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monothingie 06-09-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 54419)
so you think a new verson of Bengali will appear
Bengali - ThunderCats wiki
cause that would be awesome
after all we have already seen lynx-o Lynx-O (2011 TV series) - ThunderCats wiki

Yes another tiger coming in to save the day. That'll go over real well here (tugs nervously at collar) :rolleyes:

He was one of my favorites from the OS, so sure why not.

PussyCatDoll 06-09-2012 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54373)
However, I do think it’s time for LiMyra to end and TyMyra to begin. I see much more potential for Tygra and Pumyra. They do enjoy the same things after all, mainly disrespecting Lion-O.

OMG, you read my mind! Their headstrong personalities, their "F*** You to Authority" talk, and how they look like each other are a lot alike. Plus, I would love to see a scene where Tygra pokes fun at her bow bracelet and said his laser gun is superior. Than she will turn around and ponce on him with such fire and than Cheetara rushes in to nurse her baby but Tygra was like "I want a rematch woman (Pumyra)! It's not over yet!" because he is defeated for the first time And Pumyra walks it off with swagger.

As for a relationship potential, I would like to see Tygra's whip lasso around Pumyra like he did with Cheetara in Ep. 11 if you know what I mean. ;)

PussyCatDoll 06-09-2012 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 54402)
Isn't it obvious? He got Cheetara. Every single thing else in the series doesn't matter because he got Cheetara. :rolleyes:

I remember in "Native Son", he was depressed because his father went to heaven and said "Why am I always destined to loose the ones I love?" If I was Lion-o I would have slapped in the face and said, "BIATCH, you get to meet mom when I didn't and than you have Cheetara which you told me before we found out your father is a ghost that this cave will be your new home and I never hear you utter your concerns about her!" I swear I would have strangle him but that's why I am not Lion-o.

MegaGearX 06-09-2012 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54384)
Weren’t you just a few posts ago listing all of Lion-O remarkable exploits?
He even wagered his soul in order to save the rest of them. You would think that that ought to be enough to get a little respect at least.

He is definitely a peer and not on the same level as Claudus. However, Lion-O has repeatedly proved himself worthy of being a leader. My issue is that Tygra (and Cheetara since ‘New Allainces’) basically undermine him, and put the entire team at peril with their actions, at the worst possible time.

I compared Lion-O and Tygra fairly and objectively. I'm not on team Lion-O or team Tygra.

Lion-O has done some great things. But to Tygra, Cheetara and probably Pumyra too, he probably isn't actually respected as the King of the ThunderCats; he's Lion-O, our buddy, peer and companion. (I don't blame Panthro, because he's an adult and it's more of a rank and job type thing for him, since he's a general) Sure he's done some awesome things, but these guys traveled with Lion-O and know him personally. They've been there through his awkward stages.

As far as Tygra, Cheetara and Pumyra know, Claudus and Jaga are beyond reproach and infaillable in every way. Mainly because they haven't seen their awkward stages. Can you imagine Claudus or Jaga being vengeance-crazed, arrogantly challenging strangers to duels or trying to ask out a woman? Probably not, although they probably did do those things when those characters were 16. Unfortunately for Lion-O, his fellow companions see Lion-O doing this.

Possibly in time, Lion-O's exploits will overturn his inexperience. But we are watching him get to that point. It's akin to watching Rodimus Prime (Lion-O) get as great as Optimus Prime (Claudus).

Eclipse 06-09-2012 10:55 PM

I was just watching the episode again and I don't know if it's my eyes, if it's late or a combination of the both, but...

Around 22 minutes into the episode, when Pumyra takes Vultaire, is there a chance her right thumb and index fingers might be glowing as she says "You're coming with me"? Or is this supposed to happen and I've missed the reason?

Edit: It's late and she has one hell of a manicure lmao

AdamofEternia 06-09-2012 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 54432)
I was just watching the episode again and I don't know if it's my eyes, if it's late or a combination of the both, but...

Around 22 minutes into the episode, when Pumyra takes Vultaire, is there a chance her right thumb and index fingers might be glowing as she says "You're coming with me"? Or is this supposed to happen and I've missed the reason?

Edit: It's late and she has one hell of a manicure lmao

i think that was the sparkling light reflection of her claws. if you have watched any xmen series, whenever wolverine brings out his adamantium claws, there is always a lighting spark effect. this is the best explanation i can come up with so sorry if it's kind of dumb.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 06-09-2012 11:11 PM

I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. This was a decided step up from last week. I like Vultaire, I like the kittens, I like the race, I like the quiet "ho". Yeah, Pumyra seems to be getting into more trouble than helping, but I can deal with that, this was a good episode. We need more like this one.

And yeah, the glowing claws was supposed to be sheen off the razor's edge they have.

Burning Bright 06-09-2012 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 54433)
i think that was the sparkling light reflection of her claws. if you have watched any xmen series, whenever wolverine brings out his adamantium claws, there is always a lighting spark effect. this is the best explanation i can come up with so sorry if it's kind of dumb.

It isn't dumb when you're right.

nickanu 06-09-2012 11:27 PM

man...they haven't even updated the facebook page with this episode yet....I guess they really don't really sucks cause besides the Legend of Korra this is the only cartoon I watch on TV.... -___-

Eclipse 06-09-2012 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 54433)
i think that was the sparkling light reflection of her claws. if you have watched any xmen series, whenever wolverine brings out his adamantium claws, there is always a lighting spark effect. this is the best explanation i can come up with so sorry if it's kind of dumb.

You're absolutely right. It's the late hour and that I rewatched the single scene several times to then realize that a few seconds later there was a close-up. We hadn't seen such sharp and shiny claws before, they threw me off.

luigi 06-09-2012 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by nickanu (Post 54438)
man...they haven't even updated the facebook page with this episode yet....I guess they really don't really sucks cause besides the Legend of Korra this is the only cartoon I watch on TV.... -___-

i have this feeling that this show is a afterthough to them with shows that are dumb as hell are more important somehow

Singe 06-10-2012 12:34 AM

There was one long camera pan on Horus. Seems like someone who might help the cats.

vantheman77 06-10-2012 12:40 AM

Even when the cat slaves are free, Pumyra's anger is still there as I think there is something deeper with her. Since she's bipolar, I wonder if she's an evil clone of Mumm-Ra.

Back in Curse of Ratilla she was tied to one of the crystals when she fell, but when Lion-O found her she wasn't tied to the crystal at all. She just laid there on the ground.

There was talk of more appearance of that head canine from Dog City as he may appear in part two.

L08e16o 06-10-2012 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54377)
Lion-O locked the generals up and sent Mumm-Ra running in his own pyramid, things that the military-trained Tygra could not do. What aren't you understanding about this? This isn't rocket science...

You mean the mech that took a few steps and broke down? Real memorable there. Tygra failed there too and he's being controlled by the enemy! That's two losses in the same episode.

If you think Tygra was awesome while he was under the effects of the potion or defeated, then there is no point talking to you unless you're a Jelenic hater, is there?

You can defeat an enemy by making them understand that what they are doing is wrong. That's usually what most heroes try to do before resorting to violence. It's not the most exciting thing, but most heroes try to do this FIRST. As king, Lion-O is the diplomat here, remember? That's his forte' and it worked. Case closed.

And he is. Although Lion-O can't physically beat his older brother, he has been accomplishing things that Tygra can't do or failed at. Unfortunately, you're so fixated on Jelenic and Tygra that you don't realize this.

Lion-o is the main character of the show, not tygra. That is the point.

As I recall, lion-o was awsome in the OS.

Guess what, the diplomat thing doesn't always work. Tygra becoming a robot is a lot better than lion-o using words to have SS to allow the robot to send the pulse.

So, lion-o is only a diplomat in the NS. Wow, that really makes lion-o great.

No one remembers what lion-o did, even his own group doesn't remember what he did.

By the way, tygra only failed as being a king. Tygra climbing in a AC and mastering it is just more of what I am talking about.

You're right, I can't stand MJ. What I heard he did in BM brave and bold, just makes my opinion solid about him.

By the way, welcome to the board. :)

L08e16o 06-10-2012 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 54425)
Yes another tiger coming in to save the day. That'll go over real well here (tugs nervously at collar) :rolleyes:

He was one of my favorites from the OS, so sure why not.

Agreed. Love Bengali.

MegaGearX 06-10-2012 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54498)
Guess what, the diplomat thing doesn't always work. Tygra becoming a robot is a lot better than lion-o using words to have SS to allow the robot to send the pulse.

So, lion-o is only a diplomat in the NS. Wow, that really makes lion-o great.

No one remembers what lion-o did, even his own group doesn't remember what he did.

Do you hear yourself? You actually think a character who is missing his soul is better off than someone who is alive and whole. You aren't doing your team any favors by arguing this further. It's like continuing to fire a gun and refusing to accept you're all out of bullets...


By the way, tygra only failed as being a king. Tygra climbing in a AC and mastering it is just more of what I am talking about.
That and him flying the Feliner like an expert immediately after taking the stick was weak as hell.


You're right, I can't stand MJ. What I heard he did in BM brave and bold, just makes my opinion solid about him.
Then why are you continuing to watch?:confused:

stac 06-10-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54431)
Lion-O has done some great things. But to Tygra, Cheetara and probably Pumyra too, he probably isn't actually respected as the King of the ThunderCats; he's Lion-O, our buddy, peer and companion. (I don't blame Panthro, because he's an adult and it's more of a rank and job type thing for him, since he's a general) Sure he's done some awesome things, but these guys traveled with Lion-O and know him personally. They've been there through his awkward stages.

As far as Tygra, Cheetara and Pumyra know, Claudus and Jaga are beyond reproach and infaillable in every way. Mainly because they haven't seen their awkward stages. Can you imagine Claudus or Jaga being vengeance-crazed, arrogantly challenging strangers to duels or trying to ask out a woman? Probably not, although they probably did do those things when those characters were 16. Unfortunately for Lion-O, his fellow companions see Lion-O doing this.

Possibly in time, Lion-O's exploits will overturn his inexperience. But we are watching him get to that point. It's akin to watching Rodimus Prime (Lion-O) get as great as Optimus Prime (Claudus).

These are very good points. You’ve given me good reasons for why they tend to behave the way they do. However, I still don’t see how that would excuse both Tygra’s and Cheetara’s behaviour.

For one thing, Lion-O has already surpassed Claudus in term of having vision, uniting the animals etc. Secondly, he’s the first Cat since Leo to actually defeat Mumm-Ra (temporarily) repeatedly. He’s mastered sight beyond sight which the greatest Lord of the ThunderCats is supposed to do and so on…
If these things are not enough to earn him at least a modicum of respect and legitimise his position then I don’t know what will. Not to mention he isn’t an entitled whiner like his brother.

I’m not saying that Tygra and Cheetara need to bow down before him all the time. Only that in a potentially hostile situation, they listen to him and not weaken him (and hence the entire team) in front of the enemy. You've given explanations as to why they may tend to do that which but I don't agree that the reasons you've given let them off the hook.


I compared Lion-O and Tygra fairly and objectively. I'm not on team Lion-O or team Tygra.
I can’t say the same. As you would have realised, I’m 100% pro Lion-O! For me, objectivity is great at times (certainly not always), but taking sides is much more enjoyable.
I’ve had enough of the Tygra’s a ‘fairy princess on the inside, he just hides under a brash exterior to protect himself’ argument. I don’t care how insecure/’complex’/’deep’ you are, if you’re that much of a jerk, then you’re a jerk!

MegaGearX 06-10-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54509)
These are very good points. You’ve given me good reasons for why they tend to behave the way they do. However, I still don’t see how that would excuse both Tygra’s and Cheetara’s behaviour.

For one thing, Lion-O has already surpassed Claudus in term of having vision, uniting the animals etc. Secondly, he’s the first Cat since Leo to actually defeat Mumm-Ra (temporarily) repeatedly. He’s mastered sight beyond sight which the greatest Lord of the ThunderCats is supposed to do and so on…
If these things are not enough to earn him at least a modicum of respect and legitimise his position then I don’t know what will. Not to mention he isn’t an entitled whiner like his brother.

I’m not saying that Tygra and Cheetara need to bow down before him all the time. Only that in a potentially hostile situation, they listen to him and not weaken him (and hence the entire team) in front of the enemy. You've given explanations as to why they may tend to do that which but I don't agree that the reasons you've given let them off the hook.

I think Tygra, Cheetara and Pumyra might not really grasp how important those Lion-O stunts were because there are no elders or "authoritarians" to drive it home and give Lion-O's exploits some legitimacy. I would think that Cheetara and Panthro would have served this purpose, but I think he's been reduced to a grouchy teddy bear and poor Cheetara has her clerical skills, knowledge and faith severely downgraded this season. Perhaps if Lynx-O (being an older character) were on the team, he could set those youngsters straight. LOL!

Alas, Lynx-O could also lose his consistency as well. If TCats ever gets a third season, they REALLY need to work on that aspect. Pumyra shifts so much, she seems bipolar damn near. LOL!

NIBMRatchet 06-10-2012 12:20 PM

Not a bad episode. But not great either. First half, I enjoyed. But kind of bored in the end. I'll reserve my final judgement till part 2.

vantheman77 06-10-2012 12:28 PM

What kind of stones were used to create the Armor of Omens and Mumm-Ra's armor back in Legacy?

I felt that when Lion-O tried to stop Pumyra from getting the Tech Stone and she pushed him aside to try to get it, that's when I felt their relationship could potentially fall apart from that point onwards.

When I see the cloud city, it reminds me of that floating city from Empire Strikes Back.

Eclipse 06-10-2012 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54523)
When I see the cloud city, it reminds me of that floating city from Empire Strikes Back.

There are many sci-fi nods in the series. For example, Avista's guards and Stargate SG-1. Their shape, stance and shall we mention the staffs did everything to make me half-expect Vultaire to command "Kree! Jaffa!" :D

luigi 06-10-2012 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by NIBMRatchet (Post 54522)
Not a bad episode. But not great either. First half, I enjoyed. But kind of bored in the end. I'll reserve my final judgement till part 2.


stac 06-10-2012 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54523)
I felt that when Lion-O tried to stop Pumyra from getting the Tech Stone and she pushed him aside to try to get it, that's when I felt their relationship could potentially fall apart from that point onwards.

Blasphemy! How dare you question the love Lion-O has for Pumyra?! They are the most perfect couple ever! Didn’t you see how much in love they were in this episode?

Joking aside, you could be correct but you should also be used to this by now. It's all part of the "romance" on ThunderCats.
-Pumyra does something morally questionable.
-Lion-O stops her and converts her to his point of view.
-She says something along the likes of, “You were right, my King” and renews flirting with him.
-Make it even more convincing that Pumyra has a severe case of bipolar disorder.
-Rinse and Repeat ad infinitum.

L08e16o 06-10-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54500)
Do you hear yourself? You actually think a character who is missing his soul is better off than someone who is alive and whole. You aren't doing your team any favors by arguing this further. It's like continuing to fire a gun and refusing to accept you're all out of bullets...

That and him flying the Feliner like an expert immediately after taking the stick was weak as hell.

Then why are you continuing to watch?:confused:

OMG, call the police, because I think it is better that your hero tygra doesn't have a soul.

Who said he was better off, we are talking about who stands out in a episode.

Lets see, what is more popular. A diplomate lion-o or a mecha tygra. I think tygra wins. MJ was never going to hurt his boy or your boy. I think kids would actually buy mecha tygra.

Tygra should be weak, because this is not his show. This is lion-o's show, to bad MJ doesn't see that. You just don't want to admit it.

Because I am OS fan and I was hoping it would get better. After 26, it won't matter.

I have been waiting for this lion-o to be like the lion-o from the OS.

vantheman77 06-10-2012 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54527)
Blasphemy! How dare you question the love Lion-O has for Pumyra?! They are the most perfect couple ever! Didn’t you see how much in love they were in this episode?

Joking aside, you could be correct but you should also be used to this by now. It's all part of the "romance" on ThunderCats.
-Pumyra does something morally questionable.
-Lion-O stops her and converts her to his point of view.
-She says something along the likes of, “You were right, my King” and renews flirting with him.
-Make it even more convincing that Pumyra has a severe case of bipolar disorder.
-Rinse and Repeat ad infinitum.

Yes, I dare question the love between Lion-O and Pumyra!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

All kidding aside, I wonder if Pumyra has a bipolar disorder long before she was enslaved by the Rats and being a combat fighter in the Dog City's pit.

Kregermeister 06-10-2012 04:07 PM

Cool episode, very happy to see them for a moment jump back to the story. I wont say its a shame this season had too much filler, its a shame that the filler episodes didnt build up any threats or have goals. Episodes like Petlars actually did teach Lion-O alot and were beautifully done... its a shame we're down to 2 more episodes and thats it. The story wont be getting any closure and that sucks...

MegaGearX 06-10-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54528)
OMG, call the police, because I think it is better that your hero tygra doesn't have a soul.

Who said he was better off, we are talking about who stands out in a episode.

Lets see, what is more popular. A diplomate lion-o or a mecha tygra. I think tygra wins. MJ was never going to hurt his boy or your boy. I think kids would actually buy mecha tygra.

Only in your world will a defeated and strapped down Tygra with his soul sucked out into a malfunctioning mech somehow be better off than a Lion-O who helps to resolve the situation and rescue the defeated Tygra.:rolleyes:

And that last statement proves that you aren't listening. I'm not on any teams here. If Lion-O OR Tygra does something awesome OR stupid, I'm calling it out.


Tygra should be weak, because this is not his show. This is lion-o's show, to bad MJ doesn't see that. You just don't want to admit it.

Because I am OS fan and I was hoping it would get better. After 26, it won't matter.

I have been waiting for this lion-o to be like the lion-o from the OS.
This isn't the original series. Lion-O is surrounded by children and other teenagers like he is, with the sole exception of Panthro. In the original series, the other more experienced Cats and Jaga served as mentors, raising the naive Lion-O. It's a world of difference this time.

And this isn't Tygra's show. He's gotten his ass kicked multiple times this season and has gotten over thinking that he should be Lord of the ThunderCats because of his defeat while being in charge.

MegaGearX 06-10-2012 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54532)
All kidding aside, I wonder if Pumyra has a bipolar disorder long before she was enslaved by the Rats and being a combat fighter in the Dog City's pit.

If she IS bipolar because of her harsh experiences at the hands of the dogs and they address this in the show, then it could be cool character development. However, I suspect it's probably poor writing and story editing.

vantheman77 06-10-2012 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54546)
If she IS bipolar because of her harsh experiences at the hands of the dogs and they address this in the show, then it could be cool character development. However, I suspect it's probably poor writing and story editing.

Even though Pumyra had several episodes devoted to her, she hasn't had character development like Cheetara as she's switching back and forth and we still don't know when or where she became bipolar.

I thought it was cute seeing Pumyra with the twins and Snarf.

luigi 06-10-2012 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54546)
If she IS bipolar because of her harsh experiences at the hands of the dogs and they address this in the show, then it could be cool character development. However, I suspect it's probably poor writing and story editing.

and i wouldn't be surprised if she has PTSD too :P

luigi 06-10-2012 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54552)
Even though Pumyra had several episodes devoted to her, she hasn't had character development like Cheetara as she's switching back and forth and we still don't know when or where she became bipolar.

I thought it was cute seeing Pumyra with the twins and Snarf.

actually unless it's gentic it has to be environmental which means it most likely happened in the pit and also most likely she also have PTSD too
also it could of happened at mt.plunder

L08e16o 06-10-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54545)
Only in your world will a defeated and strapped down Tygra with his soul sucked out into a malfunctioning mech somehow be better off than a Lion-O who helps to resolve the situation and rescue the defeated Tygra.:rolleyes:

And that last statement proves that you aren't listening. I'm not on any teams here. If Lion-O OR Tygra does something awesome OR stupid, I'm calling it out.

This isn't the original series. Lion-O is surrounded by children and other teenagers like he is, with the sole exception of Panthro. In the original series, the other more experienced Cats and Jaga served as mentors, raising the naive Lion-O. It's a world of difference this time.

And this isn't Tygra's show. He's gotten his ass kicked multiple times this season and has gotten over thinking that he should be Lord of the ThunderCats because of his defeat while being in charge.

My whole point is Tygra has looked better than lion-o in this entire series.

So you are telling me people get excited about lion-o being a diplomat or lion-o in legacy, I think the lion-o in legacy is better. It was a great idea of them doing Mecha tygra. I will bet you that will be one of the things people like about that episode, besides SS.

So has lion-o and he died. He got beat by his brother again.

Well maybe that is why this series will not survive. Lot of people expected lion-o to be awesome not second best to his brother.

Tygra still cherishes the crown.

L08e16o 06-10-2012 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54552)
Even though Pumyra had several episodes devoted to her, she hasn't had character development like Cheetara as she's switching back and forth and we still don't know when or where she became bipolar.

I thought it was cute seeing Pumyra with the twins and Snarf.

I think pumyra has gotten more development than cheetara.

That is how pumyra is, she is a lose cannon.

cmangund 06-10-2012 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54572)
I think pumyra has gotten more development than cheetara.

Pumyra has "replaced" Cheetara practically speaking. Cheetara has zero development other that of Tygra's "Cheerleader".

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Balgus82 06-10-2012 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54572)
I think pumyra has gotten more development than cheetara.

That is how pumyra is, she is a lose cannon.

I agree. Why is it that every single character but Cheetara has had their own episode?

I think Pumyra is just an impulsive person ruled by her emotions.

stac 06-10-2012 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 54574)
I think Pumyra is just an impulsive person ruled by her emotions.

Balgus, you monster! Take that back at once!
Pumyra did what she did out of love for HER people! Besides Lion-O will be understanding and they will come out of this stronger than ever. Lion-O and Pumyra were destined to be together.

Don’t mind me; I definitely think Pumyra was in the manic phase of her disorder. I’m just filling in for SirSapphire since we don’t have anyone to stick up for Pumyra.

stormbringer 06-10-2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 54573)
Pumyra has "replaced" Cheetara practically speaking. Cheetara has zero development other that of Tygra's "Cheerleader".

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Sad but true. We don't really know anything about Cheetara yet, Pumyra may be a mess mentally but at least we have a pretty firm grasp on her character.

MegaGearX 06-10-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54571)
My whole point is Tygra has looked better than lion-o in this entire series.

So you are telling me people get excited about lion-o being a diplomat or lion-o in legacy, I think the lion-o in legacy is better. It was a great idea of them doing Mecha tygra. I will bet you that will be one of the things people like about that episode, besides SS.

So has lion-o and he died. He got beat by his brother again.

Well maybe that is why this series will not survive. Lot of people expected lion-o to be awesome not second best to his brother.

Tygra still cherishes the crown.

Tygra looks better than Lion-O, eh? Lion-O has his problems, but Tygra isn't on his level.

Tygra can't beat the mummy Mumm-Ra, let alone powered up Mumm-Ra alone
Tygra didn't beat Ratar-O alone
Tygra couldn't beat The Driller alone
Tygra didn't trick all three generals alone
Tygra can't use Sight beyond Sight
Tygra isn't spoken to by Jaga
Tygra didn't even realize his own people were undead
Tygra can't even be a good mech without breaking down
Tygra can't make an enemy realize the error of his ways

Still think Tygra is the star of the show? When Tygra can beat half of the guys that Lion-O has defeated, then you might have a case.

Sining 06-10-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54527)
Blasphemy! How dare you question the love Lion-O has for Pumyra?! They are the most perfect couple ever! Didn’t you see how much in love they were in this episode?

Joking aside, you could be correct but you should also be used to this by now. It's all part of the "romance" on ThunderCats.
-Pumyra does something morally questionable.
-Lion-O stops her and converts her to his point of view.
-She says something along the likes of, “You were right, my King” and renews flirting with him.
-Make it even more convincing that Pumyra has a severe case of bipolar disorder.
-Rinse and Repeat ad infinitum.

Sounds like the studio crew took TOO much influence from japanese animation if you ask me -_-

luigi 06-10-2012 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54578)
Tygra looks better than Lion-O, eh? Lion-O has his problems, but Tygra isn't on his level.

Tygra can't beat the mummy Mumm-Ra, let alone powered up Mumm-Ra alone
Tygra didn't beat Ratar-O alone
Tygra couldn't beat The Driller alone
Tygra didn't trick all three generals alone
Tygra can't use Sight beyond Sight
Tygra isn't spoken to by Jaga
Tygra didn't even realize his own people were undead
Tygra can't even be a good mech without breaking down
Tygra can't make an enemy realize the error of his ways

Still think Tygra is the star of the show? When Tygra can beat half of the guys that Lion-O has defeated, then you might have a case.

okay the mecha thing is bulshit after all has was the only one turned into a mecha so you really can't blame him

MegaGearX 06-10-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 54584)
okay the mecha thing is bulshit after all has was the only one turned into a mecha so you really can't blame him

LMAO! I know, but L08e16o thinks that Mecha Tygra is so awesome I had to add it to the list. That one was more of a joke point than anything.:D

AdamofEternia 06-10-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 54574)
I agree. Why is it that every single character but Cheetara has had their own episode?

I think Pumyra is just an impulsive person ruled by her emotions.

that is one the problems i have with this series. every other character has gotten development except cheetara. i would expect her character to be one of the first ones developed early in the first half of the season. it is truly a shame that the writers never even tapped into a fraction of the potential of cheetara's character this season.

i still strongly believe that adding romance to this reboot was one of the mistakes the writers made with most of the characters. i would rather have the group have more of a family kind of development than anything intimate. it feels like to me that the cats aren't connected in the way that they are supposed to and besides their personal relationships with each other, they really don't interact much. correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think i have seen all the thundercats together sitting around a camp fire just enjoying each others company.

luigi 06-10-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 54588)
that is one the problems i have with this series. every other character has gotten development except cheetara. i would expect her character to be one of the first ones developed early in the first half of the season. it is truly a shame that the writers never even tapped into a fraction of the potential of cheetara's character this season.

i still strongly believe that adding romance to this reboot was one of the mistakes the writers made with most of the characters. i would rather have the group have more of a family kind of development than anything intimate. it feels like to me that the cats aren't connected in the way that they are supposed to and besides their personal relationships with each other, they really don't interact much. correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think i have seen all the thundercats together sitting around a camp fire just enjoying each others company.

now tell me how many modern series(that actually are good) do you know of that don't have a romantic part to it

Balgus82 06-10-2012 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 54591)
now tell me how many modern series(that actually are good) do you know of that don't have a romantic part to it

I could say Fullmetal Alchemist. Sure, there's Winry and Ed, but the romance part of their relationship wasn't really explored at all. You just knew they liked each other.

Kung Fu Panda? Though that show is a series of one off stories and doesn't have an overarching plot.

Metalocalypse definitely doesn't have romance. hehe

AlexofThundera 06-10-2012 10:29 PM

OS Cheetara > NS Cheetara. They have written very little for her character lately and its a shame. So much potential... I thought by now they would have started to introduce her "Sixth Sense" into the series. Guess not.

And for the record, I personally think Mecha Tygra is the stupidest thing they have done in this series. I used to think it was Panthro's go go gadget arms but now that comes in second.

I didn't mention it when I first commented on the episode but Snarf taking a bite out of that Avistan was awesome. Go Snarf! LOL

vantheman77 06-10-2012 10:32 PM

The only thing we got out of Cheetara so far out of this series is that she wanted to be a cleric from day one and that's where she met Tygra and was involved in a love triangle with Lion-O and Tygra. Her magic staff was also powered up.

Also, I wonder if one or two of the Thundercats will die in the second part of What Lies Above if this were to be the series finale instead of season finale.

Sining 06-10-2012 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 54588)
that is one the problems i have with this series. every other character has gotten development except cheetara. i would expect her character to be one of the first ones developed early in the first half of the season. it is truly a shame that the writers never even tapped into a fraction of the potential of cheetara's character this season.

They did develop her character. Her character is to be Tygra's gf as far as I can tell. You know, those token female chars that are on shows just to show 'hey, this guy is in a relationship'

luigi 06-11-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 54592)
I could say Fullmetal Alchemist. Sure, there's Winry and Ed, but the romance part of their relationship wasn't really explored at all. You just knew they liked each other.

Kung Fu Panda? Though that show is a series of one off stories and doesn't have an overarching plot.

Metalocalypse definitely doesn't have romance. hehe

don't know much about FMA

kung-fu panda i won't say it's bad but it only does mini plots and po is kinda self obsessed

Metalocalypse: this show i saw only a few episode
one of the ones i saw kinda disturbed me(the human leather/lose weight) the other one was just plan wired (the one where one of the members becomes governor of Florida) but yeah no romance there

other shows
invader zim i don't think there is much romance there but it is kinda dark and might be a bit too old......

cmangund 06-11-2012 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 54576)
Sad but true. We don't really know anything about Cheetara yet, Pumyra may be a mess mentally but at least we have a pretty firm grasp on her character.

Well technically, Cheetara can be considered a mess too mentally, because she has no choice in the matter as MJ is her "boss", thus the horrific truth said by DN about her the "Anorexic Ho!".:eek: That pretty much the "character development" for Cheetara.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Singe 06-11-2012 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 54606)
don't know much about FMA

kung-fu panda i won't say it's bad but it only does mini plots and po is kinda self obsessed

Metalocalypse: this show i saw only a few episode
one of the ones i saw kinda disturbed me(the human leather/lose weight) the other one was just plan wired (the one where one of the members becomes governor of Florida) but yeah no romance there

other shows
invader zim i don't think there is much romance there but it is kinda dark and might be a bit too old......

Kung-Fu Panda series serves one main reason and that is to character develop out the wazoo. That way, the movies don't have to do any focus on anyone outside of Po.

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