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Old 02-05-2011, 05:39 PM   #1
Cornelius Tunar FTW
Tony_Bacala's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 584
What is "Creative General Discussion"?

The above forums (Customs, Fan Art, Fan Fiction) are to be used for "Projects" show off and discussion only.

Meaning, you have a custom, have started it, and want to show off your work so far. Or, you did a piece of Fan Art, and want to post it for others to see. Or you are starting a piece of Fan Fiction, and there is an actual start to the story already.

Anything else should go in here.

If you have a general question about customizing, or want to share a technique about how to draw Lion O's hair, or want to comment on fan fiction seen on another site, then, post it in here.

Bottom line, keep threads in the above forums limited to actual "work you do". Anything else, in here.

I hope that's clear, if you have any questions just ask, and if it winds up in the wrong place, someone here will move it, no worries. Don't be afraid to post because of these guidelines, no one will get POd.

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