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vantheman77 05-12-2012 10:14 AM

I feel this episode is the answer to last week's in terms of Lion-O/ Pumyra and Tygra/ Cheetara. With last week seeing the Tygra/ Cheetara relationship, they showcased Lion-O and Pumyra on how it's similar and/or different. There are feelings between the two, despite Pumyra acting all Tygra on Lion-O. It looks like here they're paralleling the Lion-O/ Pumyra with Leo/ Panthera.

It's good to see Lion-O being a level-headed king and getting Pumyra to stay focused. I'm glad that Pumyra survived because I want her to meet the Twins in the next episode. I was afraid Pumyra might die in this episode. Put together Pit, Curse of Ratilla, Birth of the Blade, and Forever and you have a story-arc involving Pumyra and the twins.

Also, the backstory between Leo, Pumyra, and Mumm-Ra adds more to Legacy on how the Sword of Plundarr was built.

stormbringer 05-12-2012 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50383)
I'm kinda wondering...Lion-O gives Myra the SoP...if he thought that maybe that wasn't the best thing to do since they both realized that Mumm-Ra can sense where it is? He technically made Myra bait for Mumm-Ra because he would go after her? And really, the poor thing doesn't have much to defend herself with. At least LiO has the SoO. Myra just has her sling shot and I doubt she can even pick that SoP much as big as it was. I know, they didn't have much of a choice there...but I just wonder....

I get the feeling that it's done solely to advance the plot. Much like how the characters forget their powers and abilities when they need them most.

AnonymousIncognito 05-12-2012 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50391)
I feel this episode is the answer to last week's in terms of Lion-O/ Pumyra and Tygra/ Cheetara. With last week seeing the Tygra/ Cheetara relationship, they showcased Lion-O and Pumyra on how it's similar and/or different. There are feelings between the two, despite Pumyra acting all Tygra on Lion-O. It looks like here they're paralleling the Lion-O/ Pumyra with Leo/ Panthera.

Honestly, I see Panthera as more so what Cheetara should be more than anything else. The Clerical similarities are there but whereas Cheetara allowed her tunnel vision of her childhood to affect her, Panthera seems prone to look at the bigger picture.

AnonymousIncognito 05-12-2012 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 50393)
I get the feeling that it's done solely to advance the plot. Much like how the characters forget their powers and abilities when they need them most.

OMG you are so right!

Cheetara can super-speed up a wall to kick mumm-Ra but she can't do diddly against a mutant?!?!?!

fuukonomiko 05-12-2012 10:33 AM

There's still ways the writers can mess with our heads....
...they can have Lion-O say, "I'm waiting a bit Myra...I can't jump into a relationship right away..."
...Myra dies
...Bengali gives Myra flowers....
To quote Kaynar..."Oh the possibilities!"
I love Kaynar......:D He gives the word demented a whole new meaning. And his lines are classic!

CCDustyV 05-12-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50396)
There's still ways the writers can mess with our heads....
...they can have Lion-O say, "I'm waiting a bit Myra...I can't jump into a relationship right away..."
...Myra dies
...Bengali gives Myra flowers....
To quote Kaynar..."Oh the possibilities!"
I love Kaynar......:D He gives the word demented a whole new meaning. And his lines are classic!

also could see Lion-O use one of Cheetara's lines from a few eps back...

Pumyra make a play for the gold, and he lets her down with the same "You can't help who the heart choses..." which would lead to Pumyra beating down first Lion-O, then Cheetara...

fuukonomiko 05-12-2012 11:03 AM

This is a quote from my friend...we were talking about the episode...

"Uh lion-o has to choose between Pumyra and the sword of Plun-Darr. Instead of doing the smart thing and destroy the sword, he goes for the forced relationship angle. Mummra wins, and lion-o and the gang are idiots."

I think we're just going to go switch to Legend of Korra

Not saying anything bad about least over there we're both Borra...:D :D :D

Eclipse 05-12-2012 11:26 AM

Fuuko, after last Saturday, there's been a major ship jumping everywhere. I mean, if it were not for the art, I wouldn't give a damn about Makorra :D

Big family event. Short head-clearing break to youtube Christopher Walken in SNL's "The Continental". I haven't been able to see the ep yet! Will Friedle appears to have been pretty consistent in his writing :)

CCDustyV 05-12-2012 12:10 PM

well, with the win loss record MummRa's I say giving him a major win is a good thing on the story front, even if it was using Lion O's new love intrest/Cheetara's placeholder to get it done.

Maybe MummRa won't suck as badly now...

CCDustyV 05-12-2012 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 50400)
Fuuko, after last Saturday, there's been a major ship jumping everywhere. I mean, if it were not for the art, I wouldn't give a damn about Makorra :D

Big family event. Short head-clearing break to youtube Christopher Walken in SNL's "The Continental". I haven't been able to see the ep yet! Will Friedle appears to have been pretty consistent in his writing :)

last saturday's Korra should make us appreciate TC's 'love triangle' a lot, lot more... that was the most pathetic episode of any animation I'd ever seen...

Eclipse 05-12-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50407)
well, with the win loss record MummRa's I say giving him a major win is a good thing on the story front, even if it was using Lion O's new love intrest/Cheetara's placeholder to get it done.

Maybe MummRa won't suck as badly now...

That's cold...! ;)

vantheman77 05-12-2012 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50394)
Honestly, I see Panthera as more so what Cheetara should be more than anything else. The Clerical similarities are there but whereas Cheetara allowed her tunnel vision of her childhood to affect her, Panthera seems prone to look at the bigger picture.

I wish they bring Panthera into the present.

If Mumm-Ra is to be continued threat to Lion-O and the Thundercats, he has to have his Sword of Plundarr back using Pumyra to do so. I can see several Thundercats blaming Pumyra for this.

I predicted half-right that if Mumm-Ra does get his sword back, it'll be because of one of the Thundercats. I predicted Tygra, but it turned out to be Pumyra.

stac 05-12-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50408)
last saturday's Korra should make us appreciate TC's 'love triangle' a lot, lot more... that was the most pathetic episode of any animation I'd ever seen...

At least with Korra, it was contained within a single episode. They didn’t build it up over 13 episodes and then do an Ass Pull. We knew approximately where each character was in terms of feelings with regard to the triangle. Besides, they also did it slightly differently by using it for comedic effect (Bolin’s reaction).

Anyway I doubt this is the end of that triangle. Not to mention, in Korra we saw the characters actually talk about their feelings with each other. All we got in ThunderCats was the “Jaga asked me to” excuse from Cheetara.

fuukonomiko 05-12-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50411)
I wish they bring Panthera into the present.

If Mumm-Ra is to be continued threat to Lion-O and the Thundercats, he has to have his Sword of Plundarr back using Pumyra to do so. I can see several Thundercats blaming Pumyra for this.

I predicted half-right that if Mumm-Ra does get his sword back, it'll be because of one of the Thundercats. I predicted Tygra, but it turned out to be Pumyra.

Pumyra can't take all the blame. After all, Lion-O gave it to her, mayhaps forgetting (aka plot devicing) that SHE would be the running target since Mumm-Ra was going to go after her, not him and really, she's relatively defenseless against the Mummy. She's also not familiar with him since this is the first time they are meeting. Also, Lion-O did have the choice to go save Pumyra instead of getting the SoP (plot devicing number 2 I suspect). If the cats are going to point fingers, it would be more sensible to point it at him. He did say "I lost the SoP." and took responsibility for it though.

vantheman77 05-12-2012 12:52 PM

Even if the Thundercats had the Sword of Plundarrr, Mumm-Ra and his army would still track them as it's connected to Mumm-Ra himself. Putting it at the Tower of Omens or the ruins of Thundera would be out of the question.

Mum Star 05-12-2012 01:01 PM

Getting away from the shipping, I really do wish we got more of the orginal Sword of Omens powers showing up. Okay, sure it could pull out new powers as the plot demanded, but the reoccuring ones tended to be cool an useful. The ability to be called to Lion-O's hand was always great, because it was so useful. So useful Lion-O often forgot about it.

vantheman77 05-12-2012 01:31 PM

Second week in a row where the twins and Snarf are absent. Their storyline with Tookit would likely take place during this. I have a feeling that Lion-O and the others would be absent next week just like they were in Survival of the Fittest.

Balgus82 05-12-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 50417)
Getting away from the shipping, I really do wish we got more of the orginal Sword of Omens powers showing up. Okay, sure it could pull out new powers as the plot demanded, but the reoccuring ones tended to be cool an useful. The ability to be called to Lion-O's hand was always great, because it was so useful. So useful Lion-O often forgot about it.

And just imagine, eventually he could master that ability so well that he'd use it like Thor uses Mjölnir. Toss it at an enemy, call it back, slash a few, toss it at another that's father away, call it back, etc.

CCDustyV 05-12-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50421)
And just imagine, eventually he could master that ability so well that he'd use it like Thor uses Mjölnir. Toss it at an enemy, call it back, slash a few, toss it at another that's father away, call it back, etc.

that would be BEYOND awesome... would love to see that! .... have to use that in my fanfics too :D

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50394)
Honestly, I see Panthera as more so what Cheetara should be more than anything else. The Clerical similarities are there but whereas Cheetara allowed her tunnel vision of her childhood to affect her, Panthera seems prone to look at the bigger picture.

I also so see cheetara as panthera. Pumyra would've went after mummra.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50396)
There's still ways the writers can mess with our heads....
...they can have Lion-O say, "I'm waiting a bit Myra...I can't jump into a relationship right away..."
...Myra dies
...Bengali gives Myra flowers....
To quote Kaynar..."Oh the possibilities!"
I love Kaynar......:D He gives the word demented a whole new meaning. And his lines are classic!

Hey, don't give them idea.:D

I would have to LMAO if Bengali gives her a flower and hooks up with her.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50399)
This is a quote from my friend...we were talking about the episode...

"Uh lion-o has to choose between Pumyra and the sword of Plun-Darr. Instead of doing the smart thing and destroy the sword, he goes for the forced relationship angle. Mummra wins, and lion-o and the gang are idiots."

I think we're just going to go switch to Legend of Korra

Not saying anything bad about least over there we're both Borra...:D :D :D

How could they destory the SoP? It is more powerful than the SoO.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50407)
well, with the win loss record MummRa's I say giving him a major win is a good thing on the story front, even if it was using Lion O's new love intrest/Cheetara's placeholder to get it done.

Maybe MummRa won't suck as badly now...

Up next, Mummra's LI.:D

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 50400)
Fuuko, after last Saturday, there's been a major ship jumping everywhere. I mean, if it were not for the art, I wouldn't give a damn about Makorra :D

Big family event. Short head-clearing break to youtube Christopher Walken in SNL's "The Continental". I haven't been able to see the ep yet! Will Friedle appears to have been pretty consistent in his writing :)

Hey, aleast Mako is cool.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50412)
At least with Korra, it was contained within a single episode. They didn’t build it up over 13 episodes and then do an Ass Pull. We knew approximately where each character was in terms of feelings with regard to the triangle. Besides, they also did it slightly differently by using it for comedic effect (Bolin’s reaction).

Anyway I doubt this is the end of that triangle. Not to mention, in Korra we saw the characters actually talk about their feelings with each other. All we got in ThunderCats was the “Jaga asked me to” excuse from Cheetara.


Kora liked Mako right off the bat. Bolin had many fan girls and didn't look interested in a real relastionship. I like Mako character.

Eclipse 05-12-2012 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50430)
Hey, aleast Mako is cool.

I beg to disagree. He's hot :D

Have you found the time to catch up with LoK?

vantheman77 05-12-2012 02:19 PM

Pumyra should've been warm and flirty with Lion-O in this episode after the cat slaves were free as her criticism of him seemed out of place in this episode. She should've criticized him last week.

Chique 05-12-2012 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50426)
I also so see cheetara as panthera. Pumyra would've went after mummra.

Really? I think Panthera and Pumyra were practically running right along side one another in this episode.

Pumyra gets upset about the cat slaves = Panthera is pissed about Mum-Ra killing innocent beings.

Pumyra is very aggressive towards Lion-O for most of this episode= Panthera was really ticked at Leo for supporting Mum-Ra

Panthera did not go after Mum-Ra, but she did speak out against him. She also got blasted, just like Pumyra did in this same episode.

Leo spends a good chunk of the flashback trying to calm Panthera down, Lion-O does the same for Pumyra. For the most part.

Even in Legacy, I always thought Panthera was a bit too aggressive to be Cheetara. They were similar, they were both beautiful women who could kick some serious butt but other than that...
Not that they should be copy and paste.
Hey wasn't there a Dobo look alike in Legacy too?

Chique 05-12-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 50433)
I beg to disagree. He's hot :D

Have you found the time to catch up with LoK?

I see what you did there;)

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 50433)
I beg to disagree. He's hot :D

Have you found the time to catch up with LoK?

Up to 3. Like the show.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 50435)
Really? I think Panthera and Pumyra were practically running right along side one another in this episode.

Pumyra gets upset about the cat slaves = Panthera is pissed about Mum-Ra killing innocent beings.

Pumyra is very aggressive towards Lion-O for most of this episode= Panthera was really ticked at Leo for supporting Mum-Ra

Panthera did not go after Mum-Ra, but she did speak out against him. She also got blasted, just like Pumyra did in this same episode.

Leo spends a good chunk of the flashback trying to calm Panthera down, Lion-O does the same for Pumyra. For the most part.

Even in Legacy, I always thought Panthera was a bit too aggressive to be Cheetara. They were similar, they were both beautiful women who could kick some serious butt but other than that...
Not that they should be copy and paste.
Hey wasn't there a Dobo look alike in Legacy too?

She did all he supporting cheetara did and she is not as aggressive as pumyra. Leo only told panthera to be careful.

I don't think pumyra would have said sorry my lord, she would've kept coming at him.

I thought that was a Jackal. I love that design though.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50434)
Pumyra should've been warm and flirty with Lion-O in this episode after the cat slaves were free as her criticism of him seemed out of place in this episode. She should've criticized him last week.

Some one had to replace tygra.:D

Chique 05-12-2012 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50438)
She did all he supporting cheetara did and she is not as aggressive as pumyra. Leo only told panthera to be careful.

I don't think pumyra would have said sorry my lord, she would've kept coming at him.

I thought that was a Jackal. I love that design though.

Cheetara is not as outspoken as Panthera. In general, Panthera's attitude seems closer to Pumyra's than Cheetara's.

Also, Leo and Lion-O are not exactly the same. Lion-O would have said something about them blowing up those planets.

The way the episode was set up, I think the four were meant to parallel eachother, but I can see the argument for Panthera=Cheetara.

Balgus82 05-12-2012 04:33 PM

I don't think Panthera was really like either one of them. Like Chique said Cheetara isnt as outspoken as Panthera, and Pumyra is way more of a hothead. She's different enough from both of them IMO to be her own person.

And we also found out that Leo isn't quite as much like Lion-O as we thought. I guess in Legacy Lion-O was mostly in control. Leo didn't seem as empathic as Lion-O.

cmangund 05-12-2012 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50371)
That woud've been awesome, but MJ would've made sure Panthera hook up with tygrus at the end.:D

It would be MJ making BM lose to ST with WW.

MJ's MO, He will almost always not letting the Alpha Male getting together with the Alpha female, because all the Alpha Females are only exclusives for Jelenic himself and his "good side" projection of "himself" in the show he directs, in this case Tygra. :eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

vantheman77 05-12-2012 05:23 PM

Both Lion-O and Mumm-Ra have their swords and gauntlets, but Lion-O has the Spirit Stone so far. If the show gets a second season, I want to see the race for the stones emphasized a lot more.

I don't think there's going to be enough time to introduce the likes of Bengali, Jagara, and other characters for this season.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 50450)
MJ's MO, He will almost always not letting the Alpha Male getting together with the Alpha female, because all the Alpha Females are only exclusives for Jelenic himself and his "good side" projection of "himself" in the show he directs, in this case Tygra. :eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Probably wore his same Tygra T-shirt when he works on this.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50451)
Both Lion-O and Mumm-Ra have their swords and gauntlets, but Lion-O has the Spirit Stone so far. If the show gets a second season, I want to see the race for the stones emphasized a lot more.

I don't think there's going to be enough time to introduce the likes of Bengali, Jagara, and other characters for this season.

I am surprise they didn't bring in Bengali.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 05:41 PM

Mummra's lines in this episode were great.

BB Shockwave 05-12-2012 05:51 PM

I am glad that for once it is Mumm-Ra who emerged victorious... Yeah, he still has an army and rules all, but getting constantly thwarted (and on one occasion, getting the sword of Omens stolen from under his nose inside his pyramid) started to undermine his threat.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50364)
Or MJ had dreamed of T/C since the OS, that he was going to make it happen no matter what.:)

It happened in the Wildstorm comics too, long before this series.

I still don't get all the whining of the old fans about the Tygra-Cheetara relationship. Guess what, I am a big Beast Wars fan, but I did not complain when Blackarachnia turned out to be Optimus Prime's ex-girlfriend in Transformers Animated.


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 50450)
MJ's MO, He will almost always not letting the Alpha Male getting together with the Alpha female, because all the Alpha Females are only exclusives for Jelenic himself and his "good side" projection of "himself" in the show he directs, in this case Tygra. :eek:

Geez, shallow much?


Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.
Umm, no, Jelenic and Dan Norton will be remembered long from now as the people who took an obscure eighties cartoon that no-one save for die-hard fans remembered, and turned it into an epic and memorable new series.

Be honest, Thundercats was no MOTU, GI Joe or TMNT. It was a one-hit series that lasted a few years and was gone for 20 years. I mean, even friggin' Biker Mice from Mars got a reboot! Don't kid yourself. People will be remembering Thundercats because of the new series, both old-timers like myself and new kids who will perhaps check the old series out of curiosity after watching this one.

stormbringer 05-12-2012 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50456)
Mummra's lines in this episode were great.

Mumm-ra was definately a convincing threat this episode, I've missed taking him seriously after failing to beat the TCats, at pretty much anything,since the fall of thundera

SirSapphire 05-12-2012 06:06 PM

Man, I want caps of this episode so bad. I'm interested to see how things in "The Forever Bag" play out, does it happen during these two episodes like "Survival of the Fittest" did with "Native Son" or after where we'll get to see little glimpses of the other cats as they lick their wounds from this episode (I'm guessing Pumyra's called dibs on Lion-O's wounds).

Eclipse 05-12-2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 50460)
Mumm-ra was definately a convincing threat this episode, I've missed taking him seriously after failing to beat the TCats, at pretty much anything,since the fall of thundera

I found it particularly interesting that Mumm-Ra needed to use Pumyra in order to lure Lion-O away from the SoP. It might have been to save himself time, but considering his poor record against the SoO I think he just didn't want to risk fighting Lion-O.

vantheman77 05-12-2012 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50455)
I am surprise they didn't bring in Bengali.

Maybe it's because he'd look too much like Tygra since they're from the Tiger family. Would they need two tigers in the Thundercats?

Also, this is Pumyra's first outing against Mumm-Ra and his army.

I can see Forever Bag taking place during Curse of Ratilla and Birth of the Blade just like Survival of the Fittest was during Native Son. However, I can see glimpses of Lion-O and the others after Birth of the Blade occurring. Like I said, I want Pumyra to meet the twins and Snarf.

cmangund 05-12-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50454)
Probably wore his same Tygra T-shirt when he works on this.

He got plenty of Tygra T-Shirts, Pants, Shorts, Toys, Undies, Shirts, Ties, Caps, Watches, Mugs, Plates, a gold statue of Tygra for him to worship, one for each day of the week.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Balgus82 05-12-2012 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50470)
Maybe it's because he'd look too much like Tygra since they're from the Tiger family. Would they need two tigers in the Thundercats?

Nah. They're more than capable of making Tigers look different from each other. Native Son proved that. And not only that but Bengali's coloring would set him apart from the rest.

Balgus82 05-12-2012 07:14 PM

Did anyone else get the feeling that the ancient Cats from the flashbacks thought Mumm-Ra was a good guy when they first started working for him? It occurred to me when Leo said something like "He's not the leader I thought he was."

SirSapphire 05-12-2012 07:25 PM

I kind of want a STFU gif of Mumm-Ra blasting Panthera. I know it's terrible, but it's also really funny.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 50458)
Umm, no, Jelenic and Dan Norton will be remembered long from now as the people who took an obscure eighties cartoon that no-one save for die-hard fans remembered, and turned it into an epic and memorable new series.

An obscure 80's cartoon that has been featured in the likes of Robot Chicken and if memory serves, Family Guy as well and even had a run on Toonami.

Doesn't sound that obscure to me.

Epic and memorable? Well agree to disagree on that as well. It's an okay series thus far that does have its flaws.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 50460)
Mumm-ra was definately a convincing threat this episode, I've missed taking him seriously after failing to beat the TCats, at pretty much anything,since the fall of thundera

I enjoyed the fact they finally stepped him up a notch.

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