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L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41483)
Perhaps Jaga thought she would be able to handle things more maturely than she did, being a cleric and all. One of the problems with Cheetara is that she refuses to take any responsiblity for this mess. She even blamed Jaga, by saying he was the one who sent het to look after Lion-o. If Cheetara admitted fault and apologized, Lion-o would likely forgive her.

Even if he thought she could handle it, you had lion-o was and is still immarute. It is not a good mix.

I thought that was interesting that she didn't look him in the eyes. She turn away to say jaga. Then she say this doesn't change their relationship. What relationship?? I couldn't believe she said that.

She should've said sorry for leading him. When asked her that, she said I thought you were ok with tygra and me. I wonder if she didn't know how he really felt.

Mako Crab 03-29-2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41458)
First love triangle I saw was Tenchi (T/R/A).

That was a good one. I always thought they handled it best in the original OAV. By the time they got to Tenchi Universe, it was pretty played out.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41486)
Even if he thought she could handle it, you had lion-o was and is still immarute. It is not a good mix.

I thought that was interesting that she didn't look him in the eyes. She turn away to say jaga. Then she say this doesn't change their relationship. What relationship?? I couldn't believe she said that.

She should've said sorry for leading him. When asked her that, she said I thought you were ok with tygra and me. I wonder if she didn't know how he really felt.

Unfortunately her behavior was innapropriate either way. She should never have flirted with someone young, and inexperienced like Lion-o if she didn't have any interest in him. That's how things like this current situation happen.

hollowdheart 03-29-2012 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 41489)
That was a good one. I always thought they handled it best in the original OAV. By the time they got to Tenchi Universe, it was pretty played out.

The way i saw L/C was the way i saw T/R a bit, the way Ryouko acted ( like pressing up against him and stuff) i thought for sure L/C would end up together. I'm a little dissapointed, but i would have liked for T/C to be told better. Flashbacks like that only work in Shoujo manga.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 41489)
That was a good one. I always thought they handled it best in the original OAV. By the time they got to Tenchi Universe, it was pretty played out.

Agreed 100%

I love the OAV. I saw it on toonami and CN destroyed toonami.

I didn't like the newer OAV stuff.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41497)
Agreed 100%

I love the OAV. I saw it on toonami and CN destroyed toonami.

I didn't like the newer OAV stuff.

I only got to see it on toonami, like most of the anime I saw at the time.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41490)
Unfortunately her behavior was innapropriate either way. She should never have flirted with someone young, and inexperienced like Lion-o if she didn't have any interest in him. That's how things like this current situation happen.

I think she was ok with it. Not until we here Annet's prediction did she change.

I agree.

theking 03-29-2012 03:39 PM

I found it funny that they did the whole flashback thing with C/T and reinforce the concept that you do end up with your childhood love in the end (way too Japanese for me). I mean Lion-O may be immature that's true, but give him time and the proper environment to grow and he'll become the best. Too bad Cheetara can't seem to wait for that, so I hope they give Lion-O a decent love interest in the future, one way hotter than Cheetara :D.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 41495)
The way i saw L/C was the way i saw T/R a bit, the way Ryouko acted ( like pressing up against him and stuff) i thought for sure L/C would end up together. I'm a little dissapointed, but i would have liked for T/C to be told better. Flashbacks like that only work in Shoujo manga.

I agree with you.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by theking (Post 41500)
I found it funny that they did the whole flashback thing with C/T and reinforce the concept that you do end up with your childhood love in the end (way too Japanese for me). I mean Lion-O may be immature that's true, but give him time and the proper environment to grow and he'll become the best. Too bad Cheetara can't seem to wait for that, so I hope they give Lion-O a decent love interest in the future, one way hotter than Cheetara :D.

I like to use naruto due to the ship wars.

But at least Sakura and sasuke knew each other. They were on a team together and grew together. Like in Japan anime the childhood crush, is develop. They go to school together or they grew up together. This wasn't.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41499)
I think she was ok with it. Not until we here Annet's prediction did she change.

I agree.

The writers really messed up her character, and they don't seem to be slowing down in doing more damage. I'm going to start to wonder if they hate Cheetara.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41503)
I like to use naruto due to the ship wars.

But at least Sakura and sasuke knew each other. They were on a team together and grew together. Like in Japan anime the childhood crush, is develop. They go to school together or they grew up together. This wasn't.

Storyline build up is not a great concern for these writers.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41504)
The writers really messed up her character, and they don't seem to be slowing down in doing more damage. I'm going to start to wonder if they hate Cheetara.

I am holding out that there is more to the story. Cheetara is a beloved character, so I don't know how far they will go.

I always like lion-o, but I thought cheetara was one of the better TCats.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41505)
Storyline build up is not a great concern for these writers.

That is what doesn't make sense. It is like they wanted to play everyone.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by theking (Post 41500)
I found it funny that they did the whole flashback thing with C/T and reinforce the concept that you do end up with your childhood love in the end (way too Japanese for me). I mean Lion-O may be immature that's true, but give him time and the proper environment to grow and he'll become the best. Too bad Cheetara can't seem to wait for that, so I hope they give Lion-O a decent love interest in the future, one way hotter than Cheetara :D.

Agreed. I don't even want Cheetara with Lion-o after how she treated him. I just don't find her to be a likeable character anymore.

theking 03-29-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41505)
Storyline build up is not a great concern for these writers.

Indeed, I really hate how they have diminished the characters so much, I loved the classic, hopefully they find better writers or look for the ones who worked on the original.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by theking (Post 41500)
I found it funny that they did the whole flashback thing with C/T and reinforce the concept that you do end up with your childhood love in the end (way too Japanese for me). I mean Lion-O may be immature that's true, but give him time and the proper environment to grow and he'll become the best. Too bad Cheetara can't seem to wait for that, so I hope they give Lion-O a decent love interest in the future, one way hotter than Cheetara :D.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41506)
I am holding out that there is more to the story. Cheetara is a beloved character, so I don't know how far they will go.

I always like lion-o, but I thought cheetara was one of the better TCats.

I think a lot if the audience has a VERY negative opinion of Cheetara now. Between leading Lion-o on, and her dereliction of duty, its like I said before Lion-o has no reason to trust Cheetara on any level,. Which is why I said ( much to the disdain of some posters), that logically Lion-o would be within his rights to banish her. She has become a hindrance to the group dynamics.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by theking (Post 41509)
Indeed, I really hate how they have diminished the characters so much, I loved the classic, hopefully they find better writers or look for the ones who worked on the original.

What I wonder, is how did the writers think we would see Cheetara? They've made her seem deceptive and untrustworthy, so with the exception of some T/C fans, everybody in this thread for example seems to have a negative opinion of her.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41511)
I think a lot if the audience has a VERY negative opinion of Cheetara now. Between leading Lion-o on, and her dereliction of duty, its like I said before Lion-o has no reason to trust Cheetara on any level,. Which is why I said ( much to the disdain of some posters), that logically Lion-o would be within his rights to banish her. She has become a hindrance to the group dynamics.

That is why I hope there is more to the story.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41516)
That is why I hope there is more to the story.

I hope you're right. At this point Cheetara is an expendable character, due to her unlikeability.

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41519)
I hope you're right. At this point Cheetara is an expendable character, due to her unlikeability.

I don't think the show's quite that pessimistic. Lion-O will probably come out of the trials a better person, forgive Cheetarah, and move on with his life. He might still be lonely but he won't blame her for it.
At the same time if the description of "The Trials of Lion-O: Part 2" is reliable Mumm-Ra may force the other Thundercats to confront their own flaws and mistakes (Tygra dumping on Lion-O, Cheetarah leading him on, Panthro and the Wileykittens for... not having enough screen time to make a difference) in order to break their spirits before Lion-O turns the tide.

Big Snarf 03-29-2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41511)
I think a lot if the audience has a VERY negative opinion of Cheetara now. Between leading Lion-o on, and her dereliction of duty, its like I said before Lion-o has no reason to trust Cheetara on any level,. Which is why I said ( much to the disdain of some posters), that logically Lion-o would be within his rights to banish her. She has become a hindrance to the group dynamics.

To banish her would be the humane thing to do as mutiny in times of war is punishable by death and that was the fate for the lizards if lion-o didn't free them.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41522)
I don't think the show's quite that pessimistic. Lion-O will probably come out of the trials a better person, forgive Cheetarah, and move on with his life. He might still be lonely but he won't blame her for it.
At the same time if the description of "The Trials of Lion-O: Part 2" is reliable Mumm-Ra may force the other Thundercats to confront their own flaws and mistakes (Tygra dumping on Lion-O, Cheetarah leading him on, Panthro and the Wileykittens for... not having enough screen time to make a difference) in order to break their spirits before Lion-O turns the tide.

That could be really good for character development. Hopefully then the "triangle issues" could be worked out once and for all, and the show can move forward.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 41523)
To banish her would be the humane thing to do as mutiny in times of war is punishable by death and that was the fate for the lizards if lion-o didn't free them.

I believe Lion-o is that humane. Which is why I said before that Cheetara is lucky she's not dealing with Claudus, since he would have had her head.

Big Snarf 03-29-2012 04:27 PM

Since mumm-ra will capture them I hope the writers don't have any comic book ideas about who has to give him a bath.

Big Snarf 03-29-2012 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41525)
I believe Lion-o is that humane. Which is why I said before that Cheetara is lucky she's not dealing with Claudus, since he would have had her head.

And if grune were her commanding officer i think he would've literally ate her like atticus ate the bird people :eek:

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 41526)
Since mumm-ra will capture them I hope the writers don't have any comic book ideas about who has to give him a bath.

I don't think this version of Mumm-Ra does bathe. He looks smelly.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 41526)
Since mumm-ra will capture them I hope the writers don't have any comic book ideas about who has to give him a bath.

I hope Cheetara and Tygra had a light lunch.:cool:

stormbringer 03-29-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 41528)
And if grune were her commanding officer i think he would've literally ate her like atticus ate the bird people :eek:

Nope she wouldn't find any mercy in that court.

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41531)
I hope Cheetara and Tygra had a light lunch.:cool:

Everyone picture Mumm-Ra naked. Good night.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41533)
Everyone picture Mumm-Ra naked. Good night.

Good night. And thanks for the nightmares.:D

Big Snarf 03-29-2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41529)
I don't think this version of Mumm-Ra does bathe. He looks smelly.

:D:D:D:D was there ever a time when he didn't look smelly ?

Balgus82 03-29-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41483)
Perhaps Jaga thought she would be able to handle things more maturely than she did, being a cleric and all. One of the problems with Cheetara is that she refuses to take any responsiblity for this mess. She even blamed Jaga, by saying he was the one who sent het to look after Lion-o. If Cheetara admitted fault and apologized, Lion-o would likely forgive her.

I don't agree that she refuses to take any responsibility. In episode 13 you hear her say, "I feel I've contributed to it by not being clear with my feelings."

She wasn't blaming anything on Jaga. She was explaining why she was following him.

Balgus82 03-29-2012 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41490)
Unfortunately her behavior was innapropriate either way. She should never have flirted with someone young, and inexperienced like Lion-o if she didn't have any interest in him. That's how things like this current situation happen.

She's only a year older than Lion-O. Does it occur to anyone that she's inexperienced too? At least when it comes to relating to people? We know she's trained as a Cleric, but I hardly think that would leave much time for dating or even being around anyone who wasn't training with her.

Balgus82 03-29-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41503)
I like to use naruto due to the ship wars.

But at least Sakura and sasuke knew each other. They were on a team together and grew together. Like in Japan anime the childhood crush, is develop. They go to school together or they grew up together. This wasn't.

Sakura had a crush on Saske way before they were teamed together.

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41537)
I don't agree that she refuses to take any responsibility. In episode 13 you hear her say, "I feel I've contributed to it by not being clear with my feelings."

She wasn't blaming anything on Jaga. She was explaining why she was following him.

That was to Tygra though, not Lion-O. Lion-O is the one she hurt. Yes it was unintentional, but a simple "Sorry" would go a long way.

hollowdheart 03-29-2012 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41539)
Sakura had a crush on Sasuke way before they were teamed together.

They went to the same classes and were around each other a lot.
I also corrected your spelling of Sasuke's name.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41539)
Sakura had a crush on Saske way before they were teamed together.

That is my point. She was kid and then they got to know each other. Kid relationships and Adult relationships are on different levels.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 41542)
They went to the same classes and were around each other a lot.
I also corrected your spelling of Sasuke's name.

Correct, they got to know each other, unlike tygra and cheetara.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41522)
I don't think the show's quite that pessimistic. Lion-O will probably come out of the trials a better person, forgive Cheetarah, and move on with his life. He might still be lonely but he won't blame her for it.
At the same time if the description of "The Trials of Lion-O: Part 2" is reliable Mumm-Ra may force the other Thundercats to confront their own flaws and mistakes (Tygra dumping on Lion-O, Cheetarah leading him on, Panthro and the Wileykittens for... not having enough screen time to make a difference) in order to break their spirits before Lion-O turns the tide.

But this is the problem.

Lion-o has to die to get over a women. I don't think the triangle will be over yet.

I think mummra will just kick their butt.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:25 PM

Looks like in the anime Ichigo doesn't end up with anyone.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41545)
But this is the problem.

Lion-o has to die to get over a women. I don't think the triangle will be over yet.

I think mummra will just kick their butt.

The triangle is the single biggest mistake of the show. I worry the longer it goes on, the worse everyone will look.

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 05:25 PM

The way it's presented in the show Tygra and Cheetarah aren't really in love with one another so much as they're in love with an idealized version of one another they've built up in their minds. Until the show confirms they've had any interaction between the flower incident and the Pilot that's the only assumption we have to go on. Only time will tell if the writers will address this issue and have them admit that the both of them have changed and aren't quite the same person they thought they were or if they decide to stick it out and make it work. Either way I don't thing Lion-O and Cheetarah will ever be together. As it stands now he's just so angry with her, but after coming through the trials he may realize that despite his initial attraction he simply doesn't truly want her. He was really interested in the rivalry with Tygra (Lion-O's voice actor went through a similar arc when he was in Boy Meets World).

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41545)
But this is the problem.

Lion-o has to die to get over a women. I don't think the triangle will be over yet.

I think mummra will just kick their butt.

Lion-O has to die to get over a lot of things, Cheetarah is just one of them and not even the most important one.

hollowdheart 03-29-2012 05:29 PM

I think it's cruel that they're killing him off to get over things. How will that help anything? And i know a lot of kids are gonna be upset. You don't kill the main character.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 41546)
Looks like in the anime Ichigo doesn't end up with anyone.

They cancelled the anime for now since the ratings were low and the final arc in the manga is starting.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41548)
The way it's presented in the show Tygra and Cheetarah aren't really in love with one another so much as they're in love with an idealized version of one another they've built up in their minds. Until the show confirms they've had any interaction between the flower incident and the Pilot that's the only assumption we have to go on. Only time will tell if the writers will address this issue and have them admit that the both of them have changed and aren't quite the same person they thought they were or if they decide to stick it out and make it work. Either way I don't thing Lion-O and Cheetarah will ever be together. As it stands now he's just so angry with her, but after coming through the trials he may realize that despite his initial attraction he simply doesn't truly want her. He was really interested in the rivalry with Tygra (Lion-O's voice actor went through a similar arc when he was in Boy Meets World).

That is how I veiw tygra. He was ready to move on.

stormbringer 03-29-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41548)
The way it's presented in the show Tygra and Cheetarah aren't really in love with one another so much as they're in love with an idealized version of one another they've built up in their minds. Until the show confirms they've had any interaction between the flower incident and the Pilot that's the only assumption we have to go on. Only time will tell if the writers will address this issue and have them admit that the both of them have changed and aren't quite the same person they thought they were or if they decide to stick it out and make it work. Either way I don't thing Lion-O and Cheetarah will ever be together. As it stands now he's just so angry with her, but after coming through the trials he may realize that despite his initial attraction he simply doesn't truly want her. He was really interested in the rivalry with Tygra (Lion-O's voice actor went through a similar arc when he was in Boy Meets World).

The writers didn't do a good job of making this situation believable, I can definately see your scenario of T/C realizing they aren't really in love, and Lion-o realizing he just had a crush on Cheetara coming true.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 41549)
Lion-O has to die to get over a lot of things, Cheetarah is just one of them and not even the most important one.

That would be stupid. I don't see lion-o seeing her as a tease. I think he was angry with her until the AP cheetara kissed him. If he is angry with her, then that is not what he is going to get from her.

Lion-o was furious before he died with them.

SirSapphire 03-29-2012 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 41550)
I think it's cruel that they're killing him off to get over things. How will that help anything? And i know a lot of kids are gonna be upset. You don't kill the main character.

They're not really killing him. Yes Jaga says he's dead but it's not like it's permanent. It's more like an enforced meditation, a journey to the center of the mind where Lion-O must confront and overcome his internal conflicts before he can truly focus on the external ones. Since he's not the type to stop and do it himself yet he has to be forced to. The Trials aren't just about him being worthy to return to life, it's about forcing him to grow up.

Think of it like a comic book or even anime, main characters die all the time and come back.

L08e16o 03-29-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 41550)
I think it's cruel that they're killing him off to get over things. How will that help anything? And i know a lot of kids are gonna be upset. You don't kill the main character.

They cancelled the anime for now since the ratings were low and the final arc in the manga is starting.

Agree. There is no point to kill him off. My coworkers who don't watch Tcats think that is stupid.

It is hard to keep a long running anime going with the same stuff.

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