman,vultureman and monkian and building his army to take over everything
Why would she decide to show herself then. I think she follows him because he is different.

If clerics are body guards, then they would not let tygra do what he did to lion-o.
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Old 12-08-2011, 12:21 PM   #562
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Upcoming episodes are going to deal more with Lion-O growth AFTER all of this and well it should. This incident was created to begin to mold him into the leader that is needed. I think there is a lot more to come...[/QUOTE]

That is so unrealistic.

There are people that want lion-o to get over it and move. What about Tygra. He is still jealous of lion-o.

People expect the older ones to act mature, people would expect lion-o to be immature. They would expect more out of tygra.

It is bad. When she heard lion-o would feel betrayed by tygra, she should have gone to lion-o first instead of tygra. It should have been

It makes me mad that trygra always comes out clean and gets rewarded.

I don't want to see another love interest for lion-o, that would be insulting.
Lion-o we had to take care of tygra and we will throw you a later one, but right now we are taking care of tygra.
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Old 12-08-2011, 12:32 PM   #563
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
In regard with lion-O's feelings to Cheetara Jelenic Said "She's a counselor to Lion-O too. Where Lion-O doesn't believe in himself, Cheetara is the one person on the team who knows what he's capable of and pushing him towards his ultimate place on king. And because of it, Lion-O interprets a lot of her interest as affection. So we start seeing some possible romance between the two."

So I think it obvious from Lion-O's side, but the crew never say anything from cheetara's side.
Maybe they are keeping quiet until the other episodes come out.
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Old 12-08-2011, 12:39 PM   #564
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Yet where was the possible romance if she was "guiding" him to be King? It doesn't add up. And he certainly won't believe in himself after he saw her making out with Tygra.
Thank you.

She didn't have to be so hands on. She could have said I am your guide and I am here to guide you my king.

Like you said she was more hands on than the women in legacy.
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Old 12-08-2011, 12:47 PM   #565
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Yet where was the possible romance if she was "guiding" him to be King? It doesn't add up. And he certainly won't believe in himself after he saw her making out with Tygra.
To me they are being careful with their words, they will not spoil anything.
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Old 12-08-2011, 01:45 PM   #566
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Yet where was the possible romance if she was "guiding" him to be King? It doesn't add up. And he certainly won't believe in himself after he saw her making out with Tygra.
What was the purpose of legacy with the women cat then?
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:30 PM   #567
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:40 PM   #568
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Maybe it was supposed to give Lion-o false hope that Cheetara would like him?
If that is true, the writers sure do not care for lion-o.

I wish lion-o could have finished first with cheetara, maybe it will change.

It is like every time he can take a step foward Bam, he takes two steps back. Cheetara is like 10 steps back and start from go again.

Why hasn't tygra have to suffer like lion-o?

I guess he is destine to be second best, that is what the writers want.
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:44 PM   #569
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Maybe it was supposed to give Lion-o false hope that Cheetara would like him? I mean, they pretty much trolled everyone who likes Lion-o/Cheetara and half the OS fanbase.
I think they wouldn't want to troll the OS fanbase. They would be the ones with more money to spend.

My dad is a OS fan, He is done with with the NS.
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:50 PM   #570
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
I think they wouldn't want to troll the OS fanbase. They would be the ones with more money to spend.

My dad is a OS fan, He is done with with the NS.
Well, they've angered enough of them to leave. And Jelenic, or someone else "jokingly" said they liked pissing fans off.
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:54 PM   #571
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Well, they've angered enough of them to leave. And Jelenic, or someone else "jokingly" said they liked pissing fans off.
I would take that at face value. I think what he is saying is they are going to make some one mad no matter what they do. You do not want to PO the OS crowd, they are the ones that kept it going for so long. Buy up everything that is TCs.

The more telling stuff is them not answering you about cheetara and tygra. If tygra and cheetara are set, then they have no reason to not say anything.
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:56 PM   #572
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Well they're likely going to be seeing a drop in there ratings over this mess. Hope pissing us off was worth it.
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:58 PM   #573
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And some parents are complaining about how the triangle was handled, and how Panthro didn't seem bothered by not having arms.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:04 PM   #574
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You see this is why I love these boards, its nice to know there lots of other fans who feel the same way.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:07 PM   #575
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I will give them two more episodes.

If tygra becomes nice because he has cheetara, I am done.

If they keep the love triangle, I will watch it.

I am holding out for L/C in the end.

14 will determine the direction.

How will they handle lion-o? Will he suck it up and be tygra b*t*h, which is how I see him. Thanks writers. Or will he will he get serious about cheetara and prove he is worth her love.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:08 PM   #576
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Originally Posted by Yasraina View Post
Excuse me friend but as much i know when someone adoptes you, you are grateful to him not his kids ok cause the father took you in not the kid. And as for going back Tygra said to Claudus my fault.Maybe Claudus didn't said the whole truth to young Lion-o so he wouldn't hate his adopted older brother!!!! As for the second time when he pushes him into the pit think of it when you supposingly fight to the death when the moment is right don't you taake the chance ]EXAPLE Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars 3 when Anakin jumps behind him to continue fight against him Obi-Wan slashes Anakin without hesitation even if he loved him as his brother!!!
Lets be real if tygra told claudis the whole truth i don't the he would trust tygra around lion-o. So then its okay to disrespect a man family because you don't owe the family anything ? Hmmm that seems like more sociopathic behavior from this version of tygra. As for the star wars reference obi-wan and anakin were on two clearly different sides and already enemies. So was it tygra intent to kill lion-o in the astral plane? Is lion-o his enemy at this time? So why fight to the death? Did lion-o do anything bad to tygra ?They messed tygra up in this version there is no excuse for his behavior at all. The writers made him a sociopath just like grune and thats messed up to me. I would've rather he was like the OS
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:08 PM   #577
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
You see this is why I love these boards, its nice to know there lots of other fans who feel the same way.
There are a lot more who don't post.

I post for this anime only. I don't do facebook, I don't have time. If I did, I would let them hear it.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:14 PM   #578
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Well they're likely going to be seeing a drop in there ratings over this mess. Hope pissing us off was worth it.
Its never a good idea to bite the hand that feeds
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:15 PM   #579
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Lets be real if tygra told claudis the whole truth i don't the he would trust tygra around lion-o. So then its okay to disrespect a man family because you don't owe the family anything ? Hmmm that seems like more sociopathic behavior from this version of tygra. As for the star wars reference obi-wan and anakin were on two clearly different sides and already enemies. So was it tygra intent to kill lion-o in the astral plane? Is lion-o his enemy at this time? So why fight to the death? Did lion-o do anything bad to tygra ?They messed tygra up in this version there is no excuse for his behavior at all. The writers made him a sociopath just like grune and thats messed up to me. I would've rather he was like the OS
I like tygra in the OS too.

I hate tygra in this version. He gets reward for this behavior, he is never called out for it.

If lion-o didn't say anything about their father, he would have left him. Tygra only felt guilty, because he loved their father.

If tygra had left lion-o there, what would have cheetara have done.

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Old 12-08-2011, 03:20 PM   #580
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Somehow I get the feeling that OS Tygra would have seen NS Tygra as another Grune in the making.

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Old 12-08-2011, 03:21 PM   #581
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I think they will do something, it is not over.

If they make L/C happen, I hope tygra gets pumya. That is what should have happen in the OS. If they had develop relationships, they would have been together on earth.

I also think it is unfair to tygra if cheetara is going to be lion-o's personal body guard and advisor. That would even make me more jealous. It would be a problem all the time.

Like I said, pumya would have no attachment to lion-o and that would help him.

I was also thinking if tygra went on his own in the end, what would cheetara do? She is the only cleric.

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Old 12-08-2011, 03:23 PM   #582
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
The O
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:24 PM   #583
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The OS tygra was very cool.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:33 PM   #584
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
I like tygra in the OS too.

I hate tygra in this version. He gets reward for this behavior, he is never is called out for it.

If lion-o didn't say anything about their father, he would have left him. Tygra only felt guilty, because he loved their father.

If tygra had left lion-o there, what would have cheetara have done.
If tyggra left lion-o to die mum-ra would've owned tygra BIG TIME. Then mum-ra would've taken both stones and the show would've been a wrap.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:34 PM   #585
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Originally Posted by Big Snarf View Post
Lets be real if tygra told claudis the whole truth i don't the he would trust tygra around lion-o. So then its okay to disrespect a man family because you don't owe the family anything ? Hmmm that seems like more sociopathic behavior from this version of tygra. As for the star wars reference obi-wan and anakin were on two clearly different sides and already enemies. So was it tygra intent to kill lion-o in the astral plane? Is lion-o his enemy at this time? So why fight to the death? Did lion-o do anything bad to tygra ?They messed tygra up in this version there is no excuse for his behavior at all. The writers made him a sociopath just like grune and thats messed up to me. I would've rather he was like the OS
One more thing, be careful about the tygra should be grateful being adopted in the royal family with tygra fans.

That makes them really mad.

If I was adopted into a royal family, I would be very happy.

You can't agrue that tygra has not been given everything. He was groomed to be king and now has cheetara. Thanks writers.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:40 PM   #586
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Some Tygra fans say since Lion-o has everything Tygra should be with Cheetara, but what has Tygra been denied other than the sword? Tygra was more beloved in thundera Claudus wanted Lion-o to be more like Tygra, and now Cheetara wants Tygra over Lion-o. All Lion-o has is a bunch of stress.
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:05 PM   #587
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
Some Tygra fans say since Lion-o has everything Tygra should be with Cheetara, but what has Tygra been denied other than the sword? Tygra was more beloved in thundera Claudus wanted Lion-o to be more like Tygra, and now Cheetara wants Tygra over Lion-o. All Lion-o has is a bunch of stress.
That is what I have argued with them too.

Tygra had everything earned or unearned. The crown means nothing right now. You can't count the sword, because it choose him.

If lion-o does not have a heir, the crown goes to tygra and his family when liono-o dies.

Lion-o needs cheetara more than tygra needs her.
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:11 PM   #588
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Episode 13 should be called "second best"

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Old 12-08-2011, 04:21 PM   #589
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You know, the more I think about it if I were in Lion-os shoes, I would probably say screw it I have no kingdom the girl I liked chose my jerk brother over me, I'm outta here.
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:30 PM   #590
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If I was lion-o, I would tell her my true feelings. I would explain I was by myself my entire life and what tygra has done to me. I would explain that I have had no one to trust or lean on until I met you. I would tell her that she reaffirm that I will always be second best to tygra. I would give her the sword and shield. Tell her to give it to tygra since she has chose him and tell her that now he, my father, the tunderians, and her will have eveything they ever wanted. I would leave and tell them to never look for me again.

But they will make lion-o suck it up and become a tygra fan.

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Old 12-08-2011, 04:32 PM   #591
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What Lion-o should do is tell Tygra since you're so much better than me good luck being king,and walk away from it all. Lion-o can travel third earth learning about technology, adventuring, making allies, while Tygra the Great deals with trying to bring the various races of third earth together, finding the stones of power, and dealing with Mumm-ra and his allies.
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:47 PM   #592
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
What Lion-o should do is tell Tygra since you're so much better than me good luck being king,and walk away from it all. Lion-o can travel third earth learning about technology, adventuring, making allies, while Tygra the Great deals with trying to bring the various races of third earth together, finding the stones of power, and dealing with Mumm-ra and his allies.

It would be interesting how the others would react.
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Old 12-08-2011, 04:59 PM   #593
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I give it about a week of being king before Tygras ready to hang himself by his own whip. We know Tygra won't be able to unite the races of third earth because Lion-o was one of the only thunderians who didn't believe he was so much better. Tygra can't use sight beyond sight so good luck finding those stones, Tygra would probably quickly find a newfound respect for his brother. Cheetara would probably realize that Tygra isn't the born leader he thought he was, leading her to try to find Lion-o with the wilykittens , Panthro would probably grow tired of the lack of progress in their mission since Lion-o left, quite a mess Tygra the Great would have on his hands.

Last edited by stormbringer; 12-08-2011 at 05:07 PM..
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:03 PM   #594
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
I give it about a week of being king before Tygras ready to hang himself by his own whip. We know Tygra won't be able to unite the races of third earth because Lion-o was one of the only thunderians who didn't believe he was so much better. Tygra can't use sight beyond sight so good luck finding those stones, Tygra would probably quickly find a newfound respect for his brother. Cheetara would probably realize that Tygra isn't the born leader he thought he was, leading her to try to find Lion-o with the wilykittens , Panthro would probably grow tired of the lack of progress in their mission since Lion-o left, quite a mess Tygra the Great would have on his hands.
I was thinking if tygra could not use the sword he could go to mummra. Tygra would take Leo's place as second in charge. He would be more than a king and mummra could give him a stone to use.

I wonder if only Leo's blood line can remove the war stone.

If tygra never betrays them, then why all the similarities between Gruine, tygrus and tygra. Plus his jealous of lion-o because he is the so called king.

The writers gave lion-o a RAW DEAL!
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:03 PM   #595
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Originally Posted by hollowdheart View Post
Well, they've angered enough of them to leave. And Jelenic, or someone else "jokingly" said they liked pissing fans off.
Jelenic said that "because we like pissing off the fans" at Comic-Con.
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:05 PM   #596
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Originally Posted by stormbringer View Post
You know, the more I think about it if I were in Lion-os shoes, I would probably say screw it I have no kingdom the girl I liked chose my jerk brother over me, I'm outta here.
Yeah, that's why I think Lion-O will go solo next episode. with snarf of course.
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:07 PM   #597
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
Yeah, that's why I think Lion-O will go solo next episode. with snarf of course.
No one will care.

Last edited by L08e16o; 12-08-2011 at 06:09 PM..
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:18 PM   #598
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Originally Posted by XiaCheyenne View Post
IMO, this could have been stopped a LONG time ago by her saying simply to her charge, "I'm here to help you. I'm just your friend"
Because the writers never meant Lion-O and Cheetara to be just friends in the first place I think. Because if they do that, they will loose lots of character wise story threads that they can use. Sam Register the exec. producer of the show said it himself they wanted to create characters with lots of layers. If I am not mistaken, I think I read somewhere couple months before the show started, this triangle idea came from him. Sam Register also a exec producer for Justice League, there was also a love triangle there GL/Shaera/Vixen and later on became a quardapleangel GL/Shaera/Vixen/Hawkman, they never wasted a single episode of the triangle that already developed with the preveous episodes in Justice League, they just keep on making it more complicated.

Bottomline, I think the writers wanted to make the relationships gray, not a clear cut.
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:29 PM   #599
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Originally Posted by cmangund View Post
Because the writers never meant Lion-O and Cheetara to be just friends in the first place I think. Because if they do that, they will loose lots of character wise story threads that they can use. Sam Register the exec. producer of the show said it himself they wanted to create characters with lots of layers. If I am not mistaken, I think I read somewhere couple months before the show started, this triangle idea came from him. Sam Register also a exec producer for Justice League, there was also a love triangle there GL/Shaera/Vixen and later on became a quardapleangel GL/Shaera/Vixen/Hawkman, they never wasted a single episode of the triangle that already developed with the preveous episodes in Justice League, they just keep on making it more complicated.

Bottomline, I think the writers wanted to make the relationships gray, not a clear cut.
So you think the love triangle is just starting?

Right now it seems one sided.
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:35 PM   #600
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Originally Posted by L08e16o View Post
So you think the love triangle is just starting?

Right now it seems one sided.
Well I saw what Sam Register did to Justice League, I liked the show. So I think yes this is only the begining. But still I will only give this thundercats show a couple more episodes to see how things go because I cannot stand Tygra here. In Justice League all the player of the triangle/quardapleange are likeable not like Tygra. Plus the relationships in Justice Legue were all slowly build, unless when there was another plot brewing, like in Starcrossed episode of Justice League.

Now that I think about, WB did some similiar 180 turn in relationship with GL/Shaera when suddenly it was known that, shaera was a thanagarian spy already engaged/promised to Rho'talak from thanagar.
This is similar to what they did to Lion-O/Cheetara/Tygra where we suddenly know that cheetara and tygra have a past. Maybe there is another plot brewing behind this betrayal of love.

Last edited by cmangund; 12-08-2011 at 06:54 PM..
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