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Balgus82 09-06-2012 07:40 PM

The animation on Kim Possible is hardly on par with the animation on ThunderCats.

CCDustyV 09-06-2012 08:17 PM

japanese anime dishes out pretty quick... look at Naruto.

AlexofThundera 09-06-2012 10:27 PM

IMHO no "new" Thundercats stuff, be it a cartoon, CGI, or live action movie will ever capture the magic of the original. That is not to say I am not open to new stuff, I am (I liked some of the Wild Storm comics).

Again IMO the best thing WB could do would be to digitally restore the OS series, release it on Blu Ray at a fair price, and release a classics toy line in conjunction with it that includes both fan favorite characters (Lion-O) as well as unreleased characters (Mandora) much like Mattel has done with MOTU. Not a toy line for stores but an online thing like Matty Collector. I believe the majority of Thundercats fans would enjoy this and would make Thundercats a profitable license again. From there they could start thinking about future projects.

With the demise of the new series and toy line however, who knows if they would even consider something like this. I know me personally I would rather have a property I own making me money as opposed to not.

moreprimeland 09-07-2012 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 61971)
They've got books 1 and 2 up for sale, but no sign of book 3 yet. Also, if there was any sign of a complete/all-in-one set, it'd be news to me. Would certainly be nice, but I don't think it'll happen.

FWIW, my order for Bk3 has a date of October 2nd. Guess that could change.


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61891)
Dan Norton posted on the group again about four hours ago, stating that he never meant for his words to be twisted in the above manner. And that the show IS MERELY STILL ON HIATUS AND IS NOT CANCELLED. I don't have a screep cap of it, but it's there and you all have eyes and web browsers.

I believe this is the quote:

"Hey guys, I can see now how my words have really made an impact. This wasn't really my intention. If you look at what I said, it doesn't say anything more than what it means. The show remains in hiatus. Period. The reality is we are not currently working on the show. Which is what hiatus means. What is said between WB to CN or Bandai is between them. Until there is an official post or disclaimer from any of those people, the show has not been officially canceled. I don't have the authority to make any such statement. Again, I can only say I'm on a different project at the moment, which is Beware the Batman. I did a few drawings on my deviant art site for fun for tcats fans to enjoy. I would feel terrible if fans never got any kinda notice that the show would end one way or another. I hope there is talks of continuing the series, I'd love to finish the story. That's it, much love...."

Oh well...still a sad day around the kitty litter box.

Ravenxl7 09-07-2012 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61972)
No, I DO recall there being a preorder somewhere for a boxset from an official site. Heck, I almost preordered it myself. I'll try to find it and link you.

How's the search for the non-existent going?


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 61975)
And why would you want to buy a DVD to an unfinished show? There is no point in owning a show that just leaves us these days when they are better shows that do have endings.

Personally, I really like the episodes we did get. Yeah, there is no proper ending to it, and there never will be, but I personally don't see that as a reason to ignore what we did get.


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61976)
Let me know when you have solid proof that it's dead instead of speculation.

Let us know when you begin listening to reason...:rolleyes:

MONSTAR 09-07-2012 11:54 AM

Not cancelled yet ...
ThunderCats May Yet Still Be On The Loose At Cartoon Network (Update) - Thundercats -

Joe Moore 09-07-2012 12:03 PM

That article contains no new info. The Dan Norton quote was posted in this thread already and it doesn't change the fact that there is no one working on the show.

Singe 09-08-2012 06:41 PM

The show was basically all over the place. Cheetara's voice actor still has Tron.

Sad the journey is over. Happy that Mumm-ra won. Unless the show has a proper ending, the villains win by default.

Matrix_Holder 09-17-2012 11:54 AM

lackluster writing with poor pacing there is no wonder it failed. It started great, awesome animation, musical score and character models but it trailed off from the first story arc with only a handful of great episodes that were overshadowed by a majority of forgettable episodes . It was a real shame because I was really looking forward to the new show.

L08e16o 09-17-2012 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 62145)
The show was basically all over the place. Cheetara's voice actor still has Tron.

Sad the journey is over. Happy that Mumm-ra won. Unless the show has a proper ending, the villains win by default.

Hey, get it right.

Mummra and Pumyra (his beloved) won.:D

I like EC's character in Tron.

Big Snarf 09-19-2012 09:14 PM

No no no lion-o won. If the show continued cheetara would've been the other "beloved" of mumm-ra :D:D:D hmm maybe mumm-ra did win :D:D:D

stormbringer 09-20-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 62598)
No no no lion-o won. If the show continued cheetara would've been the other "beloved" of mumm-ra :D:D:D hmm maybe mumm-ra did win :D:D:D

And Pumyra would have tried to eliminate the rival for Mumm-ras affections.:D

merlin 09-20-2012 01:38 PM

maybe saban pick up thundercats series for his vortexx channel

L08e16o 09-25-2012 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 61771)
Who is better does matter its like making Hot rod better than Optimus (with the matrix) or robin/night wing better than bat man. Outcasts hidden away in a cave isn't a kingdom. So if this was indeed the tygra show it was destined to fail. Should gave snarf more air time :D:D:D:D

I guess what I said was true.

DN and MM came out and said Tygra was their favorite and Tygra was always going to one up Lion-o.

I have never seen that in my life on a reboot where the main character took the back seat to a supporting character.

Tygra and the Tygra Cats. No wonder this show is hurting.

AdamofEternia 09-26-2012 09:15 AM

i was on the cartoon network thundercat forum where mostly kids and fans talk about the show. one thread was about favorite thundercat character, and after reading over twenty something pages of it, i noticed that the only characters favored by kids were tygra and cheetara especially. liono was barely mentioned. the part that really gets me is how most of the kids would talk about how tygra was so strong, cool, and how he has a girlfriend. i understand that some characters from a cartoon series would have their own fan base but man, if the main hero doesn't isn't heavily favored, that means the people behind the show a'int doing something right.

L08e16o 09-26-2012 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 62936)
i was on the cartoon network thundercat forum where mostly kids and fans talk about the show. one thread was about favorite thundercat character, and after reading over twenty something pages of it, i noticed that the only characters favored by kids were tygra and cheetara especially. liono was barely mentioned. the part that really gets me is how most of the kids would talk about how tygra was so strong, cool, and how he has a girlfriend. i understand that some characters from a cartoon series would have their own fan base but man, if the main hero doesn't isn't heavily favored, that means the people behind the show a'int doing something right.

This is blatant favoritism in this show.

DN and MM flat out said so at Tcon.

I don't think they cared. They wanted to make Tygra the star from the get go.

stormbringer 09-26-2012 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 62936)
i was on the cartoon network thundercat forum where mostly kids and fans talk about the show. one thread was about favorite thundercat character, and after reading over twenty something pages of it, i noticed that the only characters favored by kids were tygra and cheetara especially. liono was barely mentioned. the part that really gets me is how most of the kids would talk about how tygra was so strong, cool, and how he has a girlfriend. i understand that some characters from a cartoon series would have their own fan base but man, if the main hero doesn't isn't heavily favored, that means the people behind the show a'int doing something right.

Sad but not surprising, they did everything they could to elevate Tygra, and make Lion-o the shows punching bag, of course kids would view Tygra as the "hero" .

monothingie 09-26-2012 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 62943)
This is blatant favoritism in this show.

DN and MM flat out said so at Tcon.

I don't think they cared. They wanted to make Tygra the star from the get go.

I'm going to play devils advocate for a moment and just say this: You only got half a show before it was killed. While it is clear Tygra's character was pushed in the first season, it was necessary to show the growth of Liono's character for what should have been the next season. It is unfair to judge an incomplete work making this whole discussion irrelevant.

You have to have a character start out in the dumps to build them up. Do I agree with this plot strategy? No because it undermines developing any sort of relationship with the show, and is probably among the reason why the NS was axed.

CCDustyV 09-26-2012 03:11 PM

ThunderCats are coming back on the air guys, joining the Toonami block airing at 2:30 am starting October 6th. Rough spot I know, but at least it's back on TV!

AlexofThundera 09-26-2012 04:05 PM

I agree in that I too can see how the writers could have potentially used the relationship between Lion-O and Tygra to "build Lion-O up" in season two, but I disagree with this plot strategy completely and the fact that all the kids barely mention Lion-O as their favorite character is proof that it failed.

In Star Wars right from the start you knew Luke was an underdog and needed to be built up, but he had characters like Obi Wan, Leah, and even C3PO to some extent supporting him rather then bullying him or making fun of him constantly. In the OS of Thundercats they followed this formula and it worked. The other cats would point out his flaws, but in a way where he could learn and grow from his mistakes.

Sure, Han Solo would "rib" Luke every now and then but never to the extent Tygra would put Lion-O down with every opportunity like in the NS. Hell even Panthro would put him down as well in the first few episodes.

The writers could have found much better ways to build up Lion-O then the route they chose. Or made it happen earlier as opposed to waiting until season two (if that was even the plan) to show any character growth for Lion-O.

L08e16o 09-26-2012 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 62955)
I'm going to play devils advocate for a moment and just say this: You only got half a show before it was killed. While it is clear Tygra's character was pushed in the first season, it was necessary to show the growth of Liono's character for what should have been the next season. It is unfair to judge an incomplete work making this whole discussion irrelevant.

You have to have a character start out in the dumps to build them up. Do I agree with this plot strategy? No because it undermines developing any sort of relationship with the show, and is probably among the reason why the NS was axed.

If that is true, then I would be ok with it.

If it was Lion-o's turn in the second season.

But these were words coming from DN and MM for like five minutes, unless they were talking about the first season.

adssse 09-26-2012 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 62956)
ThunderCats are coming back on the air guys, joining the Toonami block airing at 2:30 am starting October 6th. Rough spot I know, but at least it's back on TV!

Toonami on Adult Swim to Rerun “Sym-Bionic Titan”, “ThunderCats” Remake

I have to admit that I am pretty excited! At least it is a step in the right direction!

Sining 09-27-2012 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 62957)
In Star Wars right from the start you knew Luke was an underdog and needed to be built up, but he had characters like Obi Wan, Leah, and even C3PO to some extent supporting him rather then bullying him or making fun of him constantly. In the OS of Thundercats they followed this formula and it worked. The other cats would point out his flaws, but in a way where he could learn and grow from his mistakes.

The remake of Tcats was never going to be even close to Star Wars. Less quality writing all around

Devinebull1978 09-29-2012 09:14 PM

My opinion why it flopped!
Its very simple why the 2011-12 show and toyline flopped. The cartoon was not written for kids! It was trying to please a broader market.

The original was plain and simple, good vs evil. No extended storylines. Kids dont have an expanded attention span. They want a quick storyline where Lion-o (Thundercats) would win in the end, and end of each season maybe a 3 or 4 parter to celebrate another year would be produced.

This new revamp was too intricate, storyline too long for a kid to take it seriously.

I remember clearly each show in the end in the 80's my heart was pounding, clutching my Lion-o in my hand. Happy knowing that He defeated Mum-ra or evil forces or a added baddie. The Thundercats always won in the end! not this dribble in the 2011-12 series!

Future producers aim for the MALE 4 to 12 year olds. Small attention span and Sh*tlaods of action/violence. They are the kids that pester their mothers the most for toys. Of course end a show with some sort of moral to be learnt.

This is why vintage He-man, vintage Thundercats etc shows worked and the toys sold.....LEARN from the past. Dont try to reinvent it!

nuff said


Huxtable85 08-07-2013 07:05 PM

It would be awesome if CN were to bring a new ThunderCats series back they would show it on Toonami (saturday mornings). They know folks love this franchise way too much, it would be a perfect way for them to redeem themselves to fans who think the network is plundering towards an audience that craves action shows.

Maybe with the recent success of the Mezco line, WB has growing faith in the Cats.

Also, with the 30th anniversary approaching in a few years, I expect a motion picture to be done first followed by an animated remake of the 80's series!:cool: (sorta along the lines of the new Tmnt movie next year)

adssse 08-07-2013 09:24 PM

I like your optimism Huxtable85. I would really like for this to come to fruition.

AdamofEternia 08-08-2013 09:12 AM

I would rather they create an all new thundercats series for another channel. for example Nickelodeon or Vortex or the Hub. any of those channels i feel will respect this franchise enough to keep it on the air for more than one season.

Huxtable85 08-08-2013 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 79515)
I would rather they create an all new thundercats series for another channel. for example Nickelodeon or Vortex or the Hub. any of those channels i feel will respect this franchise enough to keep it on the air for more than one season.

Nickelodeon would be ideal for a new series, but I think WB would have to pay extra money for networking rights if they are not affiliated with Nick.

Now the Hub and Vortex show nothing but reruns...

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