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cmangund 01-17-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31112)
But they can't go over the top if they are aiming at kids 6-11.

The will not go over the top. But at the same time they will not kill the Lion-O/Cheetara ship as the triangle is a very important part of the story, like they said. So far we haven't seen any Lion-O/Cheetara angle in the triangle. Which is up next episodes.

cmangund 01-17-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31149)
I am sorry, but I will trust a english graduate degree over you. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate an unfinished thought. Heck I never use them.

Its indirect rationalization from the brain of hiding something. As simple as that, otherwise he will just type '.' as a ".' is easier and faster to type then '...' . Anyway the President Of Warner Bros TV that wanted the triangle not the crew or writers or Jelenic, and it's a very important part of the story. the guy also involved with friends show and two and a half man show, shows about relationships are his alley. They will just be mixing the triangle more but will still making it okay for kids, as we have not seen the triangle aspect from Lion-O/Cheetara.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 31167)
I've been waiting to see him say that. The lost cause would be cheetara trying to say "its not what you think lion-o" :D.

No kidding.:D

He was trying to get something out of my eye.:D

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 31168)
Plus mum-ra hasn't changed into super mum-ra yet

I wonder when he will use his sword or blade.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 31169)
I don't think tygra has shown any change but he has become more aware and its now strike two against third one and he's out. The next 39 episodes need to be like the 1st 8 episodes but i guess 9-13 are just fillers.

I love fillers, they flesh out more of the characters. You see them in a different light.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31173)
The will not go over the top. But at the same time they will not kill the Lion-O/Cheetara ship as the triangle is a very important part of the story, like they said. So far we haven't seen any Lion-O/Cheetara angle in the triangle. Which is up next episodes.

Agree. We already saw T/C part.

cmangund 01-17-2012 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31176)
No kidding.:D

He was trying to get something out of my eye.:D

One of the thing Lion-O can do will be pushing her away, and in the end after all the pushing and more triangle drama he will ask Cheetara "Was it all a lie?" Cheetara will respond"I love you Lion-O, I never lied about that":D as she's not a seductress.

cmangund 01-17-2012 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31179)
Agree. We already saw T/C part.

Then the Lion-O/Cheetara ship will grow from there regardless the status of Tygra in the triangle.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31174)
Anyway the President Of Warner Bros TV that wanted the triangle not the crew or writers or Jelenic, .

I'm actually confused by this. I've read the interview where they said this, but I also remember reading or hearing an interview where they said they had to fight to include the love triangle. I'm looking for it now, but haven't found it yet.

cmangund 01-17-2012 04:18 PM

Does not matter you have to follow the boss of WB or you are fired, simple as that fight or no fight. The boss will have the final say, regardless of what the crew said after this WB boss facts. You cannot put a toothpaste back in the tube. You cannot "avoid" facts.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31180)
One of the thing Lion-O can do will be pushing her away, and in the end after all the pushing and more triangle drama he will ask Cheetara "Was it all a lie?" Cheetara will respond"I love you Lion-O, I never lied about that":D as she's not a seductress.

That would be a good way to put her on the spot.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31181)
Then the Lion-O/Cheetara ship will grow from there regardless the status of Tygra in the triangle.

Agreed, evolving.

cmangund 01-17-2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31186)
That would be a good way to put her on the spot.

GL did that with Shaera during the GL/Shaera/Talak mess, until they have their talk.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31185)
Does not matter you have to follow the boss of WB or you are fired, simple as that fight or no fight. The boss will have the final say, regardless of what the crew said after this WB boss facts. You cannot put a toothpaste back in the tube.

First they have to pitch it to get the funds. If he does not like it, then they will got back come up with the new pitch.

It seems like the boss wanted the triangle to begin with and probably had input.

Not only that, they will not get anymore projects. You don't go behind the bosses back, that will get out there and it would be hard to get another job. No would trust them.

Think about it, it is the TC. This is the first reboot, they are going to handle this with care.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 04:21 PM

though I did find this interesting thing from Emanuelle Chiquri.

"It's even not so much that she's a love interest. Lion-O has a bit of a crush on her, But she ends up with someone else. Gee I wonder who that is."

around the 1:50 mark

ThunderCats Interviews - San Diego Comic Con 2011 - YouTube

Balgus82 01-17-2012 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31189)
First they have to pitch it to get the funds. If he does not like it, then they will got back come up with the new pitch.

It seems like the boss wanted the triangle to begin with and probably had input.

Not only that, they will not get anymore projects. You don't go behind the bosses back, that will get out there and it would be hard to get another job. No would trust them.

Think about it, it is the TC. This is the first reboot, they are going to handle this with care.

Who says he denied it or that they went behind his back? Just because he wanted a love triangle doesn't mean he wanted a particular couple.

cmangund 01-17-2012 04:25 PM

She chose Tygra it was a fact that we included in all the analysis from the beginning, nothing new.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31192)
She chose Tygra it was a fact that we included in all the analysis from the beginning, nothing new.

true, but it's the "It's even not so much that she's a love interest" line that drew my attention.

cmangund 01-17-2012 04:31 PM

Which is why she will put duty above feelings for both brothers. As with the analysis. She's not a simple love interest. And the reason she went to Tygra was mostly because of her duty not her feelings Simple as that.
This applies to Lion-O SoO too, she chose Lion-O because of the SoO thing not on feelings alone. she chose both in a way.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31191)
Who says he denied it or that they went behind his back? Just because he wanted a love triangle doesn't mean he wanted a particular couple.

The point is the love triangle is not over.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31190)
though I did find this interesting thing from Emanuelle Chiquri.

"It's even not so much that she's a love interest. Lion-O has a bit of a crush on her, But she ends up with someone else. Gee I wonder who that is."

around the 1:50 mark

ThunderCats Interviews - San Diego Comic Con 2011 - YouTube

You didn't hear her struggling to comment on it, she went right into about cheetara's character after she we know who that it. She already said what we already know. She chose tygra.

If we are going to take her words as truth. She also said it is a great story line and it is evolving.

Well we knew she is more than a love interest. She is a main female character.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31197)
Which is why she will put duty above feelings for both brothers. As with the analysis. She's not a simple love interest. Simple as that.

could be that eventually she chooses neither. One part of the interview talks about how EC said she had to make her voice a little "colder" because it was part of her character.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 05:05 PM

You know she had to get tired of answering all the L/C questions.

cmangund 01-17-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31201)
You know she had to get tired of answering all the L/C questions.

So many L/C fans including the interviewers afoot:D

stormbringer 01-17-2012 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31204)
So many L/C fans including the interviewers afoot:D

Guess its a good thing she doesn't come on these boards huh.:p

cmangund 01-17-2012 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 31206)
Guess its a good thing she doesn't come on these boards huh.:p

I have got tons of question she must answer about L/C. And this is not an interview but a military interrogation:D

stormbringer 01-17-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31207)
I have got tons of question she must answer about L/C. And this is not an interview but a military interrogation:D

I can only imagine what you would say to the writers.:p

L08e16o 01-17-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31204)
So many L/C fans including the interviewers afoot:D

You know she wants to let out a heavy sigh.

cmangund 01-17-2012 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 31208)
I can only imagine what you would say to the writers.:p

I have a "sodium ethanol and potassium chloride" at the ready for the military interrogation of the writers.:D As it is our sworn duty to the crown to make it happen.:D

cmangund 01-17-2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31198)
The point is the love triangle is not over.

"A very important part of the story". Just as we suspected from the beginning the love triangle is getting more complicated indeed from 13.

AdamofEternia 01-17-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31194)
true, but it's the "It's even not so much that she's a love interest" line that drew my attention.

that interview pretty much puts the nail on the coffin for the L/C angle. i really do feel for the L/C supporters out there especially in the new series, but it seems to me that the writers aren't gonna drag this triangle out any longer. the last episode of the first season IMHO, was the end of the love triangle, because she has made her choice. i will highly agree that the resolution of the triangle was rushed and confusing and kind of left a bad taste in a some fans mouth (me included). all we can do now is to move on and accept the decision the writers made with the triangle. like i mentioned earlier, i actually liked the direction they were supposedly taking the L/C thing but it seems that it was meant to mislead us.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 31217)
that interview pretty much puts the nail on the coffin for the L/C angle. i really do feel for the L/C supporters out there especially in the new series, but it seems to me that the writers aren't gonna drag this triangle out any longer. the last episode of the first season IMHO, was the end of the love triangle, because she has made her choice. i will highly agree that the resolution of the triangle was rushed and confusing and kind of left a bad taste in a some fans mouth (me included). all we can do now is to move on and accept the decision the writers made with the triangle. like i mentioned earlier, i actually liked the direction they were supposedly taking the L/C thing but it seems that it was meant to mislead us.

You realize this was done in October right? She can't spoil anything. She also said a lot more with other interviewer, like highest good, evolving, good story line, and devastated.

The love triangle just started. We had our T/C, now lion-o/cheetara (following him) is up next. I don't think she was following him, because he forgot his lunch money. :)

The triangle is a big part of the story per WB main boss, how can it be over after 1 epsiode?

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31211)
"A very important part of the story". Just as we suspected from the beginning the love triangle is getting more complicated indeed from 13.

How can people think it is over after 1 episode?

If it is a very important part of the story, then it will go more episodes, because it is tied to the main plot.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31222)
How can people think it is over after 1 episode?

If it is a very important part of the story, then it will go more episodes, because it is tied to the main plot.

how exactly does "who cheetara chooses to be her bf" tie into the main "collect the stones, unite the animals, defeat mumm-ra" plot?

cmangund 01-17-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31222)
How can people think it is over after 1 episode?

If it is a very important part of the story, then it will go more episodes, because it is tied to the main plot.

Exactly, They wanted to make the story unpredictable, we are expecting L/C then suddenly T/C thus now everyone expected T/C but in truth it ain't that simple but still L/C/T or pure L/C with detached T.

Especially we are just reaching 13, heck even like I said in JL Shaera already betrothed to Talak that got destroyed easily in just the second parter of three episodes the sudden triangle mess. this just "hooking up" no big deal. Point is writers love doing that.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31223)
how exactly does "who cheetara chooses to be her bf" tie into the main "collect the stones, unite the animals, defeat mumm-ra" plot?

Let see, he said a important part of the story. The triangle is important to the story, they will not end it after the triangle just started. The triangle started when we had our T/C parts.

I don't think it is is about the BF. I do believe that L/C are connected to the SoO even if she picks tygra or doesn't pick anyone.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31224)
Exactly, They wanted to make the story unpredictable, we are expecting L/C then suddenly T/C thus now everyone expected T/C but in truth it ain't that simple but still L/C/T or pure L/C with detached T.

Especially we are just reaching 13, heck even like I said in JL Shaera already betrothed to Talak that got destroyed easily in just the second parter of three episodes the sudden triangle mess. this just "hooking up" no big deal. Point is writers love doing that.

They could torture us and have it go until the end of the season or all 52.:(

Talk about being confused, kids won't know what to think.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31225)
Let see, he said a important part of the story. The triangle is important to the story, they will not end it after the triangle just started. The triangle started when we had our T/C parts.

I don't think it is is about the BF. I do believe that L/C are connected to the SoO.

It could very easily be important to the story without her having to change partners.

How Lion-O reacts to the loss would be a big part of his character development.

cmangund 01-17-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31226)
They could torture us and have it go until the end of the season or all 52.:(

Talk about being confused, kids won't know what to think.

Nah they won't, at the very least they will make it gray with cheetara cannot really chosing apart later after the L/C angle is being explored, Officially she's with Tygra or not. the feelings are there too for Lion-O. She put duty first above feelings, ain't that simple.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 07:23 PM

plus "evolves" just means it progresses. It doesn't necessarily mean she has to switch partners either.

Lets take Tygra completely out of this scenerio just so ya'll won't outright ignore me here.

Say there was no triangle and it was just Cheetara and Lion-O. It would go from his crush, to them starting a tenuous relationship, to them being more comfortable around each other, to them being strong together, to them (possibly) getting married.

In that whole scenario the relationship evolved. Evolving doesn't mean there has to be drastic changes. It just means it progresses from point A, to point B, to point C, etc.

So, to me, the word "evolved" isn't any indication that she'll switch partners again.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31227)
It could very easily be important to the story without her having to change partners.

How Lion-O reacts to the loss would be a big part of his character development.

Then that is not a triangle is it.

It might be, but he is not going to be ready for the trails.

Plus remember the title of the episode "lost causes" doesn't sound like he handled it to well.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31229)
plus "evolves" just means it progresses. It doesn't necessarily mean she has to switch partners either.

Lets take Tygra completely out of this scenerio just so ya'll won't outright ignore me here.

Say there was no triangle and it was just Cheetara and Lion-O. It would go from his crush, to them starting a tenuous relationship, to them being more comfortable around each other, to them being strong together, to them (possibly) getting married.

In that whole scenario the relationship evolved. Evolving doesn't mean there has to be drastic changes. It just means it progresses from point A, to point B, to point C, etc.

Agree and they asked her L/C and she said great story line and it is evolving.

If they are friends that is not evolving. If is is not changing then it is not evolving. I think they are comfortable around each other.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31228)
Nah they won't, at the very least they will make it gray with cheetara cannot really chosing apart later after the L/C angle is being explored, Officially she's with Tygra or not. the feelings are there too for Lion-O. She put duty first above feelings, ain't that simple.

That is a natural love triangle, back and forth.

cmangund 01-17-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31230)
Then that is not a triangle is it.

It might be, but he is not going to be ready for the trails.

Plus remember the title of the episode "lost causes" doesn't sound like he handled it to well.

Exactly, everything is not that simple. otherwise they will end it in a good note back in Ep13 not like that, finish everything there with Lion-O starting to except it the way Tygra already started to at the end of 13 . So obvious. The have ploted everthing from the beginning, thus the clifhanger.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31232)
Agree and they asked her L/C and she said great story line and it is evolving.

If they are friends that is not evolving.

why not? if you go from crushing on someone, to being sad they picked someone else, to accepting it, to learning to be just friends

is that not evolving?

cmangund 01-17-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31233)
That is a natural love triangle, back and forth.

But since this is for kids "officialy" they will make it clearer on Cheetara's stronger feelings for Lion-O otherwise they just remove the thank you dialogue there with Tygra.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 31234)
Exactly, everything is not that simple. otherwise they will end it in a good note back in Ep13 not like that, finish everything there with Lion-O starting to except it the way Tygra already started to at the end of 13 . So obvious. The have ploted everthing from the beginning, thus the clifhanger.

On top of that, she would have gone to lion-o first. She would have done it right. Lion-o would've been hurt, but he would've moved on.

Highest good says she goes to lion-o first. His reaction says it is not over too.

cmangund 01-17-2012 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31232)
Agree and they asked her L/C and she said great story line and it is evolving.

If they are friends that is not evolving. If is is not changing then it is not evolving. I think they are comfortable around each other.

If they are making them just friends that's devolving not evolving. or stopped evolving since that was asked form the spark angle between L/C simple as that.

L08e16o 01-17-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 31235)
why not? if you go from crushing on someone, to being sad they picked someone else, to accepting it, to learning to be just friends

is that not evolving?

That is not evolving. That is stop evolving. What is the next step after friends? Nothing.

Evolving is taking steps to the next phase.

If you believe in evolution or not, that would mean apes would've never become up right or human.

Balgus82 01-17-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 31230)
It might be, but he is not going to be ready for the trails.

Plus remember the title of the episode "lost causes" doesn't sound like he handled it to well.

One of the reasons I've though Lion-O won't be as devastated as everyone seems to think is how in interviews, whenever they talk about Lion-O's feelings towards Cheetara, they always seem to call it a "crush."

That, to me, means he's not in love with her. He just has a crush on her.

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