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JTKranix 04-26-2012 06:56 AM

My 3 year old son loves Thundercats. I am a huge Transformers fan and I can't get him to sit down and watch an episode of anything Transformers to save my life but I turn on Thundercats old or new and he's right there watching.

He also loves the toys, it's a safe bet to say that between the two of us there are at least 3 of each toy in each size class in our house. For months our weekend trips toy hunting always involved looking for Claudus, not just for me but for him too. He loves Grune and Claudus.

More kids out there need toy collecting parents :)

AlexofThundera 04-26-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 47395)
I don't think continuing where the OS left off would've been a good idea though. There are just too many kids who haven't seen the OS. and well just look at Voltron Force. They continued the story and it sucked.

In all fairness Voltron Force looks like it was both drawn and scripted by kindergartners. That show didn't stand a chance from the get go. I made it to episode 4 before I just couldn't keep watching it was so bad.

It doesn't mean another group of writers couldn't take the same base plot and turn it into a great story. Which leads me to wonder just who it is that decides the crappy stories they are writing are any good?

AlexofThundera 04-26-2012 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 47499)
Collectors ate that first wave up too but once they got their full, kids weren't there to pick up the slack.

Agreed. There are only so many of us Thundercats collectors out there. We would have to buy each figure 10 times to create the same amount of support that a ton of kids would create by going out and buying just 1.

Balgus82 04-26-2012 11:14 AM

I think reruns would've done the show a lot of good. As it is the show has only aired either Friday nights (when the kid's parents probably want the tv) or early Saturday and Sunday morning (when the kids are probably sleeping in or at church).

I would've given some reruns a weekday afternoon slot. Like around 4 or 5pm when nothing else is really on so kids can watch after school.

Joe Moore 04-26-2012 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 47571)
I think reruns would've done the show a lot of good. As it is the show has only aired either Friday nights (when the kid's parents probably want the tv) or early Saturday and Sunday morning (when the kids are probably sleeping in or at church).

I would've given some reruns a weekday afternoon slot. Like around 4 or 5pm when nothing else is really on so kids can watch after school.

Agreed 100% with that. Always baffled me that we got no reruns in the following week.

MegatronWolf 04-26-2012 01:25 PM

you cant buy whats not available, the toys always sell out in my area but it takes months to see anything again. Step up distribution and shipments and maybe things will sell. Also adjusting prices wouldnt hurt either, still say some of the stuff is over priced. As for the show all you need to do is advertise more & show reruns during the week, add in a marathon every now & then too. Its not rocket science just common scenes.

Silverback 04-30-2012 11:00 AM

I love the new Thundercats show. Besides the Pilot and the a few recent episodes I think this is perhaps the best cartoon I've ever seen. "Song of the Petalers" and "The Duelist and the Drifter" are absolute works of art. Not all episodes are as great but those two happen to set the bar pretty high. Even if there isn't a second season I would hope there is some closure for the series like finding the rest of the stones and maybe seeing Bengali and Linxo join the team.

They tried playing things safe with this franchise and I see more and more toy companies doing this. Kids may be a driving force for toy sales but more and more collectors are walking away even from Star Wars and Transformers because we are being offered less product but being charged more. Not to mention distribution. At first TRU and select Walmart and Target locations were the only places I could find the toys. As of the begining of 2012 more stores started carrying the figures but not all of them and most that did immediately put Thundercats on clearance. I have had a really hard time finding the second waves of 4" and 6" figures. The poor economy is a tired excuse and businesses keep putting it on the backs of the consumer wich isn't helping.

I agree about the gateway figure. I grabbed all the 4" figures I could and the Thundertank. I am still missing Claudus and Mumm Ra from Wave 2. I have no interest in the Deluxe assortment and if I can't find a 6" Tygra I don't even wanna bother with the 6" line at all. I was looking forward to 6" thunderkittens. I have put off buying any more Thundercats toys myself because I don't want to invest in a toyline that looks as if it is getting cancelled not to mention the trouble finding the new stuff in the first place like the figures packed with vehicles. I still buy for my kids though in hopes things will pick up.

Also I feel the show is very mature compared to many of the other offerings on television wich may be a bit much for some kids to grasp. Idk though. My kids and I sit and watch it every weekend. They absolutely love it. We watch it on demand though since it started airing on Saturday mornings because we sleep in.

Anyways, I have some solutions that may help. Entertainment Earth has 6" Tygra on back order for anyone looking and the price is listed as $16.99 wich is equal to what Walmart charges around here and cheaper than Toys R Us. Also there is a preorder up for Season 1, Book 2 DVD on Amazon as well as individual episodes for purchase for like $1.99 as well. Maybe itunes has episodes for sale too. I don't know. So those of you who can't watch the show have an affordable means to support the franchise.

L08e16o 05-03-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by MegatronWolf (Post 47583)
you cant buy whats not available, the toys always sell out in my area but it takes months to see anything again. Step up distribution and shipments and maybe things will sell. Also adjusting prices wouldnt hurt either, still say some of the stuff is over priced. As for the show all you need to do is advertise more & show reruns during the week, add in a marathon every now & then too. Its not rocket science just common scenes.

Love the pic of eddie.

Thanks Balgus.

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