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Superquad7 06-12-2012 03:21 AM

Yes, the show (and ultimately, the whole franchise) should continue. However, there is some work to be done if it is to be successful.

BB Shockwave 06-12-2012 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by thundera01 (Post 54738)
the thing is that people wants the old Thundercats and this is a new version...i hope they dont cancel it cause i really love it i was a fan of the original and i love the new version 2 ...reason toys and other stuff are not having a great selling point is cause of the economy and also reviews...i've been watching reviews and some people expect perfection from toys and it cant be possible...Bandai has done a perfect rendition of the figures even better than the originals that didnt have half of the articulations the new ones have...and the price is high for a 4 inch figure for example here where i live a 4 inch cost around 12-14 dollars...i mean ...i know the show wont get cancel cause people watch it!

I am sorry, but OF COURSE the toys have better articulation then the ones produced 25 years ago. It's a little thing called "progress". Just compare G1 transformers with the new toys. But if I compare the 4 inch toys with GI Joes or SW toys of the same size, they lack articulation. The 6 inch toys are better, but even those have flaws - Mumm-ra's helmet and cape keep falling off, Panthro always falls over due to weak leg joints, Cheetara's head articulation is useless thanks to her collar, and let's not even mention the ugly black joint pegs they used on all shoulder/thigh/knee/elbow joints, making it look like they have black pegs in their flesh there. Yes, at this age and with such toys as Hasbro's Marvel toys or Mattel's DC toys, I expected better. I am happy with the sculpts itself, don't take it the wrong way... but the quality, as with most Bandai toys, is lacking.

Smasher 06-12-2012 11:18 AM

My kids and I absolutely love the show, however, after the excellent premiere it kind of went like this.

The show:
Are there new episodes? Where are they? When is it on?

The toys:
Where are the Thundercats toys?
I know they exist –where are they?

Hype the show: do some marathon runs and play the old series on Boomerang.
Refresh the toyline –stock it and hype it. Make a couple of new characters already.

Unfortunately I don’t think any of these things will happen.

Singe 06-12-2012 01:00 PM

The show swings hit and a miss. While the TC franchise can be saved, it's better off to just scrap the whole story and start anew.

If you yearn for the old style of TC, then let the Adventure Time writers take a shot at it.

Balgus82 06-12-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54926)
The show swings hit and a miss. While the TC franchise can be saved, it's better off to just scrap the whole story and start anew.

If you yearn for the old style of TC, then let the Adventure Time writers take a shot at it.

I'd rather the Avatar TLA/Korra writers take a shot at it. Though they'll probably be busy for a while yet.

Wyldkat 06-12-2012 02:35 PM

Ok, I loved the old Thundercats show as a kid. My first love was (and still is) Masters of the Universe, but when Thundercats came along, it found a place in my heart with its similar style and themes.

That being said, I only wish that when they "rebooted" Masters of the Universe a decade go, I only wish they had had the courage and sense to do it like what was done with the Thundercats relaunch.

The MotU reboot was a marginally more serious than the old Filmation cartoon, but it still clung too closely to its roots to be anything new or exciting. The differences from the original were miniscule at best and as a result, it never managed to really find its own voice.

This was why I was skeptical when the new Thundercats relaunch was announced. I was pretty confident that it was just going to be a slightly reheated version of the original, replete with tiny revisions that wouldn't really make it its own creature. When the first artwork emerged of the new version of Lion-O emerged, I was overjoyed to see that he had in fact been redesigned, (even though I wasn't exactly crazy about the style of it). It gave me hope that maybe different things would be attempted with this incarnation of Thundercats and when the series premiered I was delighted at the fact that they had taken it in a different, darker direction.

That being said, I do agree with the most of the comments here in regards to the consistency of the show. Some episodes are stellar and others are just absolute drek. The back-and-forth characterization doesn't help this (jealous/mature/jealous Lion-O and Tygra, hate him/like him/hate him Pumyra), nor does the equally erratic story structure (strange side-stories that stray from the main storyline for several episodes; light-hearted romps with the Thunderkittens one episode, the origin of Tygra and his horribly cursed people the next) or strange and goofy things that they arbitrarily decide to stick into the story (Panthro's ridiculous Plastic Man arms, the Thundertank turned into a castle-sized monster truck).

While I'd love to see the Thundercats get a chance to get on a more even keel, I know that this is probably curtains for this incarnation of the property, and that makes me more than a little sad.

luigi 06-12-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54926)
The show swings hit and a miss. While the TC franchise can be saved, it's better off to just scrap the whole story and start anew.

If you yearn for the old style of TC, then let the Adventure Time writers take a shot at it.

adventure time, regular show, flapjack, chowder, and even spongebob have adult humor in them...............
besides spongebob i can't stand any of those shows because the previews gross me out
not sure if there is plot to them but they seem to be crap
probably worse than the Disney animators for movies

Balgus82 06-12-2012 02:51 PM

I really like Adventure time. I was turned off by the show's visual style at first, but after watching an episode I fell in love. It can be a pretty funny show when it wants to be. But I don't think that type of writing would mesh well with ThunderCats.

fuukonomiko 06-12-2012 05:02 PM

I would like to see the Legend of Korra folks take a swing at the TC franchise. Considering I have never seen Avatar TLA, I fell in love with Korra with the first episode! :)

Singe 06-12-2012 06:37 PM

If it was anime, I would try to get Record of Lodoss OAV writers to take a shot at it. If the Slayers people had a shot at it, we would get DBZ sound effects like power ups and beam blasts.

Picture Mumm-ra getting that power build up sound effect while chanting his transformation spell and it intensifies as he comes closer to completing it. Then massive energy release followed by a blast of wind to clear away all the dust and Mumm-ra stands there in his Ever-Living form.

MegaGearX 06-12-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54926)
The show swings hit and a miss. While the TC franchise can be saved, it's better off to just scrap the whole story and start anew.

I'd rather have the producers fix ThunderCats' problems than for it to go away for another 10-20 years. We Masters of the Universe fans have been at this point already and it's very unpleasant. I wouldn't want the same to happen to ThunderCats.

Pravus Prime 06-12-2012 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54972)
Picture Mumm-ra getting that power build up sound effect while chanting his transformation spell and it intensifies as he comes closer to completing it. Then massive energy release followed by a blast of wind to clear away all the dust and Mumm-ra stands there in his Ever-Living form.

That would be fun.

Silverback 06-12-2012 08:16 PM

There are multiple writers on this show and it would be unfair to lay the blame at any one persons feet. If memory serves me I think even Will Friedel wrote the second part of "The Trial Of Lion-O. Wich is unfortunate because the first part was written by someone else wich will without a doubt leave people feeling the arc is inconsistant. J. Micheal Strazinski wrote "The Song Of The Pettlers". If we had writing of that caliber on every episode it would be great in my opinion but probably go way over the heads of most of Cartoon Networks veiwers who like crap like Adventure Time. My kids love and watch both shows and I buy them toys. As for Ben 10, I agree the toys suck. But I feel the show has at times proven to be very mature just like with the new Thundercats series.

Anyone who has watched this new show can say there have been tons of nods and winks to the original series like "Ranken/Bass" being the magic word in "The Forever Bag", familiar voice cast appearances and other dialogue. Not to mention there is no character I can spot in this series and not immediately recognise them from the original show. This series has added far more depth to the characters and story than the original did in it's first season and from what I remember growing up with the original Thundercats is that Ranken/Bass's animation was very dark and moody japanese animation. Nothing as colorful or vibrant as this new series. This new series also borrows a lot of inspiration from other sources to give each new village or peoples our heroes come across a sense of their own culture and arcitecture. "The Drifter And The Duelist" is a good example of this if you pay attention to the background.

My girlfriend wants toys of the Drifter and Berbils. My kids want mor badguys cause their good guys have almost nobody to fight. I personally think this is the best cartoon I have ever seen. 2002 Masters of the Universe being a close second. I love Transformers though the Unicron Trilogy was terrible, the toys had some good design and gimmick ideas that were just executed poorly. Between Star Wars and Transformers I see a lot of fan bitching. I think if you feel you could do a better job then get into writing or animation and put your money, time and energy where your mouth is.

Even Hasbro has been hiking prices on their brands but offering less paint on Transformers, softer plastic and less accessories on Star Wars and crappy paint apps on Marvel Universe. Mattel has had enormous problems with Masters of The Universe Classics, Young Justice and Justice League Unlimited. Toy companies are using the economy as a tired excuse to cut corners and raise cost yet are making record profits. How does that even begin to make sense?

If nothing else I hope they do a 4 hour movie that wraps up the story like Farscape did. If only for the fans that supported this series and loved it. On the bright side they are bringing Teen Titans Go! Back with the same voice cast and all.

Balgus82 06-12-2012 08:51 PM

Song of the Petalars was written by J. M. DeMatteis, not J. Michael Strazinski.

Singe 06-12-2012 09:16 PM

With the way the show is setup now, if push comes to shove Lion-O can just go destroy Mumm-ra at any moment and shortcut the whole stone searching. If the cancel call comes, then they can say Mumm-ra finds the others off screen and big final fight where Lion-O deus ex machina wins; The End.

rhinox1701 06-12-2012 10:57 PM

I very much agree!
I just paid 60$$ for 6" Tygra, this line/show was starting to really be special.
then someone dropped the yarn ball............

kevster 06-13-2012 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54639)
Hahahaha, this is the most silly reasoning I have ever heard. Seriously.

See, I am an old-timer Transformer fan, but I don't like EVERYTHING from it. I don't like most of the old cartoon (especially season 3), I don't like the Bayformer movies, I don't like the japanese cartoons (save for a few). I like the old Marvel and the new IDW comics (most of them anyway), I like Beast Wars and Beast Machines, I like TF Animated.

Does not make me any less of a fan of Transformers, because I still watched those series I did not like, and know them and their characters just as well as those who like them.

So if anyone likes this new Thundercats series, or likes the Wildstorm comics, but doesn't like the old series - will not make them any less of fans then you are.

Your response is simply rubbish.

I never said you have to like EVERYTHING about the old series. BUT if you say you liked the old series but this is much better because it needed to be changed. ( like Jelenic infered in multiple interviews.)then your not a fan. the Original came before.

This series is garbage. I've said it since episode two. It has ZERO respect for the original and FAILING because of it.

Where Hollywood has figured out that trying to be faithful to properties ia more successful way to go...this cartoon ignores it in an ARROGANT attempt to say" the old series is stupid, we can do so much better"

WHY exactly is does this series even exist? It the property wasn't popular, why the attempt to fix it?

CARTOON NETWORK continues to bottom feed of poorly drawn comedy shows and retread anime and Bandai continues to put out TRASH product thats poorly sculpted.

I have Icon heroes Mumm-Ra and that staction is 100 fold more beautifully sculpted and accurate than the stuff Bandai produces. If The Figures looked like that then it might give Mattels MOTU classics a run for its money.

This revamp has failed in every way from story to product.

Let it Die and find someone that loves and understands the property and WHY its popular all these years.

and before some snarks come back with " oh you just wanted it like the old show and be cheesy"

Of course not, Snarf can be seen not heard, you can have better dialogue and expanded plots and action...but you don't have to arrogantly change what made the show great in the first place.

Cat's Pajamas 06-13-2012 12:17 PM

Panthro has SIDEBURNS!!!! Aghh! This series desecrates what came before!

I can't for the life of me figure out what had been "arrogantly" changed for the new series. I see a show that has selected the best from the 80's series, and intelligently updated the material. Is Tygra not allowed to have a personality? Does Lion-o have to get the girl? What exactly did they do to the show that is so blasphemous to you?

luigi 06-13-2012 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by kevster (Post 55080)
Your response is simply rubbish.

I never said you have to like EVERYTHING about the old series. BUT if you say you liked the old series but this is much better because it needed to be changed. ( like Jelenic infered in multiple interviews.)then your not a fan. the Original came before.

This series is garbage. I've said it since episode two. It has ZERO respect for the original and FAILING because of it.

i disagree, and your response is garbage
just because one dosn't think the 80's version is the best and likes the newer series better doesn't make them any less of a fan
and i think it pays it homages to the original
weapons are similar if not the same as the original

luigi 06-13-2012 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 55084)
Panthro has SIDEBURNS!!!! Aghh! This series desecrates what came before!

I can't for the life of me figure out what had been "arrogantly" changed for the new series. I see a show that has selected the best from the 80's series, and intelligently updated the material. Is Tygra not allowed to have a personality? Does Lion-o have to get the girl? What exactly did they do to the show that is so blasphemous to you?

they gave roadblock(from GIJoe renegades) sideburns too
and the thundercats main group besides Panthro and the kittens they are like teenagers/young adults

Silverback 06-13-2012 01:05 PM

Balgus82, thanks. I hope you can understand where I confused the two. Either way you got some top writing talent there. My point was on Wikipedia they list the writers for each episode and with all the different writers on any given episode there is bound to be inconsistancies with the quality of the story from episode to episode.

AlexofThundera 06-13-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 55084)
I can't for the life of me figure out what had been "arrogantly" changed for the new series. I see a show that has selected the best from the 80's series, and intelligently updated the material.

I have to respectfully disagree. Giving Panthro "go go gadget" arms was not an intelligent update.


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 55088)
weapons are similar if not the same as the original

Again I have to respectfully disagree. While they may bare resemblance to their OS counterparts or look exactly the same, "what they can do" has changed dramatically, and believe it or not that plays a huge role in which characters the kids "want to be" when they watch the show or role play with their toys. Not to mention the NS Sword of Omens is nothing compared to the OS Sword of Omens.

And just to add on Panthro (not directed at anyone) he honestly bares no resemblance to the OS Panthro anymore. You know the bad ass nunchuku wielding dude? The NS Panthro has been reduced to comic relief. I don't mind it some of the time, but I do feel they turned an awesome character into a "not so awesome" character with Panthro. In all honesty I could say the same thing about Lion-O and Cheetara.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 55092)
I have to respectfully disagree. Giving Panthro "go go gadget" arms was not an intelligent update.

Again I have to respectfully disagree. While they may bare resemblance to their OS counterparts or look exactly the same, "what they can do" has changed dramatically, and believe it or not that plays a huge role in which characters the kids "want to be" when they watch the show or role play with their toys. Not to mention the NS Sword of Omens is nothing compared to the OS Sword of Omens.

And just to add on Panthro (not directed at anyone) he honestly bares no resemblance to the OS Panthro anymore. You know the bad ass nunchuku wielding dude? The NS Panthro has been reduced to comic relief. I don't mind it some of the time, but I do feel they turned an awesome character into a "not so awesome" character with Panthro. In all honesty I could say the same thing about Lion-O and Cheetara.

Thank you.

MJ said he didn't want to make the SoO to powerful. What?? That is one of the reasons this show was popular. Lion-o is weak in the NS.

Agree with the other characters. There is one character the writers or should I say writer upstaged (his own words) a lot.

Cat's Pajamas 06-13-2012 02:10 PM

Yeah, Panthro's arms do suck. As well as the super-tank, but I don't think these changes were made in order to alienate the fan base, or destroy the OS. Any changes they make are going to be met with resistance from someone, overall I'd say the majority of the updates have been pretty solid. There are some groan worthy moments in the NS, but there were plenty in the OS as well...

Cat's Pajamas 06-13-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55096)
Thank you.

MJ said he didn't want to make the SoO to powerful. What?? That is one of the reasons this show was popular.

Agree with the other characters. There is one character the writers or should I say writer upstaged (his own words) a lot.

Yes, but in the OS, the SoO could do ANYTHING, fly, telescope, warn of danger, shoot lasers, magically return to Lion-o. It's hard to get your characters into a predicament when the sword can save the day all by itself.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 55098)
Yeah, Panthro's arms do suck. As well as the super-tank, but I don't think these changes were made in order to alienate the fan base, or destroy the OS. Any changes they make are going to be met with resistance from someone, overall I'd say the majority of the updates have been pretty solid. There are some groan worthy moments in the NS, but there were plenty in the OS as well...

OS was in 85. You can't even compare the two. The NS had 25 years, but they did change a lot. Starting with lion-o and the SoO.

Cat's Pajamas 06-13-2012 02:19 PM

Can't compare the two? Isn't that the majority of what's happening in your complaints?

L08e16o 06-13-2012 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 55099)
Yes, but in the OS, the SoO could do ANYTHING, fly, telescope, warn of danger, shoot lasers, magically return to Lion-o. It's hard to get your characters into a predicament when the sword can save the day all by itself.

They do it in many animes. They could've made the SoO awesome, but lion-o had to master the sword. As he grew with the SoO, he could tap into another power each time and not have him forget it.

When I turned on the Tcats as a kid, I wanted to see what Lion-o and the SoO were going to do.

When I turn it on today, I feel like someone else has replaced lion-o of the OS.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cat's Pajamas (Post 55101)
Can't compare the two? Isn't that the majority of what's happening in your complaints?

I am talking about groan moments. I am saying the 80 cartoons are so different than cartoons/anime today.

I remember GI joe, everything they did in the cartoon, they had to tell us. Today, kids know what they are doing. I love Voltron (don't watch any reboots). I don't have the patience for the old show. It is to slow too.

I try to compare the characters, weapons, and story. I like the new style of the characters. I do not like mummra being weak. Do not like cheetara being a cheerleader. I don't like lion-o being weak and being in second place.

I do like the kittens, snarf, and the AoO.

Given2u 06-13-2012 03:09 PM

I'll put my to cents in here as well...

This show is show that has not been faithful to the TC fans. The characterization, writing, toy, marketing etch... I will answer the question right of the the bat-- "Should Thundercats be canceled". I think that the show should not be canceled. However, I will be canceled. The show's writing can't be corrected now. It's too late. It's already in the half way mark. The reason that the show has not been pulled yet is because episode 1-26 were already made. This show was a gamble. Most of the fans left after episode 13. Before anyone flames me, I am not a Lion-O fans. I'm a thundercats fan. Tygra can have a personally and can have the girl but it has to be development and growth. Tygra should have had the 180 personally change--- from arrogant, defiant, cocky to understand, caring, humble. Instead we got the constant jerk for almost 26 episodes. Cheetara should have been constant personality--- wise, big sister, mediator, defuser. Instead we got a 180 personally change, from wise and caring to naive and irresponsible. Lion-O character should have been on a constant development and growth to become a worthy leader. Instead everyone undermine is every decision. This show did horrible job with connecting with the fans. The series does have to be the same but a least bring to the table what attracted the audience from the original and be creative. The show started well but it went down hill when everything started making no sense. I think MJ and writer are at fault. While the marketing may falter or merchandize be scare or not well detailed, us fans will talk about the new thundercats on how good it was(if the show would done it correctly). I would have increased the fanbase not diminish it.

PS. Sorry for the typos and grammar. Too lazy to change it :D

MegaGearX 06-13-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by kevster (Post 55080)
Your response is simply rubbish.

I never said you have to like EVERYTHING about the old series. BUT if you say you liked the old series but this is much better because it needed to be changed. ( like Jelenic infered in multiple interviews.)then your not a fan. the Original came before.

The same could be said of anyone who doesn't love anything ThunderCats; if you don't love BOTH shows unconditionally, then you aren't a true fan, because that's one element of ThunderCats you don't like that others do. If you didn't like the Wildstorm comics, then you aren't a true fan.

The reality is that you can like any new Transformers era and hate G1. You can like the modern ThunderCats and hate the original series. You could like the 2003 TMNT and dislike the comedic Fred Wolf TMNT. You could love the X-Men movies, but not like the comic book. This is not unheard of. These people are fans of the property too.

And how about new fans who discovered ThunderCats through this new show? Would you discount all of the new fans too?


WHY exactly is does this series even exist? It the property wasn't popular, why the attempt to fix it?
Nostalgia. ThunderCats fans are older and have their own kids now. Bringing back something loved by those parents works easier than taking a risk on a new property. Besides, the older fans have wanted ThunderCats back for decades. There's money to be made. But don't think for a second that there are artistic reasons behind cartoon properties--it's to sell new merchandise.


CARTOON NETWORK continues to bottom feed of poorly drawn comedy shows and retread anime and Bandai continues to put out TRASH product thats poorly sculpted.

I have Icon heroes Mumm-Ra and that staction is 100 fold more beautifully sculpted and accurate than the stuff Bandai produces. If The Figures looked like that then it might give Mattels MOTU classics a run for its money.
Bandai isn't Mattel. Bandai of America makes kids' toys, like Ben 10 and Power Rangers. They initially didn't know that the standard size for collector figures was 6". Mattel's MOTUC and Icon Heroes are adult collectibles with expensive price points that aren't mom and kid friendly.


This series is garbage. I've said it since episode two. It has ZERO respect for the original and FAILING because of it.

Where Hollywood has figured out that trying to be faithful to properties ia more successful way to go...this cartoon ignores it in an ARROGANT attempt to say" the old series is stupid, we can do so much better"

This revamp has failed in every way from story to product.

Let it Die and find someone that loves and understands the property and WHY its popular all these years.

and before some snarks come back with " oh you just wanted it like the old show and be cheesy"

Of course not, Snarf can be seen not heard, you can have better dialogue and expanded plots and action...but you don't have to arrogantly change what made the show great in the first place.
Is ThunderCats Runined Forever™?

stac 06-13-2012 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by kevster (Post 55080)
Your response is simply rubbish.

I never said you have to like EVERYTHING about the old series. BUT if you say you liked the old series but this is much better because it needed to be changed. ( like Jelenic infered in multiple interviews.)then your not a fan. the Original came before.

This series is garbage. I've said it since episode two. It has ZERO respect for the original and FAILING because of it.

Where Hollywood has figured out that trying to be faithful to properties ia more successful way to go...this cartoon ignores it in an ARROGANT attempt to say" the old series is stupid, we can do so much better"

All Hail kevster, The High Priest and Keeper of the ThunderCats Legacy…

First of all, you need to stop fetishising the original ThunderCats. It would also be great if you would stop implying that those who don’t share your views on the series’ are not “true/real” fans.
And for shite’s sake, stop treating the Original as though it is the Holy Word and that any changes to it should be considered heresy.

The Original series was a cartoon from the 1980’s and should be considered a product of its time. This series is a reboot of the Original and a product of this time. Changes are to be expected. Whether those changes are a good or bad thing is completely subjective.

Balgus82 06-13-2012 05:59 PM

Ok lets get something straight here. "Most" of the fans did not leave the show after episode 13. If they did the ratings would've plummeted and they didn't. At all.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 55129)
Ok lets get something straight here. "Most" of the fans did not leave the show after episode 13. If they did the ratings would've plummeted and they didn't. At all.

Funny, the show lost all the momentum after 13. They moved it to Saturday from a prime time slot. CN was not going to risk losing money to put this show on a long break, there is a reason why they put it on the long break. The Ratings are average. CN can pull better ratings with average anime.

So tell me why this show might be cancelled?

vantheman77 06-13-2012 07:05 PM

This reboot started out well with an hour-long pilot that felt like an epic movie as they set up the story of searching for the Book of Omens. That should have been the first season plot. Journey To The Tower of Omens and Legacy felt like season finales.

But after they got the book, it look like they got lost in the shuffle as they were sidelined by filler stuff that didn't advance the plot. The search for the stones should have been the storyline for a second season. All this should have been paced out better.

They could have done one season where they'd search for the Book of Omens, another season to search for one stone, another season to search for another stone, etc.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 55137)
This reboot started out well with an hour-long pilot that felt like an epic movie as they set up the story of searching for the Book of Omens. That should have been the first season plot. Journey To The Tower of Omens and Legacy felt like season finales.

But after they got the book, it look like they got lost in the shuffle as they were sidelined by filler stuff that didn't advance the plot. The search for the stones should have been the storyline for a second season. All this should have been paced out better.

They could have done one season where they'd search for the Book of Omens, another season to search for one stone, another season to search for another stone, etc.

Agree. They should've fleshed out the book more.

Lion-o was suppose to past a test to be able to use it again. We haven't seen that unless it's only role is to be a compass.

MegaGearX 06-13-2012 07:23 PM

Despite the writing, the reason why the show is in trouble isn't the cartoon itself. It's the hiatus that effected the toyline. The show's ratings are better than they were on Friday.

Pravus Prime 06-13-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 55140)
Despite the writing, the reason why the show is in trouble isn't the cartoon itself. It's the hiatus that effected the toyline. The show's ratings are better than they were on Friday.

Song of the Petalars 1.845 million viewers.

Soul Sever 1.428 million viewers.

They lost around 12% of their viewers after episode 10.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 07:28 PM

These are not great ratings.

Between Brothers 1.433

Curse of Ratilla 1.551

Remember the animation cost more for this show then the others. Yes, I hate average animation.

I have seen CN run entire season of animes/cartoons. Lot of Big O fans were mad that one night they ran all the new episodes.

I think CN knew what they were doing. They are in the business to make money. I like to see if they lost or made money on this show.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 55141)
Song of the Petalars 1.845 million viewers.

Soul Sever 1.428 million viewers.

Thank you. It has been going down.

I think all of us would agree Song of the Petalars is one of the best episodes.

MegaGearX 06-13-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 55141)
Song of the Petalars 1.845 million viewers.

Soul Sever 1.428 million viewers.

They lost around 12% of their viewers after episode 10.

Where are you guys getting the ratings numbers at? I've been looking and haven't found anything. Apparently googling thundercats ratings or cartoon network ratings doesn't yield very good results.

L08e16o 06-13-2012 07:55 PM

I am using nielsen ratings system.

The AI guy has them all.

People will try to say it is a flawed system, but I think this show is in trouble.

MegaGearX 06-13-2012 08:12 PM

Okay, I found the ratings. I apologize for saying that the ratings were the best they've ever been. I was mistaken.
However, Thundercats isn't doing terrible...


September 9th
ThunderCats (2011) TOON 8:30 PM 1.615 0.6

November 4th
ThunderCats (2011) TOON 8:30 PM 1.675 0.4

November 11th
ThunderCats (2011) TOON 8:30 PM 1.432 0.5

November 19th
ThunderCats scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.334 million viewers at 8:30pm.

Saturday April 28th
Saturday morning (6:30 – 11 a.m.) earned double-digit delivery gains among kids 2-11, 6-11 & 9-14 vs. last year, thanks primarily to impress performances from ThunderCats (9:30 a.m.), Green Lantern (10 a.m.) and Young Justice (10:30 a.m.). Overall kids 2-11 delivery (600,000) improved by 15%, kids 6-11 (433,000) by 14% and kids 9-14 (406,000) by 34%.

Saturday May5th
ThunderCats (Cartoon Network)
-9:30 AM: 1.551 million viewers, 0.44 A18-49

Green Lantern (Cartoon Network)
-10 AM: 1.586 million viewers, 0.49 A18-49

Young Justice: Invasion (Cartoon Network)
-10:30 AM: 1.853 million viewers, 0.58 A18-49

May 22nd
ThunderCats (Cartoon Network)
-9:30 AM: 1.755 million viewers, 0.55 A18-49

Green Lantern (Cartoon Network)
-10 AM: 1.675 million viewers, 0.54 A18-49

Young Justice: Invasion (Cartoon Network)
-10:30 AM: 2.037 million viewers, 0.72 A18-49

Saturday May 26th
Additionally, Saturday mornings overall (6:30-11 a.m.) earned gains among kids 2-11 & 9-14, and boys 2-11 & 9-14. Action-adventure animated series ThunderCats (9:30 a.m.), Green Lantern (10 a.m.) and Young Justice: Invasion (10:30 a.m.) scored delivery gains across all kids, ranging between 3% and 34% vs. the same time period last year.

June 2nd
ThunderCats (Cartoon Network)
-9:30 AM: 1.428 million viewers, 0.43 A18-49

Green Lantern (Cartoon Network)
-10 AM: 1.298 million viewers, 0.41 A18-49

Young Justice: Invasion (Cartoon Network)
-10:30 AM: 1.944 million viewers, 0.64 A18-49

June 8th
ThunderCats (Cartoon Network)
-9:30 AM: 1.596 million viewers, 0.60 A18-49

Green Lantern (Cartoon Network)
-10 AM: 1.285 million viewers, 0.44 A18-49

Young Justice: Invasion (Cartoon Network)
-10:30 AM: 1.890 million viewers, 0.70 A18-49
It's been going down? More like up and down. I took the numbers from

AlexofThundera 06-13-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55143)
I think all of us would agree Song of the Petalars is one of the best episodes.


monothingie 06-13-2012 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 55149)
Okay, I found the ratings. I apologize for saying that the ratings were the best they've ever been. I was mistaken.
However, Thundercats isn't doing terrible...

It's been going down? More like up and down. I took the numbers from TV Ratings, TV Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

Problem Is that those ratings are in the wrong demo. The only one that matters to CN is 6-12, not 18-49.

MegaGearX 06-13-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 55152)
Problem Is that those ratings are in the wrong demo. The only one that matters to CN is 6-12, not 18-49.

LOL! Good catch. Does anyone have access to children's ratings or are the only ones watching this show are adults?

CCDustyV 06-13-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 55153)
LOL! Good catch. Does anyone have access to children's ratings or are the only ones watching this show are adults?

ratings is ratings, if they're getting people watching regardless of age it's a good thing. if nothing else it'll convence them to put it back in a primetime spot.

MegaGearX 06-13-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 55155)
ratings is ratings, if they're getting people watching regardless of age it's a good thing. if nothing else it'll convence them to put it back in a primetime spot.

Or go toward an adult market.

This is eerily like MOTU 200X. Even though the redesigns of the MOTU characters were really for kids who grew up on McFarlane, the adults liked 200X moreso than the kids did. Perhaps the same thing is happening here?

monothingie 06-13-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 55155)
ratings is ratings, if they're getting people watching regardless of age it's a good thing. if nothing else it'll convence them to put it back in a primetime spot.

18-49 do not buy toys. 18-49 are not the age group advertisers on CN are looking for.

It gives me no satisfaction to point this out. I want more than anything for the ns to be a success, but the numbers aren't good. Especially for a show that has such a high production cost.

luigi 06-13-2012 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 55158)
18-49 do not buy toys. 18-49 are not the age group advertisers on CN are looking for.

It gives me no satisfaction to point this out. I want more than anything for the ns to be a success, but the numbers aren't good. Especially for a show that has such a high production cost.

i disagree i probably could find hundreds if not thousands of people in that age group that buy toys

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