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L08e16o 03-31-2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42200)
That's exactly why Tygra doesn't respect him. Tygra's said from the start that he believes people should earn what they have. He's resentful because he spent his whole life doing what was expected of him and studying and taking everything Claudus said seriously, while Lion-O was a little bit of a dreamer and a slacker.

Honestly I think Tygra would be less resentful if Lion-O didn't always completely ignore his advice.

Well, lion-o has no choice now. He will have to learn from tygra or he will stay dead.

vantheman77 03-31-2012 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42198)
I don't think they are fillers, they are developing lion-o in each episode.

They may have developed Lion-O, but the fillers didn't advance the story after they got the Book of Omens back in Legacy. Things didn't move forward until Berbils.

Paul 03-31-2012 05:16 PM


just wanted to say....that was a great episode.

merlin 03-31-2012 05:37 PM

tyga next and mummra is last like old lion o 's trials
old lion o not used in sword of owens in trials

CCDustyV 03-31-2012 05:38 PM

Love the ep, it was a gut shot to all of them that Lion O went down, and you could tell by Tygra's face it hit him harder than he let on.

rather looking forward to the next ep when they've had time for the shock to wear off. Wilykit's faith in Lion O really made it for me.

As for Lion O, love the challenges, the twin's challenge was spot on as was Cheetara. Different with just enough nods to the classic trials to make me smile.

Also Cheetara's advice... this says it's either all over, or Lion O has just been going about things with her wrong and needs to change tactics. Either way I look forward to see how things go from here!

stac 03-31-2012 05:40 PM

Just saw the episode.
Barely 50 seconds in and we get a confrontation between Lion-O and Cheetara about misinterpreting signals. This triangle obviously means a lot to these writers. Either they plan on continuing this over the long term or it’s building to some kind of climax at the end of the next episode.

The spirit kittens were pretty much in character, but spirit Cheetara seemed extra flirty or ‘friendlier’ than usual. Either the spirit version of Cheetara is sociopathic, leading Lion-O on, or Lion-O is manifesting his desires on to her, or maybe she represents the real Cheetara’s unconscious desires.
The conversation about running into dead ends and taking a “different path” implies that there may be potential for L/C. Or perhaps she meant Lion-O should get over it.

As for battle strategy, Lion-O should have listened to Panthro about the route to the top of the mountain being too vulnerable. Lion-O was too emotional and brash, not listening to the other Cats.

Last time Tygra was captured all he could do was smirk at Lion-O. This time he did a good job – that was a brutal beating he took. Why couldn’t he have been like this last episode?

Anyway, let’s see how the ‘new’ Lion-O 2.0 turns out. Maybe they’ll reboot this love triangle too?


Originally Posted by Ruthie (Post 42195)
Lion-O proved himself to be a bigger twit than anyone could have imagined. And within 5 minutes Tygra demonstrated that he is twice the man and king that Lion-O will ever be. No wonder Cheetara chose him.

OOOPS!!! What I meant to say is: SQUEE! Cheetara kissed Lion-O! That means she really thinks he is the love of her life. Enough of the stupid thing with Tygra! The Cheet-O ship is moving at 60 knots! Cheetara and Lion-O = LFE!

You’re just a silly little troll who seems to be a little too obsessed with cartoon characters.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 42210)
Love the ep, it was a gut shot to all of them that Lion O went down, and you could tell by Tygra's face it hit him harder than he let on.

rather looking forward to the next ep when they've had time for the shock to wear off. Wilykit's faith in Lion O really made it for me.

As for Lion O, love the challenges, the twin's challenge was spot on as was Cheetara. Different with just enough nods to the classic trials to make me smile.

Also Cheetara's advice... this says it's either all over, or Lion O has just been going about things with her wrong and needs to change tactics. Either way I look forward to see how things go from here!


Originally Posted by stac (Post 42211)
Just saw the episode.
Barely 50 seconds in and we get a confrontation between Lion-O and Cheetara about misinterpreting signals. This triangle obviously means a lot to these writers. Either they plan on continuing this over the long term or it’s building to some kind of climax at the end of the next episode.

The spirit kittens were pretty much in character, but spirit Cheetara seemed extra flirty or ‘friendlier’ than usual. Either the spirit version of Cheetara is sociopathic, leading Lion-O on, or Lion-O is manifesting his desires on to her, or maybe she represents the real Cheetara’s unconscious desires.
The conversation about running into dead ends and taking a “different path” implies that there may be potential for L/C. Or perhaps she meant Lion-O should get over it.

As for battle strategy, Lion-O should have listened to Panthro about the route to the top of the mountain being too vulnerable. Lion-O was too emotional and brash, not listening to the other Cats.

Last time Tygra was captured all he could do was smirk at Lion-O. This time he did a good job – that was a brutal beating he took. Why couldn’t he have been like this last episode?

Anyway, let’s see how the ‘new’ Lion-O 2.0 turns out. Maybe they’ll reboot this love triangle too?

You’re just a silly little troll who seems to be a little too obsessed with cartoon characters.

I think if she is telling him to move on, she wouldn't of kissed him and give him that advice with her smile. She would be toying with him again. There would be no trinagle too.

He didn't expect her to kiss him, so he is not just going to give up on her now.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 06:06 PM

I don't get why Cheetara questioned the book and Lion-o's decision . Shouldn't she, as a cleric, believe that the book is right? Unless i've missed something, the book has never failed to show them where the stone is.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 06:16 PM

Rewatching the episode now. The rest of the group were definitely already captured when Lion-O got pushed over the cliff. They just didn't show them getting cuffed. First you see Addicus stop Tygra, then you see Kaynar stop Cheetara, then Addicus and Kaynar are both free when they push Lion-O and in the next scene (right after he fell) the whole group is cuffed up with a lizard guarding them. So it seems to me like Addicus and Kaynar handed them off to the lizard guard after they caught them.

No idea who beat Panthro or Kit cause they didn't actually show that.

They probably did it like that to save time. Afterall they only get like 22 minutes per episode.

stac 03-31-2012 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42214)
I think if she is telling him to move on, she wouldn't of kissed him and give him that advice with her smile. She would be toying with him again. There would be no trinagle too.

He didn't expect her to kiss him, so he is not just going to give up on her now.

That’s what I thought too. Although, let’s not forget this is Cheetara we are talking about. I don’t trust these writers when it comes to her characterisation, particularly in terms of consistency. They made that line a little ambiguous deliberately. But yeah, I agree with you.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42217)
Rewatching the episode now. The rest of the group were definitely already captured when Lion-O got pushed over the cliff. They just didn't show them getting cuffed. First you see Addicus stop Tygra, then you see Kaynar stop Cheetara, then Addicus and Kaynar are both free when they push Lion-O and in the next scene (right after he fell) the whole group is cuffed up with a lizard guarding them. So it seems to me like Addicus and Kaynar handed them off to the lizard guard after they caught them.

No idea who beat Panthro or Kit cause they didn't actually show that.

They probably did it like that to save time. Afterall they only get like 22 minutes per episode.

When Addicus and Kaynar are free, why didn't the others do anything, regardless of the cuffs? We see Tygra goad them, couldn't Cheetara have used her superspeed to do something like get behind one of the lizards and choke them or do something with her staff? and i can't believe Panthro was captured, he has new arms now. The twins know how to pick locks, so they should have been able to do something. I wonder where Snarf is.....?

stac 03-31-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42220)
When Addicus and Kaynar are free, why didn't the others do anything, regardless of the cuffs? We see Tygra goad them, couldn't Cheetara have used her superspeed to do something like get behind one of the lizards and choke them or do something with her staff? and i can't believe Panthro was captured, he has new arms now. The twins know how to pick locks, so they should have been able to do something. I wonder where Snarf is.....?

Why didn’t they do anything? Simple, the plot demanded it so they deliberately depowered everyone, especially Panthro who managed to knock out all three of them out last episode. Have you also noticed, Cheetara’s super-speed seems to stop working whenever they really need it the most, like when Tygra was first struck by Addicus or even the hostage situation in the last episode?

Their abilities seem to “malfunction” at the most inappropriate times.

Ruthie 03-31-2012 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42196)
Wow, that was uncalled for.

:( What do you mean? There's something for everyone in that post. :p

L08e16o 03-31-2012 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 42218)
That’s what I thought too. Although, let’s not forget this is Cheetara we are talking about. I don’t trust these writers when it comes to her characterisation, particularly in terms of consistency. They made that line a little ambiguous deliberately. But yeah, I agree with you.

I think they are doing this to build the drama. Lets face it, lion-o has gone about this wrong. He should've said something in the begining.

Ruthie 03-31-2012 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 42211)
You’re just a silly little troll who seems to be a little too obsessed with cartoon characters.

Oh, come on!!! Lighten up! Only people who are too obsessed with cartoon characters would consider that post trollish. It's a joke. Tee-hee! Laugh. Come on! LAUGH!

L08e16o 03-31-2012 06:40 PM

It is a good thing lion-o's landings do not make him fail the trails.

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 06:50 PM

Wileykit's gonna have such a big crush on Lion-O when he gets back. It's gonna be hilarious.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42228)
Wileykit's gonna have such a big crush on Lion-O when he gets back. It's gonna be hilarious.

If only she were older i could ship them. :(

stormbringer 03-31-2012 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42228)
Wileykit's gonna have such a big crush on Lion-O when he gets back. It's gonna be hilarious.

Too bad she's not older, that would end this triangle silliness.:D

RedAlert Rescue 03-31-2012 07:08 PM

If someone finds an online version please share.

cmangund 03-31-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42123)
They're just pouring salt in the wounds at this point. I asked once before, who exactly was the target audience for this triangle?

The "Real Target Audience" is for 'Jelenic' himself in his "evil mind":eek: Don't forget this NS cartoon is written mainly by Mumm-ra himself.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 42232)
The "Real Target Audience" is for 'Jelenic' himself in his "evil mind":eek: Don't forget this NS cartoon is written mainly by Mumm-ra himself.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Yep, Jelenic seems like he's the only one enjoying this silliness. :p

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by RedAlert Rescue (Post 42231)
If someone finds an online version please share.

Post below.

baboco2 03-31-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by RedAlert Rescue (Post 42231)
If someone finds an online version please share.

Watch Thundercats 2011 episode 15 - The Trials of Lion-O, part 1 online | Watch Anime Online |

There you go :-)

L08e16o your post was not there when I Started writing this post
So I didn't mean to double post.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 42232)
The "Real Target Audience" is for 'Jelenic' himself in his "evil mind":eek: Don't forget this NS cartoon is written mainly by Mumm-ra himself.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.


Originally Posted by baboco2 (Post 42235)
Watch Thundercats 2011 episode 15 - The Trials of Lion-O, part 1 online | Watch Anime Online |

There you go :-)

L08e16o your post was not there when I Started writing this post
So I didn't mean to double post.

Don't worry, I will delete my link.


stac 03-31-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42224)
I think they are doing this to build the drama. Lets face it, lion-o has gone about this wrong. He should've said something in the begining.

Definitely, he should have. But there was no way he could have foreseen T/C in the way it happened, it was too unexpected. The writers could have shown him taking some initiative later on in the season if Cheetara’s choice would have been postponed. Maybe if he saw she was providing less “support” to him or perhaps showing some interest in Tygra. Instead, he was made to deal with a 180 turn on Cheetara’s part which was justified with a 23 second flashback.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 42237)
Definitely, he should have. But there was no way he could have foreseen T/C in the way it happened, it was too unexpected. The writers could have shown him taking some initiative later on in the season if Cheetara’s choice would have been postponed. Maybe if he saw she was providing less “support” to him or perhaps showing some interest in Tygra. Instead, he was made to deal with a 180 turn on Cheetara’s part which was justified with a 23 second flashback.

Ah yes the infamous flower flashback. I wonder if the writers have ever seen a love triangle done properly in other franchises? Because that was very unconvincing.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42238)
Ah yes the infamous flower flashback. I wonder if the writers have ever seen a love triangle done properly in other franchises? Because that was very unconvincing.

The only way a flashback like that is ok is if it's a shoujo anime. Even then, they have more development and usually have a better plot for the confession.

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 07:45 PM

I did like Lion-O's like "Or in other words, youlose." He's on his first steps to getting over her.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:46 PM

Ok, I have watched 9 times. IMHO.

The dead end she is referring to is his attitude. Every time cheetara has said something after the kiss, he has thrown back in her face. He started the same way with the cheetara in the AP. Then he said I have ran into pleanty, she kissed him to get his attention. He was getting it. That got his attention and she gave him advice. He needs to go about it differently if he wants to be with her.

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42238)
Ah yes the infamous flower flashback. I wonder if the writers have ever seen a love triangle done properly in other franchises? Because that was very unconvincing.

Can anyone even a love triangle properly?

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 42237)
Definitely, he should have. But there was no way he could have foreseen T/C in the way it happened, it was too unexpected. The writers could have shown him taking some initiative later on in the season if Cheetara’s choice would have been postponed. Maybe if he saw she was providing less “support” to him or perhaps showing some interest in Tygra. Instead, he was made to deal with a 180 turn on Cheetara’s part which was justified with a 23 second flashback.

I agree. What I meant is he should have said something to tygra.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42242)
Can anyone even a love triangle properly?

They do in Japan. They have harems and they still can do a trinagle.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42239)
The only way a flashback like that is ok is if it's a shoujo anime. Even then, they have more development and usually have a better plot for the confession.

Agreed. They do give equal development.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:49 PM

Will the cats get captured and lion-o saves them or will they be fighting and he saves them?

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42244)
They do in Japan. They have harems and they still can do a trinagle.

I don't know, I've seen may fair share of anime and even in the good ones the entire concept seems kind of dumb. I think that sort of thing only really works when you play it for comedy, because it's a ridiculous premise to begin with.

Chique 03-31-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 42211)
Just saw the episode.
Barely 50 seconds in and we get a confrontation between Lion-O and Cheetara about misinterpreting signals. This triangle obviously means a lot to these writers. Either they plan on continuing this over the long term or it’s building to some kind of climax at the end of the next episode.

The spirit kittens were pretty much in character, but spirit Cheetara seemed extra flirty or ‘friendlier’ than usual. Either the spirit version of Cheetara is sociopathic, leading Lion-O on, or Lion-O is manifesting his desires on to her, or maybe she represents the real Cheetara’s unconscious desires.
The conversation about running into dead ends and taking a “different path” implies that there may be potential for L/C. Or perhaps she meant Lion-O should get over it.

As for battle strategy, Lion-O should have listened to Panthro about the route to the top of the mountain being too vulnerable. Lion-O was too emotional and brash, not listening to the other Cats.

Last time Tygra was captured all he could do was smirk at Lion-O. This time he did a good job – that was a brutal beating he took. Why couldn’t he have been like this last episode?

Anyway, let’s see how the ‘new’ Lion-O 2.0 turns out. Maybe they’ll reboot this love triangle too?

You’re just a silly little troll who seems to be a little too obsessed with cartoon characters.

The spirits took forms that Lion-O was comfortable with. I think that pretty much confirms that they were manifestations of his own mind, not translated consciousness from the gang. Seeing as Lion-O is not comfortable with T/C it makes sense that he would see her as he wants to, as someone who is interested in him.

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 42248)
The spirits took forms that Lion-O was comfortable with. I think that pretty much confirms that they were manifestations of his own mind, not translated consciousness from the gang. Seeing as Lion-O is not comfortable with T/C it makes sense that he would see her as he wants to, as someone who is interested in him.

Or as a tease who plays with him.

cmangund 03-31-2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42230)
Too bad she's not older, that would end this triangle silliness.:D

I am not so sure, knowing Jelenic. If she's older, she may have eyes on both Lion-O and Tygra thus it will be another "fight" with Cheetara.:eek:

She is safe from this predicament because she is a kid.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42242)
Can anyone even a love triangle properly?

I've seen some good ones, of course they were from anime/manga, but they were written great, imo. Like, for example (manga wise), Sailor Moon/Usagi and Tuxedo Kamen/Mamoru, Usagi didn't lose any characterization after she got with Mamoru. Anime wise, i'd say Tenchi and Ryouko. T/R had a great backstory.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 42250)
I am not so sure, knowing Jelenic. If she's older, she may have eyes on both Lion-O and Tygra thus it will be another "fight" with Cheetara.:eek:

She is safe from this predicament because she is a kid.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

They better watch out, Auburn will put the smack down on anyone who messes with kit.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42247)
I don't know, I've seen may fair share of anime and even in the good ones the entire concept seems kind of dumb. I think that sort of thing only really works when you play it for comedy, because it's a ridiculous premise to begin with.

The problem that I've had with triangles, is that in most cases its very difficult to write them in a way that doesn't end up with at least 1 of the characters, looking like the villain, or an idiot.

cmangund 03-31-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42253)
They better watch out, Auburn will put the smack down on anyone who messes with kit.

Don't mess with Auburn! Or be flattened to the ground! literally:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 42255)
Don't mess with Auburn! Or be flattened to the ground! literally:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Auburn gets word of kit having a crush on lion-o, lion-o will not make it. Auburn will be waiting for him when he wakes up.

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42251)
I've seen some good ones, of course they were from anime/manga, but they were written great, imo. Like, for example (manga wise), Sailor Moon/Usagi and Tuxedo Kamen/Mamoru, Usagi didn't lose any characterization after she got with Mamoru. Anime wise, i'd say Tenchi and Ryouko. T/R had a great backstory.

Manga Sailor Moon didn't really have a triangle because there was no third party. Tenchi is one of the examples where the love triangle (or, since this is Tenchi, a dodecahedron) works because it's so hilarious. Tenchi and Ryoko do have a nice backstory, but it's revealed in (SHOCKER!) a flashback.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 42250)
I am not so sure, knowing Jelenic. If she's older, she may have eyes on both Lion-O and Tygra thus it will be another "fight" with Cheetara.:eek:

She is safe from this predicament because she is a kid.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

True, if Wilykit was older, we'd probably end up with a L/W/T/C quadrangle.:eek:

SirSapphire 03-31-2012 08:02 PM

It would be kind of nice to see Wileykit develop a crush on Lion-O and he has to find a way to let her down gently. It could give him more perspective on his relationship with Cheetarah.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42257)
Manga Sailor Moon didn't really have a triangle because there was no third party. Tenchi is one of the examples where the love triangle (or, since this is Tenchi, a dodecahedron) works because it's so hilarious. Tenchi and Ryoko do have a nice backstory, but it's revealed in (SHOCKER!) a flashback.

Ah, i forgot.....though i do give SM credit for Usagi for not being giving up all the time. And T/R had a better flashback that made more sense. I think a good "triangle" would be something like Bleach's IchiRuki vs IchiHime. They both get development. Sadly, i haven't found one instance of an american show doing this. :(

stormbringer 03-31-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42256)
Auburn gets word of kit having a crush on lion-o, lion-o will not make it. Auburn will be waiting for him when he wakes up.

The power of the Spirit Stone will protect Lion-o, and smite Auburn.;)

cmangund 03-31-2012 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42256)
Auburn gets word of kit having a crush on lion-o, lion-o will not make it. Auburn will be waiting for him when he wakes up.

Uh-oh another ship problem:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

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