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Grippen 06-12-2012 10:03 AM

If the show ends up on 3rd stone its the worst show finale in the world at least add some more episodes to gather all the stones and kick MumRa's but

Big Snarf 06-12-2012 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54878)
She would probably beat up Vultaire and run the city.

:D:D so she'll be dressed in feathers after she beats up vultaire because I'm starting to wonder if she skinned another cat to make her dress :D:D:D

Big Snarf 06-12-2012 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 54889)
my thoughts on the episode

1) Panthro's quickly becoming the buttmonkey of the show
2) The irony of Tygra getting annoyed at the birds superior attitudes, lol. It's even lampshaded later on
3) Seriously, Tygra wtf? Lion-O has done 'stupid' things before; according to board members, but even he has never wagered their only chance of success just because of his pride.
4)Cheetara. You need development. I wish the writers could actually write normal females, you know ones which aren't bipolar or just blind extensions of their love interest.
5) Pumyra, you HAVE ISSUES. Lion-O needs to seriously get the hell away from her. Everything about the way she's acting just gives me bad vibes
6) Vulture dude is pretty cool. And he already seems more developed character-wise than a lot of the other cats.
7) Pumyra, EVEN if you took the tech stone. HTF were you planning on running to your ship and escaping within the 'moments' it would take for the whole place to crash to the ground? How good do you think cats are at running when falling at terminal velocity? Seriously, no -_- NO. NO. NO. DO NOT WANT

Well if tygra touched the tech stone his armor would probably have turned into something like iron man :D:D and he'll save everybody. Then my remote will be clicked and the tv turned of :D:D:D:D

Joe Moore 06-12-2012 11:30 AM

Closed for clean up.

Probably just going to keep this one closed.

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