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JASONKAT 05-11-2012 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by adssse (Post 50143)
I dont believe they have given us much in the way of what Mumm-Ra is in the NS. If you want to go by the comics than he was a human adviser to Pharaoh who summoned the ASOE for the power (also making him ever-living) to overthrow him. After losing he was sentenced to spend eternity in the tomb.

Oh ok Cause yea he looks human, but has star wars powers, has bat wings, turns into a crow/flies, hates sunlight, drives a stormcharger, lol So its kinda confusing So maybe later they might give us alil backstory of him, like they did with the TCS,

stormywaters 05-12-2012 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Shadowknight1 (Post 50199)
Okay...I'm confused here. Is Mumm-ra ordering the destruction of a solar system or a galaxy? Cause he says "STAR" but they're looking at the center of a GALAXY. Galactic centers, while having multitudes of stars, WILL NOT HAVE HABITABLE PLANETS, and whatever device he launches will be lost because a galactic center has millions of BLACK HOLES. For fuck's sakes, didn't any of the writers take basic astronomy?

Man, I hate it when kids cartoons based in sci-fi and magic don't get their non-common knowledge science right. Talking anthropomorphic cats and magical space mummies are just completely ruined by this.

Edit: It's the reason I can't watch My Little Pony anymore.

Balgus82 05-12-2012 08:23 AM

Honestly the simple answer is probably that it looks like a galaxy because it "looked cooler."

eboy333 05-12-2012 12:02 PM

Bengali's ancestor?
It looks like the blacksmith in the episode is Bengali's ancestor. He's all white AND a blacksmith. Hopefully we'll see him soon too. I just want more action figures. :)

Balgus82 05-12-2012 01:28 PM

the crew said the blacksmiths in those flashbacks were cougars, and Bengali is a tiger, so I doubt it.

fuukonomiko 05-12-2012 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50418)
the crew said the blacksmiths in those flashbacks were cougars, and Bengali is a tiger, so I doubt it.

Maybe they adopted Bengali too :D

eboy333 05-12-2012 02:47 PM

Because ThunderCats with a blacksmith doesn't spell Bengali at all? So what if he's a cougar. Maybe he married a tiger. It's for sure a link to Bengali, even by just thematic reasons. Maybe Bengali will be used to unmake the Sword of Plundaar.

stormywaters 05-12-2012 05:08 PM

I love the way Mumm-Ra mentors Leo, like some sort of warped father figure. It's almost as if he cares about him.

vantheman77 05-12-2012 05:25 PM

Mumm-Ra seems to care more about Leo than the other ancient Thundercats, including Panthera.

L08e16o 05-12-2012 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by stormywaters (Post 50449)
I love the way Mumm-Ra mentors Leo, like some sort of warped father figure. It's almost as if he cares about him.


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50452)
Mumm-Ra seems to care more about Leo than the other ancient Thundercats, including Panthera.

Maybe mummra is his father.:eek:

hollowdheart 05-12-2012 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50457)
Maybe mummra is his father.:eek:

That would be an interesting twist...the cats with tails would be the natural ones, and the ones without would be Mumm-ra's clones/fakes.

stormbringer 05-12-2012 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50457)
Maybe mummra is his father.:eek:

Mumm-ra as Lion-o's ancestor?!? That would be a twist.;)

hollowdheart 05-12-2012 06:08 PM

They could even pull a Star Wars twist on it.

SirSapphire 05-12-2012 06:15 PM

Too bad cats don't have wings.

stormywaters 05-12-2012 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50457)
Maybe mummra is his father.:eek:

...Based on how the ancient spirits referred to Mumm-Ra as "our son," would that make them Leo's grandfathers?

vantheman77 05-12-2012 06:25 PM

I think someone pointed out that Lion-O could be the reincarnation of Leo when Mumm-Ra asked Lion-O about Leo.

hollowdheart 05-12-2012 06:29 PM

Lion-o seems more like Panthera to me. Personality wise.

Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 50465)
Too bad cats don't have wings.

No, i mean, like genetic stuff. There was this anime i watched where this crazy lady cloned a girl from her dead daughter's DNA and made her a child soldier, but then she rebelled.

Burning Bright 05-12-2012 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shadowknight1 (Post 50199)
Okay...I'm confused here. Is Mumm-ra ordering the destruction of a solar system or a galaxy? Cause he says "STAR" but they're looking at the center of a GALAXY. Galactic centers, while having multitudes of stars, WILL NOT HAVE HABITABLE PLANETS, and whatever device he launches will be lost because a galactic center has millions of BLACK HOLES. For fuck's sakes, didn't any of the writers take basic astronomy?

I believe the more pertinent question is - have you?

Before the current prevailing theory of what is at the center of our galaxy and others, the previous prevailing theory was that the bright bulbous center of our galaxy (and other spiral galaxies) contained millions of stars, not Black Holes.

The current prevailing theory of what is at the center of all galaxies is a supermassive black hole (with binary supermassive black holes in a few, generally the result of a galactic merger).

Due to the density of a supermassive black hole, it is theoretically possible for a star to exist within a galactic center. It is highly improbable, however (massive understatement). For such a star to also be able to support planets with life on them, it would have to have several very unique qualities.

It is more likely that if the writers of the show received a formal education in basic astronomy, that such a course would have taught the previous prevailing theory of what is at the center of our galaxy.


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 50201)
Maybe they'll fix the dialogue later?

That seems unlikely. Few television shows or movies have their dialogue changed within a week of public viewing. Dialogue changes after that are usually reserved for censored versions of movies shown on television.


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50452)
Mumm-Ra seems to care more about Leo than the other ancient Thundercats, including Panthera.

Given what we know of Mumm-Ra's personality, it's probably due to Leo's competence and loyalty as a servant. Even when Leo questions Mumm-Ra's choice, it's only apparently done as a question of whether the action best serves Mumm-Ra's interests. I doubt anything else would matter to Mumm-Ra at that point.

If Mumm-Ra had any living relatives at that point in time, I imagine he would be just as likely to harm or kill them for impeding his plans as he would anything else.

vantheman77 05-13-2012 12:42 AM

In all of her episodes so far, Pumyra is almost only with Lion-O than any other Thundercat. I was wondering how she'd do in a team setting and see if she's a team player or not.

dj7000 05-13-2012 04:28 PM

I thought this was the worst episode so far. very complicated to follow.

JASONKAT 05-13-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by dj7000 (Post 50650)
I thought this was the worst episode so far. very complicated to follow.

I could'nt agree more,
Even tho i could follow it, i felt that this show wasnt needed. Even tho a million people will disagree with me on this, there are times where some shows are not needed and are only there to Sort of.. a way to kill time and extend the rest of the shows.
Like im one of those who rather see the cats and mumra in 1 show. over n over again, getting into battle, coming togetter, the tank, cats lair or as they call it now... the tower of omens, lol. I dont care about the other cats or characters. But as a viewer of these shows, i sometimes have to sit still and watch the next show after the other in hopes that i see what i want and hope that the show does not wonder off to another 1 of those back stories. or whatever.

Intresting to note: this show had nothing to do with the wily's, No mention of them, even tho we already know where they are at, you would think that 1 of the cats would pick up the wily's and move on, but no they left em behind.

RedxEyexFight 05-14-2012 11:42 AM

i think yinz are being a bit over critical. its funny how no one stops to think about the fact that in the original cartoon people and stuff just showed up...including the Cat's Lair. We are actually getting back stories and history, and more plausible situations. The dialogue may not always be the greatest, and there are things we would like to see happen, but seriously, we've finally got a cartoon with GOOD art and animation...not more of sponge bob, cat-dog, rugrats, pokemon, level crap.

this episode wasnt all that bad. it wasnt the greatest, but it wasnt the worst...compared to last weeks Cheetarah-Tygra sickeningly cheesy and innuendo loaded episdoe...this was fantastic. it all serves a purpose though...if there was any doubt about who Cheetarah is with, it should be over. Pumyra's constant screen time with Lion-O is actually paramount because she 1)is displaying a reaction that a lot of people have when they feel their leaders have failed them, and 2)her anger with Lion-O, while subsiding, gives her the ability to be honest and direct with Lion-O without the concern for royal propriety as well as the lack of a long personal history which could have Lion-O having a grudge against her. Its actually a quite brilliant character role and development if you ask me.

AnonymousIncognito 05-17-2012 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by RedxEyexFight (Post 50791)
i think yinz are being a bit over critical. its funny how no one stops to think about the fact that in the original cartoon people and stuff just showed up...including the Cat's Lair. We are actually getting back stories and history, and more plausible situations. The dialogue may not always be the greatest, and there are things we would like to see happen, but seriously, we've finally got a cartoon with GOOD art and animation...not more of sponge bob, cat-dog, rugrats, pokemon, level crap.

this episode wasnt all that bad. it wasnt the greatest, but it wasnt the worst...compared to last weeks Cheetarah-Tygra sickeningly cheesy and innuendo loaded episdoe...this was fantastic. it all serves a purpose though...if there was any doubt about who Cheetarah is with, it should be over. Pumyra's constant screen time with Lion-O is actually paramount because she 1)is displaying a reaction that a lot of people have when they feel their leaders have failed them, and 2)her anger with Lion-O, while subsiding, gives her the ability to be honest and direct with Lion-O without the concern for royal propriety as well as the lack of a long personal history which could have Lion-O having a grudge against her. Its actually a quite brilliant character role and development if you ask me.

Don't forget though, in the OS they also gave reasons for things and people appearing. Cat's Lair never just appeared. Many of the OS first season episodes showed the Cats building the lair. As I recall, the end of the episode introducing the berbils, fetaured the adorable little critters helping the cats build the Lair.
Characaters like Safari Joe and Mandora were explained.

Given how rushed her choice was, I'm not 100% convinced things between Tygra and Cheetara are set in stone. Especially considering how , after Cheetara was paired with Tygra, all her characters "spark/fire' has gone out. She went from being the Alpha female character to being a beta/cheerleader character.
Damn depressing really.

Hmmm, you bring up some good points about the interaction between Pumyra and Lion-O.

AlexofThundera 05-17-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by RedxEyexFight (Post 50791)
In the original cartoon people and stuff just showed up...including the Cat's Lair.

Actually they built the cats lair with the help of the Berbils.

Chique 05-17-2012 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 51152)
Especially considering how , after Cheetara was paired with Tygra, all her characters "spark/fire' has gone out. She went from being the Alpha female character to being a beta/cheerleader character.
Damn depressing really.

Hmmm, you bring up some good points about the interaction between Pumyra and Lion-O.

Cheetara was nothing more than Lion-O's personal yes man in the first season. Pretty much all of her dialog was devoted to telling Lion-O he could do it. All of it. She was his cheerleader. Other than The Trials part 2, I don't recall her cheering Tygra on at all. If anything he was cheering her on in Curse of Ratilla.

Curse of Ratilla was probably the biggest showing she's had. If second, it's only second to the Tower of Omens episode. I can't remember everything, but I'm pretty sure she was more consequential to the plot in Curse of Ratilla over the plot in Journey. As far as screen time goes, I think it's been pretty much equal to the amount of time she got in season 1.

As for her being the oldest strongest female in the group, I personally have no problem with her being younger or weaker then Pumyra;)

Overall, Cheetara has always been underused and underdeveloped. Compared to Tygra and Panthro, her storylines have been lacking:confused: Shame really, because I see the potential for her character to be just as engaging as the rest of the supporting characters.

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