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EDcomics 03-03-2011 10:38 PM

Looks really good to me, although I do worry about that pixelation. It's not unknown for some shows to end up looking like that when they air (90's Spider-man, for example), but hopefully it's just an internet thing and we'll get nice, smooth images when the thing finally airs. Nice work from Studio 4C, as was to be expected.

King T'Challa 03-04-2011 04:55 AM

It looks phenomenal.

Better than any classic 80's cartoon rehash we've seen.


Joe Moore 03-04-2011 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by EDcomics (Post 2354)
Looks really good to me, although I do worry about that pixelation. It's not unknown for some shows to end up looking like that when they air (90's Spider-man, for example), but hopefully it's just an internet thing and we'll get nice, smooth images when the thing finally airs. Nice work from Studio 4C, as was to be expected.

Well, the caps are from a non-HD Youtube video. The actual show will look much, much better. If and when we get an HD video, the difference will be instantly noticeable.

Joe Moore 03-04-2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Transformed (Post 2350)
Thanks for the link (US only one and international one ;) ) When does this show start?!

I like the Middle Eastern music added to the music. I just wonder if this is typical trailer music or the actual music that'll be used in the show--I hope the latter as it is GOOD!

I cannot wait for this show to start. Damn it Cartoon Network, screw the hype get it started!

Show starts this Fall. As soon as the official air date is released, we'll be sure to let everyone know.

Transformed 03-04-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 2374)
Show starts this Fall. As soon as the official air date is released, we'll be sure to let everyone know.

Figures, but I guess we still have Transformers: Prime and G.I. Joe: Renegades to hold us over for a while still, but Fall is so far away. The extended trailer has me more pumped for Thundercats than any G.I. Joe or Transformers cartoon currently running:D

JohnnyAngel77 03-04-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by King T'Challa (Post 2365)
It looks phenomenal.

Better than any classic 80's cartoon rehash we've seen.



Lynx-0 03-04-2011 03:43 PM

Ah, now I remember where I've heard that music before. It was on the GI Joe: Resolute trailer promo as well. :)

Snarf 03-04-2011 07:35 PM

Well, I am pleasantly surprised to have seen Wily-Kit, -Kat, & Snarf... If anything, I was half-expecting them to have been written out of the new series. (EDIT: But wait, there's that article that specifically said he was in the new series!)

Anyway, I like the animation from the 'trailer', and I'm looking forward to seeing what they have up their sleeves for us with the new show!


Reeds 03-04-2011 08:33 PM

The animation looks better than I thought. Hopefully the quality remains high throughout the series and not just for the intro episodes and story arc.

I like the idea of not following in the original show's footsteps too much. If it did, then we might as well just watch the original show. This will complement the original nicely.

The land seems steeped in culture and tradition. I love how established it all looked. Even though it was just a quick glimpse at many different scenes and situations, I can really see the care that went into it. And in the end, that inevitable kablooey of the planet (whenever that may occur) will make it all the more riveting. It may even change the way we feel when we watch the first episode of the original series from here on out.

Transformed 03-05-2011 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Lynx-0 (Post 2395)
Ah, now I remember where I've heard that music before. It was on the GI Joe: Resolute trailer promo as well. :)

Ah, I guess that's were I heard it too. For some reason I thought I heard it for something related to Clash of the Titans.

Cartoon Network is taking a shot at the HUB, huh? No offense to the G.I. Joe, but this music is better suited for the Thundercats, IMHO.

GK Punk 03-05-2011 04:10 AM

I wouldn't consider that taking a shot. It's just production music that anyone can use.

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