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L08e16o 12-07-2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 23551)
I really don't look at Cheetara eating the petals of the flower as 'cheating'. She was trying to show Jaga that she did indeed have patience. She sat outside the clericy for several days without leaving. She had nothing to drink or eat until Tygra left that day astrid for her. I don't think Jaga needed her to die from dehydration/starvation to prove patience, I think he just wanted to see that she wouldn't give up even if the situation looked hopeless. I think nibbling on the petals gave her some sustenance, but she still suffered to show patience and essentially was about to pass out when Jaga accepted her. In the end, the task was patience, not going without food/water. I don't think eating the astrid would be 'cheating' at all.

I am not saying she cheated, but Jaga checked on her every day. I think he would have accepted earlier if he thougth she was in danger.

cmangund 12-07-2011 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23535)
Actually, a lot of the OS fans have dropped the show.

Yes this is true. Lots of my friends who loved the OS were devastated by this and really hated it now.

I think if they wanted the safest route and wanted the most numbers of viewers of the show, they should just leave the triangle open. They should only just build enough bases for either pairings Lion-O/Cheetara or Cheetara/Tygra to work but let the fans decide how the triangle will be resolved.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 07:40 PM

Yeah unless you're pro T/C, you're probably not going to be happy with where the shows going.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 07:46 PM

I think the crew realized what they have done to this show and it's fans (what's left, anyway). They haven't posted anything in a week and aren't answering anonymous messages or regular ones either. At least on tumblr. Not sure about their twitter account.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 07:50 PM

Well if they do realize what a mess they made I wonder what they'll do about it?

cmangund 12-07-2011 07:53 PM

I will only give the show a couple more episodes and see if they can fix this writing error. If they fail, then I am done too with the show.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23568)
Well if they do realize what a mess they made I wonder what they'll do about it?

They could make it All Just A Dream, or have Tygra stuck in the Astral Plane and it being his dream.

bronwynn 12-07-2011 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23554)
It's cheating. Any way you try to make it seem like it isn't, it's totally cheating.

I just don't agree. Jaga knew what she was doing by waiting outside the entire time. He walked by her and told her to leave and that she was wasting her time, but she persisted anyway. She proved herself to be patient. Patience has nothing to do with whether or not she nibbled on a flower. As head cleric, I don't think Jaga would have accepted her if there was any dishonesty on her part. In the end, Cheetara was obviously an important cleric and respected by Jaga. It was her, after all, who carried in the Sword of Omens to Claudus.

Anyway, I know that many people seem to be disliking Cheetara now that episode 13 aired. I realize that most fans were expecting a Lion-O/Cheetara ship. I must say that I expected it also. However, after seeing the flashbacks in episode 12, I began to suspect that the ship was not as obvious.

I don't see Cheetara as evil or nasty in any way. I don't think that her choice of Tygra in the last episode makes her any less of a loyal cleric. Her job was to protect the king and she has always been there to encourage him and protect him. Her obligation to the crown does not and should not demand her to be the king's woman. It was obvious that Jaga was very important to her and she probably viewed him as a father-figure since she had no family of her own. I think it is just plain silly for people to post that she didn't seem affected by his loss. I think fans of the Lion-O/Cheetara ship are now exaggerating and making up reasons to be annoyed at her character.

As for Tygra, I agree that he can be jealous and hot-headed. Lion-O can be a bit immature and tended to make Cheetara a contest to be won between the brothers. I think that they both have some growing up to do in order to resolve issues that they have had since they were young boys. Neither one is perfect. I think she respects both of them. In matters of the heart, I think someone is often able to overlook the faults of someone they love. I think she is able to remember Tygra before the bitterness set in regarding his younger brother.

Anyway, I am anxious to see what future episodes bring. I think it would be odd if the love triangle was rectified this early on in the series. Maybe there are still surprises to come?

stormbringer 12-07-2011 07:57 PM

They'll probably have to do some hasty rewriting to fix this before its time for the new episodes to start.

cmangund 12-07-2011 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23568)
Well if they do realize what a mess they made I wonder what they'll do about it?

Maybe at most they can only do minor fixing to episodes 14 - 20, major fixing to the story maybe they will do from episode 20. Because if I am not wrong I think back then they said they have done until episode 20 or something.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23572)
They'll probably have to do some hasty rewriting to fix this before its time for the new episodes to start.

I think they're already on the last 13. They probably would have to scrap most of it if they want to fix this.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 23571)
I just don't agree. Jaga knew what she was doing by waiting outside the entire time. He walked by her and told her to leave and that she was wasting her time, but she persisted anyway. She proved herself to be patient. Patience has nothing to do with whether or not she nibbled on a flower. As head cleric, I don't think Jaga would have accepted her if there was any dishonesty on her part. In the end, Cheetara was obviously an important cleric and respected by Jaga. It was her, after all, who carried in the Sword of Omens to Claudus.

Anyway, I know that many people seem to be disliking Cheetara now that episode 13 aired. I realize that most fans were expecting a Lion-O/Cheetara ship. I must say that I expected it also. However, after seeing the flashbacks in episode 12, I began to suspect that the ship was not as obvious.

I don't see Cheetara as evil or nasty in any way. I don't think that her choice of Tygra in the last episode makes her any less of a loyal cleric. Her job was to protect the king and she has always been there to encourage him and protect him. Her obligation to the crown does not and should not demand her to be the king's woman. It was obvious that Jaga was very important to her and she probably viewed him as a father-figure since she had no family of her own. I think it is just plain silly for people to post that she didn't seem affected by his loss. I think fans of the Lion-O/Cheetara ship are now exaggerating and making up reasons to be annoyed at her character.

As for Tygra, I agree that he can be jealous and hot-headed. Lion-O can be a bit immature and tended to make Cheetara a contest to be won between the brothers. I think that they both have some growing up to do in order to resolve issues that they have had since they were young boys. Neither one is perfect. I think she respects both of them. In matters of the heart, I think someone is often able to overlook the faults of someone they love. I think she is able to remember Tygra before the bitterness set in regarding his younger brother.

Anyway, I am anxious to see what future episodes bring. I think it would be odd if the love triangle was rectified this early on in the series. Maybe there are still surprises to come?

But that is one thing compared to countless things of tygra being a d#ck. I could never understand tygra, because I do not like people like him.

I am not hating on cheetara, I think the writers made her look bad. She should have made her feelings clear with lion-o first. Tygra was angry that he thought cheetara picked lion-o. His anger stems from lion-o being king.

I so agree with lion-o being immature, but you expect that out of a teenager.

But tygra is worse.

I am not excited about the future. Sorry.

cmangund 12-07-2011 09:10 PM

I remember back at Comic-Con Jelenic joked "It is because we like to 'piss off ' the fans"

Well this definitely qualifies as 'pissing me' off.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 23571)
I just don't agree. Jaga knew what she was doing by waiting outside the entire time. He walked by her and told her to leave and that she was wasting her time, but she persisted anyway. She proved herself to be patient. Patience has nothing to do with whether or not she nibbled on a flower. As head cleric, I don't think Jaga would have accepted her if there was any dishonesty on her part. In the end, Cheetara was obviously an important cleric and respected by Jaga. It was her, after all, who carried in the Sword of Omens to Claudus.

Anyway, I know that many people seem to be disliking Cheetara now that episode 13 aired. I realize that most fans were expecting a Lion-O/Cheetara ship. I must say that I expected it also. However, after seeing the flashbacks in episode 12, I began to suspect that the ship was not as obvious.

I don't see Cheetara as evil or nasty in any way. I don't think that her choice of Tygra in the last episode makes her any less of a loyal cleric. Her job was to protect the king and she has always been there to encourage him and protect him. Her obligation to the crown does not and should not demand her to be the king's woman. It was obvious that Jaga was very important to her and she probably viewed him as a father-figure since she had no family of her own. I think it is just plain silly for people to post that she didn't seem affected by his loss. I think fans of the Lion-O/Cheetara ship are now exaggerating and making up reasons to be annoyed at her character.

As for Tygra, I agree that he can be jealous and hot-headed. Lion-O can be a bit immature and tended to make Cheetara a contest to be won between the brothers. I think that they both have some growing up to do in order to resolve issues that they have had since they were young boys. Neither one is perfect. I think she respects both of them. In matters of the heart, I think someone is often able to overlook the faults of someone they love. I think she is able to remember Tygra before the bitterness set in regarding his younger brother.

Anyway, I am anxious to see what future episodes bring. I think it would be odd if the love triangle was rectified this early on in the series. Maybe there are still surprises to come?

Maybe she picked tygra and end up picking lion-o. Like you said it is early. I know they don't set the couples until later in the anime. I know what she saw in tygra when he was a kid (kindness) is what lion-o is. He does not discriminate against anyone. He shows kindness to all.

Two things that stood out about cheetara with lion-o. She said he was different and they have each other.

We are not angery at cheetara. She is my second favorite character. Please keep giving your opinion.


L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 23580)
I remember back at Comic-Con Jelenic joked "It is because we like to 'piss off ' the fans"

Well this definitely qualifies as 'pissing me' off.

CN did that with Big-O. I love that anime, but they were d(cks to the fans.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:13 PM

Just have lion-o come out and say I love you cheetara see what she does.

That would put her on the spot.

cmangund 12-07-2011 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 23583)
Just have lion-o come out and say I love you cheetara see what she does.

That would put her on the spot.

Hopefully they will make lion-O do that darn it. That's why I said back in the thread it will effect things if he speaks up. It is up to Lion-O to fix this writing error.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:18 PM

IMO, the only to fix everything is have another women cat that is interest in tygra. I think he could get over cheetara faster than lion-o. Lion-o has more interaction wtih cheetara than tygra ever did.

Pumya with tygra would help. I think that is the only way he will get over being jealous.

Cheetara is not going to leave lion-o, that will drive tygra nuts. Pumya would help tygra seperate himself with the royal family and have a fresh start.

I just hope lion-o doesn't act immature. I hope he gets serious about cheetara, let her know how you feel.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 23584)
Hopefully they will make lion-O do that darn it. That's why I said back in the thread it will effect things if he speaks up. It is up to Lion-O to fix this writing error.

I agree with your posts.

I think the triangle is not over. I think it will be L/C in the end. I just don't see it being over. I don't think lion-o will settle this time being second best.

Mummra needs to be better.

I hope lion-o starts protecting cheetara instead of letting her protect him. Come on.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23567)
I think the crew realized what they have done to this show and it's fans (what's left, anyway). They haven't posted anything in a week and aren't answering anonymous messages or regular ones either. At least on tumblr. Not sure about their twitter account.

I saw people not happy, some said they were going to cry.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 09:24 PM

I asked the crew before if Lion-o loved Cheetara, and they said "Love is a strong word." So....i guess that should have been an indication that they don't like L/C.

If he does speak up, what do you think everyone's reactions will be?

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23576)
I think they're already on the last 13. They probably would have to scrap most of it if they want to fix this.

If lion-o is the flagship, then they have to do what will make money.

I think a lot of OS fans are going to be sore about this for a while, unless they change things.

L08e16o 12-07-2011 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23588)
I asked the crew before if Lion-o loved Cheetara, and they said "Love is a strong word." So....i guess that should have been an indication that they don't like L/C.

If he does speak up, what do you think everyone's reactions will be?

I think their relationship has not gone that far. You should ask if cheetara loves tygra.

If lion-o does not love cheetara, then what do they call tygra and cheetara. I can't see how love can stem over one event when you never see that person again. I would think they would have tried to meet up at some point.

I think everyone would been great for lion-o. Tygra would have been pissed. I don't kow about cheetara. He would have to tell her when they are alone or he would embarrass her.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 09:34 PM

I asked and they didn't answer. >_<

cmangund 12-07-2011 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23588)
I asked the crew before if Lion-o loved Cheetara, and they said "Love is a strong word." So....i guess that should have been an indication that they don't like L/C.

In regard with lion-O's feelings to Cheetara Jelenic Said "She's a counselor to Lion-O too. Where Lion-O doesn't believe in himself, Cheetara is the one person on the team who knows what he's capable of and pushing him towards his ultimate place on king. And because of it, Lion-O interprets a lot of her interest as affection. So we start seeing some possible romance between the two."

So I think it obvious from Lion-O's side, but the crew never say anything from cheetara's side.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 23594)
In regard with lion-O's feelings to Cheetara Jelenic Said "She's a counselor to Lion-O too. Where Lion-O doesn't believe in himself, Cheetara is the one person on the team who knows what he's capable of and pushing him towards his ultimate place on king. And because of it, Lion-O interprets a lot of her interest as affection. So we start seeing some possible romance between the two."

So I think it obvious from Lion-O's side, but the crew never said anything from cheetara's side.

Yet where was the possible romance if she was "guiding" him to be King? It doesn't add up. And he certainly won't believe in himself after he saw her making out with Tygra.

Big Snarf 12-07-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 23586)
I agree with your posts.

I think the triangle is not over. I think it will be L/C in the end. I just don't see it being over. I don't think lion-o will settle this time being second best.

Mummra needs to be better.

I hope lion-o starts protecting cheetara instead of letting her protect him. Come on.

Mum-ra is how he is supposed to be its just that the eye of thundera is too powerful for him to stand up against in both the OS and this series. And at this point only lion-o can beat him. If the writers had put that tygra cheetara memory earlier it would've made more sense.

cmangund 12-07-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23595)
Yet where was the possible romance if she was "guiding" him to be King? It doesn't add up. And he certainly won't believe in himself after he saw her making out with Tygra.

Yes, this is why a lot of fans called this episode a writing error.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 10:12 PM

Whatever Cheetaras intentions good or bad, she has completely undermined her credibility to Lion-o. How can she be an effective advisor to him if he feels he can't trust her?

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23598)
Whatever Cheetaras intentions good or bad, she has completely undermined her credibility to Lion-o. How can she be an effective advisor to him if he feels he can't trust her?

This, and what is she doing to do when Tygra goes back to his old ways of treating Lion-o like crap? Either she'll upset her boyfriend or she'll make Lion-o feel like she's been using him this whole time.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 10:51 PM

I really don't think Cheetara thought this whole thing through (we know the writers certainly didn't), this drama with Lion-o,Tygra and Cheetara is going to cause a lot of friction in the group, something Mumm-ra for example can take advantage of.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23602)
I really don't think Cheetara thought this whole thing through (we know the writers certainly didn't), this drama with Lion-o,Tygra and Cheetara is going to cause a lot of friction in the group, something Mumm-ra for example can take advantage of.

Obviously not, since Tygra wasn't all that nice at that age and he still isn't now. Mumm-ra might try to get Lion-o to turn evil/off himself with the whole "no one loves you" thing. I can see that working on Lion-o. :(

stormbringer 12-07-2011 11:06 PM

Hopefully Lion-o would be able to resist, or maybe Jaga or Claudus spirit would appear to stop Mumm-ra.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23604)
Hopefully Lion-o would be able to resist, or maybe Jaga or Claudus spirit would appear to stop Mumm-ra.

I'm actually hoping Lion-o's mom will stop Mumm-ra, and use the sword. I think she was probably the reason Lion-o didn't turn into such a douchebag and he wasn't racist, unless she died giving birth, then whoever raised him (not Claudus, he seemed too busy being King and bonding with Tygra) made sure he wasn't spoiled.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 11:14 PM

It would be cool to see Lion-os mom finally.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 23606)
It would be cool to see Lion-os mom finally.

I bet she'd be badass. I'd like for her to scold Tygra and give Lion-o a big hug and a pep talk.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 11:32 PM

I wonder what Lion-os mom would think of Cheetara? Probably wouldn't be pleasant.

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 11:33 PM

She'd probably be really mad.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 11:39 PM

Wonder where Lion-os mom has been all this time, maybe kidnapped or was lost on an expedition outside of thundera and got amnesia?

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 11:42 PM

I think maybe she went looking for Technology and got trapped by Mumm-ra or something. If she's even alive.

stormbringer 12-07-2011 11:48 PM

Maybe if she's alive she could know the location of a stone of power?

hollowdheart 12-07-2011 11:55 PM

That'd be cool. I wonder what her name would be?

stormbringer 12-08-2011 12:06 AM

Lionara maybe? or maybe Leora?

hollowdheart 12-08-2011 12:14 AM

I think Leo-na would be cute.

stormbringer 12-08-2011 12:18 AM

That works.

PANTHRO HOOO 12-08-2011 12:23 AM

A female lion, when in season, will give of a scent, that she will rub on things like trees and mud, to say she is ready to be mated with. When a male picks up this scent he will try and mate with her. If the lioness is in a pride, by rights she is the Alpha lion's to mate with. But the lion may be challenged by another male and whoever wins gets the pride and the females.

She's in Lion-Os pride hell hit that in front of Tygra.

cmangund 12-08-2011 12:58 AM

Made me think if Larry Kenney liked this whole Cheetara/Tygra thing when he read the scripts.
Because at Comic-Con he did joke "where was the spark between Lion-O and Cheetara when I was playing Lion-O" I think he is into Lion-O/Cheetara.

Pand3mix 12-08-2011 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 23583)
Just have lion-o come out and say I love you cheetara see what she does.

That would put her on the spot.

That's kind of funny cause she is a cheetah and has spots. No pun intended?

Pand3mix 12-08-2011 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 23607)
I bet she'd be badass. I'd like for her to scold Tygra and give Lion-o a big hug and a pep talk.

Haha, that is humorous. It's okay son, some woman don't know what's good for them and therefore act like street walkers. You will find a woman worthy of your love. I never approved that cheetarah one anyways. It's in her name, to cheat.

cmangund 12-08-2011 05:12 AM

Episode 14, maybe can be something like this:

Lion-O going solo in his thundercycle with Snarf of course (You can always trust snarf 100% he will never backstab you lion-O) searching the next power stone. By the time the others realizes he is gone he will be too far way from them, plus he already sabotaged the thundertank and the other thundercycle.

Maybe Lion-O will meet other species in a city or village while searching clues blablabla. Then he gets into a deadly situation (cheetara’s six sense goes on) has to use the full power of the sword thus allowing the others to know his location. Cheetara will get there first with her speed and found Lion-O mortally wounded, use her cleric skill to cure and nurse him. This will make the perfect time for Lion-O to tell her his feelings, and maybe a stronger connection between them can start here, explaining to us of her following him around in the process, maybe with flashbacks.

Darn it. This whole thing been bugging me.

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