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Paul 05-05-2012 06:15 PM

was I the only one who thought; "cop a feel" when Tygra said 'let's make the most of it'?
Oh dear...:rolleyes:

Excellent episode, and great set up for the next one. Really enjoyed it on a great many levels. It reminded me of a Batman TAS episode "The Forgotten", which was always a fave of mine. Great set up, great knock down, good flash backs. Ratilla and the sword of plundar=Gollum and the ring, anyone?

On a completely different topic, as for this whole "buy more merchandise and the show survives" thing - I'll happily pre-order a DVD of this series (complete) and the next right now if that's an option.

fuukonomiko 05-05-2012 06:31 PM

On the other hand, I suspect that the kittens were left in Dog City.

How do we know Dobo didn't throw them in the arena for entertainment????

Eclipse 05-05-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49115)
I like the ship if it is done right. Say like in naruto, I really haven't made up my mind.

Didn't you see the smiley face?? I know you like tygra.

You know I don't do that many smileys. And I know you know I like Tygra, come on, it isn't such a big secret! :D <--- smiley. See? lmao


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49115)
You had a lot of Lion-o only episodes in the OS. Tcats could have a lot of episodes just about lion-o and it would still be popular.

Nah. Seriously.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49115)
Off topic. I like the legend of Korra. I saw some fans didn't like it. I only saw one episode. Have they started any ships? It looks like there could be a triangle in it.

Ships? In Legend of Korra? You've got to be kidding me! :D There's two triangles going on, involving both Korra/Mako/Bolin, and Mako/Korra/Asami. We had a kiss today and the other brother was left looking. I've got to say, despite his initial reaction, he took it like a man. And there's no bad blood between them.

You've got to see it :) Korra rocks.

Chique 05-05-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49123)
You know I don't do that many smileys. And I know you know I like Tygra, come on, it isn't such a big secret! :D <--- smiley. See? lmao

Nah. Seriously.

Ships? In Legend of Korra? You've got to be kidding me! :D There's two triangles going on, involving both Korra/Mako/Bolin, and Mako/Korra/Asami. We had a kiss today and the other brother was left looking. I've got to say, despite his initial reaction, he took it like a man. And there's no bad blood between them.

You've got to see it :) Korra rocks.

Yes, Bolin was very mature about it. He was obviously hurt, but he wasn't going to let it turn him into a douche. I ship just about everything, but Borra has a soft spot in my heart. He and Asami are the only ones I didnt want to punch in the throat today so :D

It's funny. Another triangle involving two brothers.
...but that's where the similarities end.

Balgus82 05-05-2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Talyn (Post 49092)
So if that place was called Mt. plundar, why the HELL didn't Mummra have his entire army there blowing the place up to find his gauntlet and sword? Seems dumb to be looking all over for hidden crystals when this one is so obvious and needed before the crystals anyway.

Maybe Mumm-Ra just didn't have a way of breaking the curse until Cheetara used Jaga's teachings to do it.

Balgus82 05-05-2012 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49099)
When he destroyed ratilla, he used more power than lion-o has shown.

Jaga is a cleric. All that power didn't come from the sword. It came from Jaga's cleric magic.

vantheman77 05-05-2012 09:27 PM

I wonder if Tygra and Cheetara getting the Sword of Plundarr was an unwitting favor to Mumm-Ra.

Balgus82 05-05-2012 09:32 PM

One thing I do like is that they're not trying to immediately put Lion-O and Pumyra together. It feels like they're taking it slow and letting him get over Cheetara first. There's flirtation of course, but nothing extreme or overt.

SirSapphire 05-05-2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49138)
One thing I do like is that they're not trying to immediately put Lion-O and Pumyra together. It feels like they're taking it slow and letting him get over Cheetara first. There's flirtation of course, but nothing extreme or overt.

That, and he seems confused and put off by the whole thing. Not by Pumyra herself, you can see that when he puts her arm over his shoulder as he helps her out of the rubble, he just doesn't want to get hurt again.

Covenant 05-05-2012 10:02 PM

It did surprise me that Cheetara broke the Sword of Plundarr out of its Jaga-magic enclosed prison. Why would she break Jaga's spell? Don't they get that the only reason Mumm Ra hasn't gotten his hands on his sword is because of Jaga's protective spell? Of course they have done Mumm Ra a big favor. Maybe now Mumm Ra will put up a little more of a fight against Lion-O.

Singe 05-05-2012 10:03 PM

*Pumyra punches the Rat.*
Lion-O: Hey get off him.
Pumyra: *growls*
Lion-O: 1, 2, 3, 4, get off.
Pumyra: Alright, alright.

Lion-O: No, don't kill him. A little mercy can go a long way.
Rat: What are the heck are you talking about? She busted my remaining good eye, broke my nose, busted some teeth out of my mouth, and I heard some species slurs. Oh rat, now my nose is bleeding. Do you know how bad it is for me with my anemic blood? Look my clothes is covered all in it. This is going to attract the bugs.
Pumyra: Do you still....
Lion-O: *Puts his hand on his face.* Just kill him.

Pumyra: *Pulls a knife.*
Lion-O: Wait don't kill him. *Sound of a neck snaps.*
Panthro: *Panthro is hugging a dead rat.* Oh! So we weren't going to kill them.

Balgus82 05-05-2012 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Covenant (Post 49142)
It did surprise me that Cheetara broke the Sword of Plundarr out of its Jaga-magic enclosed prison. Why would she break Jaga's spell? Don't they get that the only reason Mumm Ra hasn't gotten his hands on his sword is because of Jaga's protective spell? Of course they have done Mumm Ra a big favor. Maybe now Mumm Ra will put up a little more of a fight against Lion-O.

Thunderians were getting killed over it. If she didn't break the spell what's stopping Ratar-O from getting more slaves after they leave and trying again?
Not to mention she had to break it in order to stop the the curse from trying to kill them every two seconds.

SirSapphire 05-05-2012 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 49143)
*Pumyra punches the Rat.*
Lion-O: Hey get off him.
Pumyra: >:(
Lion-O: 1, 2, 3, 4, get off.
Pumyra: Alright, alright.

Lion-O: No, don't kill him. A little mercy can go a long way.
Rat: What are the heck are you talking about? She busted my remaining good eye, broke my nose, busted some teeth out of my mouth, and I heard some species slurs.

Lion-O: Fine, be that way. Go ahead and kill 'im, Pumyra.

AdamofEternia 05-05-2012 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49138)
One thing I do like is that they're not trying to immediately put Lion-O and Pumyra together. It feels like they're taking it slow and letting him get over Cheetara first. There's flirtation of course, but nothing extreme or overt.

im glad the writers are taking their time again to develop another relationship but correct me if im wrong didn't they take their time too with liono and cheetara in the early episodes just to pull a 180 at the season finale. i understand alot of people want liono to have his own love interest but, what if the writers are once again playing with the viewers with the L/P could be relationship. i remember someone posting whether pumyra might have a significant other that was perhaps enslaved.

SirSapphire 05-05-2012 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 49146)
im glad the writers are taking their time again to develop another relationship but correct me if im wrong didn't they take their time too with liono and cheetara in the early episodes just to pull a 180 at the season finale. i understand alot of people want liono to have his own love interest but, what if the writers are once again playing with the viewers with the L/P could be relationship. i remember someone posting whether pumyra might have a significant other that was perhaps enslaved.

It was a possibility, but I think it's unlikely given that she opted to stay with Lion-O rather than going off with the other refugees.

Yeah, it was sudden swerve at the end that ticked people off about Lion-O/Cheetara/Tygra relationship, I don't think they're going to use the same trick twice though.

Singe 05-05-2012 11:55 PM

On the offside, it's going to twist Jaga that his curse killed some of his own people. Of course, several episodes back Mumm-ra had a Jaga in a Jar Locator Device which he could have used to search for the Sword of Plundarr.

vantheman77 05-06-2012 01:21 AM

I just saw the episode online and it was a good episode. There are feelings between Lion-O and Pumyra with Panthro caught in the middle while Tygra and Cheetara have found and unearthed the Sword of Plundarr, which I can see did Mumm-Ra a favor unwittingly. The freed cat slaves have been positive towards Lion-O as I thought they'd blame him for not coming for them like Pumyra did in last episode. I enjoyed this episode than last week's. The twins are not in this episode as their storyline with Tookit will likely take place during this. Great episode as it will continue into Birth of the Blades next week.

KaleRylan 05-06-2012 05:48 AM

Okay, overall I would say that was one of the more fun action/fantasy episodes. Good guys were good, bad guys were bad, there was action. Overall this is what I want out of the show.

That said, I had a few plot-based annoyances.

1. I know it has precedence in the original show, but without an actual explanation I don't think they should've shown Jaga using the sword. It asks some very weird questions about why Tygra can't be king. The point has always been made that he's not in the bloodline, and I assumed part of the deal was they didn't want others using the sword, but by showing Jaga we're left with blood as LITERALLY the only thing stopping him, and that just seems retarded. Visually, the Jaga scene was still very cool though.

2. While it was animated really well, the way the fight with Ratar-o worked out annoyed me. The Sword of Omens has a long track-record of being able to block energy blasts, it should have worked here. Or he could have shot his own blast at Ratar-o. I watch this show for the sword as well as the characters. It's like the megazord in power rangers when I was a kid, if it had been punked all the time, I would have been annoyed too.

3. I think they missed out on yet ANOTHER chance to use Thundercats Ho in a really big hero moment. Are we going to see it at all this season? I mean, I assume we'll get it in the final fight, but I've started to even wonder that since they've continuously NOT used it in really big hero moments for pretty much this whole season/part 2.

Overall though, this was a great episode, and I really liked the Lion-o we saw here. I liked that he seemed to be honestly trying to get over Cheetara, I like his mercy and his strength. Though I do wish he would start fighting a bit better. They animate him like he barely knows how to use a sword, yet the duelist episode established that he's good enough to beat the best swordsman in the VILLAGE OF SWORDSMAN without even having the SoO, or even an un-broken sword.

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49085)
Some observations from this episode:

-It seems that Jaga was the Original Badass; he practically vaporised Ratilla and raised a mountain out of the ground. Mumm-Ra would not stand much of a chance against Jaga in his prime.

-The triangle (at least on Lion-O's part) hasn’t died out yet. Perhaps, this is him learning from his trials and trying a “different path.” Anyway, I’m sorry fellow Lion-O fans; it seems the writers enjoy toying with us too much.

-Lion-O’s face at Pumyra’s comment about finding someone else was simply priceless.

-I'm extremely scared for characterisation if the writers are planning on a triangle (or quadrangle) with Pumyra thrown into the mix. I hope they don’t make it any more ridiculous than it already is.

-A lot of T/C interaction in this episode. Why on earth couldn't the writers have done this from the beginning? On the other hand, that kiss was so cliché - Hey, the world is falling apart and instead of finding a way to escape, now seems like the appropriate time to spout a few cheesy lines and make out.

-Lion-O can defeat Mumm-Ra in a few seconds without much of a problem but has trouble with an overweight Rat who has a big mouth? After beating the Duelist and going through his trials? Do the writers plan on stabilising the characters skill levels and abilities anytime soon?

-When the mine was collapsing, no harm comes to Tygra and Cheetara due to the pure awesomeness of their love; in fact not even a single pebble falls on either one. Come on writers…

I agree with everything except I think leo was the original bad ass

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 49095)
There is a huge difference between the two fights.

Lion-O relies on the power of the sword and stone to win the fight, to make up for his low level skill of physical combat. It works against Mumm-ra since all he uses is magic. Our big rat, with both skill and physical strength beat back Lion-O, then it went to a magic battle which Lion-O can win at.

Not sure about hat lion-o was fighting better before he got the sword just look how he floored rataro with one punch. After he got the sword my guess would've been the eye red laser thing would've blasted the rat dropping out of rataro but no!! that didn't happen.

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49096)
This is lion-o's show, that is my problem with the entire thing. Also how the whole L/T/C thing was handled.

Well you got want you wanted. It is bad writing, why can jaga use the sword at full power. Why did cheetara say jaga's magic is in her. There are many things left out.

Lot of bad writing. I trying to figure out how the sword belonged to the rats before it belonged to mumm-ra :confused::confused::confused:. As to how jaga's magic flow through cheetara maybe the "old coot" comments that were posted are true :eek::eek::eek: Tygra says "NO!!!!! say it ain't so cheetara say it ain't so" :D:D:D:D

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49116)
I wouldn't be surprise if mummra gets the sword and beats lion-o.

I wonder why the released it :confused::confused::confused:. If the left it there mumm-ra probably couldn't get to it because of the curse.

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 49122)
On the other hand, I suspect that the kittens were left in Dog City.

How do we know Dobo didn't throw them in the arena for entertainment????

The kittens are way to clever for that to happen plus they have the mighty snarf at their side :D.

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 49137)
I wonder if Tygra and Cheetara getting the Sword of Plundarr was an unwitting favor to Mumm-Ra.

I wonder because of the fact they touched the sword of plundar if it will have some kind of ill effect on them

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Covenant (Post 49142)
It did surprise me that Cheetara broke the Sword of Plundarr out of its Jaga-magic enclosed prison. Why would she break Jaga's spell? Don't they get that the only reason Mumm Ra hasn't gotten his hands on his sword is because of Jaga's protective spell? Of course they have done Mumm Ra a big favor. Maybe now Mumm Ra will put up a little more of a fight against Lion-O.

Most likely because even in the OS when he got that sword he was real hard to beat

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 49180)
Okay, overall I would say that was one of the more fun action/fantasy episodes. Good guys were good, bad guys were bad, there was action. Overall this is what I want out of the show.

That said, I had a few plot-based annoyances.

1. I know it has precedence in the original show, but without an actual explanation I don't think they should've shown Jaga using the sword. It asks some very weird questions about why Tygra can't be king. The point has always been made that he's not in the bloodline, and I assumed part of the deal was they didn't want others using the sword, but by showing Jaga we're left with blood as LITERALLY the only thing stopping him, and that just seems retarded. Visually, the Jaga scene was still very cool though.

2. While it was animated really well, the way the fight with Ratar-o worked out annoyed me. The Sword of Omens has a long track-record of being able to block energy blasts, it should have worked here. Or he could have shot his own blast at Ratar-o. I watch this show for the sword as well as the characters. It's like the megazord in power rangers when I was a kid, if it had been punked all the time, I would have been annoyed too.

3. I think they missed out on yet ANOTHER chance to use Thundercats Ho in a really big hero moment. Are we going to see it at all this season? I mean, I assume we'll get it in the final fight, but I've started to even wonder that since they've continuously NOT used it in really big hero moments for pretty much this whole season/part 2.

Overall though, this was a great episode, and I really liked the Lion-o we saw here. I liked that he seemed to be honestly trying to get over Cheetara, I like his mercy and his strength. Though I do wish he would start fighting a bit better. They animate him like he barely knows how to use a sword, yet the duelist episode established that he's good enough to beat the best swordsman in the VILLAGE OF SWORDSMAN without even having the SoO, or even an un-broken sword.

If I had to guess as I've stated many posts back is that tygra would've never been king because in the absence of a lion to be king the head cleric would rule in place until another king comes along plus they did it for an OS moment by showing jaga with both swords.

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 07:13 AM

On a side note I really thought rataro was going to say "you dirty rat" when that old rat turned on him :D:D:D

L08e16o 05-06-2012 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 49189)
I wonder why the released it :confused::confused::confused:. If the left it there mumm-ra probably couldn't get to it because of the curse.

I wonder if mummra felt it. You know like LoTRs. The ring trying to return to its mater.

Thunderian scholar 05-06-2012 08:06 AM

Wow! Now that's an episode for a loong time to come. Epic battles, great animation - a bit too violent this time for Thundercats (well, it's soo unusual this time). I like when Pumyra said the next cat - she seems interested in Lion-O (though I'm no shipper, may it be T/C or L/P). I wonder if he can handle her LOL. The schmoozie-poosie between T/C was a bit too much (in the decaying cave-scene), since this episode was more action oriented. And I never knew that Jaga was that powerful O_o! Just image what happens next, when it's speaks around the cat slaves, that Lion-O hasn't forsaken his people, just by mouth-propaganga of the cat slave, who received the water. How much hope he can ignite among the former slaves, since their heading back to Thundera and rebuilt it.

SPINMASTER X 05-06-2012 08:43 AM

Now this was a Thundercats Episode! While I was watching it I was thinking "ABOUT DAMN TIME". They sure as hell made the best of 20 or so minutes.

Balgus82 05-06-2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 49180)
Okay, overall I would say that was one of the more fun action/fantasy episodes. Good guys were good, bad guys were bad, there was action. Overall this is what I want out of the show.

That said, I had a few plot-based annoyances.

1. I know it has precedence in the original show, but without an actual explanation I don't think they should've shown Jaga using the sword. It asks some very weird questions about why Tygra can't be king. The point has always been made that he's not in the bloodline, and I assumed part of the deal was they didn't want others using the sword, but by showing Jaga we're left with blood as LITERALLY the only thing stopping him, and that just seems retarded. Visually, the Jaga scene was still very cool though.

You have to be a Lion to be the king (unless there are no lions left). The line is passed down from father to son just like Royalty in real life. That doesn't mean you have to be a lion, or king to use the sword. The sword was around before Thundera was even founded, and by extension, before there was a king.

Balgus82 05-06-2012 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 49187)
Lot of bad writing. I trying to figure out how the sword belonged to the rats before it belonged to mumm-ra :confused::confused::confused:.

It didn't belong to them before it belonged to Mumm-Ra. They got it after Legacy while Mumm-Ra was still trapped.

Balgus82 05-06-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 49189)
I wonder why the released it :confused::confused::confused:. If the left it there mumm-ra probably couldn't get to it because of the curse.

And more slaves would've been sent to die trying to get it.

CreepySariFan 05-06-2012 12:35 PM

Man, the budget in this episode was just amazing. The Rat's Eye daggers were just a great shout-out to the originals. Sounds like Lion-O has won over more than just some of the Lizards too.

EDIT: I'm really starting to notice the Transformers Animated syndrome in this series, especially in this episode. If it wasn't already apparent in the New Alliances episode, they've really been trying to make the bad guys MORE dangerous. Everyone is critical of Lion-O seeming to be extremely inept at fighting, but this is on purpose. Hell, the only reason he probably even stands a chance at fighting against any of the Mutants is because of what he learned during the Duelist and the Drifter. As powerful as the Cats seem, the rest of the Mutants are not pushovers: it was their cunning that got the Cats to the top of the food chain.

So, like TFA, where ONE Decepticon was powerful enough to take on an entire squad of Autobots, we get something similar from Mumm-Ra himself, his generals, and now Ratar-O.

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49216)
It didn't belong to them before it belonged to Mumm-Ra. They got it after Legacy while Mumm-Ra was still trapped.

I think rataro said long before it was mumm-ra's it belong to the rats :confused::confused::confused:

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49217)
And more slaves would've been sent to die trying to get it.

They could've freed the slaves and defeat rataro just the same without even bothering with the sword

fuukonomiko 05-06-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 49227)
They could've freed the slaves and defeat rataro just the same without even bothering with the sword

Just because Jaga put a spell on it doesn't mean Mumm-Ra couldn't get to it. The cats figured they better get it before he does.

CreepySariFan 05-06-2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 49226)
I think rataro said long before it was mumm-ra's it belong to the rats :confused::confused::confused:

"Long before anyone knew it was once his, it was ours." -Ratar-O

Big Snarf 05-06-2012 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 49230)
"Long before anyone knew it was once his, it was ours." -Ratar-O


Big Snarf 05-06-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 49229)
Just because Jaga put a spell on it doesn't mean Mumm-Ra couldn't get to it. The cats figured they better get it before he does.

I would think finding his sword would be a top priority for him. They figured that they would hide it in the tower of omens where mumm-ra knows the secret location of it already :confused::confused:. Pumyra looks kind of suspect for now

Jack-Pumpkinhead 05-06-2012 02:41 PM

I liked the return of Rataro, very nicely done. And the Tygra/Cheetara stuff was funny, especially him being the strawman skeptic. I mean, he's seen a soul in a lamp and a giant mystic mummy, but there's no such thing as a curse?

Pumyra is growing on me. I love her coming onto Lion-O like that, and her voice is awesome (if only I could remember where I've heard it before).

Honestly, there wasn't a part of this I didn't like.

Chique 05-06-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jack-Pumpkinhead (Post 49234)
I liked the return of Rataro, very nicely done. And the Tygra/Cheetara stuff was funny, especially him being the strawman skeptic. I mean, he's seen a soul in a lamp and a giant mystic mummy, but there's no such thing as a curse?

Pumyra is growing on me. I love her coming onto Lion-O like that, and her voice is awesome (if only I could remember where I've heard it before).

Honestly, there wasn't a part of this I didn't like.

I think her most popular role would be Bobby Hill from King of the Hill.

VA's name is Pamela Adlon.

CreepySariFan 05-06-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 49236)
I think her most popular role would be Bobby Hill from King of the Hill.

VA's name is Pamela Adlon.

Man, not one mention of Spinelli from Disney's Recess. Screw you guys. :p

stormbringer 05-06-2012 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 49137)
I wonder if Tygra and Cheetara getting the Sword of Plundarr was an unwitting favor to Mumm-Ra.

Seems like it. If they'd left the sword alone, Mumm-ra would probably have never found it.

KaleRylan 05-06-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49216)
It didn't belong to them before it belonged to Mumm-Ra. They got it after Legacy while Mumm-Ra was still trapped.

Yes, but the point they're making is that the line that Ratar-o uses is very poorly worded. I believe he says, 'before anyone remembered it was Mumm-ra's, it was ours.' Which is actually fine, but if you don't pay attention, sounds like he's saying it was theirs first, and if you are paying attention, is just a completely pointless piece of information.

KaleRylan 05-06-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49217)
And more slaves would've been sent to die trying to get it.

I think the point being made is they were planning to save the slaves and defeat the rats already, and since the rats were the only ones who knew about it, if they stopped them, then they could have just left the sword there.

Eclipse 05-06-2012 07:53 PM

Just back from sashaying over to the Crew of Omens blog. There are a few answers to a number of questions, including a few made by Balgus and Sir Sapphire. Pumyra is a former soldier but not a medic, Jaga is "very" ancient, the rats came with the other animals in Mumm-Ra's ship and we'll see Dobo again. All in all, very informative :)

L08e16o 05-06-2012 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49263)
Just back from sashaying over to the Crew of Omens blog. There are a few answers to a number of questions, including a few made by Balgus and Sir Sapphire. Pumyra is a former soldier but not a medic, Jaga is "very" ancient, the rats came with the other animals in Mumm-Ra's ship and we'll see Dobo again. All in all, very informative :)


I wondered if she was a soldier; Dobo said they trained their soldiers well. I wonder if she is cheetara's age.

Jaga is awesome, I wonder if we find out more about him.

I wonder if Dobo will help the cats or sold them out to mummra?

KaleRylan 05-06-2012 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 49224)
Man, the budget in this episode was just amazing. The Rat's Eye daggers were just a great shout-out to the originals. Sounds like Lion-O has won over more than just some of the Lizards too.

EDIT: I'm really starting to notice the Transformers Animated syndrome in this series, especially in this episode. If it wasn't already apparent in the New Alliances episode, they've really been trying to make the bad guys MORE dangerous. Everyone is critical of Lion-O seeming to be extremely inept at fighting, but this is on purpose. Hell, the only reason he probably even stands a chance at fighting against any of the Mutants is because of what he learned during the Duelist and the Drifter. As powerful as the Cats seem, the rest of the Mutants are not pushovers: it was their cunning that got the Cats to the top of the food chain.

So, like TFA, where ONE Decepticon was powerful enough to take on an entire squad of Autobots, we get something similar from Mumm-Ra himself, his generals, and now Ratar-O.

I agree this was one of the better animated episodes.

As far as the Transformers Animated Syndrome, I never watched so I couldn't say, but I certainly hope that TA wasn't as badly done as the fights in this show. The problem with Thundercats fights is not that the mutants are strong. The mutants are pushovers... if the cats don't fight like morons. When the writers want the cats to win, they do so in two seconds using their most basic skills, when the writers want them to lose, the cats totally forget they have those same skills.

Probably the ONLY villain not guilty of this so far (and that's really because we've seen him only once) is Ratar-o. He seems to have been a legitimate threat. Though you still have to wonder why Lion-o doesn't use his laser.

KaleRylan 05-06-2012 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49263)
Just back from sashaying over to the Crew of Omens blog. There are a few answers to a number of questions, including a few made by Balgus and Sir Sapphire. Pumyra is a former soldier but not a medic, Jaga is "very" ancient, the rats came with the other animals in Mumm-Ra's ship and we'll see Dobo again. All in all, very informative :)

Interesting. That thing about Jaga seems like it's begging to be explained later. Is he one of the original cats? Was he friends with Leo? Is he himself the one that put the spell on the Sword of Omens?

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