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Lion O of savannah 09-07-2011 08:57 AM

ill keep my eyes open for you when i hit up my local Toys r us on friday serah. last time i was there last friday they had more than one.

snarfsnarf 09-08-2011 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by SerahGetzlaf15 (Post 15077)
Walmart in Santa Ana is pretty much cleared out tonight. Might be the back to school hordes, but there was slim pickings there for sure. Did see 4" Wily-Kit/Kat, Mumm-Ra, Tygra, the Thundertank, Sword of Omens and a few other misc items, but no Cheetara. :/

Haha, you didn't check your PM :p They were still there and so I grabbed a Cheetara for ya...let me know if you still need it

SerahGetzlaf15 09-09-2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by snarfsnarf (Post 15280)
Haha, you didn't check your PM :p They were still there and so I grabbed a Cheetara for ya...let me know if you still need it

Gah, I don't get notifications for this board anymore! ;___; I just responded to your PM BEFORE I saw this post, hehe. So, yeah, I do need that Cheetara - any chance we could meet up so I can get her? What was the final price, BTW? :D

snarfsnarf 09-09-2011 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by SerahGetzlaf15 (Post 15459)
Gah, I don't get notifications for this board anymore! ;___; I just responded to your PM BEFORE I saw this post, hehe. So, yeah, I do need that Cheetara - any chance we could meet up so I can get her? What was the final price, BTW? :D

No worries...and yep we can meet up, sent you another PM to figure it out. It was like $7 something but we can just call it $7

nitewing73 09-21-2011 11:02 AM

Finally picked up Panthro last week. They are showing up at Walmart locations now. I found them at the American Canyon Walmart and the Fairfield Walmart.

snarfsnarf 09-22-2011 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 17044)
Finally picked up Panthro last week. They are showing up at Walmart locations now. I found them at the American Canyon Walmart and the Fairfield Walmart.

Did they have any Grune? I have yet to see him anywhere

topnotch97 10-23-2011 02:38 PM

awfully quiet in here.

so i take stores are gearing up for the holidays, that's why i'm seeing more stuff that were hard to find initially?

me likey.

omens619 10-24-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by topnotch97 (Post 19550)
awfully quiet in here.

so i take stores are gearing up for the holidays, that's why i'm seeing more stuff that were hard to find initially?

me likey.

Yeah, it's pretty much easy to find the tcats in the stores now, but it's getting annoying seeing the same stuff everytime. :( Even though I can find every single figure now, it's still a pain to see that until next year we won't see any new waves. They should've released at least a new wave for the holidays. :mad:

snarfsnarf 10-25-2011 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by omens619 (Post 19612)
Yeah, it's pretty much easy to find the tcats in the stores now, but it's getting annoying seeing the same stuff everytime. :( Even though I can find every single figure now, it's still a pain to see that until next year we won't see any new waves. They should've released at least a new wave for the holidays. :mad:

I still can't find Grune anywhere, so that will keep me busy until the holidays

snarfsnarf 12-25-2011 01:13 AM

Happy Holidays!

nitewing73 01-03-2012 01:12 PM

I just came from the Target in San Ramon. Noticed they completed their action figure aisle reset and they had the 6-inch Thundercats Classics. Two Lion-O's and Two Mumm-Ra's. They had the deluxe figures minus Grune and a peg for the basic 4-inch figures. They also had the 4-pack with Lion-O/Tygra/Snarf and Mumm-Ra for 28.99. I picked up one of the Lion-O's. I prefer the headsculpt on the
8-inch classic but it's a cool figure nonetheless. If this is the permanent change and I get the remaining classic T'Cats than I'm happy. I hope they get to Bengali, Pumyra and Lynx-O.

cosmOthunderKats2610 01-04-2012 06:50 PM

nitewing73 01-05-2012 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by cosmOthunderKats2610 (Post 27769)

Where did u find those?

cosmOthunderKats2610 01-05-2012 08:54 PM

L1three 01-07-2012 12:42 AM

Hungtington Beach Walmart in California. Found 4" wave 2: Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro, Claudus, and Mumm-Ra The Ever Living (small wings). They also had some Cheetaras. I was looking for her for the longest time. Picked up 2 Cheetaras, 2 Claudus, and 1 Mumm-Ra. =)

snarfsnarf 01-07-2012 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by L1three (Post 28937)

Hungtington Beach Walmart in California. Found 4" wave 2: Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro, Claudus, and Mumm-Ra The Ever Living (small wings). They also had some Cheetaras. I was looking for her for the longest time. Picked up 2 Cheetaras, 2 Claudus, and 1 Mumm-Ra. =)

Went there last night and saw these guys minus Claudus, now I know where they all went

L1three 01-08-2012 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by snarfsnarf (Post 29001)
Went there last night and saw these guys minus Claudus, now I know where they all went

Sorry dude. There were still 2 hanging after my purchase. Wait a week or two, there should be more coming in.

nitewing73 01-09-2012 11:20 AM

Friday I was finally able to pick up Grune at Target in Dublin. Perfect timing cause it was payday too.

Saturday while I was waiting for my daughter stopped by Walmart close to her class and found Claudus and Mumm-Ra. I also saw the new Lion-O and Panthro but held off.

Death2Fanboys 01-22-2012 09:43 PM

Howdy Everyone! Hope every is having a great new year. Well, lets get down to business.

After a long hiatus I'm back on the hunt and this time I got me the new 6" Cheetara, Armor or Omes with Lion-O, and Classic Mumm-Ra at the WalMart in West Covina. So thrill to get them I even made a video. Check it out.

Yeah, I'm very VERY geeky :D

Next up to add is Storm Charger Deluxe Vehicle. Best of luck to all on getting yours.

L1three 01-28-2012 01:30 AM

Okay, I returned the Armor of Omens at the Walmart at the Buena Park shopping center in Orange county the evening of Jan. 27. Ready, set, GO!

Good luck guys.

nitewing73 03-26-2012 09:58 AM

I picked up a Thundertank and the Napa Walmart. I wasn't planning on getting it but it was on clearance for 8.00 and it was the only one there. Kind of a hard deal to pass up. I wanted Snarf so the 8.00 was worth it to me. I picked up the second version of Panthro too for 2.00 with the new arms.

snarfsnarf 03-27-2012 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 40767)
I picked up a Thundertank and the Napa Walmart. I wasn't planning on getting it but it was on clearance for 8.00 and it was the only one there. Kind of a hard deal to pass up. I wanted Snarf so the 8.00 was worth it to me. I picked up the second version of Panthro too for 2.00 with the new arms.

Not a bad price at all! Nice score...still nothing around here...have been looking for the new figures for months and nothing

OmniCat 03-29-2012 10:24 PM

$2?! Was that a weekend sale or what? They're still the same price down at the San Diego Walmart.

snarfsnarf 05-17-2012 01:01 AM

So looks like this toy line is dead?!? TRU's are have whats left on clearance and no sign of new stock anywhere

pallas 12-13-2012 06:20 PM

I just found wave 1 and 2 of the 4" figures at Fallas, went to 3 in my area and bought a bunch of them (the factory 2 U I stopped at didn't have any).

prices ranged from 1.99 to 3.99, it looks like wave 2 with the trading cards are 3.99 and the rest are 1.99

Factory 2 U does indeed have them, but they are getting wiped out by all the xmas shoppers hope some people grabbed some.

snarfsnarf 12-14-2012 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by pallas (Post 67151)
I just fount wave 1 and 2 of the 4" figures at Fallas, went to 3 in my area and bought a bunch of them (the factory 2 U I stopped at didn't have any).

prices ranged from 1.99 to 3.99, it looks like wave 2 with the trading cards are 3.99 and the rest are 1.99.

They had Claudus too? I found the Stormcharger at Tuesday Morning

pallas 12-16-2012 08:49 PM

Yes, I picked up an extra Claudus for 1.99 and I've seen him at Tuesday Morning for 3.99.

snarfsnarf 12-23-2012 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by pallas (Post 67253)
Yes, I picked up an extra Claudus for 1.99 and I've seen him at Tuesday Morning for 3.99.

I've been to tons of Tuesday Mornings and have yet to see Claudus...what area of So Cal are you in so I don't go to the stores you already bought from?

pallas 12-23-2012 10:45 PM

I'm in LA, the westside to specific.

The Tuesday Mornings have been pretty picked through by now and so have the Fallas but they had way more to start with so I would look there if you have one in your area.

pallas 02-12-2013 03:07 PM

If anyone is still looking for a mumm-ra Grune, just spotted one at the Hawthorne TRU off the 405, think it was $10.98.

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