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rhinox1701 01-07-2012 06:10 PM

Just picked up My CLASSICS!!
Walmart in Provo Utah has Lion-O and Mumm-Ra! Got one of each!! SAWEET!!

Dr Kain 01-07-2012 06:29 PM

I have to say that except Lion-O's mouth, the 6inch one is far superior to the 8inch one. The smaller size is great and it goes far better with the new TCs than the 8inch ones. Mumm-Ra is awesome too, but how do you even put the bandages on him? The instructions in the box are completely different from how they look on the box, nor do they bend how they are shown on the pictures.

rhinox1701 01-07-2012 09:20 PM

I prefer the larger format as a collector and it helps that Lion-O and Tygra are my two favorite characters....but I must admit the 6" scale fits in so much better among my other collections..i.e. He-Man. I personally really like the expression on lion-o's face..very aggressive. The newer Mumm-Ra looks completely BAD@$$$ next to my original mail-in "mummy" Mumm-Ra!!!

eero 01-09-2012 01:54 PM

Now Lion-O is smaller than MOTUC*, has less articulation and a back full of bullet-hole-like screws. Nevermind the terrible face. Ugh. I really hope they go back to the 8" format.

*Which is what many fans were comparing the 8" line to. Not me. ;)

Robogeek1973 01-09-2012 06:38 PM

I found these guys at Target Saturday and happily picked them up. I may just hafta pick up another Lion-O though just to keep MISB, he looks so good in package but I just had to open and pose him.:D

Dr Kain 01-10-2012 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by eero (Post 29556)
Now Lion-O is smaller than MOTUC, has less articulation and a back full of bullet-hole-like screws. Nevermind the terrible face. Ugh. I really hope they go back to the 8" format.


Seriously, I am so sick of this whininess as if every toyline is now supposed to be in scale with MOTUC. MOTUC is awesome, but it is not the only god damned toyline out on the market, nor is it the best toyline out there. If the line was made by Mattel, then fine, I can see a valid argument. However, it is not, Bandai is a completely different company.

As for the screws, again, Mattel is the only company I have seen not use screws, but every other toyline, whether it be GI Joe, Transformers, Power Rangers, has screws on the back of their figures. ANd you know what, that is fine, it makes it better if you need to swap a defective piece or want to customize.

And the articulation is the same, unless you count a bobble head as articulation.

IndyCat 01-10-2012 10:37 AM

I have to admit I agree. I personally dont understand why two COMPLETELY different toy lines need to be the same scale. Even if both collections are disaplayed right next to each other.....they are TOTALLY DIFFERENT regardless of scale and dont go together no matter what. Lion-O has never even heard of Eternia!! So what does scale have to do with anything???

nitewing73 01-10-2012 11:24 AM

I mean neither the 8-inch or the 6-inch really go with the MOTUC.
I'm fine with the 6-inch scale if that's the one moving forward at retail. I'll probably pick up the 8-inch ones as well and I'll keep them in package if they are limited just cause I'm opening the 6-inch figures.

Robogeek1973 01-10-2012 11:34 AM

Personally I much prefer the 6 inch over the 8 inch. If anything MOTUC is the weird scale at 7 inches.

eero 01-10-2012 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 29737)

Seriously, I am so sick of this whininess as if every toyline is now supposed to be in scale with MOTUC. MOTUC is awesome, but it is not the only god damned toyline out on the market, nor is it the best toyline out there. If the line was made by Mattel, then fine, I can see a valid argument. However, it is not, Bandai is a completely different company.

As for the screws, again, Mattel is the only company I have seen not use screws, but every other toyline, whether it be GI Joe, Transformers, Power Rangers, has screws on the back of their figures. ANd you know what, that is fine, it makes it better if you need to swap a defective piece or want to customize.

And the articulation is the same, unless you count a bobble head as articulation.

Um, I agree. My point was, everyone wanted it the same size as MOTUC and now Bandai has only made it smaller. I for one don't care about scale from line to line, just so long as a line maintains the same scale. Ditto the shiny plastic, as if every toy line must have the same muted plastic of MOTUC. I liked the shiny. It was a nice change, and they actually looked like toys, which they are.

As for the screws ... yes, other companies use screws. In fact, I wish Joe still used the single screw. (Of course, Joe was so brilliantly engineered that the single screw hole was where the backpack went, thus eliminating its appearance.) But eight screws?? He looks terrible with that many in the back holes. Terrible.

Covenant 01-10-2012 04:11 PM

Dr Kain do you work for Bandai?

megus 01-10-2012 04:20 PM

i think the most common reason is, he-man and thundercats were two of most popular cartoons and many of us used to play with the figures together and wanted to see a epic battle of lion-o vs he-man and being adults we want to display that battle but it becomes hard to do when lion-o is ether an inch or two higher or an inch shorter

eero 01-10-2012 04:50 PM

I understand the desire for that, but the original toys were much bigger than He-Man, too.

megus 01-10-2012 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by eero (Post 29795)
I understand the desire for that, but the original toys were much bigger than He-Man, too.

and there stood the problem, never could the two met on equal ground, until now but unfortunately bandai's version of 6" isn't the same as mattel's

Pravus Prime 01-11-2012 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by megus (Post 29791)
i think the most common reason is, he-man and thundercats were two of most popular cartoons and many of us used to play with the figures together and wanted to see a epic battle of lion-o vs he-man and being adults we want to display that battle but it becomes hard to do when lion-o is ether an inch or two higher or an inch shorter

I re-iterate:


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 25570)
If you want to get picky, even if they were a bit taller they'd still be out of scale. Assuming Willa and Captain Bragg are normal sized humans (and we see no reason to assume this isn't the case), then the TC that fits in with MOTUC is the 8 inch line with a 12 inch Mumm-Ra. The Cats are huge against normal people and Mumm-Ra towers above everyone else.

Even assuming He-man is a very large human he should still be quite a bit shorter then Lion-O; more then a head.

Dr Kain 01-11-2012 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Covenant (Post 29790)
Dr Kain do you work for Bandai?

Oh yeah, how did you know? Damn, you found me out.

Seriously, I complain about the line, I get, "Why are you buying them then." I praise the line, I get, "Do you work for Bandai?" This proves that the intelligence on a message board is about equal to a pre-drugged ape.


Originally Posted by megus (Post 29791)
i think the most common reason is, he-man and thundercats were two of most popular cartoons and many of us used to play with the figures together and wanted to see a epic battle of lion-o vs he-man and being adults we want to display that battle but it becomes hard to do when lion-o is ether an inch or two higher or an inch shorter

How did you handle Lion-O being 7 inches and He-Man being 4-5 inches before?

You can still have an epic battle if you desire. Even in animation crossovers do not mean the characters are going to look the same. If a crossover is done right, then both parties are still in their own style.

megus 01-11-2012 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 29989)
How did you handle Lion-O being 7 inches and He-Man being 4-5 inches before?

You can still have an epic battle if you desire. Even in animation crossovers do not mean the characters are going to look the same. If a crossover is done right, then both parties are still in their own style.

well, I was 1986, and wasn't introduced to motu and TC until after the toys were off the market, heck I never even knew TC had toys til after the new series

but I will say this, when I played with my turtles, power rangers, wrestlers, pokemon, etc., I always played to scale, I wouldn't use my giant version of rangers vs the turtles

and to what pravus prime said

how I see it, people just assume motu and tc were the same height, I know that's what I thought

but I see your point

Kregermeister 01-11-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 29989)
This proves that the intelligence on a message board is about equal to a pre-drugged ape.

Im stealing this but replacing message board with managerial skills and using this at work. Fantastic!!:D

Robogeek1973 01-11-2012 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by megus (Post 29796)
and there stood the problem, never could the two met on equal ground, until now but unfortunately bandai's version of 6" isn't the same as mattel's

Equal ground?

He-man has strength rivaling (enter favorite superstrong hero here) and Lion-O is a cat man. The only thing equal about them to begin with was the magic sword deal, otherwise He-man WAYYYY outclassed (and still outclasses) Lion-O.

I should add that I know equal size was meant from the quoted post, I'm just having some fun with it.

TheCopperkid 01-12-2012 12:01 AM

i want the 8 inch line, it's way better and i love them. the 6 inch line is not what i want, hopefully this will change back again to the 8 inch.
i never saw or read whatever there is about heman and lino-o having a battle, or if that's what someone just wanted to do... why would they fight? they're both good, that doesnt make sense

Pravus Prime 01-12-2012 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Robogeek1973 (Post 30165)
Equal ground?

He-man has strength rivaling (enter favorite superstrong hero here) and Lion-O is a cat man. The only thing equal about them to begin with was the magic sword deal, otherwise He-man WAYYYY outclassed (and still outclasses) Lion-O.

The only version of He-man that I like is the original one from the Mini-Comics. No Adam, no magic sword. He-man of the Rock People. Hero of his tribe, chosen by the Goddess to be her champion.

They do not occupy Castle Grayskull, it's almost taboo for anyone to step into it. He-man has two harnesses, one that creates a nigh impenetrable force field and a second that enhances his strength 10 fold. His prefered weapon is the large battle axe which he uses to smite demons and the like. He also doesn't like Man-At-Arms and has some very non-traditional views on several matters, like being just fine with slavery, as well as killing first, asking questions later.

He also gets his ass handed to him every single time he tries to face Skeletor. Instead he requires The Goddess and without her at least two others to take on Skeletor and force a withdrawl in He-mans favor. Hell, even Mer-man left him for dead in one of the comics.

I'm not saying that this He-man (with character depth!) can't stand up against Lion-O, but that he hardly WAYYYY outclasses him either.

Robogeek1973 01-12-2012 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 30183)
The only version of He-man that I like is the original one from the Mini-Comics. No Adam, no magic sword. He-man of the Rock People. Hero of his tribe, chosen by the Goddess to be her champion.

They do not occupy Castle Grayskull, it's almost taboo for anyone to step into it. He-man has two harnesses, one that creates a nigh impenetrable force field and a second that enhances his strength 10 fold. His prefered weapon is the large battle axe which he uses to smite demons and the like. He also doesn't like Man-At-Arms and has some very non-traditional views on several matters, like being just fine with slavery, as well as killing first, asking questions later.

He also gets his ass handed to him every single time he tries to face Skeletor. Instead he requires The Goddess and without her at least two others to take on Skeletor and force a withdrawl in He-mans favor. Hell, even Mer-man left him for dead in one of the comics.

I'm not saying that this He-man (with character depth!) can't stand up against Lion-O, but that he hardly WAYYYY outclasses him either.

Y'know, I'd actually forgotten all about those old mini comics. I always much preferred the old toon for some reason and pretty much ignored the comics that came with the figures. So yes, using that version of He-man you're absolutely correct.

Dr Kain 01-12-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by TheCopperkid (Post 30176)
i want the 8 inch line, it's way better and i love them. the 6 inch line is not what i want, hopefully this will change back again to the 8 inch.
i never saw or read whatever there is about heman and lino-o having a battle, or if that's what someone just wanted to do... why would they fight? they're both good, that doesnt make sense

If they do, then I am done. I got rid of my Lion-O and am going to be selling off Tygra with my 4inch figures. The 6inch is the way they should have gone with in teh first place instead of tricking us to buy the 8inch ones and then cancel them for what should have been the scale to begin with.

Dr Kain 01-12-2012 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 30183)
The only version of He-man that I like is the original one from the Mini-Comics. No Adam, no magic sword. He-man of the Rock People. Hero of his tribe, chosen by the Goddess to be her champion.

They do not occupy Castle Grayskull, it's almost taboo for anyone to step into it. He-man has two harnesses, one that creates a nigh impenetrable force field and a second that enhances his strength 10 fold. His prefered weapon is the large battle axe which he uses to smite demons and the like. He also doesn't like Man-At-Arms and has some very non-traditional views on several matters, like being just fine with slavery, as well as killing first, asking questions later.

He also gets his ass handed to him every single time he tries to face Skeletor. Instead he requires The Goddess and without her at least two others to take on Skeletor and force a withdrawl in He-mans favor. Hell, even Mer-man left him for dead in one of the comics.

I'm not saying that this He-man (with character depth!) can't stand up against Lion-O, but that he hardly WAYYYY outclasses him either.

No thanks. That He-Man is more like Conan-Lite to me. I don't mind him existing, just not as the true He-Man like Adam is. In my universe, that He-Man (Mattel now names him Oo-Lar) is killed by Keldor after he defeated Count Marzo, Gygor, and the Shadow Beasts. Keldor then took the half of the power sword Oo-Lar had and has Spikor weld it into one of the blades he used in the 2002 series.

Kregermeister 01-12-2012 12:32 PM

I agree with nearly everything you say Kain. However my 8 inch Lion-O will remain..... he's kinda like a quirky statue type figure for me on top of my shelf. I do regret buying tygra though :/

Im even holding out for the storm charger, cause you know itll be down to 8 bucks in like 5 months.

BigD 01-13-2012 01:34 AM

I think I like the 6" scale better myself and the open mouth sculpt on Lion-O is growing on me now that I have him. The switch from the 8" to 6" scale wont bother me as long as they make a 6" Tygra. The one complaint I do have is considering the 6" Classic are smaller figures which takes less material which should also lead to cheaper prices but they're still the same as the 8" Classics. But I guess they want to keep them the same price as the modern TC 6" figures. But I think they should be a few dollars cheaper also. One other thing I think would be cool is insted of doing a Lion-O with a closed mouth have the closed mouth head be a mail away item.

Dr Kain 01-13-2012 02:24 AM

No they aren't. The 8inchers are $20 while the 6inchers are $15.

BigD 01-13-2012 03:18 AM

I paid $15 for the 6" and I think $16 for 8" Lion-O and got Tygra on sale for $8.90 all at Wal Mart.

Dr Kain 01-13-2012 10:31 AM

Man, you got lucky then. The 8inchers are only sold at TRU and are $20 a piece. The 6inchers are sold at TRU and Target and they are $15.

eero 01-13-2012 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 30403)
Man, you got lucky then. The 8inchers are only sold at TRU and are $20 a piece. The 6inchers are sold at TRU and Target and they are $15.

Lots of Walmarts around me have had them. I think the price was $16.99. Amazon had the 8" for $15, wasn't it? And Big Bad Toy Store had the two together for $34.

BigD 01-14-2012 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by eero (Post 30415)
Lots of Walmarts around me have had them. I think the price was $16.99. Amazon had the 8" for $15, wasn't it? And Big Bad Toy Store had the two together for $34.

You're right another figure I bought at the same time was $15.99 and I had it's price confused with the 8" Classics price. I guess a $2 price difference is pretty good but I still wish they where a little cheaper like every other figure I buy. I remember thinking how bad it was to have to pay $7 or $8 when the new Masters of the Universe figures came out in 2002 I think it was.

Covenant 01-18-2012 01:57 PM

I just saw them at Target in Wayne, NJ. The Lion-O's mouth had bad paint ops so I passed. Only one Lion-O and one Mumm-Ra on the pegs. Nothing else new.

Ravenxl7 01-28-2012 07:02 PM

Saw these two in-person for the first time last-night at Walmart. Not bad, but not really impressive either. If I ever get either one, it'll be Mumm-Ra. If I didn't own 8" Lion-O, both of these would be for-sure buys (anybody interested in an 8" Lion-O?....:o). As-is I'll probably be limiting my Tcat purchases to mainly Panthro and Monkian (assuming they don't ignore him). I might also get at least a couple of the Mezco figures (especially if they make Panthro).

I REALLY hope they're able to nail Panthro's look when they go to make his Classic figure. I can get past them not getting modern Panthro's colors right, as they were designing him based off of inaccurate promo pictures, but when it comes to old-school Panthro, there is little margin for error, imho.

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