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Big Snarf 06-03-2012 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 53406)
It would be interesting to see how Tygra reacts to he and his younger brother who "came in second to him in everything but the crown", being equals. Tygra would either have to learn to accept things are no longer as they were, or go to the darkside.

Only thing is they aren't equals, tygra has to bow down to the king :D:D

Big Snarf 06-03-2012 09:27 AM

The soul sever kind of reminded me of an episode of teen titans

cmangund 06-03-2012 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 53446)
Only thing is they aren't equals, tygra has to bow down to the king :D:D

And making Lion-O sandwiches...:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

AlexofThundera 06-03-2012 10:43 AM

Just watched it. First impressions: What the hell did I just watch? Thundercats or a completely different series with characters and aspects from Thundercats? I felt like the Soul Sever is a character one of the writers or DN had in mind for a while and decided to use Thundercats to tell his story. All well and good except that were in the last stretch of the season and there are still so many things unexplained / unresolved. It just didn't "feel" like Thundercats.

I'll watch it again later but just so many things that left me shaking my head like why didn't Lion-O use Sight Beyond Sight to try and get more info on the Soul Sever before going after him? It's like in one episode they show you what the sword and stone(s) can do, then in the next they completely forget about them. Tygra becoming an out of control machine? Get the hell out of here with that crap.... The BoO being "tech" doesn't really appeal to me much either.

I liked Flicker tho, that was pretty much it.

Thunderian scholar 06-03-2012 11:12 AM

well, I admit this is a weak episode. Very well animated, but somewhat leading nowhere - I wonder where the Wileys are and what Pumyra and Cheetara did…

Hope Will Friedle comes up with a better story!

stormbringer 06-03-2012 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 53455)
Just watched it. First impressions: What the hell did I just watch? Thundercats or a completely different series with characters and aspects from Thundercats? I felt like the Soul Sever is a character one of the writers or DN had in mind for a while and decided to use Thundercats to tell his story. All well and good except that were in the last stretch of the season and there are still so many things unexplained / unresolved. It just didn't "feel" like Thundercats.

I'll watch it again later but just so many things that left me shaking my head like why didn't Lion-O use Sight Beyond Sight to try and get more info on the Soul Sever before going after him? It's like in one episode they show you what the sword and stone(s) can do, then in the next they completely forget about them. Tygra becoming an out of control machine? Get the hell out of here with that crap.... The BoO being "tech" doesn't really appeal to me much either.

I liked Flicker tho, that was pretty much it.

Once again, characters forgetting their powers and abilities when they need them most rears its ugly head. Honestly considering all the trouble the TCats run into, Lion-o should be using sight beyond sight everywhere they go.

Big Snarf 06-03-2012 11:24 AM

I wonder how pumyra meeting the twins went. Kat "who's she ?" Kit " and whats with her eyebrows ?" Pumyra " :mad: why you little brats" Lion-o holds her back while kit & kat both say " :p she looks like she is trying to eat us" and snarf is just :D:D:D:D:D:D

stac 06-03-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 53419)
This is stupid reasoning, sorry. Tygra obviously no longer wants the crown, as evident in a lot of episodes since the Trials. He has seen the responsibility Lion-O has to take every day, and let's not forget how his short leadership ended... Besides, after they both learned of Tygra's original parents and the reason he desired the throne so much, it seems both have come to terms with their current status.

Character development on this show seems to mean very little. If the plot requires it then Tygra will simply forget all the “lessons” he has learned.

In one of the earlier episodes, Lion-O referred to the “darkness” in his brother. I can understand if some consider this as foreshadowing. Then, in “Between brothers,” Mumm-Ra manipulated Tygra into almost killing Lion-O. It wouldn’t be that much of a far cry to speculate that Mumm-Ra could manipulate Tygra and make him turn to the “dark side.”
Although, I would hope that if the writers choose to go this way, they do so in a believable manner.


Tygra does (and will) tease Lion-O, but more like as an older brother who wants to keep him on his toes.
Tease? I would consider some of the comments that he's thrown at Lion-O to be borderline bullying. I, for one, would feel incredibly hurt if I had an older brother who's said some of the things Tygra has. There's a difference between teasing and being nasty, and Tygra seems to heavily lean towards the latter at times.

Quote: it is an ancient cliche you'd expect to see in fan fiction and run-of-the-mill anime...
Quite an apt description for many aspects of this show. Where have you been for the last few episodes?

Eclipse 06-03-2012 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 53455)
Just watched it. First impressions: What the hell did I just watch? Thundercats or a completely different series with characters and aspects from Thundercats? I felt like the Soul Sever is a character one of the writers or DN had in mind for a while and decided to use Thundercats to tell his story. All well and good except that were in the last stretch of the season and there are still so many things unexplained / unresolved. It just didn't "feel" like Thundercats.

I'll watch it again later but just so many things that left me shaking my head like why didn't Lion-O use Sight Beyond Sight to try and get more info on the Soul Sever before going after him? It's like in one episode they show you what the sword and stone(s) can do, then in the next they completely forget about them. Tygra becoming an out of control machine? Get the hell out of here with that crap.... The BoO being "tech" doesn't really appeal to me much either.

I liked Flicker tho, that was pretty much it.

Lion-O should have used Sight Beyond Sight back in Ep. 15 to figure out what was going on with the Book of Omens pointing up to the sky for the next stone. That was 9 episodes ago! He could have used it now again to do the same, and they wouldn't have put themselves in a situation that led to both the loss of the Book as well as the destruction of the tank.

But that was not to be. If there wasn't so much restlessness about a possible series cancellation, we probably wouldn't mind so much. Since I remain hopeful, though, anyone else got the feeling that we'll see the Soul Sever and Flicker again?

We now know they are after the tech stone. I wonder what's its potential, exactly. Terminator III RotM comes to mind :)

Nachtsider 06-03-2012 01:45 PM

I can't help but wonder how Jorma knew so much about the Soul Sever.

L08e16o 06-03-2012 01:46 PM

I think this episode would've been ok if they talked more about the BoO and we had an seperate episode of C/P/K/K.

Like someone said the mind stone, it has to be the green stone. So are the stones mind, body, and spirit??

We saw lion-o use the stone and SoO and it produced the armor on his left arm. Why haven't we seen that again.

I think we get a cliff hanger, but they need to do one that will not only shock us (episode 13) but blow are minds. That will get more fans voicing their want for a second season.

L08e16o 06-03-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by NIBMRatchet (Post 53445)
At this rate, this is a possibility.

Having said that, Why do I feel that the episodes are rushing as if they are going to end the story with the 1st season? Seriously!

The story is not focusing enough. I swear when I tell you guys that I had completely forgotten that the Thundercats are seeking the stones until I saw the Book Of Omens this episode. G. I. Joe: Renegades had a similar story (Finding evidence to take-down Cobra) but despite having side-stories, it never went off-course of the main objective unlike the new Thundercats.

Thundercats producers should learn from TV Series like Avatar: The Last Airbender (And even Avatar: The Legend of Korra). A:TLA is the perfect example of how a cartoon series should be. It went for a long time, relationships weren't rushed, focus on the main objective, emotions, memorable characters etc. The list goes on. :)

This all leads back to MJ. He is the problem.

If you are doing fillers, then do character development. We knew we were going to get lion-o, but he goes two steps forward one step back.

We get to know tygra, panthro, and the kittens, but we know nothing about cheetaa except the flower and her dream of being a cleric.

I think pumyra has passed cheetara in interest.

Cheetara was a fan favorite and the lead female. IMO pumyra has passed her.

Agree, they could keep the main goal of the stones and do fillers. They were suppose to unite the animals too (Jaga), but tygra and cheetara were against lion-o. Now that is an after thought.

Another issue to me is the BoO. SS (Soul Sever) said he holds the keys to everything, but we know nothing. I think they are keeping a lot of this for the second season (I hope) and they are just giving everything their proper due (per MJ).

L08e16o 06-03-2012 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 53457)
well, I admit this is a weak episode. Very well animated, but somewhat leading nowhere - I wonder where the Wileys are and what Pumyra and Cheetara did…

Hope Will Friedle comes up with a better story!

They were at the salon.:D

BB Shockwave 06-03-2012 02:36 PM

I wonder now where the other stone could be. Maybe a giant flying fortress, a smaller ship from Mumm-ra's pyramid that remained aloft? But who is throwing out the junk? Given how we haven't seen any flying contraptions so far, my only guess is only the birds could have reached it... So I am suspecting we might meet Vultureman (obviously, under a new name) in the next episode. He was always the tech-guy of the old show's mutants, would make sense if he found this ship and started tinkering with it.

Regarding the Soul Sever himself, I was a bit unclear what he was. He was shown to be able to cry, so... is he part organic still under the mask? The Necromechs turned him into a cyborg, but refused to put the souls of his family into purely mechanical bodies... maybe that's as far as they dared to go.

Btw, WOW, so much hate on this board. I bet you'd be more lenient towards the show if this was the upteenth reimagining of it, like with Batman or Transformers. I mean, I never liked Transformers Energon or The Batman much, compared to Beast Wars or Batman TAS. But I did not go out of my way to kick into the show every time I can. I have been watching the new Thundercats since episode 1, and the only episode I did not like so far was 23. All the rest, I enjoyed, I sometimes even watched them multiple times (especially since I am translating/subbing them to Hungarian). And btw, the show has had a very positive reception in my country. I feel the writing is strong, the seasons are obviously planned out well in advance. As they said, they are practically 13-episode long 'movies'. Unlike Transformers Prime, where the first season was like a 5-part opener and a 3-part ender, with everything in between never hinting at the stuff they pulled out of their tailpipe in the last episode (Unicron, Prime being an ex-Con, Matrix, Vector Sigma, 13 Primes, etc...) And that's in a 26-episode season. Thundercats' 24 episodes so far are each very memorable, while I can remember each story, I tend to forget Prime's stories, so little happens in them, they mesh together in my memory.

L08e16o 06-03-2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 53479)
I wonder now where the other stone could be. Maybe a giant flying fortress, a smaller ship from Mumm-ra's pyramid that remained aloft? But who is throwing out the junk? Given how we haven't seen any flying contraptions so far, my only guess is only the birds could have reached it... So I am suspecting we might meet Vultureman (obviously, under a new name) in the next episode. He was always the tech-guy of the old show's mutants, would make sense if he found this ship and started tinkering with it.

Regarding the Soul Sever himself, I was a bit unclear what he was. He was shown to be able to cry, so... is he part organic still under the mask? The Necromechs turned him into a cyborg, but refused to put the souls of his family into purely mechanical bodies... maybe that's as far as they dared to go.

Btw, WOW, so much hate on this board. I bet you'd be more lenient towards the show if this was the upteenth reimagining of it, like with Batman or Transformers. I mean, I never liked Transformers Energon or The Batman much, compared to Beast Wars or Batman TAS. But I did not go out of my way to kick into the show every time I can. I have been watching the new Thundercats since episode 1, and the only episode I did not like so far was 23. All the rest, I enjoyed, I sometimes even watched them multiple times (especially since I am translating/subbing them to Hungarian). And btw, the show has had a very positive reception in my country. I feel the writing is strong, the seasons are obviously planned out well in advance. As they said, they are practically 13-episode long 'movies'. Unlike Transformers Prime, where the first season was like a 5-part opener and a 3-part ender, with everything in between never hinting at the stuff they pulled out of their tailpipe in the last episode (Unicron, Prime being an ex-Con, Matrix, Vector Sigma, 13 Primes, etc...) And that's in a 26-episode season. Thundercats' 24 episodes so far are each very memorable, while I can remember each story, I tend to forget Prime's stories, so little happens in them, they mesh together in my memory.

Transformers and Bat man have many reboots. When they brought romance in this they were playing with fire especially how it was done. If this is killed, how many more years do we wait for another reboot?

The writing has been bad. The cats forget their powers or do not talk about what happen in the last episode. I am sorry, I am not a TCat boy who likes everything.

Another thing, they said they like to not explain things and leave it up to us to figure it out. That is poor writing and lazy writing. If they are aiming at kids 6-11, you have to explain somethings.

I think we all knew the stone was in the sky.

CreepySariFan 06-03-2012 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 53457)
well, I admit this is a weak episode. Very well animated, but somewhat leading nowhere - I wonder where the Wileys are and what Pumyra and Cheetara did…

Hope Will Friedle comes up with a better story!

I thought the episode helped explain why the Book of Omens was pointing like it did. No doubt the next few episodes are going into new vehicles for the Cats, new races to meet, and lets us see more the the technological angle of the show in what has been a relatively fantasy dominated scene.

The only thing I felt was off was the fact that Lion-O's sudden "hate" of technology. Totally out of character, but I still love this show regardless of the hiccups; no show has never had any flaws. I can only embrace a show in hopes that it will get significantly better as time goes and budgets are hopefully increased (look at Young Justice).

I really want a Tygra/Akira bot toy right now too. I luvs me some ORANGE robots.

Anyone else notice the Predator heartbeat sound effect when the Soul Sever used its thermal vision?

Balgus82 06-03-2012 05:03 PM

Got a synopsis for the last two.

-Saturday, June 9: “What Lies Above, Part 1” – The book of Omens leads the Thundercats to a city in the sky ruled by birds!

-Saturday, June 16: “What Lies Above, Part 2” – The ThunderCats must stop Mumm-Ra from getting the Tech Stone!

Cartoon Network June 2012 Programming Highlights

CreepySariFan 06-03-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 53486)
-Saturday, June 9: “What Lies Above, Part 1” – The book of Omens leads the Thundercats to a city in the sky ruled by birds

Man, I called that a long time ago. Glad to see the next stone actually has a name too. Thanks for the synopsis!

AnonymousIncognito 06-03-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 53458)
Once again, characters forgetting their powers and abilities when they need them most rears its ugly head. Honestly considering all the trouble the TCats run into, Lion-o should be using sight beyond sight everywhere they go.

Actually, I found this to be an example of poorly applied power use. Panthro looking like a friggin ape troting along on his stretchy arms.
Tygra getting busted with infravision....I had a wtf moment with the whole Predator sound sample.

I do agree that it would seem like common sense for Lion-O to use SBS like a Jersey Shore kid uses tanning booths.

AnonymousIncognito 06-03-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 53460)
I wonder how pumyra meeting the twins went. Kat "who's she ?" Kit " and whats with her eyebrows ?" Pumyra " :mad: why you little brats" Lion-o holds her back while kit & kat both say " :p she looks like she is trying to eat us" and snarf is just :D:D:D:D:D:D

Lol more like:

Kat: Ugh, what's up with the mullet?

Kit: Yeah and those eyebrows....

Snarf: SNARF! (motions to chest area with a questioning look on his face)

suddenly, the hideous and spiteful little troll Nan Dorton leaps onto the scene stinking of rotting cabbage and mediocrity.

Nan Dorton: HEY! YOU **** ***** PIECES OF ***** CAN GO ***** YOURSELVES! I'M A ****** ****** PROFESSIONAL! DON'T YOU ****** COME POKING YOUR **** FINGERS IN MY **** CHEST YOU ******! (drops mic then picks it bck up) SOMEBODY CHANGE NAN DORTON'S **** DIAPER!

AnonymousIncognito 06-03-2012 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 53473)
I think this episode would've been ok if they talked more about the BoO and we had an seperate episode of C/P/K/K.

Like someone said the mind stone, it has to be the green stone. So are the stones mind, body, and spirit??

We saw lion-o use the stone and SoO and it produced the armor on his left arm. Why haven't we seen that again.

I think we get a cliff hanger, but they need to do one that will not only shock us (episode 13) but blow are minds. That will get more fans voicing their want for a second season.

War stone and Spirit stone have been found. War stone is the Eye of Thundera. Spirit Stone is what lets Lion-O use that energy shield and go to the AP.

It depends on the shock. If it's shock like episode 13 then even more fans will jump ship than did before.

Pravus Prime 06-03-2012 06:04 PM

There's a lot of things that aren't my cup of tea. When it occurs, I'm fine to part ways and accept that there are people who like it, I'm just not one of them.

Very soldomly there are exceptions, like my mountain of frustrations about the way MattyCollector is and has been run (I further think it should be studied in modern business classes at the college level as how not to run a web business).

With the last episode, as I said, I would've thrown in the towel and parted ways with this show were there not a mere 3 episodes remaining. I figured I'd just finish the season and we'd go our seperate ways, so to say.

After this episode, I apologize to you fans of this show out there, but I want this series cancelled. I want it to be remembered as a colossal failure and used as a warning to future series about how not to reboot a series. Because at this point, as far as I can tell, that would be the best service this series could accomplish.

L08e16o 06-03-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 53493)
War stone and Spirit stone have been found. War stone is the Eye of Thundera. Spirit Stone is what lets Lion-O use that energy shield and go to the AP.

It depends on the shock. If it's shock like episode 13 then even more fans will jump ship than did before.

Depends if it is a 180.:D

I think we all knew this was going to be the grean stone (AoO).

In the AP, when he used it against mummra. It formed part of the AoO on his left arm.

L08e16o 06-03-2012 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 53494)
There's a lot of things that aren't my cup of tea. When it occurs, I'm fine to part ways and accept that there are people who like it, I'm just not one of them.

Very soldomly there are exceptions, like my mountain of frustrations about the way MattyCollector is and has been run (I further think it should be studied in modern business classes at the college level as how not to run a web business).

With the last episode, as I said, I would've thrown in the towel and parted ways with this show were there not a mere 3 episodes remaining. I figured I'd just finish the season and we'd go our seperate ways, so to say.

After this episode, I apologize to you fans of this show out there, but I want this series cancelled. I want it to be remembered as a colossal failure and used as a warning to future series about how not to reboot a series. Because at this point, as far as I can tell, that would be the best service this series could accomplish.


It started out great, but then the writing just got bad. So much was available that they didn't use. I think the second half of season one, the characters development got worse.

IMO, all this series has over the OS is the updated anime.

AlexofThundera 06-03-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 53494)
There's a lot of things that aren't my cup of tea. When it occurs, I'm fine to part ways and accept that there are people who like it, I'm just not one of them.

Very soldomly there are exceptions, like my mountain of frustrations about the way MattyCollector is and has been run (I further think it should be studied in modern business classes at the college level as how not to run a web business).

With the last episode, as I said, I would've thrown in the towel and parted ways with this show were there not a mere 3 episodes remaining. I figured I'd just finish the season and we'd go our seperate ways, so to say.

After this episode, I apologize to you fans of this show out there, but I want this series cancelled. I want it to be remembered as a colossal failure and used as a warning to future series about how not to reboot a series. Because at this point, as far as I can tell, that would be the best service this series could accomplish.

Your honesty is commendable. I have been a fan of Thundercats since I was a child. No other "fictional universe" has my heart like Thundercats does, and even I have to admit that there have been moments during this NS that I have wished it wouldn't have been rebooted. Its hard to see something you love so much be so mistreated. It reminds me of how I felt watching the American Godzilla being the TOHO Godzilla fan that I am.

Truth be told I have never liked the way WB has handled the line and it would seem Thundercats has further ended up in the wrong hands as far as toys and writers go. I just can't see a true die hard Thundercats fan like the writers of the NS say they are turning Tygra into a freakin Transformer. :rolleyes:

They practically give this Soul Sever his own episode, yet only give us like 6 minutes of screen time for the Driller and destroy him as well.... Good job guys. :rolleyes:

Still I remain hopeful.

Sorry for ranting guys.

L08e16o 06-03-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 53503)
Your honesty is commendable. I have been a fan of Thundercats since I was a child. No other "fictional universe" has my heart like Thundercats does, and even I have to admit that there have been moments during this NS that I have wished it wouldn't have been rebooted. Its hard to see something you love so much be so mistreated. It reminds me of how I felt watching the American Godzilla being the TOHO Godzilla fan that I am.

Truth be told I have never liked the way WB has handled the line and it would seem Thundercats has further ended up in the wrong hands as far as toys and writers go. I just can't see a true die hard Thundercats fan like the writers of the NS say they are turning Tygra into a freakin Transformer. :rolleyes:

They practically give this Soul Sever his own episode, yet only give us like 6 minutes of screen time for the Driller and destroy him as well.... Good job guys. :rolleyes:

Still I remain hopeful.

Sorry for ranting guys.

I feel you on this.

TCats holds a special place in my heart. Only the first Voltron and Robo tech would be next.

They had to upstage tygra.

It was not so much that the driller didn't get that much time, but what was the purpose of the SS. I felt like this was one of those Naruto fillers when the anime had to wait on the Manga.

This is not WB, this is all MJ. The original writer for the TCats didn't like MJ's work and ask WB to bring in writers from the OS.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 06-03-2012 08:49 PM

I'm woth the last 2 posters. I know the series has problems, but I want to remain hopeful for the series. I mean, bad enough another aspect of WB is making me annoyed and angry :coughDCcough:. But I do believe there could be potential here.

As for the episode, it wasn't bad. I thought it was fun. Flicker was the best part, and SOul Sever is an interesting concept, but I kinda hope this is it for him.

Ashley 06-03-2012 09:26 PM

I enjoyed the nods in the episode to other things. I'm not sure that younger kids would have seen Predator but I definitely got a laugh out of how the heat vision even used the same sound effects.

Balgus82 06-03-2012 10:25 PM

If ya'll want the show cancelled then by all means, please, Stop Watching it. If you don't like it why watch it and then come here to complain about it? Just to have something to do?

Kregermeister 06-03-2012 11:24 PM

The show as a whole is great. The biggest flaw with it is that it doesnt know build up. I could watch nearly ANY of the originals as a stand alone (not looking at this with nostalgic glasses) and see what everyones role is, why they are doing what their doing, and feel good about the outcome.

The new series gives you this huge arc wich is great, but stick to the story. Make us see why mumm-ra is a threat. Other than killing Claudus its been all cheep parlor tricks and bird flying with him.

Mumm-Ra is THE boss in the old show. He was the epicenter of fear and threat. (he had a TON of dead people in the basement in Thundercats Ho! Part 4! Thats terrifying!!!!!) He is a but a background guy here in a race to find stuff. Why couldnt he destroy the thundertank during the book fiasco.... it coulda just added something.

I enjoy the show, and really think its one of the best out there, its just a shame that they have guys with unlimited adventures on their hand, and keep it so grounded. Its THUNDERCATS.... remember the guys that ended up in other galaxy's!? But they choose to keep it so tightly wound. I could see why kids wouldnt like it though, it doesnt use alot of imagination...... example......

Kid1 : Wanna play Thundercats?
Kid2 : Yeah.... Im Tygra your Lion-O.
1: I need to find the stones!!
2: Yeah, so you can be the lord of the thundercats!
1: I am the lord...
2 : Oh....
1: Yeah, dad got killed.
2 : Oh...... thats depressing
1 : You stole my woman
2 : Im sad now.
1 : Lets go watch ninja turtles.......

The best way to save the series..... season 2, change the writing team, build the tiger flyer, go into space get all the last stone (keep the book pointing up, and get them confused!!) rebuild thundera (with some tech from the silverhawks who they met in space!),KILL the mutants (no other way around it) fight mumm-ra IN thundera, have the Ancient Spirits exile him (The last day) and end the series there.

Should they ever want to go back and revisit the series they could have the lunatacks enter for a totally new series set 5 years later. Do NOT bring them back here, the bad guys are a MESS as is.

Balgus82 06-04-2012 12:01 AM

Actually TMNT might be a good example of how Tygra should've went (depending on what version you're watching).

Raphael, when it comes to Leonardo, can be a jerk. He constantly questions him and argues with him. And their fighting ability is almost equal to the point where you don't really know who would win. But he doesn't come off as an ass. He just comes off as someone with anger issues, and someone who still loves his brother.

With Tygra, admittedly, they do sometimes go too far with the jerkishness. I think they should've made him more like Raph from TMNT.

Or at least when Tygra makes a snide remark to Lion-O, have Lion-O make one right back at him like Leo would Raphael.

stac 06-04-2012 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 53523)
Or at least when Tygra makes a snide remark to Lion-O, have Lion-O make one right back at him like Leo would Raphael.

You’re right. I miss the Lion-O from the pilot episode, the one who wasn’t afraid to tell Tygra that he didn’t want to be anything like him when he grew up.

BB Shockwave 06-04-2012 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 53484)

The only thing I felt was off was the fact that Lion-O's sudden "hate" of technology. Totally out of character, but I still love this show regardless of the hiccups; no show has never had any flaws. I can only embrace a show in hopes that it will get significantly better as time goes and budgets are hopefully increased (look at Young Justice).

Not out of character- in the second episode, Lion-O remarked how he always liked technology, and now it is causing the end of Thundera.

I was also surprised at the re-introduction of Jorma. Here is a character I never thought we'd see again!

And man, Jeffrey Combs can be so great when he is given good lines. Reminded me a lot of the Question from JLU here rather then Ratchet in Prime.


Anyone else notice the Predator heartbeat sound effect when the Soul Sever used its thermal vision?
Heh, did not notice that, good call! I liked the explanation Lion-O gave him that Tygra got bored and left... kinda would expect this to happen more often during long expositions in cartoons. :)

L08e16o 06-04-2012 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 53517)
If ya'll want the show cancelled then by all means, please, Stop Watching it. If you don't like it why watch it and then come here to complain about it? Just to have something to do?

I think some are hoping it will get better, but they keep getting disappointed.

L08e16o 06-04-2012 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 53525)
You’re right. I miss the Lion-O from the pilot episode, the one who wasn’t afraid to tell Tygra that he didn’t want to be anything like him when he grew up.

The excuses the crew give for the way tygra acts is a joke.

L08e16o 06-04-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 53520)
The show as a whole is great. The biggest flaw with it is that it doesnt know build up. I could watch nearly ANY of the originals as a stand alone (not looking at this with nostalgic glasses) and see what everyones role is, why they are doing what their doing, and feel good about the outcome.

The new series gives you this huge arc wich is great, but stick to the story. Make us see why mumm-ra is a threat. Other than killing Claudus its been all cheep parlor tricks and bird flying with him.

Mumm-Ra is THE boss in the old show. He was the epicenter of fear and threat. (he had a TON of dead people in the basement in Thundercats Ho! Part 4! Thats terrifying!!!!!) He is a but a background guy here in a race to find stuff. Why couldnt he destroy the thundertank during the book fiasco.... it coulda just added something.

I enjoy the show, and really think its one of the best out there, its just a shame that they have guys with unlimited adventures on their hand, and keep it so grounded. Its THUNDERCATS.... remember the guys that ended up in other galaxy's!? But they choose to keep it so tightly wound. I could see why kids wouldnt like it though, it doesnt use alot of imagination...... example......

Kid1 : Wanna play Thundercats?
Kid2 : Yeah.... Im Tygra your Lion-O.
1: I need to find the stones!!
2: Yeah, so you can be the lord of the thundercats!
1: I am the lord...
2 : Oh....
1: Yeah, dad got killed.
2 : Oh...... thats depressing
1 : You stole my woman
2 : Im sad now.
1 : Lets go watch ninja turtles.......

The best way to save the series..... season 2, change the writing team, build the tiger flyer, go into space get all the last stone (keep the book pointing up, and get them confused!!) rebuild thundera (with some tech from the silverhawks who they met in space!),KILL the mutants (no other way around it) fight mumm-ra IN thundera, have the Ancient Spirits exile him (The last day) and end the series there.

Should they ever want to go back and revisit the series they could have the lunatacks enter for a totally new series set 5 years later. Do NOT bring them back here, the bad guys are a MESS as is.

I would like them to go back to the planet they are from and keep the two ambassadors from the OS on third earth.:D

NIBMRatchet 06-04-2012 09:25 AM

I don’t hate the show… in fact I watch it as many times as I can. But I guess I had high expectations for the new Thundercats and it isn’t meeting any.

This show does have good qualities, but it let the bad qualities shadow the good ones. Characterization is very poor in my opinion. The only two characters I love are WilyKit and Kat. Both of them are constantly reminding themselves of their ultimate destination; Eldora. Both of them had done a great sacrifice… giving up the people they love. That to me is first class. Same can’t be said for Cheetara. She went from someone who could have been a great mentor and protector for Lion-O to someone I can’t describe without disrespecting girls. Yes, I do agree… Tygra had the potential character development until the writers decided to turn him into the shows “b****”. Panthro was great until they turned him to Mr. Fantastic. What’s wrong with regular mechanical arms? I mean if Jax of Mortal Kombat can pull it off why can’t the same for Panthro? Everything is poor after the second half of Season 1 (or season 2 as some call this).

First 13 episodes were awesome. No words to describe. I cried like a baby at the end of “Song of the Petalars”. That was just brilliant. I really enjoyed the first 13 episodes… and then they went ahead and ruined it. To quote Angry Video Game Nerd… “What Were They Thinking!?!”

I have a horrible, horrible feeling that season 1 is the end-of-the-line for the show. I felt really sad when they cancelled G. I. Joe: Renegades. Sadly, I won’t feel the same for the Thundercats.

Singe 06-04-2012 11:36 AM

I just think the show just wants to drop Cheetara. Compared to her 80s strong female lead, it looks like they don't know what to do or just don't want to P.O. the Cheetara fans by ruining her character any further.

First Episode of Season 2, Mumm-ra uses a curse to Rule 63 Lion-o into Lion-a. Knowing this series, a gender swap of the male lead is not out of the ballpark. Lion-a should be voiced by Christy Romano who did Kim Possible.

L08e16o 06-04-2012 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 53586)
I just think the show just wants to drop Cheetara. Compared to her 80s strong female lead, it looks like they don't know what to do or just don't want to P.O. the Cheetara fans by ruining her character any further.

First Episode of Season 2, Mumm-ra uses a curse to Rule 63 Lion-o into Lion-a. Knowing this series, a gender swap of the male lead is not out of the ballpark. Lion-a should be voiced by Christy Romano who did Kim Possible.

Lion-a with either cheetara/pumyra, that would make ratings sky rocket.:D

turbo409uk 06-04-2012 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 53474)
This all leads back to MJ. He is the problem.

Is it entirely him, though. Considering the show has two producers.

Kregermeister 06-04-2012 02:26 PM

Its hard to point a definitive finger. People do need to approve of directions and scripts before anything happens. I think its just a factor of too many chefs in the kitchen maybe, or not having a full story fleshed out first and making crap up as they go along.

Im not putting the show down, I absoultly love it, I just wish it was displayed better. Like I previously wrote, you have one of the most iconic groups of superheros ever, the same superheros that chalanged your imaginations every day as a child, and you limit them?

Imagine this.....

More groups of people effected by Mumm-Ra and helping out the cats here and there. Not because they wanna learn X lesson, but because of the struggle against mumm-ra. Does NO ONE realize that if Mumm-Ra had the stones everyone would be doomed?

As a fan, it kinda worries me that I can pull a better story arc out of thin air, because I live, eat, sleep and breathe thundercats since 1985. It is the core of my childhood so its important. This is what the show is missing as a writer... dedication with direction.

Im not saying I personally could write a better story (though I think a number of us could), but my god, they really need someone to keep them expanding in the right direction.

AlexofThundera 06-04-2012 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 53607)
As a fan, it kinda worries me that I can pull a better story arc out of thin air, because I live, eat, sleep and breathe thundercats since 1985. It is the core of my childhood so its important. This is what the show is missing as a writer... dedication with direction.

Remember that when they first announced the new series we were led to believe that the writers were exactly these types of people / fans. Hearing / reading that I felt relieved and excited that they (WB) had finally done right by Thundercats and that we were in for some serious awesomeness with this NS.

Look where we are now.

On a side note my friend who works with me asked me if I had watched last Saturdays episode. When I said yeah he said "man, I really wish they would get back to the main story already." This is coming from a "casual" fan who doesn't even know these fan forums exist.

Now imagine children (the target audience) who are watching Thundercats for the first time. They must be lost as all heck.

Singe 06-04-2012 03:36 PM

One of the elements lacking is the villain side. Currently, we don't know what Mumm-ra's generals are currently doing. Oh I know, they're still locked in that cell poking/prodding each other and becoming closer friends.

The 80's at least took some time to give the villains some screen time.

AlexofThundera 06-04-2012 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 53619)
Currently, we don't know what Mumm-ra's generals are currently doing.

The last we saw of Addicus he was falling down the cavern in Birth of the Blades. Did he survive? Is he injured?

Balgus82 06-04-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 53561)
I think some are hoping it will get better, but they keep getting disappointed.

Hoping the show gets better, and actually hoping it gets canceled are two completely different things.

I want the show to get better too. But I absolutely do not want it to get canceled. Do people realize how many good shows had subpar first seasons? It's so common it's almost cliche.

test 06-04-2012 04:19 PM

Wow I don't mean to be a downer .... But what a boring piece of shit that episode was.
In starting to see why kids aren't watching it.

Don't get me wrong I love the show and the doomed toyline (not quite as much as the classic obviously) but episodes like that last one are killing it.

The show just needs more in the way of catchy theme tunes, quotable lines and overall less complex characters .... They're just too human which I think really doesn't do much for their appeal to kids. And lion-os classic counterpart would I'm sure be disgraced to be replaced by such a weedy spineless emo.
I'm sorry I really have tried to like this character but he's just so unlikable lol

Out of all the episodes. This is the only one I've truly disliked so let's just hope its a one off.

L08e16o 06-04-2012 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 53621)
Hoping the show gets better, and actually hoping it gets canceled are two completely different things.

I want the show to get better too. But I absolutely do not want it to get canceled. Do people realize how many good shows had subpar first seasons? It's so common it's almost cliche.

Most shows have good first season and get another one. Usually it gets canned after the second season.

The way MJ has handled this and his other shows, I don't know if I believe he could get better.

L08e16o 06-04-2012 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by test (Post 53625)
Wow I don't mean to be a downer .... But what a boring piece of shit that episode was.
In starting to see why kids aren't watching it.

Don't get me wrong I love the show and the doomed toyline (not quite as much as the classic obviously) but episodes like that last one are killing it.

The show just needs more in the way of catchy theme tunes, quotable lines and overall less complex characters .... They're just too human which I think really doesn't do much for their appeal to kids. And lion-os classic counterpart would I'm sure be disgraced to be replaced by such a weedy spineless emo.
I'm sorry I really have tried to like this character but he's just so unlikable lol

Out of all the episodes. This is the only one I've truly disliked so let's just hope its a one off.

It is like lion-o takes two steps forward and one step back.

I could not tolerate tygras' comments, I would snapped at some point.

Not a fan of this episode.

Balgus82 06-04-2012 05:28 PM

I actually like Lion-O a lot better since the trials. Hasn't done anything truely idiotic since that happened. He's still a bit of a goof sometimes, but I'm ok with that.

test 06-04-2012 05:54 PM

I can see how people like the fact that he's young , inexperienced and kind of in development but for me its just not a role fit for a leader and he just screams of patheticness .... I miss the cocky arrogant nature of the real lion-o. But on the bright side I'm liking new Panthro and strangely I do actually like the kittens this time where as I hated them in the classic series lol oh and snarf being a mute was the best decision ever made

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