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Joe Moore 06-25-2012 12:32 PM

for this calling to have it frontpaged, I'm going to put it quite bluntly...No. Internet petitions are a complete and utter waste of time. I have never promoted them and will never promote or condone them. Whether Thundercats comes back or not, this petition will have no bearing on the matter.

Good on all of you who want it back. But if it comes to the need for an internet crusade, you've already lost the war.

CCDustyV 06-25-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 57019)
for this calling to have it frontpaged...No. Internet petitions are a complete and utter waste of time. I have never promoted them and will never promote or condone them. Whether Thundercats comes back or not, this petition will have no bearing on the matter.

I disagree 100%, petitions and letters were the sole reason Kim Possible was renewed for a 4th season. petitions and such also kept the TV series Chuck going 3 extra seasons. they DO work. Sitting back and doing nothing does just that, NOTHING.

and it seems 5,352 others disagree as well.

Joe Moore 06-25-2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 57021)
I disagree 100%, petitions and letters were the sole reason Kim Possible was renewed for a 4th season. petitions and such also kept the TV series Chuck going 3 extra seasons. they DO work. Sitting back and doing nothing does just that, NOTHING.

and it seems 5,352 others disagree as well.

Internet petitions had zero to do with Chuck getting renewed. Cutting the budget by drastically year over year, finding a company who funded a massive in episode product placement campaign (Subway), actors, producers and writers who pushed NBC hard and didn't jump ship, and cutting the episode production are what saved Chuck. And while the producers thanked the internet for the support, that wasn't what had NBC executives change their mind.

As for Kim Possible, didn't follow it. Didn't care about it.

Internet petitions are a dime a dozen. there are hundreds of thousands of them. They require zero effort to "support". It's a lazy mans way of supporting a cause. The support this show needed had to happen months ago. And 5,000 signatures mean nothing in terms of ratings or consumers. It's a far too small amount to mean anything.

And again, if people want to support the show returning, that's awesome. It's just a shame that it wasn't getting the support when it truly mattered.

CCDustyV 06-25-2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 57022)
Internet petitions had zero to do with Chuck getting renewed. Cutting the budget by drastically year over year, finding a company who funded a massive in episode product placement campaign (Subway), actors, producers and writers who pushed NBC hard and didn't jump ship, and cutting the episode production are what saved Chuck. And while the producers thanked the internet for the support, that wasn't what had NBC executives change their mind.

As for Kim Possible, didn't follow it. Didn't care about it.

Internet petitions are a dime a dozen. there are hundreds of thousands of them. They require zero effort to "support". It's a lazy mans way of supporting a cause. The support this show needed had to happen months ago. And 5,000 signatures mean nothing in terms of ratings or consumers. It's a far too small amount to mean anything.

And again, if people want to support the show returning, that's awesome. It's just a shame that it wasn't getting the support when it truly mattered.

the petition is just one of many fronts, if we want to get it renewed it has to be supported on all fronts. I support ALL the ways to get the support, petitions, letter writing campains, communication with staff, CN, and WB through email and facebook. All the fronts have to be united and pushed if it's going to be successful. leave no weak link. make it where anywhere they turn they're seeing something about ThunderCats, be it email, teeshirts at cons, petitions on their desks, and letters in the mail. I'd prefer it to be canceled in spite of us doing EVERYTHING we can to save it then the latter.

test 06-25-2012 01:26 PM

My personal way of supporting the cause has been to send several emails to cartoon network (very well written I might add) from various email addys which mainly just express mine and others enjoyment of the show, along with of course watching every episode legally , purchasing the toys and simply trying to get others on board.

Although I have signed the petition (every little helps) I do agree with Joe that in general they are a complete and utter waste of time as they can easily be corrupted and signed by friends of friends just as a favour through word of mouth. They prove nothing about whether or not the target audience (kids) are actually following it. But on the other hand that hasn't stopped me signing it just because I felt it was my duty as a fan and of course for the slim hope that it may actually work by some freak coincidence.

All we can really do now is play the waiting game and if its over then I guess we'll just have to hope that it gets another chance through perhaps the ever elusive movie or even if down the road another animation team decide to take it back to the drawing board and start over (I rather doubt it)

Personally I'd always wished they had just made some great movies like they did with transformers instead of trying to reboot a regular tv show. Just look at how those movies have revived transformers and spawned a thriving new toy line which is gaining huge value already. I think this would have worked with thundercats too, but instead they screwed up by rebooting a cartoon series.

Don't get me wrong I do love the new series as a new take on the thundercats ... but I just feel that kids are different nowadays and movies hold much greater appeal to them than cartoons because "cartoons are for babies" as I was recently told by my girlfriends sisters kids lol

CCDustyV 06-25-2012 02:46 PM

if it doesn't come back as a second season, an animated OVA would be appreciated just the same :)

CreepySariFan 06-25-2012 06:34 PM

Well Joe, at least you're honest. It is your site and I certainly can't tell you what to do. I just want you to realize that we at least need to feel that we put our own efforts into saving ThunderCats for our personal closure.

Even if it does get cancelled, at least we can say we tried as hard as we could.

CreepySariFan 06-28-2012 07:51 AM

6,005 signatures this morning, HOOO!

CCDustyV 06-28-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 57322)
6,005 signatures this morning, HOOO!

make that 6095 ;)

Lion-O 06-29-2012 02:19 PM

Pure Nerd Nip ยป Save The Thundercats!

New interview with the person behind the petition.

Thunderian scholar 06-30-2012 08:55 AM

7500 people can't be wrong! Thundercats HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Transformed 07-01-2012 12:10 PM

A little late to this party--better late than never, right;)

Anyway, I've added my name to the ever growing list.

CreepySariFan 07-11-2012 09:12 PM

The petition finally broke 7,500 signatures!

hollowdheart 07-11-2012 10:44 PM

I almost completely forgot about it, to be honest.

moreprimeland 07-30-2012 03:54 AM

Now up to 8386..folks are still trying!

CreepySariFan 07-31-2012 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by moreprimeland (Post 59719)
Now up to 8386..folks are still trying!

The petition HAS been going up 100 signatures a day, usually. Pretty awesome really.

southpawdragon 08-06-2012 07:32 PM

Thanks for the link . I did my part I signed the petition. every vote counts.

Gaybutte 11-29-2012 12:52 PM

The petition is Closed!
Why is the petition closed? Am I too late? Is it getting renewed?

Ravenxl7 12-01-2012 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Gaybutte (Post 66579)
Why is the petition closed? Am I too late? Is it getting renewed?

I could be wrong, but I think the petition had a deadline on it. That way it could actually be sent out to Warner Brothers.

AlexofThundera 12-03-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gaybutte (Post 66579)
Why is the petition closed? Am I too late? Is it getting renewed?

The sad truth is Marisha Ray (the person who started the petition) closed it when she heard official word of the shows cancellation. She is the GF of one of the guys that used to work on the new Tcats.

Gaybutte 12-04-2012 11:20 AM

Wow... that fucking kills me.
Somebody that close to the inside couldn't even help? Honestly, though, I don't need it to be a show.
If they would start making it into a comic/manga type of deal, I think that would help us out a lot. And maybe if they start soing that, somewhere down the line a new company sould pick it up again.

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