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FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 50467)
I found it particularly interesting that Mumm-Ra needed to use Pumyra in order to lure Lion-O away from the SoP. It might have been to save himself time, but considering his poor record against the SoO I think he just didn't want to risk fighting Lion-O.

I think it had more to do with Mumm-Ra's ideal that emotions such as love and loyalty are weaknesses. He wanted to show Lion-O that in choosing to save Pumyra, he gave Mumm-Ra his greatest weapon back.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50408)
last saturday's Korra should make us appreciate TC's 'love triangle' a lot, lot more... that was the most pathetic episode of any animation I'd ever seen...

I don't know about that. The TC "love triangle" was done worse than Korras in my opinion. At least with Korra, there was more of an actual triangle involved. TC was more so a straight line that suddenly bent and snapped for no logical reason what-so-ever.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50411)
I wish they bring Panthera into the present.

If Mumm-Ra is to be continued threat to Lion-O and the Thundercats, he has to have his Sword of Plundarr back using Pumyra to do so. I can see several Thundercats blaming Pumyra for this.

I predicted half-right that if Mumm-Ra does get his sword back, it'll be because of one of the Thundercats. I predicted Tygra, but it turned out to be Pumyra.

I was really looking forward to Lion-o and Tygra's issues finally coming to a head via Tygra taking up the SoP. His character does have the most potential for darkness and another couple of betrayals.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50420)
Second week in a row where the twins and Snarf are absent. Their storyline with Tookit would likely take place during this. I have a feeling that Lion-O and the others would be absent next week just like they were in Survival of the Fittest.

I've been wondering about their absence. Seems kinda irresponsible of the older cats to just LOTR off to Mt. Plunn-Dar and leave them in Doberlord's town.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50342)
I too was waiting for that.

At least they brought back the grapnel claws.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50345)
was expecting them to push that pairing this ep, (at work so won't get to watch my DVR recording till I get home) and looking forward to seeing more Panthera. I've said it to some others before, I can deal with Lion O Pumyra a lot better than Tygra Cheetara because they seem to at least be trying to make it make sense...

Yeah, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the left field play pulled with Li/Chee suddenly flipping to Ty/Chee.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50353)
I like the fact that Pumyra is at least honest with Lion-O. When she is all Tygratude to Lion-O it is honest. When she is supportive/caring it is honest.

Sure beats the way the crew made Cheetara.

Panthera turned out to be a better Cleric to Leo than Cheetara is to Lion-O.

I was always curious to know exactly what Cleric's actual duties and responsibilites were in relation to the King.

I'm also curious if, when Lion-O told Cheetara that her "Jaga told me to" excuse and actions "changed everything," did that mean he has dismissed her from being his cleric?

There really has been zero Lion-O/Cheetara one-on-one interactions since New Alliances.

Part of why I'd like to know the Clerics duties and such to the King is, if part of those duties and such involve watching over Lion-O/protecting him, wouldn't it have made sense that Cheetara also go with Lion-O and Pumyra?

It just seems that after Lion-o's "everything's changed" scene, Cheetara hasn't really been shown being all that "clericy"

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50367)

Seems a better idea for the show would have been doing a prequel with characters like Leo and Panthera instead of a reboot that defaces and disrespects the legacy the OS established.

That would have been a much better idea in my opinion.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50368)
They were both in each other's shadows in different ways. Lion-O was in Tygra's because Tygra always seemed to be better at everything and he had everyone's approval because he was the dutiful brother, but Tygra was in Lion-O's because no matter how many things he was better at Lion-O would still end up being King and being better at everything wouldn't matter.

Except that Lion-O did not choose the crown. From what has been shown, Lion-O never really seemed all that interested in it.

Tygra chose to constantly show up his brother. He chose to blame Lion-o for things beyond his control. He chose to see himself in Lion-O's shadow when he never was.

If Lion-O acted like he'd been "given everything" I'd be more inclined to agree with you but since he didn't.....

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 50373)
They definately succeeded with the misdirection, I never saw that coming.

Very few did. I think that is why there is still such an issue with it.

I think the TC crew's misdirection plan kinda backfired on them.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50374)
I realize sales of TC Crew posterior polish are down. The campaign to improve sales doesn't seem to be working all that well.

Hey now. Be nice.

It was funny but still, try to be a bit nicer.

FreakinZoid 05-12-2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 50378)
All they did was waste everyones time with the Lion-o/Cheetara scenes. I mean if Cheetara had already chosen Tygra years ago, why bother with all those close L/C moments?

I guess the excuse is that the series is supposed to be Lion-O's POV/perspective/perceptions (even though that doesn't make sense given the cuts to Mumm-Ra's temple and such; how would Lion-O have any P/P/P there) so since all his P/P/P (thus the viewers P/P/P) about Cheetara was "wrong." those momets between the two really meant nothing since Cheetara was just punching a time card.

I still don't understand the logic behind the choices made with all that.

Balgus82 05-12-2012 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50485)
I don't know about that. The TC "love triangle" was done worse than Korras in my opinion. At least with Korra, there was more of an actual triangle involved. TC was more so a straight line that suddenly bent and snapped for no logical reason what-so-ever.

Korra actually had two triangles going on. They only ended one of them. There's still the Korra/Mako/Mako's gf (can't remember her name).

Balgus82 05-12-2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50493)
Except that Lion-O did not choose the crown. From what has been shown, Lion-O never really seemed all that interested in it.

Tygra chose to constantly show up his brother. He chose to blame Lion-o for things beyond his control. He chose to see himself in Lion-O's shadow when he never was.

If Lion-O acted like he'd been "given everything" I'd be more inclined to agree with you but since he didn't.....

It doesn't matter that Lion-O didn't want it. Heck that probably made it worse. Someone getting something you want so much and he doesn't even actually want it, but yet you still can't have it.

Honestly if Lion-O had wanted it I think he and Tygra would've gotten along a little better (though still not totally) because then at least Lion-O would've taken his duties more seriously growing up.

stac 05-12-2012 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50508)
It doesn't matter that Lion-O didn't want it. Heck that probably made it worse. Someone getting something you want so much and he doesn't even actually want it, but yet you still can't have it.

Honestly if Lion-O had wanted it I think he and Tygra would've gotten along a little better (though still not totally) because then at least Lion-O would've taken his duties more seriously growing up.

That still would not in any way absolve Tygra of the grief he has given and continues to give Lion-O. Tygra’s supposed to be 19/20? And he still holds a grudge against his brother for something that Lion-O had no control over?

If taking your duties seriously means growing up to be as entitled and cocky as Tygra then Lion-O should continue being an idealist slacker.

theking 05-13-2012 12:37 AM

Kinda sad that in the OS, Cheetara was my favorite among the women, but now Panthera and Pumyra are way more interesting. Can't wait for Lion-O and Pumyra to finally seal the deal :).

Anyone notice that Panthera is way taller than Leo? She has to bend down to kiss him lol.

vantheman77 05-13-2012 12:38 AM

So far in all her episodes, Pumyra seems to be almost only with Lion-O than the other Thundercats. I was hoping how she would do in a team setting.

Pravus Prime 05-13-2012 01:15 AM

Not that this is saying a lot, but this is, by far, IMHO, the best episode in the last 14. It's a bit weird that the best episode was written by Will Friedle, and not a series writer either.

While it had it's problems, it still gave us some back story and actually moved the damn plot forward and was really an enjoyable episode to watch.

This is the first episode in some time that I was glad that I'd seen it.

Sining 05-13-2012 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50479)
Did anyone else get the feeling that the ancient Cats from the flashbacks thought Mumm-Ra was a good guy when they first started working for him? It occurred to me when Leo said something like "He's not the leader I thought he was."

It's probably more because Mumm-ra was strong and cats seem to respect that. But then they realised he was also evil and somewhat batshit crazy.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50521)
That still would not in any way absolve Tygra of the grief he has given and continues to give Lion-O. Tygra’s supposed to be 19/20? And he still holds a grudge against his brother for something that Lion-O had no control over?

If taking your duties seriously means growing up to be as entitled and cocky as Tygra then Lion-O should continue being an idealist slacker.

Very well said but I have noticed that no matter what you say about Tygra outside of fangirl squeals of praise, it will fall on Balgus deaf ears. His mindset is that Tygra is the end all, be all of character greatness. No matter what points are brought up that do show the negative aspects of Tygra's character, he will spin and twist so his mind doesn't have to accept that not everyone likes Tygra and many do find fault with his character.

I'd love/hate to see his reaction if he found out there are actually more Li/Chee fans than Ty/Chee fans around.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50494)
Very few did. I think that is why there is still such an issue with it.

I think the TC crew's misdirection plan kinda backfired on them.

Flip through places like Tumblr and look at some of their blogs. The vast majority want(ed) Li/Chee fans.

Flip through forums akin to this one and outside of the opium den for Tygra obsessed fans known as TCLair, the majority want(ed) Li/Chee

Estimated 80% of fandom wanted Li/Chee but were given Ty/Chee because the crew does for themselves before they do for the fans.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50488)
At least they brought back the grapnel claws.

It was always there. It was just one of those things that "took place behind the scenes" like DN poorly used as an excuse.

Tygra uses the grapnels with DN's blessings to whip Lion-O whenever Lion-o makes Tygra look bad on scene.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50485)
I don't know about that. The TC "love triangle" was done worse than Korras in my opinion. At least with Korra, there was more of an actual triangle involved. TC was more so a straight line that suddenly bent and snapped for no logical reason what-so-ever.

Not to mention Korra actually put story lines to their triangles.

All Thundercats did was destroy 11 epidoes of actual story with a poorly done flashback and an even more poorly done choice of character pairing.

Sining 05-13-2012 07:21 AM

Finally managed to watch the episode in full.

A few things to note. Did anyone else catch Tygra and Cheetaras face after Lion-O said they'll split up? Those are some unhappy cats. Panthro's the only one to call him out on it though but he gives in; probably a sign he's acknowledging Lion-O as king.

Also, was it just me or did ancient Mumm-ra actually seem...fond of Leo? "I'd hate to have to replace you" sounds like it was actually spoken with real emotion. Suddenly I have this weird image of Mumm-ra as a father figure and he keeps trying to teach the cats to forgo emotion and seek power instead (emotion VS cold logic I guess) and the cats keep defying him, causing him no end of frustration. Even in the end, when he's talking to Lion-O, he doesn't sound like he wants to kill Lion-O because of any personal reason.

Which brings me to his speech. "Will you be the first of your kind to forsake emotion for power?" Um...what about the Tigers?? Okay, I guess it could be argued that they forsook everything cause of pride, which is an emotion. But I have to wonder at his phrase. Being 'the first of his kind' is sort of a red flag, does that mean there WILL be some cat who will forsake emotion for power later on? And who will it be? Someone not shown yet? Or one of the cast? It won't be Lion-O because that's just now how his char is built and it shows in this episode.

Also, a few people have been talking about which one Panthera seems more like, Cheetara or Pumyra. My own personal opinion is Cheetara; their names even sound more familiar. But more because when Panthera chides Leo, she does so calmly while Pumyra is far more likely to snark; see all the time she calls Lion-O king derisively.


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50508)
It doesn't matter that Lion-O didn't want it. Heck that probably made it worse. Someone getting something you want so much and he doesn't even actually want it, but yet you still can't have it.

Honestly if Lion-O had wanted it I think he and Tygra would've gotten along a little better (though still not totally) because then at least Lion-O would've taken his duties more seriously growing up.

So if I'm rich, I deserve to be hated by poor people simply because I'm rich? WTF? Sounds like the main villain from Princess Lover, who was a dumbass.

L08e16o 05-13-2012 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50548)
Flip through places like Tumblr and look at some of their blogs. The vast majority want(ed) Li/Chee fans.

Flip through forums akin to this one and outside of the opium den for Tygra obsessed fans known as TCLair, the majority want(ed) Li/Chee

Estimated 80% of fandom wanted Li/Chee but were given Ty/Chee because the crew does for themselves before they do for the fans.

And this is the reason I will not buy any DVDs or rewatch any past episdoes, because episodes 1-12 were all BS.

I know people complain about Kora, but at least it happen early and Mako is not a cocky prick.

Kora is also the lead character and she didn't lose in the triangle.

Thunderian scholar 05-13-2012 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 50528)
It's a bit weird that the best episode was written by Will Friedle, and not a series writer either.

I don't mind if Will writes the whole season, he knows his stuff :D ;)

Aaand didn't I suspected they would loose the SoP to Mumm-ra in the Curse of Ratilla thread? Maybe I got "sight beyond sight" LOL :D. First, great writing, doesn't felt rushed, gave lots of additional insights of how the swords came into creation, which was only shown the half part. Kaynar was goodly insane as ever, he's like the Joker. Liked Addicus' "Your crazier than Kaynar!" Great animations of Mumm-ra's transformation in the cave as well as Lion-O's sword call from a different perspective.

The mysterious answer by Lion-O to Mumm-ra's question "Your ancestor thought he could beat me as well… I'm still here! Where is he?!" "You're looking at him!" makes me wonder, what if Lion-O and Pumyra are reincarnations of Leo and Panthera? But I think, it's a pretty mindf**k… :rolleyes:

Sining 05-13-2012 07:42 AM

I think that's not a hint towards reincarnation but more of a 'I'm the proof of my ancestors existence' since Mumm-ra was saying he still existed while Leo was long since dead. That and the fact Lion-O experienced life as Leo

L08e16o 05-13-2012 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50491)
I was always curious to know exactly what Cleric's actual duties and responsibilites were in relation to the King.

I'm also curious if, when Lion-O told Cheetara that her "Jaga told me to" excuse and actions "changed everything," did that mean he has dismissed her from being his cleric?

There really has been zero Lion-O/Cheetara one-on-one interactions since New Alliances.

Part of why I'd like to know the Clerics duties and such to the King is, if part of those duties and such involve watching over Lion-O/protecting him, wouldn't it have made sense that Cheetara also go with Lion-O and Pumyra?

It just seems that after Lion-o's "everything's changed" scene, Cheetara hasn't really been shown being all that "clericy"

Totally agree. Since the kiss, she has forgotten what her dream was.

Right now Pumyra has replaced cheetara. Cheetara is only Tygra's GF. Nice how they take the main female and reduce her role.

SirSapphire 05-13-2012 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50548)
Flip through places like Tumblr and look at some of their blogs. The vast majority want(ed) Li/Chee fans.

Don't project you own desires onto other people, it's easy to flip though tumblr and see lots of Li/Chee fans, but there are just as many fans for other ships, including Ty/Chee, Li/Ty, and Li/Pum.


Flip through forums akin to this one and outside of the opium den for Tygra obsessed fans known as TCLair, the majority want(ed) Li/Chee
While there are Tygra fans on TCLair there are plenty of fan of other characters. Pumyra herself has (basically) two fan threads, the Wilys have their own fan thread, they just put up a poll for favorite villain, and there are tons of users who either don't like or are ambivalent to Tygra (I'm in the latter category myself). Point is: everyone gets equal time.


Estimated 80% of fandom wanted Li/Chee but were given Ty/Chee because the crew does for themselves before they do for the fans.
Hey, way to pull numbers out of your ass. Good job.

fuukonomiko 05-13-2012 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50557)
Totally agree. Since the kiss, she has forgotten what her dream was.

Right now Pumyra has replaced cheetara. Cheetara is only Tygra's GF. Nice how they take the main female and reduce her role.

I wouldn't cut out Cheetara YET. I would hate to see that because I've always thought she was awesome. They kinda messed with her poor character...especially episode 14. God I hated how that one played out. I write too, although not professionally so I can see some parts which could've/should've been done better without making her look like a bad character. She's supposed to be head cleric now too. Hopefully some redemption soon? The season is almost over. Pumyra is getting a lot of screen time recently because she is familiar with the mines and they probably want her to shine to be Lion-O's new love interest. Until I see the rest of the episodes (5 left til the finale!) I won't jump the gun.

L08e16o 05-13-2012 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50560)
I wouldn't cut out Cheetara YET. I would hate to see that because I've always thought she was awesome. They kinda messed with her poor character...especially episode 14. God I hated how that one played out. I write too, although not professionally so I can see some parts which could've/should've been done better without making her look like a bad character. She's supposed to be head cleric now too. Hopefully some redemption soon? The season is almost over. Pumyra is getting a lot of screen time recently because she is familiar with the mines and they probably want her to shine to be Lion-O's new love interest. Until I see the rest of the episodes (5 left til the finale!) I won't jump the gun.

Were fans, we always jump the gun.:D

Sining 05-13-2012 08:42 AM

i'm betting cliffhanger for this season as well

fuukonomiko 05-13-2012 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50562)
Were fans, we always jump the gun.:D

I know, lol. One of my friends is already having a semi-meltdown because he doesn't want Myra for Lion-O, lol. I say, be patient!

One other possible scenario I forgot to add in my "Kaynar's Oh The Possibilities" list is have Myra be Mumm-Ra's mole. Hey, we didn't know what happened those few minutes she disappeared into the mines and he captured her.

Conspiracy Theory anyone? :D :D :D

Dang, maybe I should apply to write for them, lol! Just a thought...

AlexofThundera 05-13-2012 09:35 AM

Awesome episode! By Jaga am I happy to be writing this yet again. Since the Hiatus the series has really gotten on track. I marked out big time when Lion-o did the Thundercats Ho!! He looked so much more "matured" in that scene. (It'll be cool when they post the HD screen caps on here. Definitely wall paper worthy).

Mummra having the SoP should make the battles a lot more interesting and balanced now. Looking forward to whats to come.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 50551)
So if I'm rich, I deserve to be hated by poor people simply because I'm rich? WTF? Sounds like the main villain from Princess Lover, who was a dumbass.

Yeah, his excuses rarely if ever actually make sense in a logical perspective.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 50555)
makes me wonder, what if Lion-O and Pumyra are reincarnations of Leo and Panthera? But I think, it's a pretty mindf**k… :rolleyes:

I can see Lion-o being the reincarnation of Leo but to not Pumyra being a reincarnation of Panthera.

With Pumyra, I see the Crew doing more of a cliche "history repeats itself" spin since Lion-O's mother the Queen bore a striking resemblance to a Puma aka a Mountain Lion.

Scary really; yet another way Thunercats 2011 mirrors Harry Potter.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50557)
Totally agree. Since the kiss, she has forgotten what her dream was.

Right now Pumyra has replaced cheetara. Cheetara is only Tygra's GF. Nice how they take the main female and reduce her role.

Well, they did the same to Lion-O. He went from being the main character in the OS to Tygra's whipping boy in the reboot.

Big Snarf 05-13-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 50556)
I think that's not a hint towards reincarnation but more of a 'I'm the proof of my ancestors existence' since Mumm-ra was saying he still existed while Leo was long since dead. That and the fact Lion-O experienced life as Leo

Yea like sying leo's legacy continues and mumm'ra is going to be the ever living loser. Maybe mumm-ra should just kill himself now :D:D:D:D

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 50558)
Don't project you own desires onto other people, it's easy to flip though tumblr and see lots of Li/Chee fans, but there are just as many fans for other ships, including Ty/Chee, Li/Ty, and Li/Pum.

While there are Tygra fans on TCLair there are plenty of fan of other characters. Pumyra herself has (basically) two fan threads, the Wilys have their own fan thread, they just put up a poll for favorite villain, and there are tons of users who either don't like or are ambivalent to Tygra (I'm in the latter category myself). Point is: everyone gets equal time.

Hey, way to pull numbers out of your ass. Good job.

Awww you got your diapers all dirty throwing a hissy fit over facts.

Never said there weren't fans of other ships; I just pointed out the fact that the majority does ship Li/Chee.

Sadly, TCLair has become all to well known as a bastion for overly obsessed Tygrashippers. While there are fans of other pairings, they usually get lynched on that site by Tygra fans. And I'm not the only one who sees this either. There are quite a few here who also agree that TClair has gone downhill thanks to certain members Tygra obsession.

No, way to compile figures using standard math equations. Not my problem if you don't like the results.

Buck up cupcake; it's not the end of the world.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50560)
I wouldn't cut out Cheetara YET. I would hate to see that because I've always thought she was awesome. They kinda messed with her poor character...especially episode 14. God I hated how that one played out. I write too, although not professionally so I can see some parts which could've/should've been done better without making her look like a bad character. She's supposed to be head cleric now too. Hopefully some redemption soon? The season is almost over. Pumyra is getting a lot of screen time recently because she is familiar with the mines and they probably want her to shine to be Lion-O's new love interest. Until I see the rest of the episodes (5 left til the finale!) I won't jump the gun.

I just hope the Crew won't pull the same moronic nonsense with Lion-O and Pumyra that they did with Lion-O and Cheetara.

If they spend all this time highlighting a Lion-O/Pumyra relationship then have her run off to Bengali or the like, WB studios might end up having to deal with a fanbased siege that would put the LA riots to shame.

Big Snarf 05-13-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50557)
Totally agree. Since the kiss, she has forgotten what her dream was.

Right now Pumyra has replaced cheetara. Cheetara is only Tygra's GF. Nice how they take the main female and reduce her role.

Maybe she is the traitor. She is the one who wanted to go get the sword and she broke the curse to release it plus we know nothing about her :confused::confused:

Big Snarf 05-13-2012 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50565)
I know, lol. One of my friends is already having a semi-meltdown because he doesn't want Myra for Lion-O, lol. I say, be patient!

One other possible scenario I forgot to add in my "Kaynar's Oh The Possibilities" list is have Myra be Mumm-Ra's mole. Hey, we didn't know what happened those few minutes she disappeared into the mines and he captured her.

Conspiracy Theory anyone? :D :D :D

Dang, maybe I should apply to write for them, lol! Just a thought...

Someone is a mole. I do suspect pumyra but that would be too obvious. Cheetara is looking more and more like the mole and its not because jaga told her to :D:D

FreakinZoid 05-13-2012 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 50558)
Don't project you own desires onto other people, it's easy to flip though tumblr and see lots of Li/Chee fans, but there are just as many fans for other ships, including Ty/Chee, Li/Ty, and Li/Pum.

While there are Tygra fans on TCLair there are plenty of fan of other characters. Pumyra herself has (basically) two fan threads, the Wilys have their own fan thread, they just put up a poll for favorite villain, and there are tons of users who either don't like or are ambivalent to Tygra (I'm in the latter category myself). Point is: everyone gets equal time.

Hey, way to pull numbers out of your ass. Good job.

Sorry to tell you SS but even I have noticed there seems to be more fans agreeing on a Lion-o/Cheetara pairing than anything else.

Actually, one of the reasons why I never signed up at TClair was after reading many of the comments, it did seem like the Tygrashipping was above average crazy there. Not saying there aren't fans of others on that site but they seem to get drowned out by the Tygra fans.

No need for you to throw in that last line. All it does it make you seem like a spolied child who wants to take their toys and go home because they don't like how the other kids are playing.

FreakinZoid 05-13-2012 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50560)
I wouldn't cut out Cheetara YET. I would hate to see that because I've always thought she was awesome. They kinda messed with her poor character...especially episode 14. God I hated how that one played out. I write too, although not professionally so I can see some parts which could've/should've been done better without making her look like a bad character. She's supposed to be head cleric now too. Hopefully some redemption soon? The season is almost over. Pumyra is getting a lot of screen time recently because she is familiar with the mines and they probably want her to shine to be Lion-O's new love interest. Until I see the rest of the episodes (5 left til the finale!) I won't jump the gun.

I agree. There is still a chance for the Crew to redeem Cheetara's character.

We need to be patient and cross our fingers the writers and staff at least try to fix some of the mistakes they created.

FreakinZoid 05-13-2012 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50562)
Were fans, we always jump the gun.:D

You'd think more people would understand this and not flip their lids at other fans so much.

FreakinZoid 05-13-2012 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50573)
I can see Lion-o being the reincarnation of Leo but to not Pumyra being a reincarnation of Panthera.

With Pumyra, I see the Crew doing more of a cliche "history repeats itself" spin since Lion-O's mother the Queen bore a striking resemblance to a Puma aka a Mountain Lion.

Scary really; yet another way Thunercats 2011 mirrors Harry Potter.

I can't help but agree with you on this.

I also agree (and laughed because it is so true) about TC mirroring HP.

FreakinZoid 05-13-2012 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50577)
Awww you got your diapers all dirty throwing a hissy fit over facts.

Never said there weren't fans of other ships; I just pointed out the fact that the majority does ship Li/Chee.

Sadly, TCLair has become all to well known as a bastion for overly obsessed Tygrashippers. While there are fans of other pairings, they usually get lynched on that site by Tygra fans. And I'm not the only one who sees this either. There are quite a few here who also agree that TClair has gone downhill thanks to certain members Tygra obsession.

No, way to compile figures using standard math equations. Not my problem if you don't like the results.

Buck up cupcake; it's not the end of the world.

Hey now. While SS was over the top rude to you, don't sink to their level and be just as rude to them. Remember, while it might seem fun, two wrongs never make a right.

FreakinZoid 05-13-2012 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 50579)
Maybe she is the traitor. She is the one who wanted to go get the sword and she broke the curse to release it plus we know nothing about her :confused::confused:

Hmmmm, Cheetara being a sleeper agent? Interesting possibility.

Eclipse 05-13-2012 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50484)
I think it had more to do with Mumm-Ra's ideal that emotions such as love and loyalty are weaknesses. He wanted to show Lion-O that in choosing to save Pumyra, he gave Mumm-Ra his greatest weapon back.

That, too. The episode showed a lot about his former relationship with the cats and it fits perfectly.

As well as the fact that the last time he fought Lion-O with the SoO and the Spirit Stone he went back home crying. He needed to distract him in order to get the SoP, which will give him an edge in future encounters.

Two birds, one stone, I mean sword.

AnonymousIncognito 05-13-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by FreakinZoid (Post 50587)
Hey now. While SS was over the top rude to you, don't sink to their level and be just as rude to them. Remember, while it might seem fun, two wrongs never make a right.

Meh, you're probably right.

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