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RoftheHood 04-02-2012 04:44 PM

I agree with GRUNE here!

Also, let’s try to keep this tread on topic, instead of what ELSE is good on CN.
Has anyone else emailed or in some way, contacted CN to how their support???

Nekomen 04-03-2012 04:27 AM

It's not canceled.

Now all the doom saying might make it so it is after they air all 52 episodes.
Let's break this down so there's no more confusion.

It's 2 seasons of 26 totaling 52 episodes.
CN has broken that further apart to be 4 seasons of 13. This current "Season 2" is really the second half of the season 1 26 episode order. Which suggests that the real season 2 26 episode order will be broken up similiarly.

So what this means is that the show has a backlog of episodes to keep going. The reason it's not on the press release is because that's for shows that haven't been announced for new episodes being made.

Now what might happen is that with a massive backlog like this, WB won't see a return on their investment anytime soon, which could lead to them not making more no matter how the ratings are going. It could keep going though. We'll have to wait and see. Right now we do know that there are at least 2 full 26 episode seasons which breaks down to 4 CN 13 episode seasons.

As for the toy fair displays. Seriously chill on that. That's not proof of anything other than too many figures are in the concept and prototype making stages. They had nothing new to show because Retailers are still ordering strongly on the show which is what toy fair is for. Not to mention the fact nothing new was ready to be shown. SDCC and NYCC we might see some new additions like the armor of plundarr and other 6'' figures and more 4 inch badguys. The probelm with the toy releases also though is that they contain a lot of show spoilers. Like Lion-o's arm, Panthro's hands, golden Lion-O, etc. So they are trying to keep the releases slow enough to not spoil the show but also keep them coming. The toys so far are sticking to pure things that were in show with no frivolous additions. Like what if one of the new toy additions is another bad guy general no one has heard of? We'd be spoiled. The same could be said if the Silverhawks started appearing in the line.

Just be patient, and understand this show is going to be coming slowly to us for CN and WB to milk it for all they can. Clamoring about cancellation too early might cause a cancelation effect essentially. The more doom saying the more likely it will happen(I know it's weird, but it's true).

As for Wolverine and the X-Men, it wasn't "quietly canceled." It was officially greenlit for a season 2 but ran into "financial issues" that caused the season to never be made. No one was willing to pay the bill for it to be made, but everyone involved wanted to see it get made including nicktoons. Just no one wanted to pay for the full cost of the season to be made(first season was paid for by marvel, nicktoons only paid to air it, second season Nicktoons expected the same cost and marvel wanted them to shoulder the full cost or something like that).

Grune the Destroyer 04-03-2012 06:51 AM

Great points Nekomen.

Dr Kain 04-03-2012 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Nekomen (Post 43025)
It's not canceled.


RoftheHood 04-03-2012 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43080)

Proof?! Show me proof where it says that the show IS cancelled to begin with! Can ANYONE show THAT?! :mad:

Kregermeister 04-03-2012 06:10 PM

How anyone can say the toyline is continuing is beyond me. Every store had deals and clearance running just to clear out the line and use the peg space for other things. Bandai screwed up the ratios bad and didn't ship enough variety to most areas.

2 figures a wave wasn't going to work for the classics. Stores were plagued with lion-o and mumm-ra. When they sold out they got more of the same. 4 figures coulda been a good start... 2 8inch then 2 6inch was a bad idea. Causual people had no idea what was going on and didn't wanna re-invest if it was gunna happen again.

Dr Kain 04-03-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by RoftheHood (Post 43169)
Proof?! Show me proof where it says that the show IS cancelled to begin with! Can ANYONE show THAT?! :mad:

TRU clearancing the figures is a pretty good indication.

So is Walmart clearancing figures.

Oh, and Target has them "on sale."

Plus you have that CN press release.

The guy's inability to comment.

That is a pretty clear indication that the show has been cancelled.

Kregermeister 04-03-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43230)
The guy's inability to comment.

Truth. Good news is always "Shows doing great! Keep watching". No comment, means its up in the air or its done. From what we know from some voice actors comments, its up in the air right now....... no official canning, but its on its way if the powers that be dont step up/

The toys are basically done. Clearance and even some liquidation stores have seen the cats lately. Its pretty sad! Bandai had no comment at toyfair and when contacted they outright refused to give a status other than "Nothing new to show."

Ravenxl7 04-03-2012 10:25 PM

Honestly, neither side really has any real proof on the situation. There's no way that anybody can, at the present time, claim that the show will absolutely be continued, or absolutely be cancelled. There's just not enough evidence of either situation just yet. We all need to take a wait-and-see approach to things.

That said, I'd rather be positive about the show's future. It's ratings seem to be doing quite well, and the clearancing doesn't seem to be happening on a large scale yet (it also doesn't absolutely mean the line isn't continuing). I'm not going to fool myself into believing that there is no chance of it being canceled, but I'm also not going to be a negative nancy about everything and spread the sadness.

I'm going to show as much support for the show that I can. Showing our support and love for this franchise is the only thing we can do to help keep it going. If we all stopped watching the show because we weren't sure about it's future, than we would be giving them no reason to continue it.

CreepySariFan 04-03-2012 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43230)
The guy's inability to comment.

Stuff like this, would be part of Dan Norton's contract. When everyone wanted to know if Transformers Animated was going to be cancelled after season 3, Derrick J. Wyatt was not allowed to make ANY comments at all either.

Mongor 04-04-2012 12:05 AM

This back and forth nonsense has just become moronic already. Here's a better use of your time: Let Bandai, CW, WB and anyone else who should know that you want Thundercats actually know instead of "debating" with each other.

Grune the Destroyer 04-04-2012 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43230)
That is a pretty clear indication that the show has been cancelled.

Oh, good grief...

I struggle to understand how, as a fan, you seem to positively delight in only considering the worst outcome.

Some people just can't think rationally; I'm now convinced the show could run to 50, 100, 200 episodes and we'll stilll get whispers from the shadows "it's going to get cancelled any minute..." "I saw toys on sale in my area - must be the end!!", "I'm not watching until somebody confirms this show is running FOREVA!" etc etc.

Look, here in the UK, shops run promotions/sales/clearance on toylines all the time. It's designed to get people buying. I can't believe America is that different. Do you know how many times Star Wars toys have been "clearanced"/put on sale? And yet they've been running continuously since 1995.

Has Bandai and Cartoon Network done a bad job with the series?

Well, it certainly could've been better. But what some people here don't seem to understand (despite the more rational element here trying to explain) is that this new iteration of the franchise is still very much in its infancy. Only FIFTEEN episodes have been shown; only two waves released. We are in the "early days".

Can CN/Bandai guarantee the show will run for X number of episodes?

No, of course not. Anybody with a modicum of intelligence would understand that's not how the industry works. However, we know that they HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR 52 EPISODES. And anybody who thinks they're going to pay for something and then just never use them... eeessh.

As for the toys - local indications around me are that they're selling really well. Yes, it's only anecdotal, but so is your "AAAH!! THE LINE IS DEAD!! NOBODY IS BUYING!! OH, WHOA, WHY DOES BANDAI HATE ME!?!?" diatribes. Yes, Thundercats historically seems to be more popular in the UK/Europe, but still, I take it as positive.

And remember, wave 2 is only just filtering through. We haven't yet got it here in the UK. When a whole 12 months goes by without any new cartoons or toy announcements, then yes, I'll come back and say I was wrong, you doom'n'gloomers were right etc.

Until then, I'm just enjoying this. Can't wait for episode 14-onwards to start showing in the UK; my kids have saved up their pocket money and want to go to TRU tomorrow and get the Thunder-Racers or "Big Mumm-ra"... life is good.

xander88 04-04-2012 09:47 AM

I do prefer to hear positive comments on here. It is difficult to enjoy the episodes and toys we currently have when there are rumours of cancellation. As for there being nothing new at NY toy fair, wasn't last year's NY toy fair more or less the same? Everything that we saw at NY toy fair last year had already been announced and most of the fans knew what was coming. There were listings all over the internet of what would be released first plus a few images. I know that most of the stuff at this year's NY toy fair had been released already but that may have been because christmas was coming. It would have been harsh to announce new toys right before christmas and then not give us any of them until the following year.

RoftheHood 04-04-2012 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43230)
TRU clearancing the figures is a pretty good indication.

So is Walmart clearancing figures.

Oh, and Target has them "on sale."

Plus you have that CN press release.

The guy's inability to comment.

That is a pretty clear indication that the show has been cancelled.

I asked for PROOF. That is an opinion and, at best, speculation.

RoftheHood 04-04-2012 10:11 AM

Once again, I agree with Grune. I’m up here in Canada, and everything here says that the toys (that are available) are doing fine. Is it possible that timing is playing a big factor? The show starting in July? The Toy Waves being pushed for around Christmas? Perhaps they pushed too hard too fast?
As I stated earlier, the show only has 14 episodes and a small handful of characters. They've made as many toys as they can right now. It’s also not like they will release a Pumyra before she’s seen in the show. (Granted, I STILL don’t see an adult sized sword of omens but whatever...)

Balgus82 04-04-2012 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43230)
TRU clearancing the figures is a pretty good indication.

So is Walmart clearancing figures.

Oh, and Target has them "on sale."

Plus you have that CN press release.

The guy's inability to comment.

That is a pretty clear indication that the show has been cancelled.

None of that is proof. It's only circumstantial evidence.

Balgus82 04-04-2012 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 43258)
If we all stopped watching the show because we weren't sure about it's future, than we would be giving them no reason to continue it.

This. This. And This.

If you stop watching the show because you think it might be canceled all you're doing is helping the possible cancellation.

Joe Moore 04-04-2012 11:14 AM

Please be aware that toys going on sale or even on clearance is only an indication that those particular waves are either being turned over or they have worn out their welcome on the shelf space at that particular retailer. Bandai's toy sales are not an indication of whether the show will be canceled or renwed. As far as I can tell, we have no real indication at all the show is in danger of being canceled other than the lack of mention in a random press release about other shows and another site jumping to conclusions.

eero 04-04-2012 11:37 AM

I agree with Joe. Clearance toys don't mean anything. I think what means something is the lack of new toys at Toy Fair and the Bandai reps having no comment. That means something.

Balgus82 04-04-2012 12:20 PM

forget bandai. There are other products that are in the works now as well.
Like the Thundercats plushies that were announced around the time of Toyfair. Or the Halloween costumes that were just announced today. not to mention the new comics.

They wouldn't keep releasing new stuff for a doomed show.

gingaio 04-04-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 43356)
Please be aware that toys going on sale or even on clearance is only an indication that those particular waves are either being turned over or they have worn out their welcome on the shelf space at that particular retailer. Bandai's toy sales are not an indication of whether the show will be canceled or renwed.

Right. In fact, the Avengers toys were on a "buy 1, 2nd one half off" sale this past weekend at TRU. Does that mean the Avengers movie has been canceled?

Logic, people. Stop substituting "proof" for "speculation." Right now, there's no proof either way, just a lot of fans getting their panties in a bunch. It's not that big a deal. If the Thundercats toy line gets canceled, I'll just go ahead and start buying My Little Ponies. I hear that's all the rage these days. And it's still animal-related.

Robear Coll 04-04-2012 06:46 PM

Dude good call. We always have my little ponies as a fall back plan, so really we all need to just chill lol. But gingaio is right you guys, the show is on the air and until that is otherwise, I'm going to support the show and enjoy it and hopefully everything just balances itself out the way it should. :)

Nekomen 04-05-2012 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 43230)
TRU clearancing the figures is a pretty good indication.

So is Walmart clearancing figures.

Oh, and Target has them "on sale."

Plus you have that CN press release.

The guy's inability to comment.

That is a pretty clear indication that the show has been cancelled.

I'd call that lucky on your part.
Around here Target just keeps getting cases, no clearance.
Walmart just fully restocked and sold out of everything except 2 6'' cheetara's and 2 6'' lion-o's. They only have 4 figures currently on the 4''.

TRU just restocked today and still sold a lot.

Granted that's all my local stores.
It's easter time right now though too. So of course sales are happening. That's not an indicator of anything. As for clearancing. Different stores clearance at different times. It must not be selling in your location but your location doesn't dictate the rest. It's still going pretty damn strong in my location. To the point my area it's now impossible to find an armor of omens. One of my local walmarts has also clearanced out Young Justice figures, and for two weeks both it and TRU were clearancing out Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man 2. Went to the stores today several times(shopping for blind packs and other comparative reasons) and they all readjusted those lines to higher than they were pre-clearance. At TRU Cap/Thor/Ironman 2 were 9.99 and at walmart they were up from 5.00 to $8.96. Pretty scary with the cost matching the avengers line cost.

As for releases. The slow pace is actually working in its favor as more kids discover the show, they can still find their favorite characters. The 6'' collector scale line could be sped up some, but it's still pretty new too considering it was an 8'' collectors line not that long ago(which means it's still got figures that need to go through the entire sculpt to prototype to production version and mass production process that takes upwards of 6 months). Which also shows strong retailer support since an entire line was adjusted and ordered. If it wasn't doing well, why would the retailers bother with ordering the 6'' at all? It's not like bandai makes them take it. The retailers carry what they want to carry based on what they think will sell, and often times make requests or impose their will as to what they want. It's a pretty complicated issue when you really look at how the system works of toy company to major retailers to you the consumer.

If the retailers aren't confident in it, why does TRU and Target both have exclusives? That right there shows they do have faith in sales of the line overall if even some locations are slower than others.

Wait until SDCC and NYCC for more figure announcements. Toy Fair is retailer focused, not fan focus. As we've already seen there's also a new role play item coming out which is the sword and shield packaged together. If the line was being phased out we wouldn't see new items like that at all.

TF Animated was also more complicated than can be spoken about clearly. There's a lot of intercorporate BS no one wants to or is allowed to talk about with how that ended. The ratings stayed high though. So high YTV ordered a season 3 before CN did, let alone would CN even announce that it was renewed even though YTV did announce that.

As for this guy's inability to comment. It's called an NDA, or Non-Disclosure agreement. You're not allowed to spread information unless you've been given the okay to speak on whatever part you want to speak about(in this instance, it seems he's only allowed to talk about what's going to air this "season" on CN and even that seems to have a 2-4 week lead to the episode in question). Otherwise you could burn that career bridge for future endeavors or even your current roles in work. That's just normal business stuff. Doesn't mean anything at all. It's also to prevent employees from airing intercompany dirty laundry so to speak too.

Kregermeister 04-05-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nekomen (Post 43696)
As we've already seen there's also a new role play item coming out which is the sword and shield packaged together. If the line was being phased out we wouldn't see new items like that at all.

Actually thats just the UK repack instead of selling the items seperate. No new sculpts were needed, if you notice their hang tabs are different as well.

Dr Kain 04-05-2012 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nekomen (Post 43696)
Wait until SDCC and NYCC for more figure announcements. Toy Fair is retailer focused, not fan focus. As we've already seen there's also a new role play item coming out which is the sword and shield packaged together. If the line was being phased out we wouldn't see new items like that at all.

So I'm supposed to wait another 4 months to find out if we are actually going to get anything new? Bandai obviously has no idea then what toys are supposed to do. Toys are supposed to help sell the show, and the show is supposed to help sell the toys. Without new toys every quarter, the way it is SUPPOSED to be, kids will lose their interest in the show. Also, when a show is on hiatus for such a long time (as is the case here, I do not understand this stupid crap, just do what the Japanese do and show new episodes every week until the show is done. If it is a 52 episode series, it runs for 52 weeks straight, maybe one or two weeks worth of breaks, but that is it!!!), kids lose interest in the show, and without toys to sell the show, they won't care about it anymore.

vantheman77 04-06-2012 12:41 AM

If the Thundercats figures are on clearance at Wal-Mart, now's a good time for me to buy some of the figures I missed so I can complete my first wave.

southpawdragon 04-07-2012 07:34 PM

hopefully its not cancelled is better done that the redux of masters of the universe and the new gi joe cartoon

MegatronWolf 04-09-2012 04:21 PM

it better not be getting canceled its one of the few shows on CN thats actually good, most of the crap that they have on there is just that crap. If it does get canceled though itll be because of the lack of advertisement and the lack of toys out in the market. There are plenty of fans both new and old but theres only so much we can do, the corporation(s) behind it has to gets its ass in gear and start getting the word around and making sure people see it.

nickanu 04-10-2012 08:01 PM

everything I've see says the ratings are good...but most of then only mention season one, I think the ratings for the last 3 episodes are not out yet....after the last 2 episodes I've heard many people talking about dropping the series.... so it will be interesting to see if the ratings dip...I hope it's not canceled I really like series despite the last episode....I hope they can pull it together....and their facebook page is real popular, so I don't know if that's a indication of their success...

nitewing73 04-15-2012 11:46 PM

No official announcement has been made right? Are these latest run of episodes still a part of season 1 or is it season 2 now?

I hope they show something at SDCC. The episodes they've shown since it came back have been really well done. Hope to see Atticus and Kaynar as figures.

SirSapphire 04-16-2012 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 45735)
No official announcement has been made right? Are these latest run of episodes still a part of season 1 or is it season 2 now?

I hope they show something at SDCC. The episodes they've shown since it came back have been really well done. Hope to see Atticus and Kaynar as figures.

That depends largely on who you ask. If you were to ask the showrunners (and maybe WB) they'd tell you that they way they plotted things it's still season 1, but Cartoon Network will claim we're in season 2.

nitewing73 04-16-2012 10:01 AM

@SirSapphire. Thanks. Its funny how that is. I hope that they will do an entire DVD release with all 13 (or 26 episodes). I know they've released book 1 with the first 8 episodes and book 2 has been announced.

BB Shockwave 04-20-2012 05:02 AM

Is it 100% sure that 2 seasons of 52 episodes have been pre-ordered and paid for? Because, I can live with that much, even if that's all we get. It's still more episodes then TF Animated got.

It's sad, though, when intelligently written cartoons that even convey good moral lessons to kids are the first that get cancelled, while stupid brainless cartoons go on for decades.


Originally Posted by eero (Post 43360)
I agree with Joe. Clearance toys don't mean anything. I think what means something is the lack of new toys at Toy Fair and the Bandai reps having no comment. That means something.

If the toys would be on clearance for half a year, and WOULD NOT sell, that'd be a bad sign.

You know what toys are currently on clearance, some for 20% of the price they were going for, in Hungary?

TRON movie toys, Storm Hawks, How to Train Your Dragon, and the previous Ben 10 toyline.

Seriously, if Thundercats toys are on clearance for 1-2 months, that doesn't mean anything.

Tracer 04-21-2012 09:31 PM


The reason that Thundercats wasn't listed on the recurring shows is that Cartoon Network is skeptical about it right now. Which leads us too..

The reason they moved it to Saturday mornings is because the toys weren't selling that well, because kids weren't watching it much. Therefore, they weren't buying the merchandise. He also said that since it's move to Saturday mornings, the ratings have more than DOUBLED. He stressed that if you want the show to continue, then support it by watching it LEGALLY, and purchasing merchandise.
Interesting that the toys make that much of an impact in the shows future. I hope the move to Saturday does its job.

Mongor 04-22-2012 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 46607)
Interesting that the toys make that much of an impact in the shows future. I hope the move to Saturday does its job.

It's been well documented that the toy line killed the MOTU re-boot so yeah, it makes a huge difference. Ideally a cartoon is just a big advertisement to sell toys, even a well written one like this.

I'm worried that he said the toys are not selling well rather than not selling as well as expected. The good news is that ratings more than doubled since the Saturday move so I'm sure ad time will be getting more expensive making the CN more money.

So there it is people. No more message board experts please, telling us how the Saturday move was doom. You were wrong. I was wrong too. The toys sell very well here in Dallas but obviously the line is under performing.

You want to save the show?
1. - Watch it legally. If you can't, buy episodes from Itunes or Amazon.
2. - Buy the merch.
3. - Get other people into it and have them do the same.

Grippen 04-23-2012 02:50 AM

Well someone in another topic referred a contact with Bandai because of the 6'' Tygra and the answer was that they shifted it to spring, well we are in spring already and 6'' Tygra has been hard to find from what I've been reading. Off course we are still a bit far from spring end but we will have 2 major lines coming on in the next months, next waves of the Avengers and GI Joe Retaliation so not sure if it makes that much sense since stores will stock these.

On another point of view can be a strategic move, people will hit stores more because of those 2 lines and if they find new Thundercats figures they will probably take it.

Anyway just speculation but if in did that is the case they should come out with new things not onl 6'' Tygra

CCDustyV 04-23-2012 10:36 AM

we can't really judge ThunderCats by the same measure as MotU, MotU WAS owned by a Toycompany first, and while no doubt TC is a toy producer, it's not OWNED by the company that's producing the toys to my knowledge just licensed out (correct me if I am wrong, and if so I humbly appologize) also a point to make, unlike the remake of MotU, TC doesn't seem too much like a 30 minute toy commercial, or else we'd be seeing more vehicles, weapons, and potential playsets on show.

mihoshi 04-23-2012 07:25 PM

All I know is that I would gladly buy a Claudis IF I could find one around here! I've seen the Golden Armor Giant Lion-O at Wal-Mart & TRU but none of the other newer figures. (I already have all the figures from Wave 1) Everything is sold out around here (Philadelphia suburbs), only figures on the pegs are Mumm-Ra (mummy form). Nothing on clearance either.

Balgus82 04-23-2012 08:10 PM

I've seen everything but the 6" Tygra in on shelves here.

hollowdheart 04-23-2012 08:57 PM

I haven't seen any at the stores i usually go to anymore. Target used to have the Trading Cards, but i can't find them anymore, and the toys at walmart got taken down so much and sold out (our walmart changes things every month). I tried TRU but they didn't sell many. I was wanting the SoO and the Lair but i want something that's not so expensive and easily broken/bendable. I can't really get the figures, since my cats like to gnaw on things (they've done that to my Gurren Lagann ones) and i don't have a good shelf with enough room for anymore figurines/toys/comics. Are the cards still continuing? I didn't hear any news of another set.

Grune the Destroyer 04-24-2012 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 46890)
unlike the remake of MotU, TC doesn't seem too much like a 30 minute toy commercial, or else we'd be seeing more vehicles, weapons, and potential playsets on show.

Hey, come on now! The remake MOTU was not just a toy commercial either; it was a fantastic show that was criminally cut short with 39 episodes. In fact, the new Thundercats reminds me so much of it.

Cat's Pajamas 04-24-2012 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Grune the Destroyer (Post 47083)
Hey, come on now! The remake MOTU was not just a toy commercial either; it was a fantastic show that was criminally cut short with 39 episodes. In fact, the new Thundercats reminds me so much of it.

It was a great show, with inconsistent airing, and a glut of He-Man and Skeletor figures clogging the shelves so that nobody could find the awesome supporting-character figures.

I'm feeling a weird sense of deja-vu...

Mongor 04-25-2012 04:23 PM

It saddens me to even write this but...TCats is now on clearance here in Dallas too. They were selling great but now my Walmart has them in a smaller space filled with nothing but Wave 1 4" figures that were nothing but Lion-O, Tygra and Mumm-Ra and oddly these were the only things not on clearance! The Deluxe Sword, vehicles, playsets, classics and 6" modern were all marked down. There must have been 10 Armor Of Omens too. This sucks.

AlexofThundera 04-25-2012 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 47390)
It saddens me to even write this but...TCats is now on clearance here in Dallas too. They were selling great but now my Walmart has them in a smaller space filled with nothing but Wave 1 4" figures that were nothing but Lion-O, Tygra and Mumm-Ra and oddly these were the only things not on clearance! The Deluxe Sword, vehicles, playsets, classics and 6" modern were all marked down. There must have been 10 Armor Of Omens too. This sucks.

The Armor of Omens just doesn't have enough behind it in the series to sell. Honestly I don't even know why they decided to spend production time on it. If they were going for a "larger" figure The Driller would have been a much better choice. Imagine a cool Driller figure in the same size as the Armor of Omens!

Balgus82 04-25-2012 05:17 PM

I would love a Driller figure. But honestly he hasn't been in the show any more than the Armor has.

Mongor 04-25-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 47417)
I would love a Driller figure. But honestly he hasn't been in the show any more than the Armor has.

In fact, he had less screen time than the Armor.

hollowdheart 04-25-2012 07:28 PM

The Driller would be a cool toy. Reminds me of a gunman from GL.

Ruination04 05-10-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 41805)
So aside from twitter, what is everyone else doing? Emails to whom?

I sent a message to CN a few days actually just praising the show. Today I sent on to WB and I posted on twitter how cartoon network sucks if they cancel the show.

I know NOTHING about twitter and some where along the way, this popped up:!/ThunderCatsNO...67159416291329

L08e16o 05-10-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ruination04 (Post 50078)
I sent a message to CN a few days actually just praising the show. Today I sent on to WB and I posted on twitter how cartoon network sucks if they cancel the show.

I know NOTHING about twitter and some where along the way, this popped up:!/ThunderCatsNO...67159416291329

So do they mean season 2 (26 episodes) for the 12?

But who will show it?

xander88 05-10-2012 05:32 PM

It's dated back to march so I think they mean the rest of the current season.

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