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RoftheHood 03-30-2012 10:39 AM

I would seriously argue with you over this, if we didn’t share the name Alex and if your display pic wasn't so badass....BE WARNED!!! LOL

Balgus82 03-30-2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by RoftheHood (Post 41783)
Just because there is no information, doesn't mean you can just make up possibilities and claim them as truth. There was WAVE 2 of toys and a brand spanking new comic book coming out. Why invest even more money just cancel it. So it comes across like a needless fuss.

Dan Norton is an Art Director. Not a CN Executive. He may very well not actually be allowed to make the sort of public statements that could say whether a show has been cancelled of not. I would say, based on his comments that either...
A) He doesn't have any official word yet, and therefore says to support the show anyway.
B) CN wants a new direction and there is some debate about where to go with this new show, for more toys, merch, etc...

We can all either, sit here and worry or we can show CN that ThunderCats Fans are wide diverse brotherhood/Family and that cancelling our show will FLOOD them with angry emails!!! GET EMAILING CN GUYS AND GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even if the show had bad ratings (which I don't believe it did), ratings never showcase how many people are actually watching the show. Get the word out and make the companies see how many people love the show.

Balgus82 03-30-2012 11:22 AM

If nothing else write letters to the companies involved. Don't write angry letters. Write positive letters about how much you love the show and want it to succeed. Show your support. Fans have brought shows back from the brink in the past.

RoftheHood 03-30-2012 11:35 AM

Agreed!! Worrying here, wont do anything!! Let's make ourselves heard to CN, Bandai, and everyone else! Do NOT cancel THUNDERCATS!!! :D

CreepySariFan 03-30-2012 12:21 PM

So aside from twitter, what is everyone else doing? Emails to whom?

Mongor 03-30-2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by RoftheHood (Post 41776)
Although I certainly do not believe that a lack of information means there is valid evidence to say the show is cancelled, I have still emails CN and made my thoughts politely known. Anyone else?

I have as well. I've tried to rally people on Facebook and Twitter. I recruited some people to do the same. Fight the good fight people.

Ravenxl7 03-30-2012 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41805)
So aside from twitter, what is everyone else doing? Emails to whom?

Not sure about others, but I've emailed Cartoon Network, and plan to get some other people I know to do the same. Not sure what else I'm going to do. I don't have Twitter or Facebook accounts, so I'll probably use my Google+ and Tumblr accounts.

Though no matter how I do it, spreading the word of how much I love the show, and want it to continue will be my focus. If anything we do will help keep the show going, sending positive feedback about it will be what helps.

Joe Moore 03-30-2012 12:39 PM

I have contacted cartoon network to see if they would clarify what is going on. The initial response was as follows:

"Thundercats just premiered its second season on March 24 and new episodes continue on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. ET/PT."

I pressed a bit further, hoping to get a little more clarity. This was the response from that request.

"I understand, and while I’m sorry you are dealing with lots of inquiries it’s nice to know that the fans love the show and are so engaged. The premieres will continue."

AlexofThundera 03-30-2012 12:46 PM

Hmmm... I thought we were still in the first season, yet they referring to it as the second?

It's good to see that they are at least willing to reply. What do you guys think about this "the premiers will continue" bit?

CreepySariFan 03-30-2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 41807)
Not sure about others, but I've emailed Cartoon Network, and plan to get some other people I know to do the same. Not sure what else I'm going to do. I don't have Twitter or Facebook accounts, so I'll probably use my Google+ and Tumblr accounts.

I take it you used the Contact Us page? Contact Us | Your Feedback | Cartoon Network

I guess I gotta register on Tumblr...

stormbringer 03-30-2012 12:49 PM

Does "the premiers will continue", mean season premiers, or does it mean episodes premiers for the rest of the season? It's pretty vague.

AlexofThundera 03-30-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41815)
Does "the premiers will continue", mean season premiers, or does it mean episodes premiers for the rest of the season? It's pretty vague.

Yes, it leaves one wondering a bit. Maybe that's what they want?

Joe Moore 03-30-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 41812)
Hmmm... I thought we were still in the first season, yet they referring to it as the second?

It's good to see that they are at least willing to reply. What do you guys think about this "the premiers will continue" bit?

Last weeks episode was season 2 episode 1 according to Cartoon Network.

The "Premieres will continue" was in reference to new episodes most likely. Meaning new episodes will continue. Not necessarily in reference to "Season premieres", as it would be a bit early to comment on Season 3 as a date won't likely be set for that for some time.

AlexofThundera 03-30-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 41817)
Last weeks episode was season 2 episode 1 according to Cartoon Network.

The "Premieres will continue" was in reference to new episodes most likely. Meaning new episodes will continue. Not necessarily in reference to "Season premieres", as it would be a bit early to comment on Season 3 as a date won't likely be set for that for some time.

Hmmm ok. I must have missed that as I was under the impression that despite the hiatus, episode 14 was still a continuation of Season one.

CreepySariFan 03-30-2012 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 41818)
Hmmm ok. I must have missed that as I was under the impression that despite the hiatus, episode 14 was still a continuation of Season one.

WB has 1 season as 26 episodes. Cartoon Network believes 13 episodes are 1 season.

stormbringer 03-30-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 41818)
Hmmm ok. I must have missed that as I was under the impression that despite the hiatus, episode 14 was still a continuation of Season one.

I think the writers intended a 26 episode season 1. But cartoon networt split it.

Joe Moore 03-30-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41819)
WB has 1 season as 26 episodes. Cartoon Network believes 13 episodes are 1 season.


Ravenxl7 03-30-2012 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 41811)
I have contacted cartoon network to see if they would clarify what is going on. The initial response was as follows:

"Thundercats just premiered its second season on March 24 and new episodes continue on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. ET/PT."

I pressed a bit further, hoping to get a little more clarity. This was the response from that request.

"I understand, and while I’m sorry you are dealing with lots of inquiries it’s nice to know that the fans love the show and are so engaged. The premieres will continue."

Interesting...not really sure what to take from that...No matter what, it's good to see they aren't keeping mute on the situation.


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 41812)
Hmmm... I thought we were still in the first season, yet they referring to it as the second?

It really depends on who's talking about it. As far as Warner Brothers is concerned (aka how it's made, and how it'll be released on DVD), the first season is twenty-six episodes long, but when it comes to Cartoon Network and how they air the show, they decided to split it into thirteen episode blocks, which they are referring to as separate seasons...


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41813)
I take it you used the Contact Us page? Contact Us | Your Feedback | Cartoon Network

Yeah. I can't say whether or not it's the best way to contact them, but it seemed to be a good option at the time.


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41813)
I guess I gotta register on Tumblr...

It's a very simple process, and other than the fact I've rarely used it, it's pretty cool. I do have to admit that I made an account just so I could ask the Thundercats crew questions, lol...

vantheman77 03-30-2012 01:30 PM

Originally the first season was going to be 26 episodes, but CN split them in half to be 13 per season. The first season saw Panthro with his regular arms, now this second season will see Panthro with cybernetic stretch arms.

If the Thundercats get cancelled after this 2nd season, it's going to be like the 2002 He-Man series all over again. CN has since been pulling off this kind of thing for the last 10 years if you can believe that.

When the new Thundercats was announced to be on CN last year, I was concerned that it would meet the same fate as the 2002 He-Man. I hope the ratings for Thundercats get better in its new timeslot of 9:30am because it's followed by DC Nation.

Balgus82 03-30-2012 01:40 PM

I really hope we get the originally planned 52 episode run. Would love it to go longer, but at least the 52.

Ravenxl7 03-30-2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 41834)
Originally the first season was going to be 26 episodes, but CN split them in half to be 13 per season. The first season saw Panthro with his regular arms, now this second season will see Panthro with cybernetic stretch arms.

As far as I'm concerned, CN splitting it into two seasons doesn't make it two seasons. It's still all one season to me, just with an unfortunately large gap in it's airing schedule. WB makes the show, and if they made it to be a twenty-six episode season, than that's what it is nomatter how CN decides to air it.


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 41834)
If the Thundercats get cancelled after this 2nd season, it's going to be like the 2002 He-Man series all over again. CN has since been pulling off this kind of thing for the last 10 years if you can believe that.

It is unfortunate that they have done this. I'm hoping that fan support will be able to keep it going. If not, I would hope that WB would be able to move it to another station. They at least seem to still want to continue the show, even if CN doesn't.


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 41834)
When the new Thundercats was announced to be on CN last year, I was concerned that it would meet the same fate as the 2002 He-Man. I hope the ratings for Thundercats get better in its new timeslot of 9:30am because it's followed by DC Nation.

The new timeslot could be a great thing, especially with the DC Nation airing right after. It could however be a horrible thing. We'll just have to wait and see. Either way, I was under the impression that the show's ratings had been pretty good so far.


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41843)
I really hope we get the originally planned 52 episode run. Would love it to go longer, but at least the 52.

Agreed. If we can get at least the originally planed fifty-two episodes, I'll be ok. I would still love to see it continue on past that, but if they can at least get the already planned out story made, that'll be great.

vantheman77 03-30-2012 01:54 PM

How were the ratings for Thundercats prior to their new timeslot?

AlexofThundera 03-30-2012 02:05 PM

I personally believe the move to Saturday mornings may be just what the show needs however as someone pointed out in an article I read, "there is something to be said for CN moving a show to Sat morning which has prime time quality.

My hope is that more kids will get into the show now as I would assume there are more kids in front of the TV on a Sat morning then a Friday night. This in turn would result in good ratings and hopefully get more interest generated in the toy line (which I feel needs it). This would make the show a win win win (WB, Bandai, & CN).

AlexofThundera 03-30-2012 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 41850)
How were the ratings for Thundercats prior to their new timeslot?

The last episode that aired at the original 8:30 time slot was on Nov 21st and scored a 0.4. About 1.334 million viewers.

Balgus82 03-30-2012 02:08 PM

Well I don't know what the kids ratings (which are the ones they look at) were before the hiatus, but the adult raitings averaged around 1.6-1.8 million.

The kids ratings for last Saturday thought was about 2 million. So more kids watched last Saturday than adults did last "season."

Mongor 03-30-2012 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41867)
Well I don't know what the kids ratings (which are the ones they look at) were before the hiatus, but the adult raitings averaged around 1.6-1.8 million.

The kids ratings for last Saturday thought was about 2 million. So more kids watched last Saturday than adults did last "season."

I would think this is a good thing, no?

stormbringer 03-30-2012 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41867)
Well I don't know what the kids ratings (which are the ones they look at) were before the hiatus, but the adult raitings averaged around 1.6-1.8 million.

The kids ratings for last Saturday thought was about 2 million. So more kids watched last Saturday than adults did last "season."

If they can maintain these ratings, I'd say its a win for them.

RoftheHood 03-30-2012 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 41812)
Hmmm... I thought we were still in the first season, yet they referring to it as the second?

It's good to see that they are at least willing to reply. What do you guys think about this "the premiers will continue" bit?

I think it should be taken as a good sign, or at the very least the best we could have hoped for. I personally contacted CN through their "Contact Us" page.

One more thing, I would say we should continue emailing CN even if we do take this Update as good news. Let there be no mistake that we do not want our eagerly awaited return of ThunderCats taken away so quickly without thought. We waited 20 years for this, and so far (in my opinion) this series has been worth it.

If CN feels that the series has not been received well, I urge everyone to contact them and prove them wrong!! :D

CCDustyV 03-30-2012 03:42 PM

most official cancelations and renewals won't be official till around May, still way too early to have an official word on what's staying and going away. They may be waiting to see how the remainder of the eps does before making an official decision.

stormbringer 03-30-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 41891)
most official cancelations and renewals won't be official till around May, still way too early to have an official word on what's staying and going away. They may be waiting to see how the remainder of the eps does before making an official decision.

The upcoming episodes sound like they'll be good, hopefully they'll be able to get good enough ratings for the show to be renewed.

Mongor 03-30-2012 03:59 PM

Obviously I'm completely speculating here so don't read nothing into this, but I wonder if there is some kind of personal feud going on behind the scenes. As far as I knew the show debuted to high ratings great reviews and was guessed to be the hot seller this Christmas. Than CW pulls it right before the holidays and treated the show like an unwanted red haired step child. Why? Makes no sense at all. We hear about a 52 episode order and all of a sudden, a week after it comes back we're sitting here scared that this show may be cancelled? WTF? F U CW.

Ravenxl7 03-30-2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 41897)
Obviously I'm completely speculating here so don't read nothing into this, but I wonder if there is some kind of personal feud going on behind the scenes. As far as I knew the show debuted to high ratings great reviews and was guessed to be the hot seller this Christmas. Than CW pulls it right before the holidays and treated the show like an unwanted red haired step child. Why? Makes no sense at all. We hear about a 52 episode order and all of a sudden, a week after it comes back we're sitting here scared that this show may be cancelled? WTF? F U CW.

If I'm not mistaken, WB hasn't been happy with how CW has been handling the show. I don't know this for absolute fact, or how that would have affected things, but it's what I've heard, and it wouldn't at all surprise me. Hopefully whatever may be going on will get resolved. Assuming something is going on behind the scenes.

No matter what might be going on, I'm going to continue to show my support for the show. I feel guilty about not supporting the toy-line, and while any purchase I make in the future will be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it can't hurt.

Mongor 03-30-2012 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 41901)
If I'm not mistaken, WB hasn't been happy with how CW has been handling the show. I don't know this for absolute fact, or how that would have affected things, but it's what I've heard, and it wouldn't at all surprise me. Hopefully whatever may be going on will get resolved. Assuming something is going on behind the scenes.

No matter what might be going on, I'm going to continue to show my support for the show. I feel guilty about not supporting the toy-line, and while any purchase I make in the future will be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it can't hurt.

Don't worry. I've spent enough for you and me on this toy line thus far. I have almost 2 of everything. A sick obsession. I don't care if this show switches networks I just want it to continue for a long, long time.

CreepySariFan 03-30-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 41901)
No matter what might be going on, I'm going to continue to show my support for the show. I feel guilty about not supporting the toy-line, and while any purchase I make in the future will be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it can't hurt.

I demand you spend 140 bucks like I did in my last trip to Bellingham! :cool:

Balgus82 03-30-2012 04:33 PM

Someone on TCL said they spoke with Larry Kenney and that he said he was told they'll air the episodes that have been produced and then make a decision about future episodes after. So it sounds like things hinge on how well the current episodes perform.

Ravenxl7 03-30-2012 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41918)
I demand you spend 140 bucks like I did in my last trip to Bellingham! :cool:

Nice haul. I know I shouldn't feel guilty about not supporting the line (I've bought one figure, and I'm actually trying to get rid of it, lol), but as big of a Thundercats fan that I consider myself to be, I can't help but feel guilty that I haven't shown any more support for it toy-wise.


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41919)
Someone on TCL said they spoke with Larry Kenney and that he said he was told they'll air the episodes that have been produced and then make a decision about future episodes after. So it sounds like things hinge on how well the current episodes perform.

Assuming they aren't making that up, that makes sense. There's twelve episodes left in the season, so hopefully the ratings continue to grow, or at least stay at what is considered good (I'm honestly not sure what that is these days). That way we can get at least another twenty-six episodes green lit, and keep the door open to possibly doing more after that.

CCDustyV 03-30-2012 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 41919)
Someone on TCL said they spoke with Larry Kenney and that he said he was told they'll air the episodes that have been produced and then make a decision about future episodes after. So it sounds like things hinge on how well the current episodes perform.

That's pretty much a standard practice of a show, do a season and if the ratings are good and they sign another season they produce more. No point in making multiple seasons if a series is going to be canceled. Sorta like Chuck. if it wasn't for the fans and subway Chuck might not have been renewed past season 2. Instead we went 5 seasons.

Pizza Man Z 03-30-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41325)
The show has barely been back from hiatus and everyone is already assembling the show's coffin? What is wrong with you people...

This is AFTER there already rumors that modern ThunderCats was confirmed for 2 seasons of 26 episodes. We're getting 52 episodes total. We're in for a great time.

Need some proof that the absence on Cartoon Network Upfront means nothing? Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated didn't appear either, and it's DEFINATELY confirmed for a second season.

Sweet, I am super happy that Scooby-Doo! Mystery Inc. is coming back. Hopefully this is just move to go more old school on T-Cats and bring back the old Version with an update. I freaking like the new one and it really rocked my T-Cat History with all the updates. Do get me wrong, I really like the new T-Cats, but I really hope this is not the end of the cartoon in any incarnation.

Pizza Man Z 03-30-2012 06:04 PM

I have to say, since the new Cartoon, I can walk around with My T-cat Shirt and people even 5 year old girls know what the symbol means. Today, going to get my Daughter from school, a first or kindergartner said, "Hey Daddy! That is a ThunderCats Shirt!" The dad felt all embarassed that his Daugher pointed this out and I just smiled and walked on. I have kids come up to me and say, "you like Thundercats?" An I am like "You bet!" The Cartoon is great modernization of the original and has really brought out a new Thundera to the fans. Any one who is going to look for the old cartoon will be disappointed but if you stop holding to the old show, you might actually like the new one. I HOPE ThunderCats DOES NOT GET CANCELLED!

Pizza Man Z 03-30-2012 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 41627)
Their own shows are the equivalent of reality shows. Cheap, pointless, and poorly made.

Here! Here!

SirSapphire 03-30-2012 06:56 PM

Not all of Cartoon Networks programming is bad if all you're looking for is a cheap laugh. Adventure Time and The Amazing World of Gumball are enough to elicit a chuckle out of me at least once per short. They're silly and stupid but that's kind of the point. If I really want something more substantial I can easily find it elsewhere.

englishw 03-30-2012 06:58 PM

Six seasons and a movie!

JASONKAT 03-30-2012 07:34 PM

when i was lil. there was no such thing as cartoon network, then again i dunno? because every morning b4 school i would watch the thundercats on chan 8 which was (fox) and it was always on this chan, for as long as i can remember, So i wouldnt mind if they took this or "some" cartoons to fox again. but DAMNIT dont cancel it!!!!!!!!!!
Thundercats must go on. i dont care if TCS get transferd to another network, or company, but this must go on.

nomad16 03-31-2012 12:24 PM

thats great Im glad the show will continue its the best thing on tv and I wanna see it for seasons to come!

mihoshi 03-31-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 41334)
Anyone remember wolverine and the xmen? great cartoon from a few years back. Was quite popular and was also said to have the 2nd season in production when the 1st season ended. What happened in the end? It was quietly cancelled.

I loved that show! It left off with a cliffhanger too, showing what looked like the start of an Apocalypse arc. *sigh*

Pizza Man Z 03-31-2012 05:50 PM

I really hope WB moves the show elsewhere. Let CN Have their crappy shows. I cannot stand Adventure time, or Regular show.

Dr Kain 03-31-2012 10:14 PM

I'm not watching another episode until I know for sure if it has been cancelled or not. If it has, there is no point in continuing to watch a show that will go nowhere.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 10:18 PM

I actually really love Aventure Time, but I still think they should promote more of their other shows.

SirSapphire 04-01-2012 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by mihoshi (Post 42191)
I loved that show! It left off with a cliffhanger too, showing what looked like the start of an Apocalypse arc. *sigh*

Blame the Disney buyout. It put a halt to all Marvel animated programs while certain things were shifted around. The good thing we got out of it is the new Avengers cartoon which takes place in the same continuity. Perhaps we'll get to see more of Marvel's Merry Mutant Misfits in the second season.

Grune the Destroyer 04-02-2012 09:05 AM

Fans who seem to obsess over their favourite shows ending will never cease to amaze me.

There is absolutely nothing here to suggest Thundercats is not continuing, yet doom-and-gloomers like to speculate and convince themselves of it, at the same time ostensibly being fans.

I said this in another thread, but STOP WORRYING PEOPLE. Just enjoy the show; enjoy the show, and er...feel the magic, hear the roar etc.

It's a good time to be a T-Cats fan.

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