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mihoshi 03-25-2012 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40593)
I just rewatched it too. While Cheetara was (barely) holding her own, Slithe had Lion-O on his knees and out of breath by the time Tygra was captured. I still hold they would've lost with Tygra down and Kaynar free to help the other mutants.

I agree. Of course, Kaynar would have killed Tygra first to show they meant business. It was a lose-lose situation for Lion-O and Cheetara. Only luck by the name of Panthro saved them.

Cheetara should have kept her mouth shut about choosing Tygra as the reason though. Either say nothing, or say you can't sacrifice a comrade. Keep your feelings out of it.

stac 03-25-2012 12:39 PM

This love triangle is a disaster and the writers did a terrible job in handling the way it unravelled. While their aim must have been to make the viewers feel the same ‘betrayal’ Lion-O felt, they wrecked Cheetara’s character in the process.

I disagree with those who say Lion-O was reckless in his attempt to free the captured lizards. After all, he did not know about the new Generals. Granted, while Lion-O responses to Cheetara may have been emotionally charged, I feel his actions were not. They were rational and fit in with his overall strategy. Indeed, it was Lion-O who kept working towards the vision of uniting all animals.

This ‘post-kiss’ Cheetara has completely changed the power dynamics within the team. Cheetara’s decision to surrender was made out of desperation, to buy more time (for Tygra). However, as we saw, the moment she did that, they lost any chance they had of surviving the battle. Lion-O was right to want to continue fighting, it was the right strategy. Cheetara, on the other hand acted on her emotions. The line “I need to stick with him” was very revealing.

Also, I was under the belief that the Clerics’ job was to protect the King. Cheetara might as well have knocked Lion-O unconscious herself and handed him over to Slythe.

El Lunatak 03-25-2012 01:03 PM

Addicus and Kaynar were awesome! Can't wait to see what they do with Vultureman when they eventually bring him in as well.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40594)
I know ya'll want to see Tygra killed, but that's not how Thundercats should act. When it comes to a choice to surrender and having a chance they would survive (even a slim chance) or to keep fighting and one of them having a guaranteed death, a Thundercat should choose to keep everyone alive.

Didn't say I wanted him killed.

Did they know panthro was going to help them, no. Lion-o would've been killed first. Who do the clerics swear to serve, the king.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 40600)
Since it seems that many posters on this board are very anti-Cheetara, I am expecting to get a lot of grief over my post. Still, it is my opinion and I thought I would post it anyway.

Here's my take on it. I think the big picture of the episode has to do with the title. 'New Alliances' (unity)- this theme runs throughout the episode in different ways. First Mumm-Ra make his new alliances with Addicus and Kaynar to lead his army. Lion-O still stands by his idea that if the ThunderCats unite with their enemies, that they can defeat Mumm-Ra. Then, Lion-O completely defies his idea of unity by letting his emotions get the better of him and he acted impulsively by attacking the lizards alone.

Cheetara sided with Tygra, but I don't think it is because they are a couple. She knew it was a dangerous move because the lizards weren't willing to unite with the TC and they were still a threat. She has sided with Lion-O over Tygra many times and I think she will take the side of whoever has the opinion that she believes in for that instance. Lion-O was quite immature by reacting that way to her objection to attack. Here is is talking about unity and then he goes and starts a battle that he is outnumbered for and he put himself in danger. After Cheetara and Tygra joined him in the fight, they were still at a disadvantage because Addicus and Kaynar fight dirty and relentlessly for no other satisfaction than shedding blood. Lion-O let his emotions get the best of him.

The lizards were fighting under Mumm-Ra because they were forced into being soldiers. The new generals love war and are motivated to kill. This makes them far more dangerous. Kaynar got Tygra in a position where his life was in danger. The choice was given: surrender or Tygra is dead. Cheetara threw down her staff and tried to buy him some time. Lion-O wanted to keep fighting, even if Tygra's life would have been lost. When she said "I need to stick with him" I think she said that because they were acting like a team, unified and looking out for one another; Lion-O was acting like a rogue without any regard for the unity he so desperately wants. I don't think it had anything to do with them being a couple but rather it was acting unified as a team. She wasn't willing to have a teammate killed over a poor decision not to admit they were defeated. Panthro and his new arms and suped up new ThunderTank saved the day.

I believe that the Lion-O supporters will see Cheetara even more negatively than they already had. She and Tygra had some sweet moments in the beginning. Lion-O tried to wish them well, but told Cheetara that he hadn't meant it and that he was confused and thought their was something between them. She explained that she still does support him and believe in him and that Jaga had asked her to watch over him. She feels that nothing between them has changed except that her heart belongs to someone else. He said that it changes everything and walked away from her. I thought he felt betrayed, but I think she did too. He sees her differently now that he knows they won't be romantically involved? I think she felt just a betrayed as he did.

Lion-O was acting like a spoiled child, plain and simple. He went against the team, broke their unity and nearly got them all killed. He let his emotions get the best of him. A king needs to do better than that. Tygra didn't leave his brother, he stood by him even thought he should never have charged into that dangerous situation. Cheetara and Tygra seem to understand unity, but Lion-O still has some growing up to do. I also think that once Pumyra comes into the mix, he may forget all about the lovely cleric. He was nothing more than an angsty teen in this episode, in my humble opinion.

So, I don't see Cheetara as a seductress or as anything more than a beautiful cleric who was the object of a crush by the new king. He misread her intentions, but she was always doing her job as cleric, protecting him and fighting for their cause. She supported Lion-O on every mission except the one where he wanted to charge a group of lizards that they had already bested and set free, but who rejoined Mumm-Ra's army anyway. To question her loyalty is ridiculous. She has proven it time and time again.

I also believe that if Cheetara had told Tygra to take a hike and had given her heart to Lion-O that many posters would defend her actions and have a completely different opinion of her. I think that many fans wanted a Lion-O/Cheetara ship and, that not being the direction that the show has taken, fans have turned against Cheetara and are comparing her with the enemy. I think that is over the top and I hate that a strong female character is ultimately defined by her ship rather than her own actions.

Just my two sense. I know the backlash is coming.

Disagree. Wait until you see the next episode. We are upset how she played him.

You think the T/C/L triangle would be bad, pumyra and lion-o will be worse.

Pumyra will not be lion-o's support, she is not a main character and there has never been a ship of pumyra with lion-o. It has been tgyra and pumyra or Bengalia and pumyra. I don't think lion-o will forget about cheetara after the spirit cheetara kisses him in episode 15.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 40615)
This love triangle is a disaster and the writers did a terrible job in handling the way it unravelled. While their aim must have been to make the viewers feel the same ‘betrayal’ Lion-O felt, they wrecked Cheetara’s character in the process.

I disagree with those who say Lion-O was reckless in his attempt to free the captured lizards. After all, he did not know about the new Generals. Granted, while Lion-O responses to Cheetara may have been emotionally charged, I feel his actions were not. They were rational and fit in with his overall strategy. Indeed, it was Lion-O who kept working towards the vision of uniting all animals.

This ‘post-kiss’ Cheetara has completely changed the power dynamics within the team. Cheetara’s decision to surrender was made out of desperation, to buy more time (for Tygra). However, as we saw, the moment she did that, they lost any chance they had of surviving the battle. Lion-O was right to want to continue fighting, it was the right strategy. Cheetara, on the other hand acted on her emotions. The line “I need to stick with him” was very revealing.

Also, I was under the belief that the Clerics’ job was to protect the King. Cheetara might as well have knocked Lion-O unconscious herself and handed him over to Slythe.


Jaga and the Book of Omens showed he needed to free the animals to beat mummra. Tygra was not interested in freeing them. This is what makes lion-o different, he cares.

Lion-o felt more betrayed by cheetara when she quit on him.

Right now cheetara is so OOC. What happened with the clerics duty. I think if jaga knew this would happen, he would never ask her to help him.

bronwynn 03-25-2012 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40622)
Disagree. Wait until you see the next episode. We are upset how she played him.

You think the T/C/L triangle would be bad, pumyra and lion-o will be worse.

Pumyra will not be lion-o's support, she is not a main character and there has never been a ship of pumyra with lion-o. It has been tgyra and pumyra or Bengalia and pumyra. I don't think lion-o will forget about cheetara after the spirit cheetara kisses him in episode 15.

When was Tygra shipped with Pumyra? I know the comics had shipped Tygra with Cheetara where they went on to have twin sons. I don't ever remember the OS ever really having any ships. Lion-O was much younger than the rest of the adult TC and I don't remember any real ships.

Tracer 03-25-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 40615)
This love triangle is a disaster and the writers did a terrible job in handling the way it unravelled. While their aim must have been to make the viewers feel the same ‘betrayal’ Lion-O felt, they wrecked Cheetara’s character in the process.

I disagree with those who say Lion-O was reckless in his attempt to free the captured lizards. After all, he did not know about the new Generals. Granted, while Lion-O responses to Cheetara may have been emotionally charged, I feel his actions were not. They were rational and fit in with his overall strategy. Indeed, it was Lion-O who kept working towards the vision of uniting all animals.

This ‘post-kiss’ Cheetara has completely changed the power dynamics within the team. Cheetara’s decision to surrender was made out of desperation, to buy more time (for Tygra). However, as we saw, the moment she did that, they lost any chance they had of surviving the battle. Lion-O was right to want to continue fighting, it was the right strategy. Cheetara, on the other hand acted on her emotions. The line “I need to stick with him” was very revealing.

Also, I was under the belief that the Clerics’ job was to protect the King. Cheetara might as well have knocked Lion-O unconscious herself and handed him over to Slythe.

Well said,

You don't surrender to anyone who tried to exterminate your entire race and expect things to end well for you and your friends. She knew this but chose Tygra over all.

I really hate what the writers have done here.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 40625)
When was Tygra shipped with Pumyra? I know the comics had shipped Tygra with Cheetara where they went on to have twin sons. I don't ever remember the OS ever really having any ships. Lion-O was much younger than the rest of the adult TC and I don't remember any real ships.

No one consider the comics cannon unless you are ok with cheetara being raped.

When I mean ship, I mean fanfics. Sorry.

80 catoons couldn't but the writers said they would if they could.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 02:17 PM

Lion-o has a vision to unite the animal against mummra, his subjects should follow his vision. Tygra doesn't want to free the animals and now cheetara agrees with him.

Good thing lion-o sent kit and kat back to the village.

bronwynn 03-25-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40627)
No one consider the comics cannon unless you are ok with cheetara being raped.

When I mean ship, I mean fanfics. Sorry.

80 catoons couldn't but the writers said they would if they could.

Thanks for clearing that up. Yes, the fanfics are overwhelmingly pro Lion-O/Cheetara ship. In fact, I am enjoying many of the fanfics more than the actual show. There are some great fics out there.

stormbringer 03-25-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40628)
Lion-o has a vision to unite the animal against mummra, his subjects should follow his vision. Tygra doesn't want to free the animals and now cheetara agrees with him.

Good thing lion-o sent kit and kat back to the village.

Cheetara has become a love sick fool. Before she was agreeing with Lion-o, but now her only reason for doing or thinking anything, is because of Tygra. There's some definate sexist overtones here.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40540)
I haven't seen the movie yet (going tomorrow) But I have read the book and I don't really see how anyone could feel for Gale. Gale ends up being kinda a jerk. Peeta was the one being played in the first book, not Gale.

Did you like it?

Remember I only seen the movie and they made Gale as a nice guy.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 40629)
Thanks for clearing that up. Yes, the fanfics are overwhelmingly pro Lion-O/Cheetara ship. In fact, I am enjoying many of the fanfics more than the actual show. There are some great fics out there.

I never seen a P/L fanfic and I would never think that would happen.

It is popular.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40630)
Cheetara has become a love sick fool. Before she was agreeing with Lion-o, but now her only reason for doing or thinking anything, is because of Tygra. There's some definate sexist overtones here.

Well cheetara, lion-o dies in the next episode and tygra is the Lord of the thundercats.

In a way you could say she was protecting the future king.:D

stormbringer 03-25-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40633)
What doesn't makes sense is all these years and the stuff she is doing to lion-o (Jaga said watch over him), now she is all about tygra.

Well cheetara, lion-o dies in the next episode and tygra is the Lord of the thundercats.

In a way you could say she was protecting the future king.:D

Now she can justify her dereliction of duty! That Jelenic, always thinking ahead.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40635)
Now she can justify her dereliction of duty! That Jelenic, always thinking ahead.


You know what is werid is when the cats get captured in 15, tygra causes a distraction to get the upper hand. They could've done something like that too.

stormbringer 03-25-2012 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40636)

You know what is werid is when the cats get captured in 15, tygra causes a distraction to get the upper hand. They could've done something like that too.

There's really no way to justify Cheetara's blatant stupidity in yesterdays episode. Tygra better hope he never has to depend on Cheetara's wits in a battle, he'll be good as dead.

Jlogano20 03-25-2012 03:10 PM

wheres the HD screen caps???

L08e16o 03-25-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40637)
There's really no way to justify Cheetara's blatant stupidity in yesterdays episode. Tygra better hope he never has to depend on Cheetara's wits in a battle, he'll be good as dead.

It is like the cheetara from episode 1-12 doesn't exist anymore.

KurtulanSama 03-25-2012 05:08 PM

I just had the opportunity to watch the episodes. Overall I give something between 7 to 9.

Few things about the ambush though;

1: The captured lisards were prisoners and probably taken to get executed or something worse.

2: Lion'O was doing the right thing. He didn't know Kaynar and Addicus were there and Silthe and the foot soldiers were easy to deal with.(He wanted to show that cats will be there for them too and nver abandon them.?

3: Tygra is a fully trained warrior. It is actually easy for him to escape from that situation. He trusted that he could buy enough time to let Tygra escape the bonds(and it was his own whip for someones sake)

Cheetara was too naive. While fighting someone it is easy to understand their personality.(I study martial arts.) There was no mercy in borh Monkian's and Addicus' fighting styles and we know Slithe is merciless.

One little detail about why surrendering is a bad idea: Remember they have the Spirit Stone and the War Stone. WHO WOULD LET THEM GO IN THAT SITUATION.

Cheetara was just too naive or being a b...h to prove Lion'O is wrong. Anywats, they were lucky that Panthro showed up and saved the day.

BTW loved thee new Thundertank but I am not sure if I liked Panthro's new arms.

SPLIT LIP 03-25-2012 06:09 PM

The animation here was kinda blah.

Ruthie 03-25-2012 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 40600)
Since it seems that many posters on this board are very anti-Cheetara, I am expecting to get a lot of grief over my post. Still, it is my opinion and I thought I would post it anyway.

Here's my take on it. I think the big picture of the episode has to do with the title. 'New Alliances' (unity)- this theme runs throughout the episode in different ways. First Mumm-Ra make his new alliances with Addicus and Kaynar to lead his army. Lion-O still stands by his idea that if the ThunderCats unite with their enemies, that they can defeat Mumm-Ra. Then, Lion-O completely defies his idea of unity by letting his emotions get the better of him and he acted impulsively by attacking the lizards alone.

Cheetara sided with Tygra, but I don't think it is because they are a couple. She knew it was a dangerous move because the lizards weren't willing to unite with the TC and they were still a threat. She has sided with Lion-O over Tygra many times and I think she will take the side of whoever has the opinion that she believes in for that instance. Lion-O was quite immature by reacting that way to her objection to attack. Here is is talking about unity and then he goes and starts a battle that he is outnumbered for and he put himself in danger. After Cheetara and Tygra joined him in the fight, they were still at a disadvantage because Addicus and Kaynar fight dirty and relentlessly for no other satisfaction than shedding blood. Lion-O let his emotions get the best of him.

The lizards were fighting under Mumm-Ra because they were forced into being soldiers. The new generals love war and are motivated to kill. This makes them far more dangerous. Kaynar got Tygra in a position where his life was in danger. The choice was given: surrender or Tygra is dead. Cheetara threw down her staff and tried to buy him some time. Lion-O wanted to keep fighting, even if Tygra's life would have been lost. When she said "I need to stick with him" I think she said that because they were acting like a team, unified and looking out for one another; Lion-O was acting like a rogue without any regard for the unity he so desperately wants. I don't think it had anything to do with them being a couple but rather it was acting unified as a team. She wasn't willing to have a teammate killed over a poor decision not to admit they were defeated. Panthro and his new arms and suped up new ThunderTank saved the day.

I believe that the Lion-O supporters will see Cheetara even more negatively than they already had. She and Tygra had some sweet moments in the beginning. Lion-O tried to wish them well, but told Cheetara that he hadn't meant it and that he was confused and thought their was something between them. She explained that she still does support him and believe in him and that Jaga had asked her to watch over him. She feels that nothing between them has changed except that her heart belongs to someone else. He said that it changes everything and walked away from her. I thought he felt betrayed, but I think she did too. He sees her differently now that he knows they won't be romantically involved? I think she felt just a betrayed as he did.

Lion-O was acting like a spoiled child, plain and simple. He went against the team, broke their unity and nearly got them all killed. He let his emotions get the best of him. A king needs to do better than that. Tygra didn't leave his brother, he stood by him even thought he should never have charged into that dangerous situation. Cheetara and Tygra seem to understand unity, but Lion-O still has some growing up to do. I also think that once Pumyra comes into the mix, he may forget all about the lovely cleric. He was nothing more than an angsty teen in this episode, in my humble opinion.

So, I don't see Cheetara as a seductress or as anything more than a beautiful cleric who was the object of a crush by the new king. He misread her intentions, but she was always doing her job as cleric, protecting him and fighting for their cause. She supported Lion-O on every mission except the one where he wanted to charge a group of lizards that they had already bested and set free, but who rejoined Mumm-Ra's army anyway. To question her loyalty is ridiculous. She has proven it time and time again.

I also believe that if Cheetara had told Tygra to take a hike and had given her heart to Lion-O that many posters would defend her actions and have a completely different opinion of her. I think that many fans wanted a Lion-O/Cheetara ship and, that not being the direction that the show has taken, fans have turned against Cheetara and are comparing her with the enemy. I think that is over the top and I hate that a strong female character is ultimately defined by her ship rather than her own actions.

Just my two sense. I know the backlash is coming.

This. And shame on you for making so much sense.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 40651)
I just had the opportunity to watch the episodes. Overall I give something between 7 to 9.

Few things about the ambush though;

1: The captured lisards were prisoners and probably taken to get executed or something worse.

2: Lion'O was doing the right thing. He didn't know Kaynar and Addicus were there and Silthe and the foot soldiers were easy to deal with.(He wanted to show that cats will be there for them too and nver abandon them.?

3: Tygra is a fully trained warrior. It is actually easy for him to escape from that situation. He trusted that he could buy enough time to let Tygra escape the bonds(and it was his own whip for someones sake)

Cheetara was too naive. While fighting someone it is easy to understand their personality.(I study martial arts.) There was no mercy in borh Monkian's and Addicus' fighting styles and we know Slithe is merciless.

One little detail about why surrendering is a bad idea: Remember they have the Spirit Stone and the War Stone. WHO WOULD LET THEM GO IN THAT SITUATION.

Cheetara was just too naive or being a b...h to prove Lion'O is wrong. Anywats, they were lucky that Panthro showed up and saved the day.

BTW loved thee new Thundertank but I am not sure if I liked Panthro's new arms.

I love the new thundertank and Panthro's arms too. He looked great.

stormbringer 03-25-2012 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40644)
It is like the cheetara from episode 1-12 doesn't exist anymore.

At this point I find Cheetara more villainous than the "bad guys". She is a danger to the whole team, Jaga's ghost needs to come out of the Book, and demote Cheetara and train the Wilykittens to be clerics.

cmangund 03-25-2012 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40598)
Jms wrote this crap?!? He must be affected by the same brain killing parasites that have afflicted Cheetara.:p

I think Jelenic wrote the triangle, anorexic ho mess and JMD will write the L/C fix slowly. and put the anorexic ho back to the Justice Lord Universe while pulling out the real cheetara. JMD also wrote EP 4 the one with the L/C" almost kiss" moment back then.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 40608)
War isn't about being honorable or moral. If the cats are a disadvantage because their opponent will fight dirty, they're kinda boned. Because all their opponents will fight dirty. If they're still not used to that after 1 season, I'm not certain what to say other than they adapt very slowly.

So you want the Tcats to start fighting dirty? They're the heroes. They're supposed to be honorable and moral. This is a cartoon for kids not a real life war.

stormbringer 03-25-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 40671)
I think Jelenic wrote the triangle, anorexic ho mess and JMD will write the L/C fix slowly. and put the anorexic ho back to the Justice Lord Universe while pulling out the real cheetara. JMD also wrote EP 4 the one with the L/C" almost kiss" moment back then.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Thank goodness, this show has damaged the characters, that's bad enough, but if someone of JMD'S talent gets ruined by this show...

Balgus82 03-25-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40622)

Pumyra will not be lion-o's support, she is not a main character and there has never been a ship of pumyra with lion-o. .

I love how you seem to know exactly how Pymyra will be portrayed in the show. Are you psychic now?

cmangund 03-25-2012 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40673)
Thank goodness, this show has damaged the characters, that's bad enough, but if someone of JMD'S talent gets ruined by this show...

I don't think JMD will like his rep ruined by writing some "false love".
I think Jelenic knew the Anorexic ho Triangle mess he wrote was really meesy and cannot find a way to fix it thus needed someone in JMD's caliber to fix the mess. :D
Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40627)
No one consider the comics cannon unless you are ok with cheetara being raped.

When I mean ship, I mean fanfics. Sorry.

80 catoons couldn't but the writers said they would if they could.

fanfics can and do have every single ship you can think of. There's even Lion-O/Tygra ships.

stormbringer 03-25-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 40675)
I don't think JMD will like his rep ruined by writing some "false love".
I think Jelenic knew the Anorexic ho Triangle mess he wrote was really meesy and cannot find a way to fix it thus needed someone in JMD's caliber to fix the mess. :D

Darth Cheetara must be stopped!:D

Balgus82 03-25-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 40671)
I think Jelenic wrote the triangle, anorexic ho mess and JMD will write the L/C fix slowly. and put the anorexic ho back to the Justice Lord Universe while pulling out the real cheetara. JMD also wrote EP 4 the one with the L/C" almost kiss" moment back then.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

you know I really don't understand you. You seem to hate Cheetara with a passion but you STILL want her with Lion-O.

cmangund 03-25-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40677)
Darth Cheetara must be stopped!:D

If Darth Cheetara meets Darth Vader, wonder what will happen...:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40669)
At this point I find Cheetara more villainous than the "bad guys". She is a danger to the whole team, Jaga's ghost needs to come out of the Book, and demote Cheetara and train the Wilykittens to be clerics.

At least lion-o knows where he stands with mummra.:D

Couldn't believe she risk lion-o's life to protect tygra.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40672)
So you want the Tcats to start fighting dirty? They're the heroes. They're supposed to be honorable and moral. This is a cartoon for kids not a real life war.

Turning invisible is not dirty?

stormbringer 03-25-2012 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 40679)
If Darth Cheetara meets Darth Vader, wonder what will happen...:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

She'll tease Vader, and kiss Emperor Palpatine leading to Vader throwing him in a pit.:p

L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40674)
I love how you seem to know exactly how Pymyra will be portrayed in the show. Are you psychic now?

Well, MJ said he wanted explore lion-o,tygra, cheetara, Panthro and the kids. Pumyra is not apart of the main group.

Yeah lion-o you will get two episodes with pumyra who has never had a ship with lion-o and tygra you are going to get ton of episodes with cheetara. That will not go well.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40676)
fanfics can and do have every single ship you can think of. There's even Lion-O/Tygra ships.

L/C started a long time ago.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40681)
Turning invisible is not dirty?

it's not any dirtier than Cheetara using her speed, Panthro using his strength, or Lion-O using the stones.

Joe Moore 03-25-2012 07:42 PM

Thundercats Ep 14 New Alliances HD Screen Caps

200 HD caps for the episode.

cmangund 03-25-2012 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40682)
She'll tease Vader, and kiss Emperor Palpatine leading to Vader throwing him in a pit.:p

Dude you are really cracking me up:D:D:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 40686)


L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40685)
it's not any dirtier than Cheetara using her speed, Panthro using his strength, or Lion-O using the stones.

I will give you that, but it seems more dirty an the others.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40685)
it's not any dirtier than Cheetara using her speed, Panthro using his strength, or Lion-O using the stones.

By the way, did you watch the movie? What did you think?

Balgus82 03-25-2012 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40690)
By the way, did you watch the movie? What did you think?

Nah it ended up being sold out and I watched John Carter instead (which was awesome).

L08e16o 03-25-2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40692)
Nah it ended up being sold out and I watched John Carter instead (which was awesome).

I liked JC too, but I heard disney lost a lot of money on it.

RedAlert Rescue 03-25-2012 09:04 PM

I wish people would say 'Shippin' rather than SHIPPING then I might get a clue that they are not talking about Boats or Spacecraft a bit quicker.

Oh and still can't find an HD copy of #14 online.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by RedAlert Rescue (Post 40696)
I wish people would say 'Shippin' rather than SHIPPING then I might get a clue that they are not talking about Boats or Spacecraft a bit quicker.

Oh and still can't find an HD copy of #14 online.

Sorry, Shippin.:D

Jlogano20 03-25-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 40686)

hey joe could you get an HD screen cap of the title screen??

you know it says "new alliances" and i think it was kits board or something

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