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turbo409uk 06-04-2012 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 53462)
We now know they are after the tech stone. I wonder what's its potential, exactly.

Maybe it's used as a power source to keep the city (or whatever it is) in the sky. So the ThunderCats are torn between needing the stone, but if they take it, they risk the city coming crashing down to earth and killing everyone.

Or Mumm-ra could steal the stone, the bird people blame the ThunderCats and Mumm-ra uses that as an excuse to recruit them into his army.

stac 06-04-2012 08:20 PM

It’s really disappointing; what happened to Pumyra, Cheetara and the Kits this episode? The men go off on an adventure while the women and children sit at home? They should either get more women on the team or men who can actually write interesting female characters. Actually, a complete change in the writing team may be required.

I have more reason to care about the Soul Sever than Cheetara. Is it so hard so spend some time building her character? And Pumyra, the tough gladiator from the pit, has had way too many damsel-in-distress moments all so that the (badly done) Lion-O/Pumyra pairing could happen.

Singe 06-04-2012 11:32 PM

Lion-o needs that gender swap to Lion-a. That would put more female focus on the series. Also an artist needs to make a picture of her.

Lion-a: I am Lion-a, Lady of the Thundercats.
Tygra: Sounds funny, princess. It doesn't have that authority of Lord which sounds better for a male.
Lion-a: *Hits Tygra below the belt, causing him to fall to one knee squirming.* It's Queen and you best hold your tongue, brother. Otherwise, Lady Cheetara will not be expecting any kittens from you.
Tygra: *Teary* Yes, my queen.

Balgus82 06-04-2012 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 53671)
Lion-o needs that gender swap to Lion-a. That would put more female focus on the series. Also an artist needs to make a picture of her.

Thundercats - Never Retreat by *piku-chan on deviantART

Big Snarf 06-05-2012 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 53563)
I would like them to go back to the planet they are from and keep the two ambassadors from the OS on third earth.:D

Only this tygra would be dead in a week or using a pooper scooper in dog city to clean up after dobo :D:D:D:D:D

Big Snarf 06-05-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 53671)
Lion-o needs that gender swap to Lion-a. That would put more female focus on the series. Also an artist needs to make a picture of her.

Lion-a: I am Lion-a, Lady of the Thundercats.
Tygra: Sounds funny, princess. It doesn't have that authority of Lord which sounds better for a male.
Lion-a: *Hits Tygra below the belt, causing him to fall to one knee squirming.* It's Queen and you best hold your tongue, brother. Otherwise, Lady Cheetara will not be expecting any kittens from you.
Tygra: *Teary* Yes, my queen.

So wouldn't that make tygr-a a female who screams at the top of his/her lungs "I wanna be the queen too"

Big Snarf 06-05-2012 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 53672)

Sadly that take on thundercats looks more interesting. Alternate universe thundercats

JASONKAT 06-05-2012 06:18 PM

I dont understand why or how anyone could like such episode like this1 or the one last week. I swear these shows are getting boring, or/have nothing to do with the "main' story at hand.
Funny how i loved the one 2 weeks ago. with the wily's yet nobody liked that1. That1 was prob the best yet!
This show seems to be missing alot of keys, cat's lair, grun's death or whereabout. the thundertank's abilty. more about tower of omans, Lion-o on being a complete dumbass, panthro's stupid arms, I really dunno where to begin, its all a mess, Somehow very few of these shows are fun to watch but not as a whole.
Just when you think they get better, they get worse. or uneven.

Mum Star 06-05-2012 07:37 PM

I've been watching the original series, and that had some problems too. Here's a few that seemed to develop.

-The sword of Omens just kept getting new powers. Serously, non of the Thundercats other than Lion-O mattered after a while because he'd just yell Ho and the SoO would fix the problem.

-Villian Decay. I actually was hoping they'd let some of the villians get minor wins on occasion. Would it really have been so bad if the Lunataks got to new Thundera?

The new show's issues is that it hasn't been living up to the promise of the early episodes, and it seems like charecter development is very wonky.

Singe 06-05-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 53713)
So wouldn't that make tygr-a a female who screams at the top of his/her lungs "I wanna be the queen too"

Nah, keeping Tygra a male would add a flavor of a sexist attitude to his character when treating Lion-a as inferior because he doesn't respect her.

Big Snarf 06-05-2012 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 53801)
Nah, keeping Tygra a male would add a flavor of a sexist attitude to his character when treating Lion-a as inferior because he doesn't respect her.

Yea but his name is tygr-a not tygr-o maybe he acts the way he acts because he wants to be a female :D:D:D. He can still have a sexist attitude like mr. garrison from south park

Big Snarf 06-05-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 53789)
I've been watching the original series, and that had some problems too. Here's a few that seemed to develop.

-The sword of Omens just kept getting new powers. Serously, non of the Thundercats other than Lion-O mattered after a while because he'd just yell Ho and the SoO would fix the problem.

-Villian Decay. I actually was hoping they'd let some of the villians get minor wins on occasion. Would it really have been so bad if the Lunataks got to new Thundera?

The new show's issues is that it hasn't been living up to the promise of the early episodes, and it seems like charecter development is very wonky.

I think the only new power the sword got in the OS was letting lion-o teleport

Mum Star 06-06-2012 09:39 PM

Just off the top of my head...
Frozen village? The sword has a defrost feature.
Super powered giant Mumm-Ra banished the other cats to limbo? The sword gathers their spirits and join's their strength to Lion-O's.
Gyroscope that keeps New Thundera from falling apart destroyed? The Sword can substitute for it.
Need to boot Mumm-Ra from the Lair? Sword projects the Thundercats symbol, and then the symbol shoots a homing energy cat at Mumm-Ra.
Mumm-ra using an eclipse to make the Thundercats stuff fall apart? Use the Sword to project the Thundercats symbol on the sun, not only breaking Mumm-Ra's spell but making everything better than new!
Again, just off the top of my head.

AlexofThundera 06-06-2012 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 53931)
Just off the top of my head...
Frozen village? The sword has a defrost feature.
Super powered giant Mumm-Ra banished the other cats to limbo? The sword gathers their spirits and join's their strength to Lion-O's.
Gyroscope that keeps New Thundera from falling apart destroyed? The Sword can substitute for it.
Need to boot Mumm-Ra from the Lair? Sword projects the Thundercats symbol, and then the symbol shoots a homing energy cat at Mumm-Ra.
Mumm-ra using an eclipse to make the Thundercats stuff fall apart? Use the Sword to project the Thundercats symbol on the sun, not only breaking Mumm-Ra's spell but making everything better than new!
Again, just off the top of my head.

The OS SoO was SO bad ass dude!! :D

SirSapphire 06-07-2012 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 53931)
Just off the top of my head...
Frozen village? The sword has a defrost feature.
Super powered giant Mumm-Ra banished the other cats to limbo? The sword gathers their spirits and join's their strength to Lion-O's.
Gyroscope that keeps New Thundera from falling apart destroyed? The Sword can substitute for it.
Need to boot Mumm-Ra from the Lair? Sword projects the Thundercats symbol, and then the symbol shoots a homing energy cat at Mumm-Ra.
Mumm-ra using an eclipse to make the Thundercats stuff fall apart? Use the Sword to project the Thundercats symbol on the sun, not only breaking Mumm-Ra's spell but making everything better than new!
Again, just off the top of my head.

That was one of the things that annoyed me in the OS. Every time the cats had a genuinely difficult problem to solve the Sword of Omens would just pull a new power out of its... hilt and everything would be fine. There was nothing it couldn't do.

AlexofThundera 06-07-2012 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 53977)
That was one of the things that annoyed me in the OS. Every time the cats had a genuinely difficult problem to solve the Sword of Omens would just pull a new power out of its... hilt and everything would be fine. There was nothing it couldn't do.

In all seriousness, that is what made the SoO so epic. It was as if the OS SoO was "alive" or had a mind of its own. Yes, I do see your points but remember, we are watching "fantasy". The OS seems a lot more fantasy to me then the NS. Compare the two swords: the OS and the NS SoO and I'll take the OS SoO hands down.

The SoO has been greatly neglected in this new series. I'm not saying it should be able to do anything, but it should be put to better use. When was the last time we saw Sight Beyond Sight? I honestly can't remember.

For old and new fans, the Sword is pretty much synonymous with Lion-O. It should be an integral part of his game plan. Much like Luke and his Light Saber.

Pravus Prime 06-07-2012 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 53931)
Super powered giant Mumm-Ra banished the other cats to limbo? The sword gathers their spirits and join's their strength to Lion-O's.

Jaga's ghost did that, not the Sword.

I may be getting some episodes a bit muddled, but I think some of the others are wrong too.

L08e16o 06-07-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 53982)
In all seriousness, that is what made the SoO so epic. It was as if the OS SoO was "alive" or had a mind of its own. Yes, I do see your points but remember, we are watching "fantasy". The OS seems a lot more fantasy to me then the NS. Compare the two swords: the OS and the NS SoO and I'll take the OS SoO hands down.

The SoO has been greatly neglected in this new series. I'm not saying it should be able to do anything, but it should be put to better use. When was the last time we saw Sight Beyond Sight? I honestly can't remember.

For old and new fans, the Sword is pretty much synonymous with Lion-O. It should be an integral part of his game plan. Much like Luke and his Light Saber.

I think some fans just dont' want lion-o or the SoO all that powerful. They want their favorite character (Tygra) to shine.

BB Shockwave 06-07-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 53977)
That was one of the things that annoyed me in the OS. Every time the cats had a genuinely difficult problem to solve the Sword of Omens would just pull a new power out of its... hilt and everything would be fine. There was nothing it couldn't do.

I stopped watching it after 25-30 episodes, the show became so predictable. Either the sword, or Jaga could do a Deus ex Machina and resolve everything. Amd when the sword was broken, they gave the show another character whose sole purpose (did Bengali ever do any other thing of importance?) was to fix it.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 53985)
I think some fans just dont' want lion-o or the SoO all that powerful. They want their favorite character (Tygra) to shine.

You are just bitter 'cause you want Tygra to be a forgettable nobody like he was in the old show, right? :) It's the same old Prowl vs. Ironhide debate in Transformers. Fans of the G1 cartoon want Ironhide to be Prime's right-hand guy 'cause he was the closest thing to that in the old toon, fans of the G1 comic prefer the loyal and logical Prowl. But generally, they are both happy when we get both characters in a comic.

You also seem to forget this Lion-O is a kid. He does not have a powerfull He-Man ripoff body nor does he have constant access to a ghost who can tell him anything he wants to know. Think back, old Lion-O had it really, really easy. He even had a nursemaid constantly worrying about him. The new one does not have this luxury.

L08e16o 06-07-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54000)
I stopped watching it after 25-30 episodes, the show became so predictable. Either the sword, or Jaga could do a Deus ex Machina and resolve everything. Amd when the sword was broken, they gave the show another character whose sole purpose (did Bengali ever do any other thing of importance?) was to fix it.

You are just bitter 'cause you want Tygra to be a forgettable nobody like he was in the old show, right? :) It's the same old Prowl vs. Ironhide debate in Transformers. Fans of the G1 cartoon want Ironhide to be Prime's right-hand guy 'cause he was the closest thing to that in the old toon, fans of the G1 comic prefer the loyal and logical Prowl. But generally, they are both happy when we get both characters in a comic.

You also seem to forget this Lion-O is a kid. He does not have a powerfull He-Man ripoff body nor does he have constant access to a ghost who can tell him anything he wants to know. Think back, old Lion-O had it really, really easy. He even had a nursemaid constantly worrying about him. The new one does not have this luxury.

Like the tygra from the OS. Don't like narcissistic people.

This is lion-o's show even if MJ wanted lion-o to finish second in everything with tygra.

17 is not a kid anymore. When I was in bootcamp, we had 17 year olds. They didn't act like how lion-o did with pumyra too. Maybe if he was 13, that would've been different.

Big Snarf 06-07-2012 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 53931)
Just off the top of my head...
Frozen village? The sword has a defrost feature.
Super powered giant Mumm-Ra banished the other cats to limbo? The sword gathers their spirits and join's their strength to Lion-O's.
Gyroscope that keeps New Thundera from falling apart destroyed? The Sword can substitute for it.
Need to boot Mumm-Ra from the Lair? Sword projects the Thundercats symbol, and then the symbol shoots a homing energy cat at Mumm-Ra.
Mumm-ra using an eclipse to make the Thundercats stuff fall apart? Use the Sword to project the Thundercats symbol on the sun, not only breaking Mumm-Ra's spell but making everything better than new!
Again, just off the top of my head.

When excalibur destroyed the eye of thundera the cats practically died so one can make the assumption that their spirits are connected to the eye, so gathering the cats spirits isn't too far stretched. If the sword of plundar destroyed thundera on the flip sid the sword of omens can sustain it but I think they said it couldn't hold the planet together infinitely. The sword is good magic so it should be able to break mumm-ra's spell and reverse what was done. The teleporting thing is like the only new thing I think it did. When the sword turned into a limbo form so jaga could fight grune was a bit far fetched. The sword was just so powerful thats what made it so memorable.

AlexofThundera 06-07-2012 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 54003)
When the sword turned into a limbo form so jaga could fight grune was a bit far fetched. The sword was just so powerful thats what made it so memorable.

That (The Ghost Warrior) episode is easily one of my top 10 favorite episodes of the OS.

Big Snarf 06-07-2012 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54000)
I stopped watching it after 25-30 episodes, the show became so predictable. Either the sword, or Jaga could do a Deus ex Machina and resolve everything. Amd when the sword was broken, they gave the show another character whose sole purpose (did Bengali ever do any other thing of importance?) was to fix it.

You are just bitter 'cause you want Tygra to be a forgettable nobody like he was in the old show, right? :) It's the same old Prowl vs. Ironhide debate in Transformers. Fans of the G1 cartoon want Ironhide to be Prime's right-hand guy 'cause he was the closest thing to that in the old toon, fans of the G1 comic prefer the loyal and logical Prowl. But generally, they are both happy when we get both characters in a comic.

You also seem to forget this Lion-O is a kid. He does not have a powerfull He-Man ripoff body nor does he have constant access to a ghost who can tell him anything he wants to know. Think back, old Lion-O had it really, really easy. He even had a nursemaid constantly worrying about him. The new one does not have this luxury.

Aside from bengali two other people fixed the sword as well so I don't think that was begali's sole purpose. Tygra wasn't a forgettable nobody who could forget his addiction problem. The OS tygra brought more to the table as opposed to the NS tygra does. If the NS cheetara did her job she would be what jaga in the OS was to lion-o. Plus I think if lion-o needed to talk to jaga like the he did in the OS he could as it was shown that he spoke with all of them when they saw him in the sky :confused::confused: the writing seems to be all over the place

Big Snarf 06-07-2012 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54002)
Like the tygra from the OS. Don't like narcissistic people.

This is lion-o's show even if MJ wanted lion-o to finish second in everything with tygra.

17 is not a kid anymore. When I was in bootcamp, we had 17 year olds. They didn't act like how lion-o did with pumyra too. Maybe if he was 13, that would've been different.

What other shows did MJ do ?

L08e16o 06-07-2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 54009)
What other shows did MJ do ?

Batman Brave and Bold.
Wonder Women

stormbringer 06-07-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54000)
I stopped watching it after 25-30 episodes, the show became so predictable. Either the sword, or Jaga could do a Deus ex Machina and resolve everything. Amd when the sword was broken, they gave the show another character whose sole purpose (did Bengali ever do any other thing of importance?) was to fix it.

You are just bitter 'cause you want Tygra to be a forgettable nobody like he was in the old show, right? :) It's the same old Prowl vs. Ironhide debate in Transformers. Fans of the G1 cartoon want Ironhide to be Prime's right-hand guy 'cause he was the closest thing to that in the old toon, fans of the G1 comic prefer the loyal and logical Prowl. But generally, they are both happy when we get both characters in a comic.

You also seem to forget this Lion-O is a kid. He does not have a powerfull He-Man ripoff body nor does he have constant access to a ghost who can tell him anything he wants to know. Think back, old Lion-O had it really, really easy. He even had a nursemaid constantly worrying about him. The new one does not have this luxury.

The OS Tygra wasn't forgettable, even the NS writers didn't forget him, they just apparently forgot what made him likeable since they gave him a completely different personality in the NS.

Singe 06-07-2012 01:38 PM

Just out of pure speculation, the Silverhawks reside in that floating city.

AlexofThundera 06-07-2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 54015)
The OS Tygra wasn't forgettable, even the NS writers didn't forget him, they just apparently forgot what made him likeable since they gave him a completely different personality in the NS.

Perhaps I am in the minority but I always liked Tygra in the original.

AlexofThundera 06-07-2012 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54033)
Just out of pure speculation, the Silverhawks reside in that floating city.

I'm thinking it's going to be Vultureman as it appears the stone is in the sky and not so far up as space.

Plus the episode synopsis pretty much states the city is ruled by birds.

stormbringer 06-07-2012 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 54035)
Perhaps I am in the minority but I always liked Tygra in the original.

I liked the OS Tygra too. He seemed very calm and wise, it made sense that Lion-o made him his second in command.

test 06-07-2012 03:41 PM

I'd rather have old series tygra than the new lol Infact I'd much rather take any old series characters over the new apart from kit and Kat and snarf who are a massive improvement.

I still enjoy the new series but secretely wish it could be started over again by a more competent writer who doesn't scrap all of the best bits from the original.

And I seriously hate how these guys are basically a bunch of scared pansies that are still on the run with no permanent base or even any future plan to build one.

Thundercats are powerful, alpha males who nobody messed with unless they have a death wish. They build tanks and fortresses in what seems like a few days , they are the most powerful force on third earth apart from mumm ra ...... Seriously these new guys just need bitch slapping for their weakness and lack of basic organization skills.

Mum Star 06-07-2012 03:58 PM

It was just too convienent for the Cats that the original SoO would do just what was needed. I don't mind it bieng really powerful, but I do feel it hurt things when Lion-O could just yell "HO" and fix things. By the end of the series the other cats were largely redundent. I just figure that before you start the series you should figure out what all the powers of the charecters and their weapons are. On the other hand the Sword does not seem as powerful as it should be in the new show.

Honestly their is a lot of good concepts in the new show, and their were definitly flaws in the old. Both have things I would take if I were to do Thundercats. Actually once the season is over, I'll put up my ideas for how I'd do Thundercats.

L08e16o 06-07-2012 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 54053)
It was just too convienent for the Cats that the original SoO would do just what was needed. I don't mind it bieng really powerful, but I do feel it hurt things when Lion-O could just yell "HO" and fix things. By the end of the series the other cats were largely redundent. I just figure that before you start the series you should figure out what all the powers of the charecters and their weapons are. On the other hand the Sword does not seem as powerful as it should be in the new show.

Honestly their is a lot of good concepts in the new show, and their were definitly flaws in the old. Both have things I would take if I were to do Thundercats. Actually once the season is over, I'll put up my ideas for how I'd do Thundercats.

Art and music is the only thing I like over the OS.

BB Shockwave 06-08-2012 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 54007)
Aside from bengali two other people fixed the sword as well so I don't think that was begali's sole purpose. Tygra wasn't a forgettable nobody who could forget his addiction problem. The OS tygra brought more to the table as opposed to the NS tygra does. If the NS cheetara did her job she would be what jaga in the OS was to lion-o. Plus I think if lion-o needed to talk to jaga like the he did in the OS he could as it was shown that he spoke with all of them when they saw him in the sky :confused::confused: the writing seems to be all over the place

I am sorry, what addiction problem? I watched 25 episodes or more, that was mentioned in ONE episode, and it was a magic flower thing that Mumm-ra conjured up. Other then that ONE episode, Tygra was only there to get captured and be rescued by Lion-O like when he entered that cave which aged him... Aaaand, frankly, that's all I can remember of him. Cheetara and Panthro had much more characterisation then him. Heck, Snarf had more characterisation.

Mum Star 06-08-2012 06:32 AM

Tygra got addicted to the power of an artifact called The Keystone in a latter episode, and it was pretty clearly a drug addiction stand in. Interestingly enough, it was also one of the few episodes we saw him at his drafting table.

Big Snarf 06-08-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54129)
I am sorry, what addiction problem? I watched 25 episodes or more, that was mentioned in ONE episode, and it was a magic flower thing that Mumm-ra conjured up. Other then that ONE episode, Tygra was only there to get captured and be rescued by Lion-O like when he entered that cave which aged him... Aaaand, frankly, that's all I can remember of him. Cheetara and Panthro had much more characterisation then him. Heck, Snarf had more characterisation.

Cheetara was the one who saved him from the cave but lion-o saved him from the four winds machine in another ep . Each cat had their moment when they needed to be rescued. As for characterization it is unfair to compare any of them to the awesomeness of snarf :D but tygra was the intellect of the group, panthro was the action character hence when his theme music came on you knew it was going to be an action sequence.

AlexofThundera 06-08-2012 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 54176)
panthro was the action character hence when his theme music came on you knew it was going to be an action sequence.

Dude, if they would have had an "updated" version of his OS theme song play when he first appeared in the NS I would have gone ape shit!

test 06-08-2012 02:23 PM

Man that was epic .... You knew Panthro was about to have a fight when that theme played or if it was the sped up version then it was thundertank time lol ......they all had their own theme though even tygra .... I think the first episode you heard all their themes was in the slaves of castle plun date .... Aside from the kittens and liono

Big Snarf 06-08-2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 54185)
Dude, if they would have had an "updated" version of his OS theme song play when he first appeared in the NS I would have gone ape shit!

Yea if they played it when he jumped out the tank to fight grune in ep 13 would've been epic

JASONKAT 06-08-2012 05:18 PM

Anybody eles noticed the wily's are back but were only seen for a few at the begining, and never showed how they got back since they were to far from the rest of the group.

L08e16o 06-08-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 54202)
Anybody eles noticed the wily's are back but were only seen for a few at the begining, and never showed how they got back since they were to far from the rest of the group.

That is MJs "it happen off screen" stuff.

AnonymousIncognito 06-08-2012 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 54035)
Perhaps I am in the minority but I always liked Tygra in the original.

I'm in the minority with you Alex because OS Tygra rocked.

Reboot Tygra is old condom juice compared to the original.

AnonymousIncognito 06-08-2012 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by test (Post 54050)
I'd rather have old series tygra than the new lol Infact I'd much rather take any old series characters over the new apart from kit and Kat and snarf who are a massive improvement.

I still enjoy the new series but secretely wish it could be started over again by a more competent writer who doesn't scrap all of the best bits from the original.

I find it interesting that reboot Tygra and Pumyra are the only cats that don't have anything characterwise in common with their OS counterparts.

AnonymousIncognito 06-08-2012 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54064)
Art and music is the only thing I like over the OS.

I actually liked the OS music better (Jaga's theme, Tygra's theme)so art is the only thing the reboot has done better to me.

Mum Star 06-09-2012 06:24 AM

It is sort of sad that they didn't reuse the charecters themes somehow. When it was a nice touch, and each charecter's themes fit their personality.

TOS Tygra had a fairly subdued personality most of the time. He was reasonably calm and level headed. Makes it sorta funny that when they wanted an addiction story, they went with him. He also got hypnotized by that vampire mermaid the one time, LOL. So I guess some people feel he was a bit weaker willed than the other Cats.

Pumrya never really got much development and personality in TOS either. She was sorta a girl, who didn't have Cheetara's powers. Her medical skills get mentioned in exactly one scene.

Mum Star 06-09-2012 06:26 AM

It is sort of sad that they didn't reuse the charecters themes somehow. When it was a nice touch, and each charecter's themes fit their personality.

TOS Tygra had a fairly subdued personality most of the time. He was reasonably calm and level headed. Makes it sorta funny that when they wanted an addiction story, they went with him. He also got hypnotized by that vampire mermaid the one time, LOL. So I guess some people feel he was a bit weaker willed than the other Cats.

Pumrya never really got much development and personality in TOS either. She was sorta a girl, who didn't have Cheetara's powers. Her medical skills get mentioned in exactly one scene.

Morf 06-11-2012 02:57 AM

The villain design is awfully close to the Skorize warriors for the lately Confrontation game:

vantheman77 06-11-2012 02:57 PM

I can see the Soul Sever serving under Mumm-Ra.

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