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Old 02-16-2011, 01:57 PM   #1
Thunder Kitty
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 14
BIG UPDATE ~ All Vendor's booths are SOLD OUT!
We will Have OVer 25 Vendors

The G&C Toys, Comics & Collectibles 7th Show is Coming!
~~~**** Saturday, February 26th****~~~

** Also, if you plan on coming to the show as an Early Bird, we will be doing a Special Door Prize Drawing at 11am when we open up the show! Last show we had vendors donate lots of different prizes and every Early Bird got one! If you know anyone else coming out please let them know. Again this drawing will only be for the Early Birds.**

We have a lot of vendors bringing a large variety of items like vintage action figures, GI Joes, Marvel figures, Power Rangers, Star Wars, Transformers, Hot Wheels, Alien vs. Predator and also items like Godzilla, Barbies and Stuffed Animals for the little ones!

Check us out at: Home
You can find updates and there is also a link to our Facebook page so you can see updated pics and info!

Alright guys, we are getting things in order and getting ready for our Sixth and final show of the year! With a little over a month to go, we are all getting ready for another great show! We will be getting out more flyers this week and they will be all around town. So keep an eye out at the local Comic shops, schools and other places!

Some things to note:

FREE Admission *We will still do our early bird entry for those interested*

Here are the details:

Where:Armadillo Indoor Market Place
431 East Airtex
Houston, Tx 77073

When: Saturday, February 26th

From: 11:00am to 6pm
Early Bird: $5.00 gets you in from 10am to 11am
Please Come in Entrance 4 for the Early Bird!

Vendor Info.: As of today we have 5 vendors reserved!
(Booths are only $35 for One 6' Table, 2 chairs, a trash bag and a 7'x7' area)
If you have your own tables you can bring them too. You just have to buy the booth
*Please don't Hesitate to Contact me!... This show is run by collectors for collectors!*

General Admission: FREE for everyone (unless you want to be an early bird)

**This is for the Hardcore collectors in the area! That $5 will get you in the show at 10am an hour before the show officially starts at 11am. We will also do a few drawings for just the Early Birds this time at 11am when we open up!
This is so you can beat the crowds that will surely be there once it opens to the general public **
When you come into the parking Lot, we will be located Right in front of Entrance 4, You can't miss it!
Look for Street signs too...

*We will do a drawing like the first time for the vendors towards the end of the show for one of them to get the first table rental back! We will also have a drawing to set up for FREE at our next show!

The pics say it all, here's what you will see (with more to come)...
Transformers, GI Joe's, Barbies, Power Rangers, Hot Wheels, Vintage Video Games, He-Man, Thundercats, Godzilla, Sports Memorabilia, Dolls, Stuffed animals, Custom Headbands & Bows, Star Wars, Star Trek, Lots of COMICS and much, much MORE!
This is a show fans and friends and you can always expect to see new items!

If anyone wants any additional info., please just drop me a PM and I'll get right back to you...
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Old 02-18-2011, 10:34 AM   #2
Thunder Kitty
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 72
Wish I had the extra money to go to this. There are never any decent conventions within a short driving distance. This one would be about an 8 hour drive for me.
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