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L08e16o 12-14-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 24399)
Which is why I said that the tension between Lion-O and Tygra isn't over after episode 13 because there are other things to work out between them such as the crown.

It shouldn't be, they could not resolve years of issues in one episode.

I can't wait for 14 to get here.

Mako Crab 12-14-2011 09:21 PM

After years and years, FINALLY!! Cheetara chooses Tygra!! Yes, goddammit! YES!! I'm all for this and I'm all for them finally being able to portray such a relationship. The old show always drove me crazy with its little hints and teases, but at last the new show just comes out and says it. Love how slack-jawed Lion-O looked when he found out. Hehehe.

Great episode all around! The bit at the end was just the icing on the cake. Really loved all the backstory that everyone got and WTF Panthro lost his arms?! Is he gonna' get cybernetic arms like Jax in Mortal Kombat now? Poor guy. Takes it like a champ though.

Chique 12-14-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 24412)
After years and years, FINALLY!! Cheetara chooses Tygra!! Yes, goddammit! YES!! I'm all for this and I'm all for them finally being able to portray such a relationship. The old show always drove me crazy with its little hints and teases, but at last the new show just comes out and says it. Love how slack-jawed Lion-O looked when he found out. Hehehe.

Great episode all around! The bit at the end was just the icing on the cake. Really loved all the backstory that everyone got and WTF Panthro lost his arms?! Is he gonna' get cybernetic arms like Jax in Mortal Kombat now? Poor guy. Takes it like a champ though.


The new toy line suggest something like that. Panthro has robotic looking arms.

Glad to see you also enjoyed the episode. I feel a little bad for Lion-O, but heartbreak happens. He'll be ok.
Love those episodes when everyone gets to help out. Now if they could spend some time giving everyone some story. Well that would just top this series off for me.

hollowdheart 12-14-2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 24412)
After years and years, FINALLY!! Cheetara chooses Tygra!!

They were together in the comics too.

Big Snarf 12-14-2011 09:56 PM

Who wasn't she with in the comics? Maybe panthro will end up with cheetara in this series

Chique 12-14-2011 10:00 PM

Which is why I dont get why some of the fandom wants to draw this triangle out further.

This isn't musical chairs people. Or Degrassi High.

hollowdheart 12-14-2011 10:01 PM

I don't either. She made her choice, and she needs to stop advising Lion-o with all the handholding, and "i believe in you" stuff that got her in this mess in the first place.

Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 24415)
Who wasn't she with in the comics? Maybe panthro will end up with cheetara in this series

She wasn't with Lion-o, or Wileykat. She even blamed Lion-o for her rape by the Mutants. She was with Panthro for a bit, then got with Tygra after he helped her get over her rape by being able to relate because he was tortured or something. :mad:

Mako Crab 12-14-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 24414)
They were together in the comics too.

Ugh. Don't remind me of that dreck. Those comics were awful. Awfully good for kindling a fire!


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24416)
Which is why I dont get why some of the fandom wants to draw this triangle out further.

This isn't musical chairs people. Or Degrassi High.

Agreed. I'm quite happy with the Tygra/Cheetara pairing and see no need for them to play out a triangle. Of course, they could prove me wrong, but I like T/C together. :)

stormbringer 12-14-2011 10:05 PM

Man those comics were bad, nice art though.

stormbringer 12-14-2011 10:10 PM

Honestly, I don't know why Lion-o would want to be around Cheetara after this mess. She was definately pulling some mind games on him.

Mako Crab 12-14-2011 10:28 PM

Eh. Maybe she hadn't figured it out 100% herself.

Big Snarf 12-14-2011 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 24417)
I don't either. She made her choice, and she needs to stop advising Lion-o with all the handholding, and "i believe in you" stuff that got her in this mess in the first place.

She wasn't with Lion-o, or Wileykat. She even blamed Lion-o for her rape by the Mutants. She was with Panthro for a bit, then got with Tygra after he helped her get over her rape by being able to relate because he was tortured or something. :mad:

There were hints that supposedly she was with lion-o, years go by bengali gets killed mabye she was was with him too. wilykat is grown up she even named her kids after him. everything in the comics shouldn't of happened

PositivePeddler 12-15-2011 12:00 AM

your not alone with that thought!

PositivePeddler 12-15-2011 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by gcdunkman (Post 22300)
So was I the only one having "This is Sparta" flashbacks when Tygra kick Lion-O down the hole?

No I was thinking the Same thing!!! hahahaha

Chique 12-15-2011 12:24 AM

I think everyone was thinking that when he kicked Lion-O into the pit.

I called it as soon as I saw the pit. Someone gonna get kicked in. Too good of an opportunity :D

cmangund 12-15-2011 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 24401)
I hope.

Thanks for all the work you have done for us.

No need to thank me. I am doing this for myself too. If they will not hook them up 100% at least 50% that is certain:D. I will keep on gathering data.

cmangund 12-15-2011 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 24420)
Honestly, I don't know why Lion-o would want to be around Cheetara after this mess. She was definately pulling some mind games on him.

The writers are pulling the mind games on chetara, Lion-O and us.

cmangund 12-15-2011 01:33 AM

Of course all of my analysis can be wrong, because there is always a chance writers go crazy and dictates their characters what to do and becoming OOC rather than allowing the characters to talk to the writers and telling the writers what they wanted to do. If that is the case with this Tcats then it is definitely time to say goodbye to this show permanently. Episode 14 will be one of the crucial point.

stormbringer 12-15-2011 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24437)
Of course all of my analysis can be wrong, because there is always a chance writers go crazy and dictates their characters what to do and becoming OOC rather than allowing the characters to talk to the writers and telling the writers what they wanted to do. If that is the case with this Tcats then it is definitely time to say goodbye to this show permanently. Episode 14 will be one of the crucial point.

I first registered on these boards because I needed to vent about that last episode, if they don't fix this mess I doubt I'll wanna keep watching either.

cmangund 12-15-2011 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 24438)
I first registered on these boards because I needed to vent about that last episode, if they don't fix this mess I doubt I'll wanna keep watching either.

Yeah, the reason I am doing this time consuming Lion-O/Cheetara analyzing project is because of the dreaded Episode number 13, maybe 13 is a bad number. hopefully 14 will fix it, or at least starting to fix it.

cmangund 12-15-2011 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 24403)
It shouldn't be, they could not resolve years of issues in one episode.

I can't wait for 14 to get here.

The brothers issues will definitely be the running theme in this series.

Just don't set up the expectation too high yet for 14, I will only watch it with zero expectation of the fix and see what I can analyze from there.

Chique 12-15-2011 02:11 AM

Personally I dont think its broken, but how do you all suggest they fix it?

You know without damaging the integrity of the characters. The "It wasn't really Cheetara" theory is popular, but has zero evidence or support.

You could say she was trying to settle the rift between the brothers, but then why not confess to Lion-O ? If she had feelings for Lion-O and wanted to settle the confusion all she would need to do is confess to him.

Why lie to Tygra? ( by the way she would be doing exactly what a lot of posters accuse her of, leading him on. Lying ). Once again Tygra was ready to accept that she'd chosen Lion-O. He looked like he was ready to let it go. She could have used that opportunity to tell him how she truly felt.

'Yea, Ive grown feelings for your brother, thank you for understanding'. Open and shut.

I'm sorry, but going the other way, at this point would just seem redundant in ways far more silly then not cannonizing Cheet-O.
Sure it could happen, but do I think its likely ? No, not unless the "it wasn't really Cheetara " thing comes true. Even with that, didn't someone say the crew blog wrote that Tygra gets more mellow after 13? Who would be mellow after something like that? Anyone ?

cmangund 12-15-2011 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24441)
Personally I dont think its broken, but how do you all suggest they fix it?

I will not argue with you, as I know you are a 200% Tygra/Cheetara supporter all your posts here and at TCL shows it all.

I respect your views, and opinions that's fine. Freedom of speech.

I am a Computer Programmer/Analyst so it is in my blood to analyze things, sometimes reaches to the point it annoys people. With all of my opinions,views I always based them on facts,data as much as possible. And to me this is wrong and conflicted with a lot of facts and data and a lot of the fans(especially the OS fans) agreed with me.

No hard feelings ya.:)

Chique 12-15-2011 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24442)
I will not argue with you, as I know you are a 200% Tygra/Cheetara supporter all your posts here and at TCL shows it all.

I respect your views, and opinions that's fine. Freedom of speech.

I am a Computer Programmer/Analyst so it is in my blood to analyze things, sometimes reaches to the point it annoys people. With all of my opinions,views I always based them on facts,data as much as possible. And to me this is wrong and conflicted with a lot of facts and data and a lot of the fans(especially the OS fans) agreed with me.

No hard feelings ya.:)

Um, we cant talk because you know no matter what you say I wont hate Tygra or Cheetygra ? I dont want you to sway me, I just want some discussion. Sorry.
I never thought you were attacking my freedom of speech or that you didn't respect my views. Hmm, maybe I should have?
I love debate, so I too like to analyze things. It's even more fun when you do it with people who also like to debate and analyze. Being interactive is fun!

Lastly I don't understand why so many like to complain that this is ticking off OS fans. I've met plenty of OS fans who supported CheeTygra. They've been waiting since '85 to see those two get together. Seriously though, if you've been actively supporting this franchise since the 80s I doubt something as small as shipping would turn you off. Especially considering the OS had NO romance. A one sided hint at an attraction does not make for a romance.

"No hard feelings, ya?" I didn't even know we were on the outs.

cmangund 12-15-2011 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 24402)
I wonder what is the level of the connection if they are. Is it only sensing danger or are their minds connected.

Maybe both and more!:D

cmangund 12-15-2011 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24443)
"No hard feelings, ya?" I didn't even know we were on the outs.

Not yet, that's one reason I won't argue with you. Because if we argue it will lead to that. It's very easy to predict the result.

Chique 12-15-2011 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24449)
Not yet, that's one reason I won't argue with you. Because if we argue it will lead to that. It's very easy to predict the result.

So basically you qouted my original post not to directly respond to any of my points, but to tell me you didnt want to talk to me.

I think I just got burned.

cmangund 12-15-2011 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24451)
So basically you qouted my original post not to directly respond to any of my points, but to tell me you didnt want to talk to me.

I think I just got burned.

I just like to keep things friendly, and avoid unnecessary arguments that's all.:)
sorry if you got burned.

Mako Crab 12-15-2011 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24437)
Of course all of my analysis can be wrong, because there is always a chance writers go crazy and dictates their characters what to do and becoming OOC rather than allowing the characters to talk to the writers and telling the writers what they wanted to do. If that is the case with this Tcats then it is definitely time to say goodbye to this show permanently. Episode 14 will be one of the crucial point.

I hate to break it to you, but Lion-O/Cheetara was never a thing. Not in the old series. Not in the comics. Not now. She was sending signals to Lion-O? Pfft! And I've had girls that I just *knew* were sending me signals too, only to learn that they had no idea. And seriously? Going to swear off TCats already just because of this one thing? That's a bit excessive.


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24439)
Yeah, the reason I am doing this time consuming Lion-O/Cheetara analyzing project is because of the dreaded Episode number 13, maybe 13 is a bad number. hopefully 14 will fix it, or at least starting to fix it.

You make it sound like a job, when you should be sitting back and enjoying the show. And sorry, but I don't see as there's anything to fix.


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24442)
I will not argue with you, as I know you are a 200% Tygra/Cheetara supporter all your posts here and at TCL shows it all.

So? If you're going to refrain from having discussions with people who hold opinions that differ from yours, then you'd never talk at all.


I am a Computer Programmer/Analyst so it is in my blood to analyze things, sometimes reaches to the point it annoys people. With all of my opinions,views I always based them on facts,data as much as possible. And to me this is wrong and conflicted with a lot of facts and data and a lot of the fans(especially the OS fans) agreed with me.

No hard feelings ya.:)
And I'm a literary and media analyst. I love to analyze things too. And I could point to just as many OS fanfics, written by OS fans that pair Tygra and Cheetara together. Being an OS fan doesn't mean you have to subscribe to the idea of Lion-O/Cheetara being together.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 24454)
I hate to break it to you, but Lion-O/Cheetara was never a thing. Not in the old series. Not in the comics. Not now. She was sending signals to Lion-O? Pfft! And I've had girls that I just *knew* were sending me signals too, only to learn that they had no idea. And seriously? Going to swear off TCats already just because of this one thing? That's a bit excessive.

You make it sound like a job, when you should be sitting back and enjoying the show. And sorry, but I don't see as there's anything to fix.

So? If you're going to refrain from having discussions with people who hold opinions that differ from yours, then you'd never talk at all.

And I'm a literary and media analyst. I love to analyze things too. And I could point to just as many OS fanfics, written by OS fans that pair Tygra and Cheetara together. Being an OS fan doesn't mean you have to subscribe to the idea of Lion-O/Cheetara being together.

They are a thing, only did she feel guilty did she go to tygra. If they were meant to be, then they would have been together before lion-o enter the picture. Don't give me they didn't know. Tygra knew who she was. The flash back was to establish the the ending on E13. Tygra had all the confidence to find her, he winked at her. Tygra was probably running after other tails. He just didn't want to lose to lion-o like he did with the crown. I don't think he loss to lion-o with the crown. Lion-o got the crown by default. If lion-o dies, then tygra is king.

They were more of a thing in OS than tygra. Poor tygra was left on Earth with Pumyra (his true love), while lion-o and cheetara went together to thunderia. You think they parted ways from that point, I don't think so. L/C and T/P was the ending of that series.

I had women send me singals, a couple I missed out and others I did had the balls to go for them. I have never had a women flirt with me that was not interested. Friends flirt, that is fine. They know that you won't take it the wrong way.

You would be the few OS fans from the 80s that made T/C a ticket. They had nothing to hang on from the series that shows that. Remember who was with who in the ending.

I am analyst for the DoD and get paid to do it. Does not make me know more.

One thing I know about the people in the media, they are very bias.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24452)
I just like to keep things friendly, and avoid unnecessary arguments that's all.:)
sorry if you got burned.

It won't happen.

T/C fans want to keep it T/C. You saw over in the TCL how emotional they get.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24436)
The writers are pulling the mind games on chetara, Lion-O and us.

They had too. It was too one sided, they were not going to let L/C not have a bumpy ride. I wanted a smooth ride, but writers want drama.

I was going to let this die.

I believe that scene is not over and they will talk about how they feel.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24437)
Of course all of my analysis can be wrong, because there is always a chance writers go crazy and dictates their characters what to do and becoming OOC rather than allowing the characters to talk to the writers and telling the writers what they wanted to do. If that is the case with this Tcats then it is definitely time to say goodbye to this show permanently. Episode 14 will be one of the crucial point.

I agree.

People wanted lion-o to accept the kiss, but what about tygra. He was purely driven by jealousy. He could have gone after her. I would have.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 24438)
I first registered on these boards because I needed to vent about that last episode, if they don't fix this mess I doubt I'll wanna keep watching either.

Same here.

I don't belong to any other board, except on Steelers board.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 24419)
Man those comics were bad, nice art though.

Sounded like a mess.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24439)
Yeah, the reason I am doing this time consuming Lion-O/Cheetara analyzing project is because of the dreaded Episode number 13, maybe 13 is a bad number. hopefully 14 will fix it, or at least starting to fix it.

They will. You know the writers couldn't help themselves not to add to the drama.

Can you imagine if they have a flashback of L/C of them interacting and shows their connection. That would add more drama.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24440)
The brothers issues will definitely be the running theme in this series.

Just don't set up the expectation too high yet for 14, I will only watch it with zero expectation of the fix and see what I can analyze from there.

I want to see 14, because I have a bad taste in my mouth from E13.

If L/C do happen I will not be on here gloating.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24441)
Personally I dont think its broken, but how do you all suggest they fix it?

You know without damaging the integrity of the characters. The "It wasn't really Cheetara" theory is popular, but has zero evidence or support.

You could say she was trying to settle the rift between the brothers, but then why not confess to Lion-O ? If she had feelings for Lion-O and wanted to settle the confusion all she would need to do is confess to him.

Why lie to Tygra? ( by the way she would be doing exactly what a lot of posters accuse her of, leading him on. Lying ). Once again Tygra was ready to accept that she'd chosen Lion-O. He looked like he was ready to let it go. She could have used that opportunity to tell him how she truly felt.

'Yea, Ive grown feelings for your brother, thank you for understanding'. Open and shut.

I'm sorry, but going the other way, at this point would just seem redundant in ways far more silly then not cannonizing Cheet-O.
Sure it could happen, but do I think its likely ? No, not unless the "it wasn't really Cheetara " thing comes true. Even with that, didn't someone say the crew blog wrote that Tygra gets more mellow after 13? Who would be mellow after something like that? Anyone ?

Mellow would be understanding each other.

I don't think it would be silly. I think it was silly in one episodes they are kissing. She went to tygra, because she felt guilty of hurting him. I think the next episodes will be more telling.

Think of it this way. If mummra never attacks, would T/C happen. No it wouldn't. L/C would have happen, because tygra was not interest in her and vise versa. Tygra knew who she was and he could have gone to her in so many ways. If he was hurt by her a long time ago, then he would not have winked at her.

Tygra out of jealousy wanted cheetara, out of guilt cheetara went to tygra. That is not a good making for a relationship. Have you ever dated someone who dated you out of guilt. I did, it lasted two weeks.

At least from lion-o's feelings, they were pure. Yes he was a loser for making it a game. His motives were pure in liking cheetara. I think cheetara was the same way.

I wanted her to go to lion-o first, but it make sense to go to tygra first. She felt like she was hurting him the most.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24442)
I will not argue with you, as I know you are a 200% Tygra/Cheetara supporter all your posts here and at TCL shows it all.

I respect your views, and opinions that's fine. Freedom of speech.

I am a Computer Programmer/Analyst so it is in my blood to analyze things, sometimes reaches to the point it annoys people. With all of my opinions,views I always based them on facts,data as much as possible. And to me this is wrong and conflicted with a lot of facts and data and a lot of the fans(especially the OS fans) agreed with me.

No hard feelings ya.:)

She/He is one of the better ones.

I know a lot of CP/As, that is their job to figure out problems thinking out of the box. My uncle is a software designer. Man he gets paid.

A lot of us OS fans have it burnt in our heads how the OS ended. L/C and T/P.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24443)
Um, we cant talk because you know no matter what you say I wont hate Tygra or Cheetygra ? I dont want you to sway me, I just want some discussion. Sorry.
I never thought you were attacking my freedom of speech or that you didn't respect my views. Hmm, maybe I should have?
I love debate, so I too like to analyze things. It's even more fun when you do it with people who also like to debate and analyze. Being interactive is fun!

Lastly I don't understand why so many like to complain that this is ticking off OS fans. I've met plenty of OS fans who supported CheeTygra. They've been waiting since '85 to see those two get together. Seriously though, if you've been actively supporting this franchise since the 80s I doubt something as small as shipping would turn you off. Especially considering the OS had NO romance. A one sided hint at an attraction does not make for a romance.

"No hard feelings, ya?" I didn't even know we were on the outs.

The writers from the OS said L/C would have happen if the series went on.

OS fans were left with T/P on earth and L/C on thunderia. All my classmates and TC fans wanted those relationships to happen. The only T/C fans I knew were the ones that hated Lion-o, they didn't like how he had all the screen time. One thing they could not argue is they (L/C) were link. I think we will see this more in the NS.

I don't think you're on the outs, I think a lot of people are turn off by the T/C fans on TLC.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24448)
Maybe both and more!:D

If that is the case, that is great.

A lot of husbands and wifes are not connected.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24451)
So basically you qouted my original post not to directly respond to any of my points, but to tell me you didnt want to talk to me.

I think I just got burned.

They probably got burnt by a tygra fan.

I think they want to discuss, not argue.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 24442)
I will not argue with you, as I know you are a 200% Tygra/Cheetara supporter all your posts here and at TCL shows it all.

I respect your views, and opinions that's fine. Freedom of speech.

I am a Computer Programmer/Analyst so it is in my blood to analyze things, sometimes reaches to the point it annoys people. With all of my opinions,views I always based them on facts,data as much as possible. And to me this is wrong and conflicted with a lot of facts and data and a lot of the fans(especially the OS fans) agreed with me.

No hard feelings ya.:)

This is nothing, you should see sports forums. That gets UGLY.

Remember. When they say OS fans wanted T/C, we were all left with T/P on earth and L/C on thunderia. That is how a lot of us were left with. A lot of fans saw how L/C were link. The one draw back for some was that lion-o was a kid and she was a adult, then transforms into a adult. By the end, a lot of them wanted L/C. The writers left it up to us or them to decide. I don't see cheetara going back to earth for tygra, he already has his cat. :)

If they end the this series the same way, what will be most peoples conculsion. They will think the same way.

L/C want to see that happen, because how OS ended and the astmosphere L/C were creating. They were building a romance.

T/C want that to happen due to a lot of them are tygra fans. Shippers can only use the comics and it was pretty dark how they got together. I don't think this series will go that way.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 24417)
I don't either. She made her choice, and she needs to stop advising Lion-o with all the handholding, and "i believe in you" stuff that got her in this mess in the first place.

She wasn't with Lion-o, or Wileykat. She even blamed Lion-o for her rape by the Mutants. She was with Panthro for a bit, then got with Tygra after he helped her get over her rape by being able to relate because he was tortured or something. :mad:

It is not over.

I wouldn't go by the comics. This show is not showing any rape and I don't see lion-o coming into the BoO for five years.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 10:48 AM

I don't know about other L/C fans.

I would have been ok with E13, if there was no interest or flirting between L/C.

If it was T/C from the begining, I would have been ok. I grew up with L/C and T/P from the OS, I have always wanted to see that completed. Again, if it started with T/C, I would have been fine with 13.

In the OS, I liked lion-o, tygra, cheetara, and panthro in that order. I am sure I will like tygra as the series progress.

Most of this reaction comes from the rush to the ending of e13.

L08e16o 12-15-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24416)
Which is why I dont get why some of the fandom wants to draw this triangle out further.

This isn't musical chairs people. Or Degrassi High.

Because that seems to be in every anime.

Isn't though.

Chique 12-15-2011 12:36 PM

It doesn't matter who the creator would have gotten together if they would have had the time. Fact is, it never happened. 130 episode and she couldn't find the time ? Anywho I doubt she would have gotten it through the final cut. They had someone supervising the scripts, grown women entertaining a relationship with a child in a mans body is a bit strange, no? Also Tygra ans Pumyra were left on like opposite sides of the earth. They were not left together, as much as they were just both on earth.

Even so, this is no longer his project. He has no final say over what they do in this reboot. Jelenic and co are free to do as they please with these characters. Business is business.

Once again I dont know why you would want to cite a different show, when once again they did not end up together. We have no reason to believe it happened over it not happening.

What would make anyone think she went to Tygra out of guilt? That would be supper messed up. Its like the number one relationship rule: Dont lie about feelings that are not there. Always ends up making things worse, not better.
Why would she lie to Tygra about having feelings for him, if she knew she had some for Lion-O that were stronger? What reason do we have to believe she would care more about hurting Tygra's feelings then Lion-O's? She knows there is some confusion. By now I'm pretty sure she knows Lion-O harbors romantic feelings for her so why wouldn't she feel guilty about his feelings too?

L08e16o 12-15-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 24484)
It doesn't matter who the creator would have gotten together if they would have had the time. Fact is, it never happened. 130 episode and she couldn't find the time ? Anywho I doubt she would have gotten it through the final cut. They had someone supervising the scripts, grown women entertaining a relationship with a child in a mans body is a bit strange, no? Also Tygra ans Pumyra were left on like opposite sides of the earth. They were not left together, as much as they were just both on earth.

Even so, this is no longer his project. He has no final say over what they do in this reboot. Jelenic and co are free to do as they please with these characters. Business is business.

That was the only draw back with the L/C. They even said if they had more time to write, they would have develop the relationships. They were left on earth together; I meant they were the only cats on earth. OS fans grew up with that.

That is fine that he is not in charge.

Lion-o is the flagship, not tygra. L/C stands to make more money. Business is business. They are going to do what makes more money. They might PO the fans, but they will not PO the base.

E13 was made to cause drama and add more layers to the characters.

Chique 12-15-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 24485)
That was the only draw back with the L/C. They even said if they had more time to write, they would have develop the relationships. They were left on earth together; I meant they were the only cats on earth. OS fans grew up with that.

That is fine that he is not in charge.

Lion-o is the flagship, not tygra. L/C stands to make more money. Business is business. They are going to do what makes more money. They might PO the fans, but they will not PO the base.

E13 was made to cause drama and add more layers to the characters.

This is not a romantic genre. How would their romantic relationship encourage toy sales? There not writing this show for any of us. There writing this show to sale toys to boys between the ages of 6-12.
To kids who have probably never even seen the OS.
Also, not all OS fans are L/C. A lot of them supported and still support T/C. Whose to say the creators wouldn't want to piss them off?

L08e16o 12-15-2011 01:01 PM

Once again I dont know why you would want to cite a different show, when once again they did not end up together. We have no reason to believe it happened over it not happening.

What would make anyone think she went to Tygra out of guilt? That would be supper messed up. Its like the number one relationship rule: Dont lie about feelings that are not there. Always ends up making things worse, not better.
Why would she lie to Tygra about having feelings for him, if she knew she had some for Lion-O that were stronger? What reason do we have to believe she would care more about hurting Tygra's feelings then Lion-O's? She knows there is some confusion. By now I'm pretty sure she knows Lion-O harbors romantic feelings for her so why wouldn't she feel guilty about his feelings too?[/QUOTE]

Is it not TC. I am telling that majority of OS fans were left with that ending. That was the 80s, what conculsion do you think they came too. Most came away with L/C.

It is messed up. She could have gone to him (tygra) earlier. He (tygra) could have gone to her earlier. That is the point behind a love triangle.

She went to tygra out of guilt, she thought she cause some of the confusion. From her words, it sounded like to me she thougth the reason they fought in the AP was because of her. Who started it, not lion-o. If tygra is feeling like that, wouldn't you go to that person first. Maybe she thought if she talked to tygra, he would not make lion-o feel betrayed. Maybe she was trying to prevent him from betraying lion-o.

I am sure the next episode there will be more explaining.

If I was tygra, I would not have gone after her. If she likes you, she will end up with you in the end. She knew there was something there, tygra flirted with cheetara in E1.

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